Sorry sorry sorry sorryyyy to keep you all waiting like that.

I decided to take the IB and I'm literally dying. This chapter took me almost three weeks to write, between essays, portfolios, Art Works, history presentations, reading Brave New World and Waiting for Godot... Gosh. I've got good news, though:
I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED IN SCAD :) (My dream college) :)

Uhm... Yeah, also my dog got sick so we had to take a lot of care.

I've also caught a horrible cold, but missing one day of school in IB is like putting a gun to your veins. YES. A GUN.

Anyway. I'll stop babbling now. Here's the next chapter.

Thanks everyone for the wait.

I own nothing.

It all happened too fast.

Trunks watched as Sauza smirked ad his rage boiled even more, but before his little fist could connect with the man's face, Sauza disappeared and his wrist was grabbed by a large hand. He whirled around to see Jihro smiling down at him. He struggled against the woman's hand, but Sauza slammed a fist into his gut. Vegeta rushed at him without thinking, but as he tried to knock the bald woman off, both her and his son disappeared and reappeared a few meters away. Now, she was holding him by the neck with her long-nailed hand.

"Well, well, well. Get inside, Prince Vegeta, or watch your son –" she started, but stopped immediately as Trunks began to laugh.

"Do you really think you've taken me down?" he said, before he started screaming. Jihro released him and stepped back, a confused expression turning into horror as she watched the young boy's hair stand and change color.

"What the…" Sauza began, before he felt a fist slam into the back of his head, courtesy of Vegeta.

"I'm disappointed, Sauza. Is the head Commader of Lord Cooler underestimating his opponents?"

Sauza shook his head to clear the white and black spots dancing across his vision and turned around to glare at the prince. In the meantime, Jihro was watching in horror as the kid before her turned into a blonde, blue-eyed boy. She was glad she didn't have a scouter, otherwise she was almost sure it would've exploded on her pretty face. She swallowed and forced a cocky smile, crossing her arms.

"So you've changed your appearance. Great trick. Now, make a bunny come out of a hat and then you'll defeat me, monkey boy."

Trunks laughed. "You will see the might of a Super Saiyan, and then we'll see."

Vegeta followed his son's actions and powered up until his hair became gold, smirking as he realized that he didn't need to make such an effort as the first time. His golden tail waved smugly behind him and he crossed his arms across his chest. Sauza frowned.

"Super Saiyan, eh? Master Cooler said you might pull that trick." He smirked. "But that won't work on me."

"Let's face it, Sauza. You might have been stronger than Zarbon, but you are surely a million times weaker than what Frieza was. And I defeated him."

Sauza chuckled. "It is not always about power, dear Vegeta. When will you learn?" he said. "I can destroy you without touching you."

"Oh, really?" Vegeta said, smirking. "And how, oh so great Commander, will you do that? Trying to bring back my memories? Blackmailing me with my own family?" he spit on the ground. "That's not gonna work." He pointed with his chin at his siblings. "Those kids, they are strong. Incredibly strong. And we outnumber you. There is no way you'll ever be able to do anything to us. Cooler will have to come outside and drag my cold corpse into his ship if he wants to see me face to face."

Sauza laughed. "Too bad we have to drag you inside alive. But don't worry. This time I won't make you beg as much." He dropped into a fighting stance. "Although I really miss your screams."

Before Vegeta could say anything, Sauza leapt into the air. However, something caught Vegeta's eye. Luca was speeding up to him. He whirled around to block the punch directed at him, and was surprised as it actually hurt when it connected with his crossed forearms. He frowned and sent a kick at the little man, who jumped high in the air and smirked. Vegeta growled and sent a ki blast at him, but the man got easily out of the way and laughed with little squeals. Vegeta scrunched up his nose and his tail beat against is thigh in agitation and anger. He realized then that the man's size would be a terrible problem, since he had an enormous speed.

He suddenly remembered Sauza, but couldn't give much thought to it as a brusque force slammed into his chest. He looked at the small man's fist, inches away from his face, and dodged it.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the field, Sauza and the kids were sparring. The Commander was strong, but outnumbered. However, he wasn't that worried. He knew Jihro and Luca would take care of the strongest in the group. In any case, if things got too bad, Master Cooler would come out to help them… right? He growled as he felt a punch being delivered to his lower abdomen and sent a kick that connected with a girl's face. He barely had time to smirk as she cried out before two fists slammed into his stomach. He gasped as e blocked two kicks and three punches and received one on his chest.

'This is getting ridiculous.' He thought.

He flew into the air and the kids followed him. He suddenly smirked and looked down.

"Yeah! Drag that little fucker into the ship!"

All the kids stopped dead in their tracks and looked down, alarmed. Jill was the first one to realize that it was all a trap and growled, snapping her head up, ready to attack him, but what she saw made her stomach flop. Sauza's ki was surrounding him, whipping around, and he was smirking. The palms of his hands were together at the bottom as he prepared an enormous attack that would surely hurt them badly. Jenny squealed and prepared to deliver her own attack, but Sauza suddenly gasped as he slumped forward and the energy on his palms dissipated. Behind him, Kakkarot stood with his leg outstretched from the kick he had just slammed into the man's neck. Sauza whirled around and stared in confussion.

"Goku! Radditz!" Jeremy exclaimed.

Both brothers smirked. Sauza whirled around and growled. "Where the hell are all these monkeys coming from?"

Meanwhile, Cooler was watching everything inside the ship. His tail waved slowly as he sipped on his beer. He placed the can on the arm of his floating chair and stared at the hologram being displayed before him.

"So… my little brother didn't do his job. The princes are not the only survivors." He chuckled. "Should've expected that. I'll give Sauza ten minutes. If they don't finish their work, I'll destroy everyone personally – including the Commander." he said to himself.

Vegeta had barely registered that Goku and Radditz were there before Luca slammed a fist into is stomach. He gasped for air and thrust a fist, hitting the little man square in the face. Luca staggered backwards and growled.

"Fuck you! Time to end this!" he shrieked. Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked briefly back at Jihro and Trunks. His son was doing fine. He looked up and saw Sauza still powering up… He was going to have to do something about it. He took a deep breath. 'Enough toying with this stupid midget.' He thought. He put his palms together and narrowed his eyes, squinting as his own ki emanated from him.

"I couldn't agree more with you." He snarled. He leapt into the air as Luca looked at him with shocked eyes. "Die, you little shit!" he yelled.

Everyone turned around. Sauza's eyes widened as the prince's muscles bulged and is ki flared up, surrounding him and exploding into waves of heat that pushed everyone a few steps back. His tail bristled as a small ball of ki began to grow to preposterous proportions. Luca gasped and tried to run, but toppled over and fell on his face. Vegeta laughed and launched the attack… but something happened.

The enormous ball stopped suddenly and began to move back. Vegeta's eyes widened as it went slowly back to him… and was backfired. He moved out of the way and narrowed his eyes to see better, but his own attack exploded a few minutes later far away from him, creating a small earthquake and sending an absurd amount of light. As it slowly cleared, Vegeta could distinguish a flicking tail, two clammy feet, a tall, lean figure… He growled.

"Finally decided to come out?" He shouted.

Cooler smirked. "Well, well, well… Long time no see, monkey prince." He looked p at the other saiyans. "I see my brother spared two others apart from the Royal barrel, eh?"

"Hey! That's not very n – "

"Shut up, Kakkarot." Both Vegeta and Radditz growled.

Cooler chuckled. "You have not changed, monkey. Still the grumpy little teenager I met."

"And you're still the stupid tranny lizard I met." Vegeta spat.

"Oh, ho. Not very nice, I see. You're still sore, Vegeta? Come on… At least I wasn't as dirty as my little brother. Frieza actually liked having horns, if you know what I mean." He said.

Vegeta could hear Sauza snickering and growled. "I am not here to talk, Cooler."

Cooler laughed. "You know, monkey… My mother used to sing me and my brother a song when we were little so that we'd go to sleep. Do you want to hear it?"


"I'm sure Frieza already sang it to you… but oh well, these songs never get old, do they?" he cleared his throat. "One little monkey, jumping on the…"

"…bed. He fell off and broke his head!" Frieza sang. He grabbed the young boy by his hair and slammed him into the bloodied wall. Vegeta cried out again and grabbed his skull. He couldn't see anything. He tried to get up, but his knees were too weak from the pain. He trembled and stifled a small sob. It was only the beginning of the night.

"You know, Vegeta… My mother changed the next phrase. She used to…"

"…sing it like this: He tried to get up, but his master said…" he grabbed his tail and gave it a hard yank. "I think I'll remove that tail!"

Vegeta gasped and tried to move away, but Frieza squeezed his tail hard. Pain ran through his body in waves and he bit his lip, placing a hand on his mouth to keep himself from screaming. Frieza laughed and slowly wrapped the tail several times around his hand. He looked down at the young Saiyan on the floor and smirked.

"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed…" he continued. He lifted Vegeta by is tail and levitated a few centimeters to make sure the prince was hanging. Vegeta yelped in pain and began to trash, but Frieza just shook his hand, making the prince jump in the air. Vegeta kicked his broken legs, but it was too excruciating. "We don't have two monkeys, so you'll have to play the part… They fell off and broke their head!" he slammed Vegeta against the wall twice without releasing his tail. "He tried to get up, but his master said: I think I'll remove that tail!" he sang, before sinking his nails into the flesh of the sensitive appendage. Vegeta whimpered as warm blood ran down his tail. "Do you think I should remove it?"

He shook his head frantically and Frieza chuckled. Last time he had removed it, he had done it so violently and painfully, that actually a part of Vegeta's spine had received some damage. Vegeta had been unable to move his legs for the next day, and for the next weeks he had bled, sweated and felt like crying every time he moved. He trembled.

"No… Don't."

"Why not? You've been a very bad monkey. What did you call me earlier?" Vegeta closed his eyes shut as waves of pain still ran through is body from the strain put on his tail. He didn't even know how he was conscious. He uttered a silent cry as Frieza slammed his knee into his back. "Answer me."

"F-filthy, ugly li-lizard." He muttered. He received a knee to his nose and gasped. The blood would've ran down, but since he was being held upside down, the blood went up and he began to cough violently, an enormous pressure settling on his forehead. Frieza tossed him to the ground and watched as his body trembled with his coughs. He finally stopped and gasped for air.

"You still think I'm a filthy ugly lizard?"

Vegeta growled. He was going to get beaten anyway. "I don't know if you've already taken a bath… But not even that can take that hideous face away. Sorry."

He cried out before he could even laugh when Frieza slammed his knee into the small of his back and grabbed his tail with both his hands. "You'll see." He pressed his knee deeper into the middle of the small saiyan's back and grabbed his hair, pulling him up. Then he grabbed is arms and locked them behind his back. Vegeta screamed as he felt as if his back was breaking in two, as well as his shoulders. Frieza slammed his knee into his victim's back and Vegeta found he couldn't scream anymore. He had no energy left. The lizard, gratefully, stood up and let the kid's body fall onto the floor.

"Say you're sorry." Frieza said. Vegeta trembled. "Well?"

Vegeta swallowed and slowly stood up. The world spun around him. He could barely distinguish the blurry image of the lizard dancing around black and white spots. He put a hand on his head. He was bleeding too much from it. He blinked a few times, but even that hurt like hell. A fist slammed suddenly into his gut and more blood ran up his throat, exploding inside his mouth. He spit it before a set of claws racked across his face. He screeched, holding his eye, which was now bleeding horribly. Before he could recover, the claws tore across the flesh of is back so deeply, that he fell to his knees and tried to breathe. He screamed again as Frieza continued tearing the flesh of his back over and over. He stopped and stood up, watching the broken child jerk on the floor.

With a sadistic smile, he grabbed his tail and wrapped it around his hand again, this time tight enough to break the bones. Vegeta screamed as the lizard yanked at it, reducing the bones to tiny, jagged pieces. That was worse than having it cut off… Frieza rounded him and stepped on his hands, crushing the spread fingers below his feet. He groaned. Frieza kicked his side and sent the prince rolling a few meters away, with the audible crack of a bone. He walked over to him and slammed the heel of his scaly foot into the Saiyan's chest. He screamed in pain, before Frieza did it again and again. His ribs cracked and punctured his internal organs, sending his body into a fit of coughs. Frieza sighed in content and knelt down before the boy. He leaned down until his lips were touching his jaw and licked it. The broken boy tried to flinch away, but couldn't.

The jagged teeth of the lizard sank into the base of his neck and Vegeta shrieked in agony. Frieza tasted is blood as he sucked on the deep wound. Black blood ran down Vegeta's neck and Frieza's jaw. "No… stop, please." Vegeta sobbed. "Stop… ahh!" He gasped as Frieza straightened up, taking part of Vegeta's flesh with him. He smirked at the wound and chuckled. "Beautiful." He stood up and cleaned his mouth. "One little monkey, jumping on the bed… He fell down and broke his… HEAD!" he slammed his foot into the Saiyan's forehead, finally granting him the dark rest he was striving for.

Vegeta shook his head to get rid of his trance and growled.

"Really? You come out just to sing a stupid song?"

Cooler laughed. "Oh, no. I was just trying to introduce myself. You know the Cold Family wanders freely around the main point before we reach it. It's a custom. A family trait, if you'd like."

"Yeah, talking bullshit. I'm kinda used to that." He muttered.

"Yes. I'm sure Frieza spoke a lot while he tortured you, didn't he?"

Vegeta shrugged. "He really just laughed."

Cooler smirked. "We'll see those witty little comebacks when I'm done with you." He said. "Anyhow, I didn't come out to speak. I came out because there will be a banquet held in Planet Zakhra and Father and I were invited. I'd hate to miss it. Zakhranians are such amazing cookers. Delectable. If I consider letting you live, perhaps you may taste it… once every month." He laughed. "I don't have time for this, however. I must arrive there soon. So, I'll finish my job by myself." He looked up at the Commander. "Commander Sauza, please come here."

Sauza appeared before Cooler in a second. Vegeta prepared for the worst. He knew perfectly well what was going to happen.

Sauza uttered a slight gasp as his Master's hand went all the way through his stomach, coming out his back. He choked on a stream of blood and looked up at him.

"What the…!" Goku shouted.

"Weakling." Cooler muttered, pulling his hand back. Jihro and Luca stood wide eyed before they attempted to run away. Cooler smirked and sent two blasts at them, disintegrating both of them instantly. "Well, dear Vegeta. Shall we begin?"

Kay. What do you think about it?

I know, I know. It sucked. Balls. But that's all I can get before my mind shuts off and I explode.

Soooo, yeah...

What will happen now?

Will Cooler win? Will Vegeta win? Will Goku help?

What will happen to the kids?

Find out in the next chapter of A Lifetime Turmoil!
