Chapter 4-Lovely Tonight

Disclaimer: Don't own Alice, Jasper, or anything Twilight related. That's all Stephenie Meyer. Joshua Radin owns "Lovely Tonight". Listen to a live version with Ingrid Michaelson on my profile page.

"I need you to know this won't be broken

And all that we said will not be lost into the dawn

And you would be the last thing I saw coming

I'm still surprised

You are lovely tonight

You, dear, will guide me into the morning light

You are lovely tonight

Lay here beside me

I see the rest of my life with you…"

Jasper was sitting in the library in one of the overstuffed armchairs, his feet propped up on the small table in front of him, a book in his hands. He was pretty absorbed in the book—it was a history book focusing on the Civil War and Jasper was impressed by how much of it was accurate. He felt Alice before he saw her. Her excitement level was so high it made Jasper smile and he set the book down before Alice came prancing into the library.

"Jazz!" she squealed, hurrying over to him and throwing herself in his lap. "I found it! I found my dress!" she told him, wrapping her thin arms around his neck and kissing him.

Jasper smiled against Alice's mouth and kissed her back. "I'm glad to hear that," he told her as Alice pressed a kiss to the scar on his chin. They were getting married in a little over a month and as of that morning, Alice was still without a dress. She had seen herself in the perfect dress of course so it was just a matter of finding it, which had proven to be more difficult than Alice thought. Alice, Rosalie, and Esme had thrown themselves into planning the perfect wedding. Jasper had stayed out of it for the most part—if he was making the decision, him and Alice would have gotten married at the courthouse ages ago but Alice wanted a picture perfect wedding and of course that's what she would get.

"It's the most beautiful dress Jasper," Alice was saying, still sitting in his lap with her arms loosely around his neck. "Even Rosalie said it was gorgeous—I think she's a bit jealous she didn't find it first so she could wear it at her next wedding," Alice said with a grin.

Jasper smiled back. They had heard of course about Rosalie and Emmett's many weddings. When Jasper had asked Emmett about it, he had smiled and shrugged and said he would do anything to make Rose happy, even if that meant getting married over and over again. Jasper had a fleeting thought that maybe Alice would want more than one wedding but before he could say anything, Alice pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Don't worry Jazz," she said softly. "I only need to do this once."

Jasper smiled and shifted his hand so it moved under her dress, lightly gripping her thigh. "As much as I would love for you to continue you that thought, Edward is going to interrupt us in about five seconds," Alice said, taking Jasper's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze as Edward walked into the library.

Jasper groaned to himself and tried to keep his negative thoughts about Edward out of his head. "Edward, I found my dress!" Alice said excitedly, hopping off of Jasper's lap.

"So I heard," Edward said smiling. "And it's really beautiful Alice."

Alice smiled back. "Thanks," she said. "Do you want to see it for real?" she asked. "It's so much better than in my head," Alice said, taking Edward's hand and walking towards the door.

Jasper stood up to follow them but Alice stopped him. "You can't come with us," she told him with a sly grin.

"Why not?" Jasper asked, his eyes darting to Edward briefly.

"Because you can't see the dress until our wedding day silly," Alice answered, giving Jasper a quick kiss on the cheek. Before Jasper could say anything else, Edward and Alice hurried off towards wherever Alice was keeping her dress.

Jasper sat back down, feeling slightly agitated. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of Edward—on some level he knew that Alice loved him but Alice's relationship with Edward still bothered him. Alice and Emmett were close as well but it was different because Emmett had Rose. Jasper knew Alice loved having brothers and that she especially loved Edward but sometimes, when Alice and Edward were having their private conversations without speaking, it drove Jasper nuts.

She's marrying you, Jasper told himself, picking up his book again. Jasper didn't get very far into it however before he heard the soft sound of Edward's piano. The music room was just across the hall from the library and Jasper could tell Alice was in there as well. He got up and crossed the room silently, listening outside as Edward finished the piece, one Jasper had never heard before.

"Oh Edward, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," Alice gushed and Jasper caught a glimpse of Alice throwing her arms around Edward. "It's so perfect," she said, kissing his cheek as Jasper seethed. He knew Alice's emotions as well as he knew his own and he had always loved that there seemed to be a special something extra to Alice's love, her happiness, when it was directed towards him. Jasper didn't know what to think feeling it now, when Alice was with Edward.

Jasper knew Edward and Alice would both know he was there and as Alice started to turn around, Jasper turned and walked quickly away.

Jasper was sitting underneath a large tree, leaning his head back against it with his eyes closed when Edward found him. For a moment, Jasper cursed the fact that he could never really get away. Between Alice and Edward, someone would always be able to find him.

"I'm sorry about that," Edward said. "I can't help it you know."

"I know," Jasper said, opening his eyes and looking up at Edward.

"I have no romantic interest in Alice," Edward said. "She's my sister, my friend," Edward continued. "She loves you."

When Jasper didn't answer, Edward sighed. "She loves you Jasper," Edward said again. "Trust me, I can hear her thoughts. You and shoes seem to be pretty much her two favorite thoughts."

Jasper smiled slightly. "I know she loves me," he said. "But don't you think maybe you'd be better for her?" Jasper didn't look at Edward, instead playing with the leaves at his feet.

Edward laughed. "Really?" he asked, an incredulous look in his eyes. "Alice said you had quite the martyr complex but I didn't really believe her."

"She deserves better than me," Jasper said.

Edward shrugged. "Maybe she does," he said. "But she wants you," Edward paused for a moment. "The song I wrote is for both of you," Edward said. "I wanted to play it at your wedding. That's why she was feeling the way she was. It made her think of you."

Jasper looked up at Edward. "Really?" he asked, starting to feel guilty, ashamed for his overreaction.

Edward nodded. "And just so you know, Alice isn't really my type," Edward smiled and Jasper could tell he was trying to make peace with him. "She's far too bubbly for me," he said. "And I prefer women who at least hit the 5 foot mark."

Jasper laughed as well. "Her perpetual good mood balances out my darkness I suppose," Jasper said.

Edward nodded. "I'm sorry Jasper," he said. "I know it bothers you that Alice and I are close. It's just nice to have someone, you know?" Edward asked. "It gets a bit lonely, even in this family," Edward said a bit ruefully. "Rosalie hates me most days and it's difficult to talk to Emmett about anything serious so I've enjoyed having Alice around."

Jasper nodded. "I understand," he said. "Alice was most excited about meeting you," Jasper told him. "She knew you'd be close. And I'm happy she has you, I really am."

Edward nodded and held out his hand. "So, no hard feelings?" he asked.

Jasper stood and shook his hand. "No hard feelings," he said, following Edward back towards the house. "So, how mad is she?" Jasper asked as they stopped in front of the Cullen house.

"Um, well, I think I'm going to go for a hunt," Edward said, clapping Jasper on the back with a smirk before taking off back into the woods.

"Shit," Jasper grumbled to himself, walking the rest of the way to the house.

Jasper ran into Rosalie on the porch. She looked up and smiled at him as Jasper stood looking at the front door. Although Rosalie had been the most hesitant to let Alice and Jasper into her family, now that she had accepted them, her and Jasper actually got along quite well. Jasper felt Rosalie's sorrow and understood it in a way no one else could. At first, Rosalie had done everything she could to hide her true feelings from Jasper but eventually she had grown to appreciate his quiet acceptance of her and her past.

"Edward bothering you?" Rosalie asked, glancing at Jasper. Their annoyance with Edward was another thing Rosalie and Jasper had bonded over.

"Yeah," Jasper answered. "But we're good now," he said. "Now I just have to apologize to Alice."

"Have fun with that," Rosalie answered with a laugh. "She's cleaning her closet."

"Great," Jasper grumbled, knowing that Alice only cleaned her closet when she was upset about something and needed a mindless task to keep her mind off of everything else. Jasper gave Rosalie a tight smile before going inside and walking upstairs. He stopped at the door to their bedroom, seeing Alice standing in front of the closet tossing clothes and shoes all over the place.

Before he could say anything, Alice spoke without turning around. "So, are you done being a jealous idiot?"

Jasper sighed and walked into the room, standing a few feet behind Alice. "Alice," he started. "I'm sorry."

Alice turned around suddenly, holding a pair of black heels in her hand. Jasper had a brief thought that maybe she was going to throw them at him. Throwing things in anger was really more of a Rosalie trait but Jasper could feel Alice's anger and frustration all directed at him and he wouldn't put it past her.

"Jazz, I don't know what else I can do to convince you that I love you, only you," Alice told him. "Do you really doubt me that much?" she asked him, dropping the shoes and crossing her arms.

"No Alice, it's not that," Japer said, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh, so we're back to the same ridiculous argument as always," Alice said, her frustration growing.

"I'm never going to be good enough for you Alice," Jasper told her. "I've done horrible things and everything that I am is dark and broken. But you changed that, Alice, you saved me. And still I keep screwing up. And it doesn't matter because whatever I do will never equal what you've done for me."

Alice's face softened and she moved towards him. "But Jasper, you saved me too," Alice said. "Do you have any idea how terrifying it was to wake up and have no idea where you are, who you are?" Alice asked and she shuddered slightly, remembering that awful moment. "You were the only thing I had," Alice said softly. "The thought of you, knowing that someday I would be with you was the only thing that kept me going. You were the only thing that stopped me from turning into a monster," Alice told him firmly.

She was standing directly in front of him now and she stood on her tiptoes to pull his face down towards hers. "I love you Jasper," Alice said. "You're all I've ever wanted."

Jasper pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry Alice," he whispered against her mouth. "I love you too," he said before kissing her. Alice kissed him back eagerly, her arms wrapping around him as she molded her body to his.

Alice pulled away slightly to grin up at Jasper. Her eyes unfocused for a moment and then her grin widened as Jasper was overcome with a feeling of lust. "Um, wow," she said, kissing Jasper again.

"So making up is going to be good, huh?" Jasper said, laughing as he pushed Alice towards the bed.

"God, yes," Alice told him before hurriedly tugging her dress off and reaching for his shirt, ripping it off his body in one swift tug.

Jasper was fidgeting nervously, shifting restlessly from one foot to the other as he stood in front of the church, waiting for the ceremony to begin. He hadn't seen Alice since early that morning when Rosalie and Esme had whisked her away for whatever girl rituals were required before a wedding could take place.

Emmett's large hand on Jasper's shoulder startled him from his thoughts. "Jazz, lay off the nervousness, alright?" Emmett said, nodding towards the few humans scattered about the church. "You're making us all twitchy," Emmett said.

"Sorry," Jasper said with a small smile as he tried to project calm rather than nervousness. He didn't even know most of the people here; they were friends of Alice's from school, people Carlisle worked with or Esme knew from on thing or another.

"No problem," Emmett said with a grin. "I was nervous as hell at our first wedding," Emmett told him.

"Really?" Jasper asked.

"Yep," Emmett nodded. "Of course, it took a lot to get Rose to the point where she actually would marry me so I was just terrified she would change her mind," Emmett paused for a moment. "I don't think you have to worry about that with Alice," Emmett said.

Jasper grinned as Edward came into the church, walking along the side until he was standing in front of Jasper. "Ready?" he asked.

Jasper nodded. "Great, let's get started then," the minister said from behind them. Emmett grinned and elbowed Jasper in the ribs before heading out of the church. Edward shook his head at Emmett and smiled at Jasper as he went to settle himself at the piano.

Jasper took a deep unnecessary breath as Edward began to play. Carlisle walked into the church with Esme on his arm. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before she sat down and flashed a smile at Jasper as he turned and walked back down the aisle. A few moments later Rosalie and Emmett walked down the aisle, Emmett trying to keep his eyes forward but stealing glances at his wife every few seconds. When they made it to the altar, Emmett gave Rosalie a quick kiss and then completely checked out her ass as she went to stand off to the side. Emmett met Jasper's gaze and shrugged, grinning sheepishly and coming to stand next to Jasper.

The music paused for just a moment and then Edward was playing the song he had written specifically for Alice and Jasper. Jasper's eyes were trained on the door of the church and everything seemed to slow down as Alice appeared on Carlisle's arm. Her eyes were locked on Jasper's as she walked slowly towards him, her smile wide and bright.

In that moment, Jasper felt as if he could see the future laid out before him as clearly as Alice could. His entire future was right here, walking towards him and looking more beautiful than Jasper had ever seen her.

They stopped in front of him and Carlisle gave Alice a gentle kiss on the cheek before Jasper reached out her hand and Alice slipped hers into it and just like that moment so many years ago, Jasper felt hope. "Hi," Jasper whispered softly, unable to resist leaning down to kiss her briefly.

"Hi," Alice whispered back, giving his hand a small squeeze as she stood in front of him. Most of the ceremony was a blur for Jasper—he was solely focused on Alice standing in front of him and radiating happiness. Jasper was sure everyone in the church could feel it; they didn't need his extra talent for that.

After the ceremony there was a small reception and then finally Jasper and Alice were left alone with their family. Alice had been looking at the stack of presents excitedly when Jasper came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

Rosalie, who had been standing next to Alice as Alice told her what was inside each carefully wrapped box, raised her eyebrows at Jasper. Jasper grinned. He was usually not so forward with public displays of affection. "It's my wedding day," Jasper said to Rosalie. "I want to kiss my wife."

Alice giggled and turned in his arms to kiss his lips. "I think you want to do more than kiss your wife Jazz," Alice said with a wink.

Jasper kissed her again. "You're right," he said against her lips. "But I'm trying to be patient and polite."

"Well, Esme is on her way over here with our wedding present and I think you're going to love it," Alice declared.

"I certainly hope you'll love it Jasper," Esme's voice said from behind him and Jasper turned with Alice in his arms to face her. Carlisle had his hand on Esme's shoulder and Edward and Emmett were right behind them, Emmett going over to drape his arm around Rosalie.

"He does," Alice said with an enthusiastic nod.

Esme smiled. "I wish we could have surprised you Alice," she said. "But that seems nearly impossible."

Emmett snickered. "Our wedding gifts never last long, do they Rose? Hopefully Alice and Jasper do better."

"Emmett," Rosalie said, smacking his shoulder but grinning at him as Esme shook her head.

Jasper looked confused but before he could ask Alice tugged on his hand. "Come on Jazz," she said. "It's easier if you just see it."

Alice and Jasper thanked and hugged their family before leaving the church, Jasper sliding into the driver's seat of the car. "Okay, are you telling me where to go?" he asked.

Before she answered him, Alice drew his face towards her and kissed him, opening her mouth against his and letting her tongue play briefly with his. "I love you," she told him when she pulled away.

"I love you too darlin'," Jasper said as Alice settled back into her seat, taking his hand as she did so.

Alice directed him out of town quite a ways before she told him to stop in front of a small cottage, set back in the woods with a beautiful view of the mountains in the back that at the moment were mostly covered by darkness. Alice and Jasper got out of the car and stood looking up at the small house. "This is our wedding present?" Jasper asked, his voice slightly awed.

"Yes," Alice answered. "It's perfect Jazz," she told him grabbing his hand and beginning to pull him towards the door. "Esme and Rose decorated it and it's all ours and…," Alice was reaching for the door handle but Jasper grasped her hand, pulling it away.

"Wait," Jasper told her, bending down and sweeping her into his arms. "Isn't this the way it's supposed to go?" he asked.

Alice laughed and kissed him as Jasper pushed the door open and carried Alice inside. He set Alice down inside and they flipped on the light, taking in the quaint living room that was very tastefully decorated.

"Oh Jasper, it's perfect," Alice gushed, walking around slowly.

"Can we see what the bedroom looks like?" Jasper asked. Alice grinned and leapt at him. Jasper caught her easily, carrying her to the bedroom quickly.

Their mouths were fused together and Jasper began to impatiently tug on Alice's dress, desperate to get it off of her. "Jasper, wait," Alice said in a breathy voice. "You're going to rip my dress."

Jasper stopped and groaned softly. "You're going to kill me Alice," he said against her mouth.

Alice turned around so her back was facing Jasper. "Please Jazz?" she said. Jasper sighed and, seeing an opportunity to torture Alice for a change, began to very slowly unzip the back of Alice's dress.

He slid the material down carefully, revealing the smooth cold skin of her back. "Jasper," Alice said, pushing back against him. "I know what you're doing," she told him.

"You do?" Jasper asked, nipping lightly at her neck and then soothing the skin with his tongue.

Alice squirmed against him again. "Yes, and I can play that game too," Alice told him, reaching a hand around behind her to grab him through the pants of his tux.

"Alice," Jasper groaned, bucking his hips into her hand. After that, neither of them was in any mood to go slowly any more. They quickly (yet still carefully on Jasper's part) helped each other out of their clothes, tossing the discarded garments around the room.

Alice reached her hand up to the back Jasper's neck, pulling him towards the bed but Jasper pulled away for a minute. "You're so gorgeous," he said, his eyes traveling over her body.

"You're not so bad yourself," Alice answered lying back on the bed and pulling Jasper down with her.

Later, after they had christened the bedroom (and the bathroom and the living room), Jasper and Alice lay wrapped up in a blanket on the back porch, watching as the sun rose over the mountains. Alice's head was resting on Jasper's chest, right over the spot where his heart should be beating.

"This was the most perfect wedding ever," Alice said softly against Jasper's chest.

"It was pretty great, as far as weddings go," Jasper replied, running his fingers through Alice's short hair. He pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, tightening his arms around her.

"I love you Jazz," Alice said. "I really love you."

"I love you too darlin'," Jasper said, letting himself fall happily into Alice's familiar love. "I love you too," he whispered one more time into her ear.

A/N: And that's what will probably be my only attempt ever to write Alice/Jasper vamp fic. Again, thanks to MDealsWithIt for supplying the banner and title. She rocks. Thanks for reading!