A/N: Last chapter! :)

"The Day the Titania Nearly Sank"

5. Titania Returns to Shore

The Captain looked across the gathered faces. He had this feeling… It wasn't just that the killer was among them; he was almost positive someone here knew something that would blow everything wide open. Nothing was going to happen with him just standing there. He had to create situations to get them talking.

"Lara, George, Joel, Cate, follow me," he looked to the staff. "The rest of you stay here," he told the other five. They did as told, and then he led the four that followed him over to another corner. "Sit here, I'll be right back," he told them and then he went up the stairs.

Kurt walked through the door to find… "Dad?" Burt looked to be hovering near the door, almost… curious? He gave a silent nod.

"Everything alright down there?" he asked.

"It's fine, they're plotting," Kurt explained, moving to the kitchen to get the dessert, which he'd decided to keep for after they 'solved' the mystery, once they were all themselves again.

"That Santana girl can scream. Mrs. Potts called from next door, she thought someone was hurt."

"Right… Don't worry, there shouldn't be any more screaming now, we're…" Kurt started, and then there was noise from downstairs, come to prove him wrong. "I'll handle it, before someone calls the cops." He grabbed the dessert tray and started down to the basement. As he made it down there, he found everyone arguing loudly, ganging up on Teresa Thomas. The other four were standing there, silent. The Captain put the platter down before moving in. "Enough!" his voice carried about them and they stopped.

"She did it!" Angela pointed the finger at the woman.

"I'm no killer," Teresa insisted.

"I find that hard to believe," Stewart put in with a chuckle.

"Quiet!" the Captain spoke again, and now they paid attention. "I will hear no more shouting. If someone has something to say, it better not be wild accusations." Everything was quiet for a moment.

"Captain?" a voice came from behind him. Everyone looked to find George, the dancer, had stood forward. He looked uncertain about speaking up, but he did it anyway. "I don't want to accuse anyone, but I heard something and I think it might help."

"Go on," the Captain bowed his head. George's eyes veered left and right.

"I was in the ballroom, resting, but I heard voices and it woke me up. I didn't hear everything, but I heard the name Adamson, like they said earlier."

"From the Jensens?" the Captain asked.

"No… From them," he indicated the Stevensons. Everyone looked to them.

"I think you have us confused," Angela shook her head.

"No, I know it was you… Your perfume," he explained after a beat.

"Hold on…" Clare Davidson spoke up, looking to her husband. "When we came aboard, there had been a mix up and some bags were put in our room by mistake, one of them had a mark on the inside… A. Adamson…." Daniel was remembering this as well, and he looked up, to Angela Stevenson.

"Maiden name?" he asked, taking his wife's hand. Angela didn't move.

"What are you accusing her… my wife didn't do anything," he put his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm thinking it might have been the two of you," Teresa Thomas spoke up. "She's too small to have carried the Jensens and hide them," she pointed out.

"Now, hold on…" Stewart spoke up, but Angela was good to burst.

"He got what he deserved," she quietly seethed, and Stewart knew the truth was coming out. "He's just like his father. He ruined my family name, my father, all the work he did to take care of us, because Jensen was greedy. But my Stewart avenged Daddy," she smirked madly. "Real shame for the little wife. But he had to keep his trophy by his side all the time, so she had to go, too… I smashed her pretty little face in," she smiled.

The lights flashed, signal for the game to be over, and all turned to find Santana had rung in the ending. "We weren't done, were we?" Artie asked, confused.

"Sure we were, we got the killers," she indicated, keeping it at that.

"Okay, well… dessert time, I guess," Kurt moved to get the tray. On the way, Brittany grabbed the Captain hat off his head and put it on her own. He was going to argue, but she was just smiling, and he let her go with it. Desserts were passed around, and everyone sat where they could or wanted.

"What did you guys think?" Tina asked of Mike and Matt, the two newbies to their 'troupe.'

"It was fun," Mike nodded.

"Yeah. I had no idea what that thing about Adamson meant, in the information, and then when you guys mentioned it… I liked that," he smirked.

"There's only two of us missing now," Mercedes pointed out. "Puck and Quinn…." The others realized this as well.

"Are you going to do another one soon?" Brittany asked, tipping the hat on her head before continuing with her dessert.

"In a little while, sure," he confirmed. "We can try and get them to join us," he nodded.

"You have to make it a special one then," Rachel pointed out.

"I do have a few hanging about," Kurt admitted.

"Like what?" Santana asked, curious. Kurt looked back at her as though to say 'I'm not telling you.' "Oh, come on," she begged.

"Eat your dessert," he told her. He wasn't going to tell her he knew exactly which game he wanted to use for a very first game with all of New Directions.