Safety net

Frank has a hard time, helping his family during a crucial time, which might make some secrets resurface

Chapter 1: Domestic issues

Danny Reagan stood in the threshold of room 815. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Jamie appeared by his side

"You okay?" He asked. Danny grinned

"I can't go in there, I just can't" his voice broke. He could see Jack and Sean on the bed. Linda stood by the side of the bed and the small body rested quietly

"Danny?" Erin and Nicky hugged him tightly. "How is it going?" his sister asked. Jaime entered the room. But Danny couldn't make himself go in there

"Honey, why don't you go inside, and call grandpa?" she told Nicky. She nodded quietly and smiled "come on let's go for a walk"

"I can't" Danny said instantly

"Sure, you can come on, looks like you could use a coffee" she grabbed his hand and pulled him along

They sat on the table quietly. A couple minutes passed without any of them saying a word

"Danny…" Erin grabbed her brother's hand. He smiled weakly "you have to go in there"

"You don't understand" he said dryly "I feel useless, I hate feeling like that"

"You are not useless, Linda, your kids, they need you, you are not useless to them"

Danny entered the room, 30 minutes later. His father had arrived and so had Henry, they booth smiled and left the room. Danny grabbed the small hand that stood outside the covers

She opened her eyes. Her smile was as bright as it had been this morning when he had come to wake her up

"You are here" she whispered. Danny leaned to kiss her forehead

"Yes I am" Danny sat next to his daughter, shortly joined by Linda and the boys

AN: Hannah is 3 years old