Another random late night oneshot attack

A/N: In all honesty, after describing a 'movie night' in my previous oneshot Craving, I wanted to write out a separate oneshot about Dante and Nero cuddling on the couch in front of the tv and completely ignoring the movie in favor of just focusing on each other. As such, this oneshot turned out mega fluffy, but also a bit angsty. Also, I hate the ending. I started out strong but then ran outta steam towards the end, I think that's why. Once I've had some sleep I may go back and edit it, we'll see.

Disclaimer: Devil May Cry and its characters belong to Capcom.

Pairing: Dante/Nero (established relationship)

Warnings: Freakish amounts of DxN fluff ahead, which consequently could lead to OoCness. But hey, how do WE know what they'd act like in a situation like this? You never come across it in the games aside from a very brief moment of interaction where they're mildly kind to someone. For all we know, these two could be TOTAL cuddle-bugs.

Dedication: Ah hell, might as well make this one out to Blood of Dusk. HERE is the fluff I'm sure you wanted and deserve. Sorry there's no hot lovin' thrown in the mix. Just fluff. Don't choke on it. There's cotton everywhere...

Everybody enjoy and be happy! happy damn it!

-Movie Night-

The lights were out, the tv was on and the movie was just starting. Nero straightened from setting a large bowl of still warm popcorn on the previously messy coffee table and scowled at the empty red couch. Where the hell was Dante? He knew it was movie night; they'd made it a tradition to sit and watch a movie together once a week. Dante may think of it as just an opportunity to feel him up, but to Nero, movie night was special. It was the one time he really allowed himself to let down his guard and be open about his feelings for the stupid old pervert.

A fact that said old pervert didn't seem to take seriously.

Dante finally came tromping across the wooden floor towards the faintly illuminated area in the otherwise dark office, wearing only his red jeans. "What's that look for?" he asked in regard to the kid's glare.

"You're late." He huffed.

The elder hunter raised an eyebrow at that. "A guy can't even take a piss in his own home anymore without getting crap for it. What's the world coming to?" he heaved a dramatic sigh and dropped down onto the couch, arms stretched over the back of the old piece of furniture. When Nero didn't join him, Dante grinned up at his fuming mate and patted the empty side of the couch. "Come on, babe, let's watch our movie. I know you've been looking forward to tonight all week." He knew he had. He loved being able to hold Nero without the younger complaining about it.

Nero rolled his eyes, but did sit; keeping his arms crossed and even though he tried to cover it, the kid's devil bringer sometimes pulsed brightly enough to rival the glow from the flickering television. Neither seemed to really care what movie was put in. Nero seemed to have a stash of easily ignored movies that would just quietly play in the back ground.

For the first fifteen minutes or so, they sat in silence, Nero still a bit stiff and huffy and Dante sprawled lazily on his side of the couch, occasionally partaking in a bit of the popcorn sitting on the table between them. Both pairs of blue eyes were locked on the tv, but as usual, neither were interested in the movie itself. Dante was just waiting for Nero to close the distance between them and the younger hunter was trying to resist the urge to do just that.

Eventually though, Nero cracked and found himself scooting closer to the elder until he was pressed against Dante's side. He sighed and relaxed when the arm still resting behind him on the couch curled warmly around his shoulders, a hand sliding into his hair. A pleased purr slipped out before he could stop it, and Nero forced himself to not be embarrassed about it. This was what movie night was about.


Not mindless groping, not pointless, wild, raw animalistic sex, but the gentler, romantic side of their relationship. It did exist, they both had human in them after all. Nero more than Dante, which would be why the younger part-devil would always be the first to cuddle; hell, why they had this movie night in the first place since it had been his idea. His want. He'd craved being close to Dante just to be close.

Even now, Nero was happy to turn his face into the half-devil's neck and just breathe in the purely masculine scent. Sure, it affected him like it always did, but he was too content to act on it. Nero just breathed in his mate, lightly brushing his nose over the pale skin, that happy purr only rising in volume. He only smiled when he heard Dante purr in reply and begin to pet his hair gently. Those slow, careful movements were what made these nights perfect, were what made Nero always come back for more.

Dante could kill with skill and ease, and those same hands could drive his body wild, put his mind on the fritz until he couldn't even remember his own name. But they could also calm him, comfort him, and growing up in Fortuna, a place that frowned upon public displays of affection of any kind, even holding hands, Nero had been deprived of such contact.

It didn't take more than a couple minutes of cuddling into Dante's side before Nero shifted and crawled completely into the elder's lap, curling up against his chest.

Dante shifted into a more comfortable position once Nero moved, wrapping his arms around his younger mate before turning to lay back so his head rested on the arm of the couch, one leg bent on the couch while the other was planted on the floor, letting Nero lay against him and still have leg room. Hearing the kid purring happily and nuzzling into his bare chest made his heart skip a few beats. Nero could growl and gripe and bluster with the best of them, but underneath it all, he was still just a kid. Young and vulnerable. It made the elder feel protective and at the same time brought out a level of caring and gentleness even Dante didn't know he was capable of. Nero reminded him that he wasn't like the demons he hunted. Reminded him that he was human too and possessed a heart that could love another person, which set him apart from those monsters.

He sighed lightly and stared at the dark ceiling, eyes slowly closing as he felt the claws of Nero's devil arm lightly scraping over his skin as the armored fingers tensed and then relaxed, gently kneading at his skin. He placed his hand back on the younger's snowy-white hair that was nearly glowing in the artificial light of the tv that was still playing the forgotten movie. Dante without a doubt loved Nero. It wasn't just his demon deciding it was ready to settle down and Nero was just a good candidate for a mate. Of course he loved having a partner who also had demonic blood. The sex was incredible, he could let loose without worry, because Nero would just heal almost as quickly as he would. But the flip side of that, of having a steady partner, someone who knew what you liked without being told, that was a pleasure he'd never really known before. And Dante didn't know how he'd gotten by without it now.

Nero shifted against him, pressing closer and lifting his head to press a kiss to his jaw, slowly rubbing soft lips along the rough stubble there and laughing quietly.

Dante looked down at his mate curiously. "What's so funny?" he couldn't seem to raise his voice above a whisper, afraid it would break the kid out of his cuddly moment and he was enjoying it far too much to let that happen.

The younger hunter crinkled his nose a bit, a look that was absolutely adorable and made Dante want to kiss him senseless. "I was just curious what it would feel like to do that." Nero admitted openly. When they were like this, he felt like he could tell Dante anything. "It kinda hurts, but tickles at the same time. Weird."

"You're weird." Dante hummed back, leaning up to kiss Nero's forehead before relaxing back again. As expected, Nero snorted at that but settled back down to resume cuddling, nuzzling the more experienced hunter's chest once more.

Neither noticed when the movie ended, the tv eventually going to a blue screen that couldn't even begin to compete with the purer blue glow from Nero's devil bringer. Dante thought his mate had fallen asleep, but as soon as he tried to sit up, the younger man braced himself up on Dante's chest and looked down at him seriously, eyes a deep, midnight blue in the darkness.

"I love you, Dante." He whispered, half afraid he hadn't said it loud enough and half worried that Dante did hear it.

Dante stared into those anxious eyes, seeing every hidden thought and feeling Nero had in that moment and they only made the protectiveness and love he already felt grow. He smiled softly and cupped Nero's cheek in his palm, the smile only growing when the kid nuzzled into his hand.

"I love you too, Nero."

Nero's eyes lit up at that and his returning smile was a mixture of relief and sheer happiness. He leaned forward for a lingering kiss before laying back against Dante, eyes half lidded as he listened to the steady heartbeat under his ear, felt the elder's warmth seeping into him, the deep vibration of his mate's demon purring flooded through every inch of Nero's body until any tiny lingering tension was gone and he felt boneless, completely defenseless.

But he didn't care if he couldn't move. He knew without a doubt Dante would be there if something should happen.

Wrapping his arms gently around Nero, Dante finally closed his eyes, filled with joy at having someone to call his own, at having his love returned, but at the same time terrified that at any moment he could lose all he'd gained. He'd lost nearly everyone else he'd ever cared about.

Nero was different though, he'd already proven that he was stronger than he looked. The kid could take anything and come out standing. That was the hope that Dante clung to anyway.

He almost choked up like a pansy when Nero murmured his name sleepily and lifted his head to nuzzle into his neck again. Dante couldn't speak for the kid, but he had a feeling they both had the same thought at the end of these movie nights every week.

Fuck the world, just let this moment last forever.