Title: Constant

When Lisanna thinks about it, her sister is the first person she remembers seeing. Maybe it should have been their mother, but honestly, who can recall the first few days or even the first few years after their birth? As far as she is concerned, her earliest memory is of Mirajane, pale and sweet, babbling excitedly because Lisanna had just given her a sleepy, drooling smile.

From that moment onwards, Mirajane is one of the greatest constants in her life. Elfman's steady, gentle presence holds them together and Lisanna's cheerful, charming nature tempers their rough edges, but it is their elder sister, with her lively, driven personality, who leads and protects.

Distracting her distraught siblings, Mirajane tells them stories in front of the campfire while their parents argue heatedly in the distance.

Eavesdropping on their cousin's lessons, Mirajane patiently teaches them what she learns and forces them to study and most importantly, to think.

Thrashing a malicious uncle with Transformation magic secretly learned and nearly mastered, Mirajane defends them ferociously after the death of their distant mother.

Painting pictures in the orphanage's stifling darkness, Mirajane quietly tells them about a guild called Fairy Tail, where kids were mages and could do whatever they pleased.

Kicking Erza gleefully in the knee, Mirajane cements both her notoriety as a demon and her siblings' reputations as the nice, sane ones in the family.

Now, in the dim forest, Lisanna is dying. (Elfman is quiet, no longer howling in agony. In her haze of pain, she hopes with all her might that he is safe.) Someone stumbles close in exhaustion and from the soft, half-strangled pleas and the lingering scent of blood and magic, she knows it's her sister. She wants to cry and scream, but she can't because the very last person she sees is Mirajane, gentle and heartbreakingly beautiful. So for her, Lisanna smiles one more time.

A/N - I'm not too happy about this, but I figure better now than never.