So, what can I say? I could say that I'm sorry I haven't update – I am- but that's not what I'm gonna say. What I am gonna say though, is that…

I'm sorry.

Simple. I have wanted to update since the last time I updated but every time I went to go write, something In me goes.. NO, HOMEWORK HAS TO BE DONE! OR REVISION!

Or… Anything , really. Yeah, it's annoying, but I know at the moment, school has to come first cause my exams are important.

However, I have about an…*looks at clock* about an hour and 10 minutes :P So, if I don't get this done now, I have no idea when it'll be up…. So yeah, let me start!

Before I do though, I have to say…This is the last chapter! Yeah, I was kinda looking back over the chapter and yeah, it's not very good, I understand :S but, it was my 2nd story and I hope I've gotten better.. maybe :)

So yeah, for the last, time PLEASE read, enjoy and REVIEW!

It may have looked like a scene out of a romantic movie and it may have been very corny. But right at that moment, he didn't care.

Because at that moment, he knew two things. He know what his life would be like if it didn't have Sonny in and he knew that no matter what would happen next, he HAD to talk to Sonny and somehow, he would have to convince her that it truly wasn't his fault.

It's not like he wanted to kiss Portlyn. He really didn't. Ever since she had joined that show and someone (he couldn't remember who) had pointed out she liked him, she had gone all crazy. Every minute of every day, every time he looked at her, she was there giving him 'cute' looks – they really weren't cute, they just scared him.

So it had to work with Sonny. No matter how dramatic it would should – even in his head- It was a matter of life and death. Or at least, for him it was. If he though, he would have to re-live his whole pathetic, loner-ish life, again - well he would just kill himself. And that just shows you how much he hated his old life. In fact, looking back now, he was surprised he hadn't already done it. And now he was glad he hadn't.

Now reaching the hall way that held Sonny's dressing room, he raced to the end, stopping just before the door. He took a deep breath, raised his hand and knocked on the door. It was only a few seconds before she replied, but to him, it felt like a life time- and he knew what that felt like.

"Come in" She Spoke quietly. The sadness in her voice was over whelming, it tore at his heart. And then, he was back at the wedding, the day she married Zac. -He still hated him. Even thinking his name made him feel sick. Thinking about it, remembering ever word she spoke as she told him to leave, it hurt him. But there, just as she told him to go, that same sadness was in her voice was there. He knew the sadness, it was one he tried not to show, he told himself that he was CDC and CDC doesn't show sadness. However, at times, when he was alone and when he could no longer hold back his emotions, the sadness in his voice came out – and that is where he knew it from. It was a sadness of past, of something gone wrong. He knew it all too well, it always showed in his voice after he had upset Sonny- he could always see it, even if no one else could.

He knew this meant only one thing. Sonny remembered. Maybe she didn't remember everything, but some parts.

When the door in front of him opened, and she stood there staring up at her, he knew he had zoned out. Quickly coming back to reality, he looked down at her, right at her eyes and he knew, he had never stopped loving her and by the small light in her eye, he knew she loved him to.

"I don't want to talk, Chad" She said, starting to close the door.

"No, Sonny, We need to talk"

"I saw everything, we really don't" Her eyes started to water.

"No, Sonny." He repeated "Weather you listen or not, I'm going to tell you everything"

She walked away from the door and into the room, collapsing onto her friend's chair. Chad followed her in, shutting the door behind him.

"Listen Sonny, I don't know what you saw, or at least, what you think you saw but it's not what you saw" He stopped, going though in his mind what he had just said to check it made sense.

Sonny signed.

"What am I meant to think, Chad? Please tell me because I just saw you kiss her and I don't know what to think"

"Well think- Well know this, Sonny." He cleared him mind and spoke from the heart, he didn't know what would come out, he didn't even know it would make sense, but it was all he had. "I love you Sonny. I know what you saw, but I don't even know what that was, you just have to believe me when I say, you are the only girl for me"

Yes it was corny and would probably ruin his reputation, but he didn't care anymore. He has seen his life and either way he ends up without a reputation. Either he loses it over moping or over the girl he loves. And he knew which one he would prefer.

"I love you Sonny" He said again.

Even without seeing it in her eyes, he knew she was fighting a mental battle. On one hand, she wanted so badly to believe him after all, she did love him. But she also couldn't get the image of them out she mind.

She didn't really know what she was doing, she was surprised when she stood up and when she walked over to him.

Even when she threw her arms around him neck and kissed him, she was surprised how much she missed his lips. She was equally surprised when they both pulled away, and gazing into each other's eyes, that she didn't regret a thing.

"Marry me Sonny?" Chad asked, looking into her deep, chocolate brown eyes.

It should of shocked her, she should of said no, after all, they was young, but for some reason, something in her – it felt like a distant memory, but she couldn't quite place it- was telling her to say yes, to take that jump because one day, one day it would lead to her happiness.

"Yes" She replied, smiling her 'Sonny smile' for the first time in a while.

Chad picked her up and spun her around, both of them smiling uncontrollable.

"I love you Sonny"

"I love you Chad"

They knew that one day, they would have to talk about what had happened, and they knew they would have to discuss their ages and marriage, but whether they got married tomorrow or in 5, 10 , 20 years time, it didn't matter because they would have each other and right now that's all they wanted.

Because with each other, they were going to have a great life, full of love and happiness.

Okay, yes, quite corny and fluffy, I know! But really cute, right?

I hope you liked it and I hope it was a good ending to an okay story :)

And remember… Massive thanks to 'Cheesefairytalelife' Because it was her story that started very thing else!

Please REVIEW, it is the last chapter :)

Thank you to everyone who has read this :D