Hey,I have writers block for life goes on but this has been in my head for a while now and I think a serious thing. Cutting is something that people call 'emo' is it really? Before u make judges on people think about what could happen to them. What you say could lead them to it or something worse. There in 8th grade. This is a one-shot but if u guys think I should continue comment and tell me.


I walked down the hall with Rosalie Hale talking about how much of a bitch our Spanish teacher is. We have to write a 4 page Essay on why we should learn Spanish in Spanish due next week. It was Friday and only one period until the weekend and Rose and I were planning what we were going to on presidents day when.

"Movies?" I Suggested

"Yeah that new Johnny Depp movie looks good, you know the one with Jolie?" Rose said. I nodded, "Se ya Monday Al!" Rose smile as she walked into her English class. I ended up stuck behind some of my friends or so I thought.

"Is Alice going to the youth group thing tonight?" Bella Sawn asked Tanya Denali.

"No, she rather go to middle school madness." Tanya said with Venom. So what is I didn't go to the youth group thing? I like dancing I've been since I was 3, it's so much fun and the last time I went I was invisible to everyone but my best-guy friend Emmett McCarty. He was the only one who talked to me there. Things have been tense in my group of friends since the sixth grade. My dad got tickets to see Taylor swift with a friend and I took my friend Angela Weber, and after that they all started distancing me. Never saved me a seat at lunch, They Stopped texting me, ignored me when I tried to talk to them. I really didn't know what was up.

"She such a Slut, all she does is dance with Rose like a bunch of whores." I heard Bella say, I do not! Rose and I are the only ones who want to dance and not sit in a corner and talk. We are not sluts or whores!

"She thinks she so hot when really she's uglier than shit, and she's fat why do think she doesn't were Hollister and Aeropostale?" Tanya said, "And a wannabee!" she added. I looked down at my myself. I was had a little bit of fat on me but all my friends are like anorexic. All they eat is yogurt. I can fit into Aero's clothes their just plain. I prefer DEliA'S more. I just think their clothes are prettier plus I'm not a wannabee. They have been my friends since elementary school.

"Yeah and Rosalie is so annoying just like Alice. No wonder their friends, strange and stranger." Bella said, and the both of them are queer."

How could they say these things about me? I reached my math class and took my seat in the back. I tried to keep the tears from falling; I didn't want my Emmett, or Masen to see. Masen was this guy who sits in front of me and talks to me during math. Or Jasper Hale Rose's twin brother, Jasper Hale is the most popular guy at school and my current crush. We emailed during the summer then he told me who he liked, he like Jessica Stanley, the class bitch.

Math passed and the final bell rang for the day. I quickly got to my locker not bothering to wait up for Em or Rose. Emmett and Rose were also together and on Fridays they include me in their dates which I thought was sweet. I got home and headed for my room until my older brother Edward stopped me.

"Ali why are you crying?" he asked me.

"I'm not." I took out my cell phone and set it down on the table.

"Yes you are. Look I have time before I go out with Bella if you wanna talk." I cringed at hearing her name. Edward and Bella were also going out which made me the only one without a boyfriend.

"What did she do?" he asked. Why does he care? He never did before.

"I heard her and Tanya calling me a fat, ugly ho, a wannabee, a slut, and she called me and Rose queer!" I cried into his chest. Sometimes I love having Edward around.

"Ali your nothing of those things trust me. I don't believe Bella said those things. You guys have been friends since forever. Tanya maybe I could he those things from because she jealous.

"She did! Eddie!" I sobbed he hated when I called him Eddie but he didn't say anything.

"What Happened Alice?" I heard my mom, Esme walk into the kitchen with a bag of groceries Followed by my dad Carlisle. He was a doctor but was allowed to leave early to take Rose, Em, and I to see Harry Potter again.

"Alice says that Bella and Tanya called her a slut, ho, fat and queer. I don't believe Bella would say that." Edward told our parents.

"That bitch." Esme said, "Ali u should drop them."

'I can't, they don't know I overheard. Then it will give them more reasons to talk about me. It's bad enough I called pixie, or shorty by other people. They used to be so nice, and they are when I'm around. They'll get suspicious!" I said. All I wanted was to go upstairs.

"Ali you're none of that. Edward don't mention this to Bella." Dad said. We nodded and I went upstairs.

When I got to my room, I turned on my IPod and blasted I See Star's song End of the World Party. It was scremo but I didn't care. I looked over to my desk and saw a pair of scissors .had to finish. No Alice people will notice and you will be considered emo. My brain screamed at me. Holding it in any longer and you'll go crazy; the pain will only get worse. My heart screamed.

I took the scissors, rolled up my long sleeve and scratch my arm. Again and again, the pain seemed to go away with every swipe of the blade. Blood started to come out. I kinda liked seeing the blood; it told me that I was alive. Weird enough plumb's song 'cut' came on. I could relate to it so fricken well. I went into the bathroom and washed the blood away and put a huge band-aid on so no one could see the blood. Ironically, I felt so much better. I felt happier and more calm the ever.

Drops of red fall to the floor.

Drops of red come from a fragile soul too broken to save.

It's the only thing that makes her feel alive

Seeing the red liquid helps her to see that she is a person and not invisible, that's she's real.

Drops of red make her feel O.K.

Ok. So what do you think? It's a serious problem and I wanted you to see into the mind of a cutter, they don't do it for attention, they do it to feel better about themselves. R&R if u think I should continue.
