Scene 1 (at the house)
'Hello?' Atlanta picked up her PMR. Archie's head peaked up a little. Odie smirked from behind his laptop. Three straight months and no Cronus. Everyone was bored. Some more than others. Odie was as usually programming a new 'training' simulation, aka video game he would try and beat Herry at, while the man himself spent his time polished the spotless hood of his beloved truck. Jay and Theresa were cuddled up on the couch watching anything that would distract him from his favourite villain. Neil was the only one not bored out of his mind. The team had hardly even seen him the past couple of weeks. His agent had him posing, grinning, like a puppet on a string but entitled to a 15 minute break every 3 hours by law for an under 18 year old. Archie and Atlanta had exhausted every sport ever created in all of time. There was nothing to do, no-one to fight and no lessons to learn. Atlanta's phone call had to be the highlight of the week.
'Mom? How did you…
I told you only call in an emergency!...
I hardly think a visit is..
Ok! Ok! I'm come!...Ok, bye!' She sighed slamming the phone to the arm of the couch.
'Who was it?' Archie enquired, leaning over to her subtly.
'My mom. She says she's got something to tell me, but only in person.' Atlanta vented, sighing again, before heaving herself from the couch.
'Well you going? To your mom's I mean. Do you want a lift?' Archie requested, his eyes following her as she floated across to the door. He was so sad for thinking she looked like an angel. Angels don't have spiky red hair. Or wear converse. Or run at about 100 mph. But if anyone went to defy the stereotype it would be Atlanta.
'You sure? I mean, I was gonna run but if your offering…and if you not busy…' he smirked and looked at her mockingly.
'Yes Atlanta I'm so busy. I have such a demanding life, I can hardly find two minutes to myself!…' Atlanta grabbed his ear and begin dragging him out the room.
'Well if you're going to be cocky about it…'
Odie, Theresa and Jay were left sniggering at their friends' blatant show of affection.