Peach and Blumiere walked back to the castle, hand in hand. Peach knew the hurt would still be there, but she could forgive Mario and Tippi. After all, thanks to them, she was now with Blumiere.

Blumiere…She leaned her head against his shoulder, enjoying the warmth and feel of safety. Blumiere smiled softly at his one true love, and wrapped his arm and cape around her. Gosh, he loved her so much.

Peach stiffened slightly in his arms as she saw Mario and Timpani walk out of her castle. The couple stopped at the sight of Peach and Blumiere. An awkward silence filled the air.

Peach took a deep breath and started walking toward Mario. Looking down, Mario walked toward the princess. Both of them looked at each other without speaking. Finally, Peach knelt down, and placed a sisterly kiss on Mario's nose.

"I forgive you, Mario." Mario felt his blue eyes fill with tears and he wrapped his arms around Peach's waist. The two hugged for a long time, as if they knew after this, there was no turning back. Finally, Peach moved away from Mario and ran back toward Blumiere.

He lifted her into his arms, spinning her around. He kissed her long and deep, running one of his gloved hands through the golden hair. He looked at Timpani at the corner of his eye. She was smiling gently at him, completely happy for him.

He smiled back at her, forgiving her. He kind of knew that she had Mario on her mind ever since the worlds were restored. Well, forget that.

He found his true princess.


5 years later…

A loud wail filled the hallways of the castle. Blumiere felt Timpani's hand squeeze his with moral support. Blumiere stared anxiously at his wife's room.

Toadette, Peach's midwife, smiled tiredly at Blumiere. "It's a boy." Blumiere sighed in relief. The pink-haired mushroom smiled in understanding.

"You can see her now." Blumiere sighed with anxiousness. He looked back at Timpani nervously, then walked into Peach's room.

Peach's hair and face were sweaty. Her crown was sitting on her bedside. She smiled at her husband, holding a light blue blanket. Blumiere sat down beside his wife, looking at his new son in amazement.

The baby had his mother's peach skin and his father's blue hair. His eyes slowly opened, and Blumiere's own eyes widened when he saw yellow eyes peering up at him. He wrapped an arm around Peach, and let his son grip onto his finger.

He kissed his wife's forehead softly, rested his head on top of hers, and smiled gently at their son.

He had a family now to come home to.

He looked down at Peach, amazed that he was so lucky to find such a treasure.

She will always be his princess…

…and he will always be her count.