Two six- year old girls stood beside each other patiently. They were having a sing-off and they were going to prove to the whole school, who was the best singer in Grade 1.

One of the girls was the young and radiant Rachel Berry. Her dark hair, cropped just below her ears, was held up by a single barrette so she could see. On this hot April day Rachel wore a white shirt under a pink plaid dress with knee high stockings and shiny black shoes. The other girl, Rachels competition was the tall and popular Leandra Fuller had her shoulder length blonde hair in curls with a little bow on her left temple. Leandra wore a sparkly purple shirt with a denium skirt, and if she wore socks with her shoes, you'd never see them.

Both girls had chosen one song ot sing on the playground during lunch, infront of the whole school. Rachel smiled confidently, this would be cake, She thought 'I won my first competition when was 8 months old.' Leandra cleared her throat and began humming the notes to Ba Ba Black Sheep with a smug look on her face. 'That's a good mine is better.' She thought to herself happily. The playground was filling with kids and Leandra started to fidget. Rachels wrist watch beeped, it was 12:20.

Leandras turn to sing, she began 'Mary had a little lamb'. Rachel almost started laughing, it was such a childish song. 'She sung it pretty well,' Rachel thought, 'but she could use some help with the lower notes.'. Leandra finished her song confidently and the whole playground clapped for her. Rachel took a deep breathe and smiled. "Look at me..." She began to sing, she had chosen 'Reflection' from the Disney movie Mulan. When she completed the song, Rachel stretched the last note and raised her arms above her head. When Rachel closed her mouth and smile, there was a moment of silence and then applause. Lots of loud, deafening applause. Rachel smiled wider, grabbed her skirts and curtsied.

A shrill shriek came from beside Rachel, as Rachel had obviously won the competition. "You cheated!" Leandra accused, angry tears in her eyes. Rachels smile fell for a second and then returned. "You can't cheat at singing, I'm just better than you." Rachel said smuggly, "You need to work on your scales, you missed a couple of notes. That was your problem." Rachel smiled encouragingly.

A tall brown haired boy stepped out of the crowd and Leandra ran to Leandra had whispered something into his ear, his face turned red. "You don't embarrass my girlfriend!" He yelled, pushing Rachel into the sand. Leandra grabbed a juicebox from the nearest kids and dumped it on Rachel, who gasped in shock and disgust.

The kids laughed at Rachel, a few even kicked sand at her. Rachel blew peach juice out of her nose and sniffled. When she tried to get up a girl kicked her back down. Rachel blinked away tears of pain, her stomache hurt now. The kids on the playground quickly grew tired of watching Rachel laying on her back in the sand ,crying, and scattered around the playground.

Rachel lay there, trying to stop herself from crying. A yell rang through the playground, Rachel turned her head to see the brown haired boy swinging at a boy with no hair, except for a black stripe of hair down the middle of his head, making him look like a skunk in Rachels opinion. But a cute skunk, the mohawk boy's hand contacted with the brown haired boys face. The boy fell and didn't get back up, ashamed.

The mohawk boy walked around the gathered crowd and stopped infront of Rachel and stretched out his hand. She hesitated and grabbed the hand. He was strong, because the next thing she knew she had gently crashed into the boy. Rachel paused for a moment, grateful for the boys warmth and then pulled away. "Are you ok?" The boy asked, she nodded. " I-I don't know how to thank you." She mumbled, the an idea came to mind. Rachel had seen this boy walk around the playground and kiss girls at random, 'Maybe that would be a good thank-you.' she thought.

Rachel paused for a slight second, stood on her tippy-toes and placed her mouth on his. An eternity passed before either of them pulled away for breath. The mohawk boy looked startled, "Oh god, I'm sorry." She said, stepping back. A smile curled the boys mouth. "My names Noah Puckerman." He smiled, Rachel who was distracted by his cute smile hardly had time to reply. "Rachel Berry." She reached out her hand to shake his, Puck looked at the hand for a second. He reached for her hand, and instead of shaking it, grasped it gently. Puck kissed her hand and continued to hold her hand until lunch ended.

Authours Note: Ok, I hope I fixed the format, and made it easier for you guys to read it :S