Okay, seriously. I'm not addressing this issue again. This is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE fic. That means, I can have Tim be Robin in the TV version of Young Justice. It's stated in the summary that this is AU. Get over it. I wanted to writefor the plot of the TV series but I did not want to ship Dick with Conner. Everyone has preferences, so please respect that I HAVE categorized and labeled this story correctly. No one is forcing you to read this. Please keep all rude comments and opinions to yourself when you do not know what you're talking about. That said-everyone else enjoy the chapter.

Young Justice: Capes

By: Kairan and Khauzy

Rating: M

Author's Note: I usually do this at the end but...in response to an Anon review to have this moved to the comics section...These one shots are based of the Young Justice cartoons, which is why Wally is here instead of Bart. The Robin in the cartoon is wearing Tim's costume and is the one that had the close relationship with Kon, therefore, I imagine this Robin to be Tim. And I like Tim better. So-I will say that it is Tim. So stop reviewing about it. Seriously.

"No capes," Kon said, idly picking at the lint on his shirt.

"Capes are cool and you're jealous," Tim argued, turning to face the Meta sitting on his bed.

"No. Capes," Kon said slowly, his face almost comically serious.

Tim gave Kon a look and took his cape and wrapped it around their bodies. He leaned in until their noses are almost touching, his breath warm and tickling. "Yeah? How do you like capes now?" Tim pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

"Still don't," Kon shrugged, but kissed Tim back lightly. Tim moved to put a small amount a space between their bodies.

"Then maybe you want me to—" Tim raised an eyebrow. "—take it off?"

"Maybe…" Kon said, sitting up with interest. It wasn't usual that Tim would be so flirty.

Tim shrugged, took a few steps back, and unhooked the clasps on his cape, letting it fall almost silently to the floor.

"That's a bit better," Kon scooted forward so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed and held his arms out.

Tim eyed him carefully and walked closer until he was just within Kon's reach. "Do you have a problem with anything else that I'm wearing?"

"Not digging the utility belt."

"Okay," Tim nodded and opened the buckle, setting the belt down carefully on top of his cape.

"And those boots sure look heavy."

"Do they?" Tim brought up a foot to rest on Kon's knee as he pulled down the zipper. "Wouldn't want to be weighed down."

Kon nodded. "The gloves look awfully hot."

"Only in the summer," Tim quipped. He took a finger between his teeth and slowly tilted his head up, pulling off the glove. He did the considered doing the same with the other, but took it off normally instead.

"Hmm," Kon hummed appreciatively and reached a hand out to graze Tim's chest. "Your shirt seems constricting."

"The body armour is pretty tight," Tim agreed and slowly flicked open each clasp before wriggling out of the stretchy material.

"Now you look—" Kon chuckled. "Stricting."

"Cute," Tim sneered playfully and set one knee down on the bed next to Kon. Kon reached down and kissed Tim's lips lightly.

"Still feels like something is in the way."

"I'm still wearing my tights," Tim pointed out.

"Oh, well that has to change," Kon said, rubbing Tim's legs through the strong material.

"Well? Then change it," Tim's lips quirked into a tiny smirk.

Kon reached for the top of the tights and pulled them down slowly. Tim watched as the material slid down his hips and legs, revealing the smooth, creamy skin along the way. The sound the material made was barely audible save for the sharp 'snap!' when they were removed completely.

The Meta leans back with a big smirk on his face. "Much better."

Tim fidgeted slightly. He was a bit uncomfortable standing there in front of Kon in only his underwear and mask. "All better?"

"Not all." Kon ran a thumb along the hem of his underwear, causing Tim to shiver. Tim steadied himself quickly with his arms resting parallel on Kon's broad shoulders.

"It's like unwrapping a Christmas present." Kon held onto Tim's hips and shook him gently, like a child rattling a wrapped box. "And I've already peeked."

Tim frowned at being shook, but maintained his position where he was—for now. "Good boys aren't supposed to peek," he chastised before tilting his chin up slightly. "But—did you like what you saw?"

"I always do," Kon grinned.

Tim let out a puff of breath from his nose and shook his head. He leaned down and lightly brushed their lips together. "There's a bit of time before patrol starts…" Tim whispered, keeping their foreheads touching. "…and seeing how I'm already out of uniform…"

"Whatever are you trying to get at, Robin?" Kon asked, his grin growing larger.

Tim offered Kon a smaller grin. "I'm saying, Superboy, that—all work and no play isn't very fun, is it?"

"All right then," Kon pulled him down against his still clothed body. "Let's play."

Tim moaned at the feel of his growing erection brushing across the rough material of the other's jeans. He rubbed himself against Kon, gently rocking their bodies together.

"You know—jeans don't exactly make for practical 'superhero' clothes," Tim pointed out.

"Since when have we been about practical? Billowing capes aren't the easiest thing to sneak around in," Kon rocked his hips upward and into Tim.

"They're good for hiding," Tim grabbed onto Kon's shoulders and pushed himself down. "But, you're starting to rub my skin raw. Lose the jeans."

Kon nodded and held Tim up with one hand so he could unfasten and remove his jeans with the other. He left his boxers on. Tim waited until Kon set him back down before settling himself back down in the other's lap, wiggling around teasingly.

"That's much better," Tim frowned and plucked at the tight, black muscle shirt. "Still a bit over dressed."

"If you don't like it so much…" Kon leaned forward to lick Tim's cheek. "Take it off."

Tim frowned at the challenge, but met it. He reached down and slipped his fingers beneath the hem of Kon's shirt, pulling it over his head and past his arms carefully. Kon gave a little sigh at the touch and pulled Tim down for a kiss once the shirt was gone. The smaller made a soft noise into the kiss and reached down to rub his hands across the smooth and rippled expanse of Kon's chest, brushing lightly over a nipple.

Kon let out his own sound of satisfaction and pressed his lower self against Tim. Tim met the contact with his own grind, though not nearly as powerful as the others. His fingers trailed down over the hard muscles, down to his navel, before slipping beneath the waistband of Kon's boxers.

Kon raised an eyebrow and lifted his hips to give Tim easier access.

Tim pushed back the elastic band slightly, giving himself more room to work. He pulled out Kon's erection, already red at the tip from the blood gathering in it. Tim looked down and licked his lips, giving it a squeeze.

"Aah..." Kon moaned, and then made a smaller, less content sound. "Cold hands."

"Sorry," Tim let go and rubbed his hand on the bed spread beneath them quickly a few times. He took Kon's cock in his hand again. "Better?"

"Much better," the Meta gave the other a little smile.

"You can take punches better than anyone I know, and yet you complain about cold hands," Tim shook his head with a short laugh and squeezed again. He slowly began to pump his fist up and down along Kon's shaft.

"Kinda hard to notice the temperature when it's someone's knuckles in your face," he stops with a little groan. stops with a little groan

Tim smiled when Kon stopped talking, squeezed harder and took his strokes agonizing slow.

Kon tried not to make too much noise. The bed rocked a little and the mattress squeaked as Kon moved against it.

Tim pushed Kon down so that he was laying flat on his back with his other hand. He let himself slide off the edge of the mattress and settled with one knee on the bed between his partner's legs.

Kon looked up, intrigued by the slight change in positions.

Tim kept one hand on Kon's cock and the other on his stomach as he leaned down and took the other's cock into his mouth.

"Ti-! Kon covered his mouth to hide a moan.

Tim ignored Kon's shout and lowered himself more onto his length until the tip touched the back of his throat. He pulled back up slowly, trailing his tongue along the underside as he went.

The bed shook slightly as Kon tried to contain himself.

Tim hummed around the skin in his mouth, increasing the speed of his bobbing.

Kon bit down on his lip and clenched the mattress and sheets between his fingers. There was a loud and distinct ripping sound.

Tim squeezed what he couldn't fit into his mouth with his hand. He could taste the salty pre-cum against his tongue and released Kon with a loud pop. He leaned back down and licked up the pearl of fluid that was leaking at the tip.

"Someone's coming. Other end of the hall," Kon breathed heavily.

"Are they heading towards here?" Tim asked and licked a long trail from the base to the head of Kon's cock.

"Aah... " Kon bit his lip again. "Hard to concentrate."

"Did you remember to lock the door?" Tim continued to pump and squeeze Kon gently.

"Yes—" Kon let out a weak mewl.

"Then we should be fine. I don't think they're dumb enough to try to break into my room," Tim said. He took Kon back into his mouth, sucking in time with his squeezes.

"I don't know how...much more I can take," Kon clenched his hands tighter.

Tim pulled back again, but did not stop his hand pumping. "Did you want me to stop?"

"I didn't say that. I just didn't want to..." More pre-fluid seeped out.

"Didn't want to what?" Tim asked before licking the fluid away.

Kon twitched and he shut his eyes tightly.

"What do you want, Kon?" Tim slowly dragged his hand up and down the warm appendage.

"Don't make me say it," Kon whispered, his cheeks red.

"Embarrassed?" Tim teased, and sucked at only the throbbing tip.

Kon made an unintelligible sound and tried to force more of himself inside Tim again.

Tim slowly lowered his mouth back fully and gave Kon's erection another good squeeze.

Kon covered his mouth and muffled a shout as his body quaked.

Tim pulled back to keep himself from choking, but swallowed what safely made it into his mouth.

Kon sagged against the mattress, his seed spent.

Tim wiped his mouth on the back of his arm and moved himself up so that he was sitting on Kon's stomach and looked down at him

"They're heading away..." Kon wiggled his fingers. "I owe you a new mattress. Again."

"Of course you do," Tim sighed. "This is why we don't usually come in here."

Kon chuckled. "You had to say it like that." He reached up and pulled him down for a kiss.

"Ompf!" Tim steadied himself with his arms on either side of Kon's head and returned the kiss.

Kon opened his mouth and ran his tongue along Tim's lips. Tim's words were muffled and his mouth reflexively opened when he felt Kon's warm tongue against his lip. Kon gave a forceful kiss, nipping at Tim and made soft growl in his throat. Tim moaned and his lower half twitched anxiously against Kon's firmer body.

"Something wrong?" Kon asked, pulling back so they can breathe. He eased his hand down and rubbed it against Tim's erection.

"Nnnn...no," Tim bit his lip, but moved so that he could feel more of Kon's touch.

"Are you sure?" Kon wiggled his fingers across the hardening flesh.

"Yes..." Tim sighed and pressed himself closer.

"Is there something you want?" Kon asked with a little smile.

"For you to stop teasing," Tim frowned.

"But you always look so cute," Kon chuckled. "Lie on your back."

Tim frowned again at being bossed, but slide of Kon and rolled onto his back.

"There's that sour look again," Kon said, cradling his hand under Tim.

Tim resisted striking Kon with his foot and laid back and waited patiently for the other to move. Kon smiled lovingly and ran his hand up and down Tim's shaft before slowly pumping his fist. Tim bit his lip to keep any noises inside and drew his knees up.

Kon kept the pumping steadily. The last time he went too fast he almost gave Tim a heat rash. Tim moaned softly. He let his head fall to the side, trying to watch Kon's movements. Kon moved his hand a little faster and licked his lips. He bent forward and licked at Tim's tip.

Tim gasped, his back arching off the bed. "K-Kon."

Kon breathed a sigh and traced his tongue down Tim and up again. Tim fisted the sheets, but his grip was not nearly strong enough to cause a tear. Kon took a deep swallow and took in most of Tim. Tim barely stopped himself from shouting, his lip bleeding from having bit it too hard.

"That's going to be hard to explain," Kon looked up at him and took one last long slurp.

"I'll say you punched me and just hit you back later," Tim moaned. "You need to worry more about explaining why I need yet another new mattress to Red Tornado."

Kon chuckled, conceding the point. He pinched the base and sucked harder on Tim's cock.

"Nnnngh," Tim brought his fist into his mouth to keep his lip from taking any more damage. "Kon."

"Hm? Kon licked and nibbled him up and down again.

"I need to-" Tim blushed and tilted his head back.

Kon loosened his fingers and sucked even harder.

Tim moaned louder, feeling his stomach tightening. " Kon, I'm going to cum."

Kon moved his tongue up and took as much of Tim into his mouth as he could. He bobbed a bit faster and pulled back just a little. Tim made a strangled sound as he released, his back arching slightly. Kon choked a bit but swallowed greedily after a moment.

Tim's body was almost like jelly as he relaxed back onto the bed, breathing heavily. Kon caressed his cheek and lied down beside him. He gathered him up in his arm, spooning him and kissed the back of his neck. Tim sighed and settled against him, wiggling back so that they were pressed closer. He tilted his head back awkwardly and kissed Kon's chin.

"Sure you have the energy to do that?" Kon chuckled.

"I can hurt you," Tim threatened halfheartedly.

"Only by breaking my heart," Kon said, suddenly serious.

Tim blinked in surprise at the admission. He turned so that he was facing Kon and kissed him again properly. "Then I guess I can't."

The video alert in Tim's room flashed, the audio playing only.

"Patrol starts in five, Robin. You ready?" Kaldur's voice asked.

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute," Tim responded.

"You know where Kon is?" Kaldur asked. "He hasn't been answering."

"I'll find him," Tim looked up and smiled. "He shouldn't be far."

Kon chuckled softly.

"Good. Wally should be here soon-

"Totally already here and so ready to go," Wally could be heard in the background.

"Right. I'll go get Kon. See you in a few," Tim cut off the transmission.

"Enough time for a shower?" Kon asked, sitting up.

"I don't know if I can say that I can shower in five minutes."

"I'll try not to scrub too hard."

"Fine," Tim sighed and nipped at Kon's chin. "But if you rub my skin raw, I'll make sure you feel it too."

"How many times do I have to apologize?" Tim never let Kon forget the first time they showered together. Tim came out with skin completely pink and tender. "And aside from the rash, you know you liked it."

Tim punched Kon's shoulder lightly before getting up. "Come on. It's four minutes now."

Kon lifted Tim up bridal style. "This will be faster."

Tim yelped at being lifted so suddenly and almost thrashed. "I can walk, Kon. The bathroom is right over there."

"Still faster. What is it, three minutes?" Kon dashed in and got the water on, lathered himself and Tim, and dried them off.

Tim's skin was tingling by the time Kon is finished. He rubbed his hand on his arms a few times before grabbing his discarded uniform on pulling it on piece by piece. "Ready?" He turned to Kon, snapping on his cape with a bit of extra flourish

"I could still go without the cape," Kon grinned.