This was inspired by the absolutely, positively adorable (and awesome) story, called Something Sweet! by Nikkii-Love706. She is the inspiration and muse and motive and all those other wonderful things for this story.
I think I might continue this into a long story, but I have NO IDEAS D: sob sob... So if you like this and feel the urge to give me inspiration to continue, I will gladly do something awesome for you in return. I have no idea what though... AGAIN WITH THE NO IDEAS!
Disclaimer: I disclaim. (hehe I almost typed disclam... would that make me an oyster?)
Hunny stomped around the Music Room searching through every cupboard for something sweet to eat. (A/N: LOL THAT TOTALLY RHYMED~!) "Come on there's got be cake SOME where!" He muttered under his breath. "Meanie Takashi!" After a few more cupboards, he gave up and walked out of the Music Room. Slowly he trudged his way out into the other abandoned music room in search of food.
He opened the door slightly and was shocked to see Haruhi sitting in the room at one of the couches doing her homework. Haruhi quickly turned around to see who it was. When she saw it was Hunny she had a little panic moment, because she had been eating a small cupcake. She finished the last bite of her cupcake off and swallowed quickly, barely chewing at all. "Hey, Hunny-senpai! How are you feeling today?" Hunny gave her the smallest smile.
"I miss my sweets Haru-chan!"
"Aww… I'm sorry!" Haruhi said sympathetically, "Is there anything I could do to help? As long as I don't give you sweets, of course."
Hunny thought for a moment, when suddenly he had an idea. He looked down at his hands shyly and said, "Well, there might be something you could do…"
She smiled, "Anything you want!"
He looked up at her in awe, "Anything?"
When Haruhi nodded, Hunny jumped into action pushing her down onto the couch she was sitting one and planted his lips on hers. He licked her lips, making her open her mouth slightly. He took advantage of this and slid his tongue into the still shocked girl's mouth. He gave a small moan and continued to kiss the seemingly willing girl.
When Hunny broke away from lack of air, he let go of Haruhi's wrists and sat up. When she sat up, he immediately leaned against her and sighed.
"Um… what… was that?" Haruhi asked slowly.
"Well… it was 2 things. First, I really wanted to kiss you because Haru-chan is so cute and I like her a lot, and second, you had a little leftover chocolate on your lips!"
Haruhi blushed and said, "But you're not allowed to have sweet's sempai!"
He smirked and said, "Maybe this can just be our little secret, huh Haru-chan? Thanks though! And maybe you can help me out again later too. After Host Club!" He giggled and hopped off the couch, running to the door.
This place gets weirder every day… Haruhi thought, but maybe weird is a good thing?
THE END! Remember I would be honored to know if you think it's a good multi-chapter fic start. Or if you had any ideas. You don't even have to review, you could just PM me! I would NEVER tell you to review, because that would be hypocritical since I don't like it when people tell me to review.