House of Questions

Author's Notes: Hi everyone! I feel kind of bad not finishing The Truth before this one but it was KILLING me! Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis or Harry Potter. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!

Chapter One: The Deal

The familiar alarm clock sound buzzed inside the small room buzzing out Beethoven's 5th symphony reading 5:30as the little girl shot out of bed. Her bushy sandy blonde hair trailing behind her as she hopped up and down. This little girl's name is Hermione Amber Rutter daughter of Nina and Fabian Rutter. Today was her 10th birthday the final 2 digit number. She raced into her parent's room and jumped up and down on the bed.

"Stop jumping Hermione! It's a weekend today! " Fabian yelled as her noisy little daughter jump up and down. "Wait it's your birthday! Go to mom and dad's closet and theirs your present! She rushed inside the colossal closet almost the size of her room waiting for the big surprise. The first one was from Nina and it was a Harry Potter, Twilight, Percy Jackson and multiple math, history and science textbooks. Fabian earlier scolded Nina for buying so many books for Hermione.


"Nina stop buying her books! She will die reading them! What she really needs is something more practical!" Fabian said as they entered a Justice store while birthday shopping for Hermione's present. While there, Nina sat in a chair carrying the heavy books in her bag while Fabian looked around grabbing lip glosses and headbands and whatever he could find that looked practical. When he was done, they went outside sat in some resting chairs and looked at each other's present choices. Fabian frowned upon Nina's choices and Nina did the same.

"You bought her 3 outfits a bunch of lip gloss and hair accessories?" Nina practically yelled "She's not even into that stuff! She is a bookworm that hates too girly stuff and athletics. Can't you just get her book like she wants?"

"No! She needs to be a normal girl sot some nerd! Have you seen the trends nowadays? She never follows them!" He argued.

"Whatever but I'll bet 100 bucks that she will hate them!"
