Note: Takes place before the Pevensie's go home. I don't own anything, I just love Narnia

Susan looked at her reflection in the old vanity mirror and tried to smile. She couldn't help but feel saddened, knowing that she and her siblings were going to be leaving Narnia the next day. And she couldn't bare the thought of leaving Caspian. Tears grew in her eyes when she heard a knock at her chamber door and she wiped them hastily.

"Come in," Susan said, as she stood up and looked at her brother Peter who entered in slowly.

"You've been crying," Peter said bringing his hand up to his sisters shoulder.

"Oh, it's nothing." Susan answered as she took Peter's hand and gave it a slight squeeze before turning around and walking to the large window on the far side of her room. She lightly held onto the window sill as she breathed out slowly.

"You love him don't you," Peter said. Susan spun around to look at her brother. "Caspian."

"Oh Peter," Susan whispered when she looked at Peter. A scornful look of disapproval was on his face. "I don't know."

"I see the way he looks at you, and how you look at him." Susan looked panicked. "It isn't obvious, if you are worried. But I'm your brother, I know these things." Peter just stared at her and Susan pressed her lips together.

"Peter, I don't know what I am feeling. I'm so sorry. Please don't be upset." Peter's face calmed and he put his hand back on Susan's shoulder.

"I am not upset, but I don't want to see you get too attached or hurt. We are leaving tomorrow remember. You won't ever see him again." Susan felt tears forming in her eyes again and hugged her brother.

"What if I stayed?" Susan asked as she pulled away from Peter.

"You can't stay" Peter said sternly. "You know what Aslan said. Our time is done here. You have a home in London, what would any of us say if you all of a sudden didn't come home?"

Susan sniffled and wiped her face.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." Susan tried to smile. She hugged Peter again before hearing another knock at the door. This time it was Caspian.

Susan let go of Peter and swallowed. Peter looked at Caspian and tensed.

"King Peter, Queen Susan, excuse me. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Caspian looked down at the floor before glancing up at Susan slowly.

"What do you want," Peter said, trying to keep his cool. Caspian looked at him, fearing that he would say something to infuriate the High King.

"Oh, I was just going to ask if Queen Susan," Susan caught Caspian's eye, "if she would like to accompany me on a stroll to the garden." Susan blushed.

"I'm sorry, she is-" Peter began to say before Susan interrupted.

"I would love to," She said, shooting a glance at her brother before smiling at Caspian. Then she left the room with Caspian and left Peter standing there in her empty and spacious room.

So, I know it is short but I wanted to put this up before continuing! Review! 2nd part to come very soon!