Hey y'all. Just so you know, I got this idea from Anemonea's first one-shot from their story Odds and Ends, where she said that anybody could make a new story out of it. Note: This is slightly different, with my own little twist. Disclaimer: No, this is not about Danny Phantom. I put that on my profile page. This is for Anemonea, for this is her idea. Except I changed it up a bit. Phantom Planet hasn't happened yet. And by the way, there is a lot of talk of planes, which I don't know very much about, so please ignore my ignorance. And also I looked for Amityville, which is what Amity Park is based off of (the name) and found out it was in New York, so I made Amity Park in New York, obviously near Lake Eerie, as said in several episodes. OK, I'm done babbling. Enjoy!

Amity Airport, Amity Park, 3:30 pm-

Danny sighed as he walked over to his two friends. He stopped next to them, trying to hide himself. Some anonymous person had funded his class to take a trip to some haunted caves in California. So of course, his parents were there, embarrassing as ever.

"Come on Danny. It's not that bad." Sam said reassuringly. Danny sighed.

"Easy for you to say when your parents aren't here. I bet you wouldn't be saying that if they were here trying to persuade you to wear a-" Danny started to say moodily.

"OK! I get it! Let's just get on the plane. Maybe if we choose our seats right now we won't get stuck near them." Sam interrupted. Tucker followed the two, completely engulfed in his PDA game. They sat down in the front of the plane, knowing it wasn't the best place to sit in case of a ghost emergency but Danny refused to sit in the back where his parents were, and refused to sit in the middle where the A-listers were, so they were stuck at the very front on the left side. Once everybody was seated a woman walked out of the pilot's cockpit.

"Attention students, chaperones, and teacher." the woman said in an over peppy voice, meaning the students, the grown up Fentons, and Mr. Lancer. "I'll be your flight attendant, and you can just call me Lucy! We are traveling from Amity Park, New York, to central California, which will take approximately five and a half hours, to visit some haunted caves, as you all know!"

Sam groaned, already annoyed by Lucy's peppy personality and put in some headphones to listen to some music. Lucy continued on about some safety precautions as Tucker also ignored her, still engulfed in his PDA game. Danny sighed and looked out the window in his window seat. He felt some paper wads land on his messy hair and he brushed them out as he looked around to see Dash laughing with a straw in his hand. He turned around back to the window and sighed. This was going to be a long flight.

Approximately four hours later, somewhere above the mountains of Colorado-

Danny's eyes drooped, ready to fall asleep. He was tired of getting hit in the head by spit balls and paper wads from Dash and the other jocks, listening to his parents rant on about how to use the ecto weapons they were to use in case of an emergency, which all keyed in on him, and Lucy was starting to finally get on his nerves.

"Danny?" Sam asked softly.

"What?" Danny snapped, completely annoyed. He turned around to see a surprised Sam and his eyes softened. "Sorry Sam. I'm just kind of annoyed right now." Danny apologized.

"It's OK. But anyways, don't you think it's kind of odd how out of the whole school, our class just so happened to be the one chose for this special field trip?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. What does Tucker think?" Danny asked. Honestly, the same question had been lingering in his mind ever since they got the announcement a week ago. Sam sighed and shot a glance at Tucker who was sleeping, cuddling his PDA lovingly. Danny laughed slightly at the sight.

Just then the plane lurched sideways and everybody screamed. The plane started tilting sideways as everybody buckled up trying not to fall out of their seats. Danny, who had forgotten to unbuckle in the first place gripped the arms of his seat. The plane lurched sideways again and then forward, causing everybody to scream again. Tucker jolted up, screaming, trying to figure out what was going on. Danny looked out the window and saw the left engine smoking on fire. He gripped harder onto his seat, nearly ripping out the fabric.

Surprisingly, nobody was coming out from the cockpit. Not even Lucy. Danny was trying to think of what he should do, knowing he had to do something. He couldn't go to the bathroom. So he closed his eyes tightly, trying to think through all the screaming. He heard Sam say something about doing something but he could just sit there, freaking out like the rest of the kids.

Oh my gosh, we're gonna crash and die! Danny thought. He felt a familiar cool sensation spread throughout his body, beginning at his waist and saw a flash through his closed eyes. He heard the screams stop and instead heard surprised gasps. He opened his eyes in fear of what had happened. He turned around, everybody's eyes on him. He looked down to see himself clothed in a black and white jumpsuit, his white hair falling in his face as he looked down in shock. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment.


Oh no Danny! Please review!