
What is an echo? It is a copy of noise; nothing but a reflection of the original. I am Echo a copy of Zwei or Noise. I am only but a copy, a failed copy of that person. That person is loved by many while I am hardly loved at all. That person is able to show happiness when she is around Vince. While I can't show nor feel any of these particular emotions toward that man. At times I wonder why I'm even here; why am I in this world when the original is better then me?

I used to think like that till I met a strange boy; his name is Oz. Oz is a very different person from the other people I met. He acknowledged my existence, he knew I was there and not some one else. I don't know what is different about him, maybe it's because he's so cheerful, so happy, so carefree. I don't know why but once I met him things changed. I was able to think for myself and not just follow Vince's orders, I was able to speak the emotions and feelings that my face would not show, and I was finally able to live my life the way I want to…

That is until Zwei toke control. Recently she's been taking more and more control over this body. So much control that I feel I might disappear soon. I should feel sad, angry at least frustrated but instead I feel relived. I was able to live a life I wanted till she took over. I have almost no regrets but if I could I wish I could go to another festival with Oz…

Yeah another dabble and with Echo no less. Poor Echo chan I kind of feel sorry for her. She hasn't been appearing lately in the manga (or so little that I forget about her) Oh and Oz x Echo that's a first too. (An Oz x Alice fan…)Well any who hope you enjoyed it and please review.