A/N: HIYA EVERYONE! So my current obsession is the manga Lovely Complex. THERE ARE HARDLY ANY FANFICTIONS ABOUT IT! So, I decided to make a fanfiction exploring the trials and tribulations of their...ehem sex life. So NO it is not just a raunchy fic. I mean I was honestly curious about how Risa and Otani WOULD end up becoming more like a couple. So here it is.



It's never been a secret that I'm self conscious about my height, or rather lack of it. I mean man, who wouldn't be self concious with an amazon-freak girlfriend like mine? If I'm being honest with myself, it's more than that. I mean, I've always been short. I stand at a whopping, ha as if, 156 cm (5 ft 1 in)...Yeah me, Otani aka 'big valley', ironic right?

Well anyways, it's never been that much of an issue before. Okay I'm lying now, but what I mean is that it's an even bigger issue now that I have a girlfriend who happens to be freakishly tall. I mean man, if I even want to kiss my girlfriend she either has to lean over or sit down. How embarassing is that? Lately though, there have been...other issues.

I'm a teenage guy, fresh out of high school so it's not like I've never thought of things like...sex. God that's sounds so lame. Anyways, it's not like I fantasize about Koizumi a whole lot or something, it's more about wondering how it would work! If she ever does decide to go that far... 'cuz I mean we've been dating for a year and don't most couples get...intimate around now? I mean god, It's not like I'm an expert on this stuff. So far we haven't gone farther than simple kisses, but lately I've been holding myself back a bit. However, you've still got to wonder...how would we umm...have sex? I barely know how to do it in the first place, and then the fact that Koizumi's a freaking amazon! If I ever did even make advances like that she'd probably say something like 'Why would I want to do...that...with a midget? You can't even see past my shoulders'.

The reason I am getting so nervous though is because, at this very moment Koizumi is getting off of work and heading up to my college dorm. I rented some horror flick she heard was good and we're watching it in my room on a crappy little T.V that my Mom got me as a graduation present. My room. Us...alone...in my room. I swallow the lump in my throat. Dammit Maku, why do you have to choose tonight to visit your girlfriend? I think, cussing silently at my roomate.

You're probably thinking, what is wrong with this guy? Who wouldn't want to be alone with his girlfriend? I mean sure, I am excited... But God am I nervous. Sure, we've been alone a lot, but her parents or my roomate were always in the next room so it wasn't like there was ever an opportunity to be intimate. Still, I think it might be rushing if we went that far tonight. I mean, it's not like I don't want to...

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. My thoughts are interrupted by Koizumi's presence outside of my dorm. I bite my lip nervously, but shake it off as I open the door to greet my girlfriend.

"Took ya long enough." I mutter, still a little annoyed at myself about everything I was thinking about. As if Koizumi would even want to do that with a guy as short as me.

"Shut up midget." She tosses back at me, rubbing her hand on the top of my head to emphasize my lack of height. I glare back as expected, earning a slight smile. She brushes a strand of her orange hair behind one ear, where the rest of it pulls up into a loose bun. I take a moment to look her up and down, admiring how beautiful she is even after working all day. Not like I'd ever admit it though.

"Aren't you going to invite this lovely girl into your dorm?" She bats her eyelashes, either trying to embarass me or act like a girl. Not going to work.

"Huh? Lovely girl? Where?" I joke, raising my hand up over my eyes and squinting. I recieve an eye roll before she pushes past me, headed towards my room.

"You got the movie?" Koizumi asks, opening my bedroom door and plopping onto my bed.

"Yup. You want a coke or something?" I ask, heading towards the mini fridge in the 'kitchen area' to grab myself one anyways. My mouth feels dry already, just from thinking about our current situation. Alone...

"Sure, sure." She replies simply, leaning back onto the pillow. I grab two cokes out of the fridge and head into my room, looking around for the movie. 'Nightcrawlers III' The bold title is printed in dark red letters, easy to see from the little end table. I open the dvd player, popping in the CD, pressing play and waiting for it to start.

I gulp a bit as she reaches over to turn off the light, but I try to act normal as I lay down next to her. As the movie starts to play on the screen I realize that I'm not paying attention at all. I can't be sure, but it doesn't look like she is either. We're already twenty minutes into the movie, and even though I'm not paying much attention I can tell it's crap. My eyes flicker down to my feet as I awkwardly reach for her hand. I look back up to see her staring down at where my hand met hers and she grinning idiotically.

"I love you Otani." She mumbles a bit, out of character for her. Usually she's so straight out with her feelings, but she sound so...innocent? It's kind of a turn on. Ahh, forget I said that.

"Yeah yeah. Watch the movie." I mumble back, the darkness in the room hiding my light blush. She harumphs, her eyes flicking back to the screen. Ten minutes later the silence is killing me so I finally speak up.

"Do you have any clue what's happened so far?" I ask, smiling nervously. She turns her head to look at me and my eyes glance down.

"No idea." She admits, laughing a bit. I tap my chin with my finger, deep in thought. She cocks her head curiously, and that's when I make my move. I lean over fast and quick, touching my lips to hers. Her eyes pop open in surprise, like usual.

After I pull away she grins almost deviously. I shrug a bit, looking away nervously, and am shocked when she pulls my face back towards hers. We've never gone beyond simple pecks before today, but I am happy to oblidge. I pry open her lips, slipping my tongue in to fight for dominance with hers. The screams of terror from the T.V aren't helping with the romantic mood as we continue our 'make-out session', but it's not a major annoyance. After a few moments, it becomes annoying to lean over like this so I pull her ontop of me. It's a little awkward due to her larger size, but I manage 'cuz no way am I gonna feel even more like a midget laying against her. We break away for a second, blushing furiously before we fall back into another kiss. She squirms a bit to get comfortable, our hips and other currently clothed regions brush together with the movement, causing my lower area to awake a bit from the sudden attention.

Crap! I push her off with hesitation, crossing my legs awakwardly to hide my little 'issue'.

"Why did you push me off?" She yells in hurt and anger. My eyes flick over to see her mixed expression and guilt shoots through me.

"I...I don't know." I mutter a lie, feeling like a complete idiot.

"Do you not like kissing me? Of course you don't, I'm a giant." She mutters, half-angry and half-saddened. Thats not it at all...I liked it a little too much, I think to myself.

"No...it's just I have a little problem." My cheeks are glowing bright red at this point, but she doesn't seem to notice from the dim light.

"What?" She cocks her head to the side in interrogation. I'm starting to get annoyed that she doesn't seem to realize what I mean.

"I mean...I...I got a... a umm... I got a little too excited." Koizumi still doesn't seem to get it, still turning her head and looking almost vacant.

"My...thing...it umm... I got a little turned on." I feel a knot twist in my stomach and I just want to die. Realization flicks into her eyes and she looks away embarassed, focusing on the movie. For the rest of the movie she doesn't even glance over at me, but I can tell she's not actually watching the movie. Once it's over I look over to the side awkwardly, my issue still prominent.

"Otani..." She whispers, finally breaking the silence.

"What?" I say, sounding a little angry when I'm really just embarassed.

"Do you like me...sexually?" She mumbles, her eyes flicking to the ground. I'm not sure how to respond, so after a few moments thinking I just come out and say it.

"Well duh. We wouldn't be in this situation if I didn't!" My cheeks are flaming by now and I can't seem to keep eye contact with her.

"What is it?" I ask after she doesn't respond for a while.

"It's nothing." She replies without hesitation, starting to make me curious. The issue in my pants is becoming just a minor nuisance.

"WHAT IS IT?" I ask again, with more force this time.

"WELL IT'S JUST THAT I DON'T THINK I'M READY FOR THAT!" She finally shouts, turning her head away in a huff.

"Well neither am I!" I respond, sounding a bit childish. What she doesn't seem to notice though is that her words actually hurt. I mean, I should've known she wasn't ready...but still it hurts to feel rejected. At the same time, she didn't actually reject me, but she might as well have.

"I'm sorry. I do love you but I've never...I mean I'm a virgin. I wouldn't even know what to do. Before I dated you I'd never even kissed a guy before! So...sex...I mean you can wait just a little bit, right? I just gotta get used to the idea. But I'm not saying you don't attract me sexually. You're actually very handsome." She rambles, and I smile a bit at her compliments.

"I uhh...love you Koizumi. But I won't force you to do something you're not ready for." I lean over to peck her lips, but she holds my face to hers for a longer period, and I feel my pants get a little tighter when her tongue fights it's way into my mouth.

"You're gonna kill me!" I grumble after pulling away, feeling the stress 'down there'. She sighs and nods in apology.

"I guess I should go..." Koizumi says after a minute or two of silence.

"Yeah..." I stand up, waiting for her to follow me to the door. I try to hide the situation 'down there' but it doesn't work to well. She notices it and her eyes seem to get wider.

"Well don't look at it!" I mutter, seeing a blush sweep across her cheeks. I follow her to the door, waving a goodbye before she leaves, and then heading towards the bathroom for a cold shower.

-Risa's POV-

As I walk home I'm considering everythig Otani said. I had never even imagined that he could ever want me like that... I mean I'd thought about it before, but the idea had been ridiculous. How could Otani ever want me like that?

Still, I had felt something more romantic tonight then any other time we've ever went on a date. Usually we just looked like to idiots out having a good time...but tonight we actually seemed like a couple. The next step was sex right? I'm just not ready! I mean, this is Otani! I had never even kissed him like that until tonight! What if I mess it up? Knock my head on the headboard? Squish him under my weight?

I need to talk to Nobu-Chan.

Hmm...so what will Otani DO in the shower? What will Nobu have to say about this? Haha. And what's in store for our awkward love birds? Find out in chapter two.