For those of you who've wondered why the updates for Rising From The Ashes have been few and far between lately, this is your answer. This story was intended to be a one shot, but the more I delved into the idea, the more it took on a life of it's own. It has absolutely owned me for the last two months. But more than thirty one thousand words later, I'm really excited about the finished product… I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have.

Two things I ask… one, you may want to have tissues handy. I've been told this is a tear jerker… and two, please, please, trust me. You'll see why.

Exuberant, abundant thanks go to my lovely girls, koko23cat, beckaboowriter, and LittlePixieCullen88 for prereading this for me, for holding my hands and not letting me scrap this idea altogether, and for being the best cheerleaders and friends a gal could ask for. I love you! Loads! *kisses*

I've always had a fascination for this time period, and I did do research about the times and events of WWII, but admittedly, this story is fiction so it's "sensational" rather than "factual." Even with my research, I'm quite sure there are more than a few errors. In other words, please don't be taking notes for your history homework from me! ;)

All usual disclaimers apply… the story line is mine, but all recognizable characters, of course, belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Okay… *takes deep breath* Enough chattering from me. Enjoy!

No Greater Love

Part 1

Lilting music filled the air in the small Viennese café. A lone young woman sat in a secluded corner in the very back of the room. She toyed absently with the drink that sat neglected in front of her as she waited for her companion to arrive.

Who it was that she was to meet today, she wasn't entirely sure. She had a description of him, but she'd never seen him before – only in the picture she'd been shown to identify him. And it wasn't for social purposes that she was here to meet him either.

As she waited, her eyes scanned each person in the café – the refined looking gentleman sitting at the table by the front window, reading the newspaper. The young couple, looking giddily in love, flirting at the table in the opposite corner. The group of men who looked as if they came from a long day at a factory, sitting at the bar with their caps pushed back, half empty glasses of beer in front of them.

Her relaxed posture belied her watchfulness. She'd learned to pay close attention to even the smallest details of late. Her very life depended on it at times.

With feigned nonchalance, she watched the coming and going of every person through the door. She'd been sitting there, nursing her glass of wine, for almost half an hour when she saw him.

Instinctively, when he entered, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She fought back the shudder that shook her internally.

He was tall, standing well over six feet, she would guess, and broad shouldered. The short hair peeking out from under his hat was a rich honey gold. He carried himself with the air of a man with authority, a man used to having people listen to him. His steps were lithe and purposeful as he strode over to the bar and ordered his drink.

The man's gaze searched through the café, looking for something – or someone – and Alice took the opportunity to study his profile in detail. Normally, she wouldn't have given someone like him a second glance – not with the uniform that he wore… and the swastikas that adorned his person.

Men like him represented everything she hated… everything she fought daily against.

But, when he turned so that she could fully see his face, she felt as if all the air had been stolen from her lungs. He was breathtaking. Even with the uniform, she couldn't deny that. He was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. With his golden hair, his piercing ice blue eyes, and his perfect features, he was a prime specimen of what Herr Hitler claimed to be the "master race." This man was the very picture of Aryan beauty.

And he matched the description she'd been given of the man she was to meet. But his picture had done him little justice.

As if he'd heard her gasp from across the room, the captivating stranger's eyes finally came to land at her corner table, meeting her intent gaze. A look of recognition passed over his features. She almost blushed at being caught staring so unashamedly at him. He knew she'd been watching him, and his lips lifted in a knowing smirk.

His eyes traveled from hers up to the glossy brown strands of her hair which curled just below her chin, down to her lips, lower to the slender line of her neck, the hollow of her throat. She thought for certain he would be able to see the rapid flutter of her heartbeat shaking her chest when his gaze lingered on the blue silk of her blouse before drifting back up to her eyes again.

Her gaze locked with his as he crossed the room to stand at the other side of the table. Alice felt something akin to a current of electricity humming through her body as he approached, a tingling at the base of her neck. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, her body betrayed her, a deep-rooted desire sparked from within, singing through her veins.

"Excuse me." The sound of his voice shouldn't have surprised her, but it did. The smooth baritone was rich and deep… and sent shivers coursing down her spine. "Is this seat taken?"

"Not yet." Alice was inordinately pleased with herself for keeping her voice even. It didn't waver once. She even managed to sound coy. But, then, she'd only spoken two words as yet… she'd have to save her self-congratulations for later.

He pulled out the seat next to her when she gestured for him to do so and slid his long frame into it. Alice felt the persistent tingles intensify at his nearness. This pull she felt towards him was deep and primal; she'd never experienced anything quite like it before. It was more than a little bit unsettling… and very distracting.

"Am I correct in assuming that you are Alice?" His voice was low, but with his close proximity, she had no trouble hearing him.

"I am." Again, only two words, but she felt fortunate to have even had the presence of mind for that. She'd not been able to appreciate from a distance just how blue his eyes were… and it wasn't enough that they were the clearest blue she'd ever seen, but the blue was tinged with fascinating flecks of green. They were captivating and deep, and she found it difficult to look away, much less think when he was gazing at her so intently.

"Well then, Alice, it's a pleasure to meet you. I must admit, when I arranged for this little interlude, I didn't imagine that I'd be mixing business with pleasure, so you are a very fortunate surprise." Alice felt heat pool beneath her cheeks at his appreciative gaze.

His attention was diverted then by the arrival of a waiter bringing his drink. He leaned back slightly, giving the man room to set it on the table in front of him. She was grateful for the distance, small though it was, and she used the brief moment to chide herself for her reaction to him. She'd played this part before and had never once had this kind of difficulty focusing on the task at hand. She had a job to do, and she couldn't afford to be distracted… no matter how desirable her companion was.

By the time the waiter left them alone again, Alice had regained some of her lost composure… for the moment at least. She scanned the room quickly, ensuring that no one was close enough to hear their exchange, that no one was paying them any attention. No one was.

In the time she'd been doing this, she'd learned to play her role expertly. In order for this to work, she would have to hold herself together enough to make this look like an intimate exchange. Their low voices and whisperings would be less conspicuous if they looked like lovers sharing a quiet conversation over drinks. It would be no hardship to get close to him, she was certain of that, but she couldn't let herself be sidetracked from the real reason they were here.

When it was again just the two of them, Alice leaned in, painting a coy smile on her lips as she began her charade. She slowly drew the tip of her forefinger over the back of his knuckles. He had long, elegant fingers, she noticed, and immaculately groomed nails.

"You have something for me," she said lowly, stroking from his fingers up to his wrist. She scolded herself internally again for noticing that his wrist was twice the thickness of hers, for cataloguing the grace and strength of his hands… his very large, very masculine hands.

Her shoulders trembled as one of his long arms draped around her, drawing closer. "I do. Did you bring what I requested?"

"Of course," her voice faltered as he took her hand in his. The gentleness of his touch was unexpected as he cradled her hand, bringing it up to his lips. When he brushed a kiss over her palm, heat speared up her arm, her heart racing, her breath becoming shallower at the touch of his lips to her skin. Never had her body reacted so strongly to anyone's touch. She'd never felt anything like this before. Never.

"Excellent." His voice was low and husky as he brought his face near to hers, speaking a breath away from her ear. "I don't think I must tell you how urgent it is that this information gets into the right hands. There is no time to waste."

"I assure you, Captain," she said, glancing at the insignia decorating his uniform, "you have no need to worry. I'm quite good at what I do." Alice's words didn't come out quite as evenly as she would have liked, but the fact that she was able to form words at all was something she was quite proud of. His face was still inches from hers. Every breath she took was laced with his fragrance – spicy aftershave, soap, and man. It was far more intoxicating than the wine sitting neglected in front of her.

A low chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I have no doubt," he whispered. Alice's body shivered when his lips touched the lobe of her ear. It could have been an accident, but, somehow, she doubted it… especially since he seemed to linger a split second longer than necessary.

The moment passed and he pulled back just enough to take a cigarette and lighter from his overcoat pocket. A quick scan of the café assured them both that no one was paying them any mind. They were playing their parts very convincingly… perhaps too convincingly for Alice's peace of mind.

The Captain placed the cigarette between his lips and held the lighter to the other end. The look of vexation on his face when his lighter didn't work was shockingly believable, his brow furrowed, his lips turned down in a frown.

Alice smiled and stroked the side of his face – merely for appearance's sake, not because she wanted to feel the rasp of his slight stubble against her fingertips. That was what she told herself at least.

She reached for her handbag and pulled out the lighter from within. She handed it to him and took his, slipping it surreptitiously into her small purse in place of the other.

Just that quickly, their exchange was made. And now she felt that her little clutch wore a neon sign, proclaiming its contents for the world to see. She wanted to go, but in the interest of their charade, she stayed where she was, playing her role as he finished his cigarette.

When a sufficient amount of time had passed, when their glasses sat almost empty in front of them, the Captain stood and chivalrously helped her into her coat before slipping his own back over his shoulders. He held out his arm for her and walked with her back to her car. Eager as she was to escape, she felt rather melancholy at the thought that she might never see her captivating companion again.

He opened her door when they reached the car, catching her hand in his before she could get inside. He bowed slightly at the waist, brushing his lips gallantly over the back of her hand. "It was a pleasure, Miss Alice," his smooth voice washed over her as he straightened again, still keeping hold of her hand. "I hope we meet again soon."

With that, he released her hand, almost reluctantly it seemed, and waited until she was seated inside the car before closing her door securely. He was still standing there, watching her, as she pulled away. His scent lingered on her; every breath she took was laced with it – a constant, heady reminder of him whether she needed it or not.

Adrenaline still sang through her veins, but she told herself it had more to do with the mission she was so close to completing rather than the memory of his scintillating presence. It was simply easier to deal with that way.

It was dark by the time she finally parked the car in front of her house. Esme was there in the kitchen, clearing away the remainder of their dinner, and Carlisle at the table, reading the newspaper. They both looked up with warm smiles for her when she entered.

"Welcome home, darling," Esme said, up to her elbows in dishwater. "There's a plate waiting for you on the stove if you're hungry."

"Thanks," Alice responded to her mother-figure, "but I don't think I could eat right now." Her stomach was still too much in knots to even think about food.

"Everything went well, I trust?" Carlisle asked, laying down his paper as Alice slipped her coat from her shoulders, hanging it on the coat rack by the door.

"Yes, it did, thankfully. You can stop worrying now," she said with a pert smile, crossing the room and laying one hand on his shoulder.

"You know I can't help worrying." Carlisle patted her hand lovingly. "Go on now" he urged, "he's waiting for you downstairs."

Swiftly, she bent to press a kiss to his cheek before she skipped down the stairs to the cellar. Knowing the dark cavern with the familiarity of an old friend, she went directly to the panel that led to their hidden room and moved it aside. Edward was there waiting for her exactly as Carlisle had said he was.

He looked up when she entered, his shock of bronze hair standing on end as usual, glowing a deep red in the dim candlelight. Edward's nose wrinkled as she came nearer, and he leaned forward to sniff her shoulder.

"What?" she asked, her forehead wrinkling at the amusement that was evident even in the darkness.

"It would appear you had a good night," he teased with an impish grin.

Alice just rolled her eyes, fighting back the blush that threatened. She knew what Edward smelled – the Captain's cologne… the same scent that she was certain would invade her dreams tonight.

"It was a successful night," she told him brusquely. "I got what I went for and got out alive, so I suppose that equals a 'good night.' Though, what kind of valuable information could be in here, I haven't the faintest idea," she told him as she handed him the lighter.

"You might be surprised," Edward said, taking it from her, immediately becoming absorbed in his task.

Alice perched on a stool and watched as his deft fingers disassembled the lighter, removing the roll of film hidden inside.

"So," Edward drew out the word as he set up to develop the film, "you met 'the Captain' tonight… what did you think?" There was a distinct note of teasing in his voice that Alice ignored.

"I didn't think anything," Alice told him innocently… too innocently.

Even in the dim light, Alice could see Edward roll his eyes. He snorted lightly, letting her know he wasn't fooled for a moment.

"He comes from an old, influential German family," Edward told her as if she'd asked, not looking away from the film as he spoke, "with a bloodline pure enough to please even Hitler himself. His father fought in the last war, earned a whole list of distinctions for himself. Word has it, the General is a personal friend of the Fuhrer even now."

"Is he?" Alice asked, soaking in the information he imparted, yet trying not to sound too interested. Edward just hummed in response, absorbed in what he was doing. "So what about the Captain? What does he do?"

"He's an officer in German intelligence. He's in a prime position to gather all kinds of useful information, and he's very good at sharing it, if you know what I mean."

"What kinds of information?" she prodded when he fell silent again.

"Just about anything you could imagine… locations of munitions plants, logistical information…"

"And no one suspects him?"

"Not yet. He's very good at the role he plays. He knows his time will eventually run out, but I think he's making the most of his position until it does."

"Do you think his family knows about his… extracurricular activities?" she wondered aloud.

Edward glanced up at her with a wry smile on his face. "Yes, they know very well what he's doing. They're all in on it, too. The only one that's not is the daughter, and they sent her to Paris last year for school, from what I heard. Getting her out of the worst of the danger, I think."

Alice mulled over this quietly for a moment. She knew her reasons for fighting – she kept them in mind at all times – but she wondered what his reasons could possibly be. She couldn't quite imagine. "Wonder what motivates them to be so involved like that?"

"I don't know," Edward shrugged. "They've never said… not that I know of, at least. But we all have our reasons. Doesn't matter what they are in the end as long as the job gets done."


"Jasper is following in his father's footsteps, apparently. He's made a quick jump through the ranks already. I would imagine part of that is because of his father's political influence, but I've also heard that he has an uncanny charisma. People are naturally drawn to him. They listen to what he has to say and want to follow him."

"Have you ever met him?" Alice asked, toying with a loose thread at her knee. She could vouch for that charisma. She'd never met anyone quite as… compelling… as he was. Just the thought of his touch, his voice in her ear, was enough to send the shivers racing up her spine again.

"I've seen him a couple of times. Never talked to him, though." Edward glanced up at her slyly. "I've heard he has quite the effect on the ladies. He's obtained a reputation for being quite the charmer."

"Does he?" Alice asked, trying her hardest to keep her voice nonchalant. It didn't work apparently.

Edward laughed loudly, and she felt fire spread under the skin of her cheek. "Oh, if you could see yourself blushing," he teased.

"Don't be ridiculous," Alice chided. "It's dark in here. You couldn't see anything even if I was."

"What's the matter, Alice?" his voice was taunting. "Did the dashing young Captain get under your skin?" he asked, placing one hand on his chest theatrically.

"Shut up, Edward!" She snapped, causing him to laugh even harder. "I swear, you're worse than a gossipy old woman."

"I'll take that as a yes, then," he said smugly.

Alice shot daggers at him with her gaze, but he was unperturbed.

He chuckled off and on until the film was developed and he finally got a glimpse at what information Alice had been a courier for. Looking at the snapshots, he whistled under his breath.

"What is it?" Alice asked, getting up from her perch and coming to stand beside him.

"A detailed account of the next German offensive on the Eastern front," Edward said, his voice entirely businesslike now, all traces of teasing gone as he prepared to encrypt the information and send it on to the next link of the Underground. Alice ghosted silently up the stairs then to get ready for bed, leaving Edward to his task.

Just as she had suspected, her dreams that night were filled with the young Captain, the fascinating depths of his eyes, his rakish grin, the masculine elegance, the tender strength of his hands, the electric feeling of his lips on her skin.

Even in sleep, he left her breathless, wanting more.

Over the next several months, Alice encountered the Captain on numerous other occasions. In between meetings, she would convince herself that his effect on her was all in her imaginings… no one could actually elicit that strong a reaction from her. Yet every time she saw him, those same persistent stirrings filled her. A drugging warmth coursed through her veins every time her hand brushed his. When their eyes locked, it was difficult to find the will to look away.

Their flirtatious bantering became even more charged over time, and, eventually, Alice began to wonder if perhaps the attraction truly wasn't only one-sided, if it wasn't simply an act on his part. She couldn't help but wonder if she occupied as many of his thoughts as he did hers. Deep down, she had to admit she hoped that she did.

But, the intensity of their attraction aside, Alice had a much bigger task to occupy her time and her thoughts. More important to her, closer to her heart, than being a courier of information, was her primary role in the Underground resistance.

Alice was a smuggler.

She didn't smuggle jewels or gold… she worked with something far more valuable than that.

She'd made several trips over the border with her precious cargo already, but it grew more dangerous all the time. Alice wasn't afraid of being discovered… not for herself. She, more than most, could afford to be reckless. There was no one really to miss her if she was gone. Only the Cullens, but they weren't her blood relations, and they were a large part of the reason that she'd been given this opportunity to fight in the resistance in the first place.

No, she didn't truly fear being found out, but she wanted to fight as long as she possibly could, do as much damage to the German war machine, as she could before she was taken down.

And in order to do that, she needed something very important. She needed new identification. False papers were difficult to lay hands on, and very expensive. Alice knew only one person who could help her with that.

So, this time, Alice was the one to contact the Captain – Jasper, she had come to call him now.

Without question, he agreed to meet her, and so it was that she found herself on a bridge overlooking the park, waiting for him. Even without the dead giveaway of his uniform, Alice could spot his approach immediately. She chose not to acknowledge the fact that the she could recognize him by his stride alone.

He walked with easy grace, purposeful and lithe… like a predator. Alice had never seen that predatorial, ruthless side of him before, but she knew he had to possess it. He would not have lasted this long in the German army – or, for that matter, even in Germany in this day – without it.

The new insignia decorating his uniform caught her eye as he came within yards of her post. "Major?" she asked, cocking one eyebrow.

"A recent development," he demurred, taking her hand as was his custom and bending to press a kiss over her fingers. Instead of releasing her hand now, he tucked it into the crook of his arm as they strolled like lovers in the park.

"Congratulations on your promotion. I'm happy for you," she said, attempting to hide her pleasure at his continued touch.

"Thank you," he smiled down at her, genuine warmth in his eyes. "Though, I'm quite certain you didn't request this little rendezvous just to congratulate me."

"No," Alice admitted, "I have a favor to ask of you."

"Do you? I'm intrigued now. You don't strike me as the type to ask for a favor lightly."

"I'm not. But I need something very important, and I don't know who else to ask."

It could have been something else, but Alice thought she saw a flicker of concern in his eyes as he glanced down at her. "I'm listening," he assured her.

"I need a passport, Jasper… a neutral one. You know as well as anyone how difficult it's getting to be to leave the country, and it's vital that I be able to do so freely. Numerous lives depend on it."

His thoughts were carefully concealed as he matched his pace to hers, his face giving nothing away as he considered her request. Jasper was silent for a long time, and Alice began to grow worried that he'd deny her altogether. She was preparing arguments in her head should he try when he finally spoke.

"Give me one reason why you need it," he spoke quietly, coming to a standstill. There was no one else in the immediate vicinity and a tree blocked them from view should anyone pass by. He searched her eyes intently, though for what she didn't know.

"It's not just one reason, Jasper. It's a million and one of them… and their time is running out with every passing day."

"What do you mean?" he asked, his attention piqued by the fervency, the deep conviction, in her voice.

"The children, Jasper. It's for the children. Do you have any idea how many little ones stand to lose their lives just because of the blood that runs through their veins if we can't get them out? I've made trips across the border with several already, but it's getting more dangerous all the time.

"You have the ability to get me the papers and the identification that will make it easier, I know you do. I'm aware that I can't pay you for what they're worth, but I'm begging you to do it for them… for all the little lives that are helpless apart from us."

Jasper's eyes as they searched hers were unreadable… inscrutable. For one terrible moment, she thought once again he might turn her down. But he didn't.

After a long silence, he nodded once slowly. "Meet me back here in a week. I'll have what you need."

She nodded, a sigh of relief passing her lips. "A week. I'll be here."

A smile tilted his lips as he took her hand in his. This time, he didn't kiss her fingers or the back of her hand… this time his lips brushed the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. Tingles spread over the tender flesh, rushing up her arm at the unexpected caress.

"Until then, Alice," he breathed against her skin.

The week passed slowly for Alice, but pass it did, and finally she found herself standing in the same place watching Jasper stride towards her again as night fell like a curtain around them. His face was set with determination as he reached her.

Alice sighed with relief when he passed a small package into her hands. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me," her words flowed quickly to the man standing silent and stiff in front of her. "I wish there was some way to repay you for your efforts…" she began, but his voice finally cut off her words.

"There is one thing you can do, Alice."

She felt her heart lurch at hearing his voice caress her name as it did. Her eyes searched his in the moonlight. "Tell me."

"You have another trip planned soon?"

"Yes," Alice nodded, "I have arrangements to leave the day after tomorrow."

His eyes caught hers and held them. "Let me come with you."

"What?" she stammered in surprise. Of all the things he might have requested from her, that was something she never would have expected.

He removed his cap and ran a restless hand through his hair. His voice was barely audible when he spoke, and Alice had to strain to hear.

"I have certain valuables that I need to get out of the country and into the hands of the Allies. If you were willing to allow me to go with you, if you would help me, I think it would be a much easier transaction to make."

"What kind of valuables?"

"A great variety of gems that can be used for food, medicine, and supplies for the Allied troops." Again, his voice was so low that she had to lean in to make them out. "I've already spoken with contacts in the Underground and they've agreed to see that they make it where they need to go if I can get them out of the country. That's where I need your help."

Alice nodded, needing no further prompting than that. "What do you want me to do?"

Two days later, she stood at the train station with Jasper, a little girl clasping her hand, an infant cradled in her arms, and hundreds of tiny gems sewn into the seams of her clothes. She knew Jasper had probably more even than she hidden in his garments. Alice couldn't even bring herself to think about how much they were worth… or what would happen if they were found out.

She focused instead on the little ones holding so tightly to her. Sara was lovely little girl with glossy brown ringlets and bright brown eyes who had turned five years old just two weeks before. She'd said barely a word, but she clung tightly to Alice's hand as they boarded the train, her wide eyes taking everything in.

Her little brother, Conrad, slept heavily, held closely in Alice's other arm. He was a sturdy little boy, little more than a year old. Alice almost wanted to chuckle at the soft snores that passed his lips. He'd been given just enough cough syrup in his milk earlier to make him drowsy at least until they got settled on the train.

A child that young couldn't possibly understand the charade they were playing, and it would only arouse suspicion and draw attention to them if he was crying for his mother when his "mother" was holding him. It was much safer to let him sleep for most of the trip.

Alice shifted the little boy in her arms, catching sight of the ring that graced her left hand as she did so. To add yet more credibility to their story that they were a young family traveling to the Alps for a vacation, Jasper had presented her with a small gold band… a wedding ring. She had smiled and thanked him and slipped it onto her finger. She wouldn't admit, even to herself, how very much she liked seeing it there.

They'd passed through inspection easily, their bags hadn't been searched and few questions had been asked. They'd been ushered onto the train quickly and without fanfare. Alice breathed a sigh of relief as they took their seats. The danger was far from over, but at least they'd passed the largest hurdle without being discovered. She could breathe a little easier now.

She truly believed though that it was Jasper's influence that had prompted the ease of their boarding. He wasn't wearing his uniform now, of course – he was trying to go unrecognized – but even without it he carried himself as a man with authority… a man accustomed to being obeyed. People seemed to react subconsciously to that – a fact that Alice was infinitely grateful for.

Jasper gestured for Alice to sit once they'd reached their private compartment and she did so, both children nestled against her. Alice's eyes followed him as he stowed away their bags, fascinated by the sight of him in plain, civilian clothing. She'd never seen him without his uniform before… and she decided she liked him much better without it.

Almost as fascinating to her as civilian Jasper was his ring on her hand. It caught the light every time she rubbed up and down Conrad's little back. As the train began to move, the countryside passing them by outside the windows, Alice permitted herself to dream about what it might be like were this not an act… if the children were theirs… if they were a normal family as they claimed setting out on a holiday together rather than two people fighting their on their own individual war fronts, smuggling children over the border and away from certain death.

Conrad slept soundly for hours, draped over Alice's chest with his head resting on her shoulder. And, in the quietness of the cabin as the daylight faded away, Alice was privileged to a glimpse of the man she had to admit that she was growing to love that she'd never imagined before.

Once he'd gotten settled on the seat beside Alice, he had coaxed Sara onto his lap. For hours, he'd entertained her with stories, pointing out scenery outside as it passed, finding little games to play to pass the time for her. He never seemed to grow tired of it, and when he finally managed to coax Sara to talk to him, and even to giggle at the silly things he said, he seemed to consider it a victory of sorts.

Alice had to smile to herself at seeing the shy, darting glances the little girl shot in Jasper's direction. His charm wasn't confined to grown women apparently. Sara was quite enamored with him.

Eventually, the strain of the day and the rocking of the train lulled the little one to sleep. Her head lolled back onto Jasper's chest, her eyes sliding shut. For several moments, Jasper just held her, gently brushing her hair from her forehead, rocking her to the motion of the train. Finally, he shifted her carefully in his arms, cradling her head with his hand. He laid her on the bench opposite them, slipping off his coat and draping it over her as a blanket.

Alice said nothing for a while, though hundreds of questions raced through her mind. It wasn't until he finally seemed to find his way out of his thoughts that she spoke.

"You seem like you have experience with that," Alice said as he glanced at her with a smile toying at his lips.

"What do you mean?" he asked, keeping his voice low so the sleeping children wouldn't be disturbed.

"You're good with children. I must say I didn't expect that from you," she said candidly. "Might have been the uniform that threw me off," she teased.

He grinned, shrugging off her compliment. "She's a sweet girl. It wasn't hard."

His eyes held hers, the swaying of the train making their shoulders brush together. A sense of quiet intimacy filled the cabin in the fading light of twilight.

"Tell me your story, Alice," he requested in a hushed voice, breaking through the haze that had taken over her mind as she'd stared so closely into his eyes.

"What?" she asked, confused and a little dazed. His close proximity always had that effect on her.

"Your story," he urged again. "We all have one, and I'd like to hear yours. I'm curious. You're a mystery, Alice… a beautiful, fascinating mystery. I'd like the chance to understand you a little more."

She ducked her head, embarrassed by his frank assessment. "I don't really think there's anything of a mystery about me, but I'll tell you if you want." At his nod, she took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts to begin.

"I was born in Vienna; I've lived there all my life. My father was a musician. He played first violin in the Austrian Philharmonic Orchestra. The music was in his blood. Most of my earliest memories are of sitting at his feet as he rehearsed. I woke to the sound of his violin in the morning and fell asleep to it at night. The only thing in life he loved more than his music was his family… my mother and me," her voice grew distant, her eyes faraway as the memories resurfaced.

"My mother was a very gentle woman, quiet and soft spoken. I never heard her raise her voice to anyone. She was one of the most giving and selfless people I've ever known. She was always rather frail and delicate, and, looking back, I think that was why my father doted on her so much.

"When I was eight years old, she got sick. The doctors never could figure out what was wrong. They tried medicine after medicine, but nothing helped. My father and I watched her fade away right before our eyes. She died that next summer."

Alice's voice broke, tears clouding her eyes as she lived through that loss all over again. No matter how much time had passed, that was an ache she knew would never go away. She felt a strong hand press against hers, squeezing her fingers as Jasper offered what silent support he could.

Alice cleared her throat, wiping away the tears that escaped from her eyes as she continued with a trembling voice. "My father was devastated. He threw himself into his music like never before. He tried to make life as normal as possible for my sake, but I knew better. I only had to look at his eyes to know that nothing was the same.

"But the summer that I turned twelve, he met Helene. Her father took over as conductor of the orchestra, and she came with him to keep his house. Her husband had been killed in an accident a few years before, so I think she related to my father on some level – they understood each other's loss as only someone who has been there could.

"They fell in love and were married a year later. I would have loved her for no other reason than she made my father happy again. She made him smile. But I had to love her for her own sake as well. She was lovely, inside and out.

"Catharine was born two years later. She was the happiest baby and so sweet, but as she grew older, we could see that Catharine's mind didn't work quite like ours. We said she was special, that she talked to angels, but the Nazis said she was handicapped and a disgrace.

"They came to our home and took her away – to an institution, or so they told us. No amount of crying and pleading on my father's or Helene's part did any good. Helene was carrying another child at the time, and because she'd had one child with a 'handicap,' they took her too. They took her to the hospital and killed her unborn baby. She died of complications three days later.

"My father went mad with grief. He stormed the hospital with a gun when he found out. He shot two people before they shot him." Jasper said nothing, only held her hand, as she took a moment to compose herself, fighting back the grief that was still so fresh despite the years.

When she'd composed herself again, she took a deep breath and continued. "It was after that I was taken in by Carlisle and Esme. They became my foster family, I suppose you could say. They gave me a home and some semblance of stability when my world came crashing in around me. They gave me the option of staying in Austria with them or escaping from the country. German control was growing heavier all the time, and they knew it wouldn't be safe for me if the Nazis ever found out who I was." Alice felt a hand touch her face, wiping at the tracks of tears that had slipped from her eyes.

Jasper's face was twisted in pain as he felt her heartache through her words and her tears. He regretted that he'd caused her grief to resurface by asking, but he was grateful for the glimpse inside her mind – of the events that had made her the person she was. He'd thought he couldn't admire or respect her any more than he already had. He was wrong.

"I knew then that I could either run and hide, or I could stay and fight," Alice continued, a hint of steel returning to her eyes. "I could leave and not look back, or I could do everything in my power to hinder them, to slow them down. I can't stop them, but for every life that I help escape their grasp, I consider it a victory. I couldn't do anything to save Catharine or Helene and her unborn child, but so help me I'll do everything I can to keep as many children as possible from suffering that same fate."

Jasper had been silent throughout her story and he remained so now for the space of several breaths, regarding her with a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite decipher. Gently, he cupped her cheek in his hand. "You're an amazing woman, Alice," he breathed so softly she almost didn't hear. "Few people have the strength you've shown. You make me ashamed of myself."

She ducked her head, embarrassed, not knowing what to say. But inside, she was warmed by his compliment. His opinion mattered to her… perhaps too much.

The silence stretched on between them before he finally spoke again. "You must be tired. Here," he held out his arms, "let me take him for a while." Alice shifted, carefully transferring Conrad to Jasper's waiting arms.

Alice stretched as much as she could in the small space, flexing her arms. Just as Jasper had suspected, they felt rubbery and exhausted from holding the infant for so long. He was a sturdy little boy.

She settled back down, resting her head on the back of her seat as Jasper cradled the sleeping child against his chest. "You can sleep for a while, Alice," he told her quietly. "I'll stay awake."

Alice didn't notice exactly when she drifted off, but, when she woke, her head was resting quite comfortably on Jasper's shoulder, his arm draped around her. She nuzzled her face into the rough fabric of his coat, breathing in his scent.

Through the haze of sleep, she realized that even with the danger they were in, even with the different courses their lives were taking, waking up next to him, enveloped in his warmth, she felt more relaxed and more content than she had since she'd lost her family.

It felt right. It felt like home.

When their train reached its destination, Jasper, Alice, and the children were greeted by Otto who was waiting for them with his buggy. Alice, having worked with him on several occasions, greeted him warmly with a hug. He was an older man, his hair mostly gray by now, but he and his wife Marta were very dear to Alice. They cared for the safety of these children with the same zeal Alice herself possessed. She found in them kindred spirits working towards the same goal.

As they rode up further into the mountain, Alice felt a sense of peace enveloping her. There was just something about the majesty of the snow covered Alps, the vivid green of the rolling grass and the tall trees. She could almost make herself believe that she'd entered another world altogether… one the war couldn't taint with its cruel touch.

Marta was waiting at the door for them when she heard the sleigh pull up in front of the house. She greeted Alice and the children like prodigals returning home, enveloping them in a warm, motherly embrace. Like a mother hen, she gathered them all together and bustled them into the house, welcoming them with bread still warm from the oven and fresh, cold milk.

Alice watched as the tranquility of the mountain and the homey atmosphere worked its magic on the travel weary children. The lines of strain faded away, the cold, quiet fear fading from their young eyes. Marta settled the four of them in their rooms, leaving them to rest from their travel and wash up. Alice settled into the cozy warmth of the feather bed with the children surrounding her on either side and promptly fell asleep. Her eyes were much too heavy to stay open.

She awoke, refreshed, a full two hours later to the sound of Conrad's happy babbling beside her. After changing his soiled diaper, she put him on her hip and carried him back down the stairs. Sara was already down there, helping Marta knead her bread.

"Such a good helper you are, little one," Marta praised the little girl, running her hand over her hair, tied back in braids on either side of her face. "But why don't you take your brother and go outside now, hmm? See if you can find some wildflowers to put on the table."

Alice set Conrad down and watched the two little ones scamper, hand in hand, outside where Marta's daughter watched over them.

"So precious," Marta came to stand beside Alice at the window.

"Yes, they are," Alice agreed softly, watching them run and play outside, bright eyed and rosy cheeked already, gathering the vibrant wildflowers in their arms. She caught sight of Jasper in the distance as well, helping Otto and his boys in the barn with their chores. The wind ruffled his hair, and, even with the distance, Alice could see that he appeared more relaxed than she'd ever seen him before. The lines of stress had melted away for the moment.

Just for now, Alice permitted herself to continue her daydream from the train that this was their home… that they had no other responsibilities, no wartime demands waiting for them upon their return.

"The mountain has a way of working its magic on everyone, doesn't it?" Marta asked with a smile.

"It really does. It almost feels like a completely different world up here. It feels safe. I'd almost forgotten what that was like."

Marta's face filled with sympathy as she reached out to stroke her cheek in a motherly fashion. "You have three days before your train leaves for Vienna again," she told her, smiling gently. "You will stay with us and rest. You've earned it."

"Thank you," Alice breathed out. "Now, what can I do to help with dinner?"

That evening, working side by side in the kitchen with Marta, Alice realized a dream she'd not known that she had. She'd dedicated her life to the resistance, fighting in the war the only way she could, and she'd long since prepared herself to give up her life for it should she ever be discovered. She'd never truly allowed herself to dream what it might be like to have a normal life… to have a family of her own, the safe haven of a home untouched by war.

But just for tonight, she permitted herself to indulge in that dream. She let herself imagine building a life and a home that included a husband and children, safety and normalcy. She allowed herself to dream that her home was with Jasper, that it was his golden haired children toddling at her feet.

She imagined quiet family dinners, evenings spent around the hearth. Jasper reading stories to their children as their eyes drifted shut in sleep, tucking them safely in their beds. She imagined crawling into bed alongside him, loving him in the quietness of the night… waking next to him with the rising of the sun.

Her eyes, laden with longing, watched him as he came in from the barn. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, dirt smudged on his cheeks and his bared forearms. She had to force herself to look away as he washed up, lathering the soap suds over his arms. The rippling of muscle with his every movement was suddenly entrancing.

She would have been mortified had he known the direction of her thoughts, the tension that knotted in her innermost being. Her eyes were constantly drawn to him. Yet every time she glanced his way it was to find his eyes already turned towards her.

He watched her with an expression she couldn't quite put a name to. It was the same inscrutable look he'd regarded her with since she'd told him her story on the train… admiration, perhaps… and longing. She was almost certain she saw her own desire reflected in his eyes.

When darkness fell and everyone had retired to their rooms for the night, she sat on the edge of her bed, in a velvet cocoon of quietness, stroking the brush through her hair. She'd long since worked through all her tangles, but the repetitive stroking was soothing. She was much too anxious inside for sleep.

Jasper was in the very next room, separated from her by only a thin wall… only he wasn't sleeping either. She could hear him stirring around, knew he was still awake. And she wondered if his thoughts bore any shadow of resemblance to hers.

She longed to go to him, to lay in his arms just for tonight… to touch him… to be touched by him… to satisfy the desires that had been building since the very first time she'd seen him walking towards her.

If she didn't, if she gave in to reason instead of to her heart, would she ever have the chance again? Somehow she doubted it.

Still wavering inside, she stood, her feet carrying her almost of their own volition to the door. Butterflies danced in her stomach as her hand rested on the door knob, waiting for her mind to catch up to her body.

Reason said to turn around, to go back to her own bed and forget this insanity. But her heart and her body wouldn't listen.

Her entire body hummed with breathless desire as her mind conjured up images of slipping into his room, sliding between the blankets with him… her limbs tangling with his.

It was quiet in his room now… she couldn't hear any sound from his side of the wall. Was he sleeping? Would he be startled if she woke him with her lips on his?

Or, maybe, just maybe, could he possibly be lying there awake… expecting her? Could he possibly want her with the same desperate yearning she felt for him?

Her heart thudded wildly in her chest like she'd been running a race. She could feel her body trembling in anticipation… in indecision.

But in the end, it wasn't her decision to make alone.

Knuckles tapped lightly outside her door, so quietly that, had she been sleeping, she never would have heard. Placing her hand over her heart, trying to calm its rapid thrumming, she took a deep breath and opened her door.

Jasper was standing there, still in his trousers and blue shirt from dinner. His shirt was untucked, the top three buttons open, revealing the muscled lines of his chest. His hair was mussed, his eyes deep and intent as they locked with hers. Her breath caught at the expression simmering there. There was no mistaking the desire harbored there… not this time.

Taking her lower lip between her teeth, she stepped back, allowing him into the room. He shut the door quietly behind him, his eyes drifting over her form. She was very aware that only a thin nightgown hid her from his view… and she knew the silky gown did nothing to hide her body's current state of desire, nor the effect that his presence had on her.

What she didn't know was what an incredibly alluring picture she made to the man standing before her. She didn't know that her hair shone a deep chestnut brown, tumbling down her shoulders, begging him to run his fingers through the glossy strands. She didn't know that the glow from the fire burning in the hearth made her skin glow or that desire had flushed her cheeks a rosy pink. She didn't know that her lips were red and moist from worrying them with her teeth.

She didn't know how desperately he wanted to slide that thin white gown from her slender body, revealing her curves for his hands and eyes to learn.

With slow, tentative steps he covered the distance between them, his eyes never leaving hers. He held her gaze, his eyes stormy and deep, as he raised his hands to cup her face between his palms. His hands were rough and calloused, tenderly abrading her skin as he stroked against her cheekbones, but warm and so gentle.

The heady scent of his cologne made her head swim as he drew nearer… slowly, so slowly. He gave her more than enough time to protest should she want to, but she didn't. Instead, she stepped forward, into his warmth, as she leaned into him.

Heat pooled in her stomach as his lips brushed against hers lightly, as if learning their feel. The same currents of electricity that she felt every time she touched him ignited under her skin. Her hands went to his waist as his lips parted slightly, kissing first her upper lip and then the lower. She could feel the heat of his skin radiating through the fabric of his shirt, and she longed to slide her hands underneath, to be rid of the barrier that hid the flesh beneath her hands.

His hands moved from her face to stroke the glossy strands of her hair, tracing the soft skin of her neck. She trembled when his finger traced her collar bone, dipping into the hollow of her throat before drifting over her shoulders. His hands slid down her arms, wrapping around her waist to draw her nearer.

His lips became more seeking against hers, pressing harder than before, and she welcomed it. She leaned into him, parting her lips for the gentle probe of his tongue. A shiver snaked itself up her spine as she felt the moist heat tracing her lips, dipping inside. Tentatively, her tongue searched for his, stroking him deeper into the heat of her mouth.

Neither had any concept of the passing of time as they stood there, the only sounds the crackling of the logs in the hearth and their own unsteady breathing as a different kind of fire altogether was smoldering into flame, their bodies meshing together… softness meeting firm, unyielding flesh.

Much too soon for Alice's liking, he pulled away. But on some inner level, she was pleased to see that his breathing was just as ragged as hers, his lips swollen from their kisses, his eyes hooded and intense.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." His voice was raspy and thick with desire. "No, actually that's not entirely true…" he confessed, ducking his head slightly. "I've been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you."

Alice's breath left her body in a rush. "You have? Really?"

"Yes, really." One corner of his mouth turned up in a smile that seemed slightly sheepish. "I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you sitting there in the café that day. I took one look at you, and, somehow, I felt like I already knew you. And then I find out that, not only are you beautiful, you're even more amazing on the inside. I'm still not quite convinced that you're real… I almost think I've imagined you all this time."

Alice felt a blush stain her cheeks at his words. "I've thought the same thing about you… many times," she admitted quietly.

She could feel the vibrations from his chuckle as closely as she stood against him. "You think I'm beautiful?" he teased, leaning his forehead against hers, attempting to lighten the mood slightly.

"You know you are," she said, clasping her arms just a little bit tighter around him.

This close to him, she could see the darkening of his eyes, a window to his desire. His lips found hers again, his hand curving against the small of her back, burning through the silky fabric of her nightgown. Heat flared between them as their bodies melded together like two halves of a whole.

Separated by only two thin barriers, her heart pounded against his chest, her breasts aching, their tips tightening as he pressed her as closely as he could. And yet not close enough.

He could feel the reaction of her body to their embrace, and it drove nearly all rational thought from his mind. She was warm and soft in his arms, so responsive to his touch. It was heady and thrilling and he wanted so much more. Her body told him she did as well.

"Where were you going earlier?" he asked, nipping lightly at her lips.

It took all her effort to find coherent thought, scattered as they were by his closeness and his intoxicating touch.

"You know… where I was going," she gasped as his lips trailed over her jaw, finding with deadly accuracy the sensitive hollow behind her ear.

"Tell me to stop, Alice, and I'll stop," he breathed into her ear. She shivered at the sensation, moaning breathlessly as he kissed a warm, moist path down her neck.

Alice could barely breathe as she arched her neck, offering him better access, feeling fire course through her veins at his every touch. "Don't stop," she whispered. "Please don't stop."

That was all he needed to hear.

His mouth sought hers with a new kind of urgency, his hands roaming over her back and her sides, feeling the softness of her flesh beneath the silky fabric of her gown. But even that thin barrier was too much. It was in his way.

Not breaking their kiss, he led her towards the bed, not stopping until her knees bumped into the mattress. Once there, she let him lower her down, offering no protest when he followed her onto the bed, kneeling over her.

Alice couldn't think, she could only feel as his hands caressed her over her nightgown, teasing at her breasts, becoming bolder at her moans of pleasure. She arched up into his touch as he cupped the weight of her breasts in his palms. They moaned in unison as he teased the tender flesh, pinching the tips lightly between his fingers. Lightning bolts of pleasure darted from her breasts to the aching flesh between her legs.

Her hands went to the opening in his shirt, desperate to feel the warmth of flesh under her hands, to attempt to make him feel even a fraction of the pleasure he was drawing from her. Trembling hands worked the buttons from their holes, revealing the muscled planes of his chest. Never taking his lips from hers, he helped her shed his shirt, dropping it heedlessly to the floor.

Her hands eagerly explored the contours of his chest, his abdomen, his back. His skin was warm and smooth against her searching touch, the light dusting of hair on his chest tickling her fingertips, the ridges of his spine and his ribs a fascinating study.

She didn't think to try to stop him when he reached for her buttons next. His fingers grazed each inch of newly revealed skin as he released them, his touch so much more intense without the hindrance of fabric between them.

He took his time, exploring her as she did with him, their hands racing over heated flesh, finding and discovering the difference between hard and soft, man and woman. Their clothes were tossed recklessly aside as the fire burned higher and higher, brighter and brighter, between them.

The room was filled with a chorus of breathless moans, gasps of pleasure, and groans as the pleasure became too much to bear. Finally, when their desire reached heights neither had ever dreamed of before – when they could wait no longer – he reached between them and slowly, with infinite care, joined his body with hers.

Long into the night they loved each other, unable to find a point where they'd had enough. Finally, when their bodies were exhausted, they collapsed in a tangle of limbs, both coated with a thin sheen of sweat, their lungs panting for air.

Jasper pulled her onto his chest, holding her until they both caught their breath. Even though they were both spent, his hand was drawn to caress the satin skin of her back, unable to stop touching her even now. He smiled when he felt her contented sigh against his chest, her lips pressing softly to the place where his heart beat.

For a long time, they simply lay there quietly, basking in the glow that enveloped them after their lovemaking, each of them lost to their own thoughts. When Jasper finally spoke, the directions of those thoughts left Alice all but speechless.

"Marry me," he said unexpectedly, breaking their contented silence.

"What?" she pulled back in surprise. "Why? I mean… I wasn't expecting that. I didn't mean… I'm not…" She ducked her head, embarrassed by her flustered response and mortified when he barked out a laugh.

He tucked his fingers under her chin, lifting her face again and brushing a kiss to the corner of her lips. Reaching for her hand, he traced her fingers, raising them to kiss each of them as well. "Shall I list the reasons why?" he asked, his voice low and silky, caressing every last nerve ending in her body.

"First," he traced the length of her forefinger, "I absolutely adore you. I've never met anyone like you before, Alice, with your strength, your courage, your passion, and your conviction. You are a rare and wonderful kind of woman. As breathtakingly beautiful as you are on the outside, your heart is even more lovely.

"Second," he traced her middle finger, "you remind me once again of why I'm fighting. It's easy to get discouraged, to see how little I truly accomplish compared to what still remains to be done. It's so easy to grow weary, thinking that I'm fighting a battle that no one ever sees. And it's so terribly easy to become oppressed by the evil that surrounds me every day. But, when I'm with you, I'm reminded that goodness does still exist. I remember that I can't save everyone. But I can still try. I remember that my effort isn't in vain.

"And thirdly," he traced her ring finger, lingering on the gold band that she still wore, "you remind me of how precious life is… and not only precious, but how incredibly fragile. We aren't guaranteed a tomorrow, or even the next hour… not even our next breath. All we have is this moment. You've made me see how important it is to live the days we're given so that we have no regrets. We have to seize the moment we're in because we might not have another."

He took their joined hands and placed them over his heart. "I don't know what the future might hold, Alice, but one thing I do know, whatever my future brings, I want to spend the rest of it with you."

Alice's eyes slid shut as tears escaped, trailing a warm, salty path down her cheeks. She laid her head against his chest, hearing the steady, even beating of his heart – her own personal lullaby – as his fingers stroked through the waves of her hair.

"Yes," she whispered, placing a tender kiss to the warm skin of his chest.

Jasper framed her face in his hands, making her look at him, searching her eyes to ensure that he hadn't dreamt her response. "Yes?"

She nodded. "I love you," she whispered with trembling voice, "I have from the very start. I've dreamed about what it might be like to hear those words from you, but I never actually thought…"

His lips cut off her words, fervent and hungry, as his hands tangled in her hair. When he pulled back, his entire face was alight with the brilliance of his smile… a smile that Alice couldn't help responding to. His mouth found hers again, speaking without words what was in his heart… and that was a language that Alice understood completely.

The next morning, they slipped into town and were married in a quiet ceremony. There was no fanfare, no celebration, no guests to rejoice with them. It was simply a legal binding and recognition of the bond that already existed.

For two days, they stayed wrapped in their perfect little bubble, able to pretend that this life was their reality. But as they boarded the train back to Vienna, they knew that it wasn't. The children were safe and the jewels were being distributed to their destinations. Their work was done, and now it was time to return to their individual war fronts.

Before they departed the train, he kissed her, reminding her once again that he loved her… no matter what… that they'd find ways to be together again. He presented her with a simple gold chain for her to wear her ring so that it was hidden from view but still on her person, resting against her heart.

It was almost like tearing off her own flesh to part from him, but she had no choice. When she returned home, her family could tell that something wasn't right, but they didn't press for answers. And she didn't give any. Just for now, she wanted to keep her relationship with Jasper just between the two of them.

And she knew as well, that it would be absolutely disastrous for Jasper if it became known that he'd taken a wife from a family that his Fatherland had deemed a disgrace and necessary to destroy.

They tried to find time to be together, but their stolen moments were few and far between… and much, much too brief. Her heart ached without him. Each morning, she awoke to find her pillow dampened with her tears, her hand reaching out only to find the space beside her empty.

For three months, she kept her secret before she simply had to take her mother-figure into her confidence. She knew Esme was terribly troubled at seeing her so upset, and she desperately needed a shoulder to lean on. To her great relief, her family was supportive of her marriage and even helped to facilitate her meetings with Jasper whenever they could.

It wasn't often that he could make his way to her home, and too dangerous for him to attempt frequently – they couldn't afford to have suspicions aroused – but he did try.

As the months passed, the iron fist of German control tightened more and more. Alice's trips over the border became less and less frequent until she finally had to stop altogether or risk discovery. Before Jasper's arrival in her life, she wouldn't have given it a second thought, she could afford to be reckless. But now she had him to consider as well. And she wouldn't do that to him, not if she could avoid it. Jasper pleaded with her to get out of Austria while she still could, but she refused. She was going to stay with him as long as she possibly could.

Jasper was promoted yet again, rising from Major to Colonel. With the added responsibility of his new position and the increasing danger of discovery, their stolen moments together grew further and further apart.

Alice watched the strain of living under such close scrutiny wearing on him. She noticed he'd begun to lose weight, lines of stress and worry etching themselves around his eyes and his mouth.

Holding him in her arms, she watched him as he slept, content to simply lie with him for now. She knew he'd be upset with himself when he woke. He never wanted to waste what little time they had together by sleeping, but she knew he needed it. She doubted that he slept much anymore when he wasn't with her.

With a gently caressing finger, she traced the deep circles under his eyes. She stroked along the length of his spine as he lay with his head pillowed on her breast. She counted each of his deep, even breaths as they fanned over her chest, each slow steady beat of his heart… still her favorite lullaby.

In sleep was the only time she ever saw true peace on his features now. She was growing worried. It was common knowledge in his division that there was a traitor, but they didn't yet know who it was. Jasper was toeing the line and being as cautious as he could, but they couldn't help but wonder how much longer he had… how much longer any of them had for that matter.

It was only a matter of time.

But little did they know how short their time truly was.

Only days later, Alice was putting her folded clothes away in her drawers after doing laundry all day. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the loud bang of the door being thrown open downstairs. A familiar surge of adrenaline immediately shot through her body as she dropped her clean clothes on the floor, clutching at her chest in attempt to calm her racing heart.

She'd lived on the edge of danger for too long, come too close to being discovered too many times. Her body prepared itself for fight or flight, her heart pounding a rapid tattoo in her chest.

Footsteps pounded fierce and heavy in the front of the house, and a voice yelled frantically up the stairs – a voice she would recognize from any corner of the earth.

"Alice!" Jasper yelled with a note in his voice she'd never heard before. "Alice!"

Her body locked in place, her muscles freezing in terror for a split second before she was even able to make her feet move. She raced down the stairs, fear making her knees weak.

Jasper had always seemed unshakable to her, a stalwart soldier. She'd always imagined him the kind of man that could stand in front of a firing squad and not show fear, not lose the fight in his eyes. Never once had she seen, or even imagined, him afraid of anything… not until now.

Having heard Jasper's shouting, Edward ran in from the back, his own eyes wide and frantic, knowing immediately that something was terribly wrong. "What's going on?" his eyes darted back and forth between them, looking for answers.

Without even glancing at Edward, Jasper raced immediately to Alice's side and grasped her arms in his hands, turning her towards the direction of the tunnels. "They know," he said with a shaking voice. "They've found you. They're on their way. You have to get out. You both have to get out now."

"How did they find us?" Edward asked, falling into step with them as they raced down the stairs to the basement.

"It doesn't matter how. They know about at least three stations in the Underground that I'm aware of. There may be more. I threw them off as long as I could, but they'll be here any minute."

"My parents…" began Edward, panic written on his features, "they're in town."

"They're being intercepted before they leave the market," Jasper assured him. "One of our agents will take them into protective custody and get them out. They'll rejoin you once you get over the border.

"Do they know about you?" Alice asked, clutching tightly to his hand, terror melding into her very bones.

"If they don't now, they soon will." There was something in his voice that made bile rise in her throat. Fear made her stomach churn until she thought she would be sick. His resolve and resignation rang clear and unmistakable.

"Here," he said, reaching into the breast pocket of his coat with his free hand and pulling out an envelope, handing it to Edward "False identification and papers that should get you through the sentries to cross the border. You're getting out of Austria tonight."

It shouldn't have been possible for Alice's stomach to knot any more, but somehow it did. Tears burned her eyes as she struggled to find her voice. "What do you mean? You're coming with us." She hated the weakness in her voice, the trembling that made it difficult to speak – hated that it even came across as a question instead of the statement that she wanted it to be.

"I'll be right behind you, Alice. But I have to get you safely away first."

"You're lying to me." Tears choked her, clouding her vision. She knew he didn't mean it. If he didn't come now, there would be no following after later. He wouldn't be able to.

"I don't have a choice, Alice," his voice pleaded with her for understanding as he pulled aside the panel that hid their secret room. "There's too much here for them to find. People will die, and the Underground will be compromised. I can't let that happen if I can do anything to stop it."

"But – " she started to protest.

"Alice, there's no time," he said, his words laced heavily with a desperation she'd never heard from him before.

"Jasper, please – "

His lips abruptly cut off her desperate plea. His arms enveloped her tightly, betraying his own inner torment. She felt his heart thundering against her chest as she fisted her hands into his coat, forgetting their one-man audience as she responded to him with equal fervency, pouring every last measure of the love she felt for him into the joining of their lips.

They'd shared many kisses over the time they'd been together. But none like this before. This kiss tasted of goodbye. And they both knew it.

A single tear tracked down her cheek, slipping into the juncture of their lips before he pulled away. He'd tasted her tear… tasting her grief and taking it into his own body… even while his own heart was cracking in two.

In the dim light of the cellar, she could see the moisture shining in his eyes as he pushed her away, propelling her into the opening of the tunnel.

"Come with me, please," she begged one last time, clutching his hand as if it was her lifeline.

"I love you," he whispered in a voice strained taut with emotion. "No matter what happens, I'll always love you… more than my own life." The last words were spoken so low she almost thought she imagined them for a moment.

She felt a scream bubbling up inside when he tore his hand away from hers. The reality of their situation hit her with the force of a nuclear blast. Her body shook violently as he handed her off to Edward, pushing them farther in.

"Edward, take her please," he begged in a strangled voice. "Get her out of here. You have to go… now. Run!"

Jasper didn't wait any longer, closing the panel and sealing them inside. And run they did. Though her feet felt like they were chained to the ground, weighted with iron, she let Edward lead her along, propelling her through the darkness. They both knew passageway backwards and forwards, having passed through it countless times in the past.

Behind them, Jasper felt his heart drop to his feet as he slammed the panel to the passageway shut. His head fell forward, slamming against the wall as he fought with all his might against the tears that burned his eyes. "Don't look back," he breathed through gritted teeth, though he knew both Alice and Edward were long past the point of hearing.

He counted out the seconds, giving them as much time as he could to put a safe distance between them and the house. He had a plan, and he needed them to be well out of the way for it to work as it was intended to. In the distance, he thought he could hear the distinct wail of sirens, but it could have simply been the ringing in his own ears.

His fear was strong, but his determination was stronger. He knew what he had to do. And he knew the cost. But that cost was one he was willing to pay.

Finally, he knew he could safely wait no longer. He snatched out the bomb he'd had sequestered in his coat pocket. It was small and crude, but it would serve his purpose. He placed it in the middle of the cellar amid all the evidence that could tie them to the Underground and set the timer to detonate in two and a half minutes. That would hopefully buy him enough time to get out, and, if he was lucky, would give the approaching soldiers on his tail time enough to get in its range.

When everything was set, he ran back up to the ground level, hearing the sounds of the sirens growing louder and louder… closer and closer.

His heart thundered in his chest as he ran out the front door – in the opposite direction he'd sent Edward and Alice. He was determined to lead the soldiers away from them. He darted into the cover of the brush, hiding there, biding his time. He crouched as low to the ground as he could as the black car raced to the front of the house, coming to a screeching halt.

Five guards, dressed from head to toe in their black uniforms, jumped out of the car, guns cocked and ready as they stormed into the house, exactly as Jasper had hoped. He counted down the seconds after they disappeared inside, waiting… waiting.

Finally, with an explosion that could be heard for miles around, the house burst into flames, a billowing cloud of smoke pluming in the sky. Debris rained down around Jasper's head. With a sense of satisfaction, he noted that all five guards had been inside when it happened.

But this fight wasn't over yet. Not even close.

Another truck filled with soldiers came to a quick, grinding halt mere yards away from his hiding place. He heard orders being barked to comb the area and search for survivors. No one was to escape.

That was his cue.

With his gun cocked, he leapt from the cover of the bushes and opened fire. There was confusion at first as they all whirled around to discern the origin of the shots. His first two bullets found their mark as two of the seven soldiers immediately fell to the ground, their eyes wide open, yet seeing nothing. Death had claimed their sight.

Chaos ensued after that. Firing rapidly, blindly, Jasper led them in the opposite direction, away from Alice and Edward. Oddly enough, it was with a great sense of relief that he discovered that all five remaining were in pursuit of him. Surely by this time, Alice would have had enough of a head start to make it across the border to safety.

He had used himself as the bait to lure them away from her.

And they had taken it… just as he had hoped.

He heard them closing in on him, though he pushed his body to its limit, running faster than he ever had in his life. Bullets zinged through the air around him, whizzing past his ears.

It took a split second after one made impact to realize what had happened. He stumbled forward as a searing pain pierced his side. The force of it sent him falling to his knees.

Automatically, his hand flew to his injured side, covering the wound. Spots danced around his vision. He felt light-headed.

Dazed, he pulled his hand back. Bright red blood covered his fingers, dripping from his palm. His stomach churned. He glanced down to see blood oozing from his side, his jacket stained a deep, dark crimson.

Another blast ripped through his shoulder. He groaned from deep within, the cry torn from his lips. His limbs felt weighted now… weak… as his life's blood saturated the ground at his feet.

Vaguely, he was aware of the thundering sound of heavy boot-clad feet swarming in around him. He felt hands being laid on him, dragging him roughly to his feet. But his body refused to cooperate. Pain and blood loss made him woozy.

As the minutes passed, he felt detached from everything happening to him, as if he was observing at all from a distance. It all felt like something out of a nightmare. It felt surreal.

He could feel himself fading, his consciousness slowly slipping away.

He'd heard it said that when death was closing in, a man's life flashed before his eyes. But that wasn't the case for him. No deep, profound thoughts crossed his mind.

The only thing he saw as the darkness crept in was Alice's face flickering behind his eyelids.

A wave of love washed over his heart, deep and intense.

He knew no matter his fate, as long as she was safe, he had won.

With that one brief, triumphant thought, the world gradually faded away around him.

And the darkness closed in.