I do not own Storm Hawks! Thanks still to angel on wings, The Alien of Pluto, YamiPluto and Mahou Shoujo Crystalic Katom for their reviews and encouragement!

On with the Story!

After spending the afternoon tossing around ideas, Dark Ace brought out the sandwiches and the Storm Hawks spent the time in mental exercises.

Dark Ace decided that the girls had a mean streak with all of the riddles that they tossed out. For a while, Dark Ace could keep up with the classic ones, but Aerrow could keep pace with the wordy ones, that actually looked for the letters inside the word, or to spell a new word.

Finn just wrote down the riddles.

Junko and Stork shared curious looks, and shrugged. If Finn wanted to sit out on the riddles, fine by them. Then it was time for the boys to ask riddles. They stopped and started several times, but all the riddles they knew had already been taken.

Finn finally spoke up.

"There's a beautiful village girl, and three men fighting for her attention. You make the fourth man. You all agree to a duel. There's a rope, a knife, a bag, and a whip. What weapon do you choose?"

The girls stared at him for a minute, and then fell to whispers.

Aerrow gave Finn a questioning glance. That wasn't a riddle that was a marker of who you were, and how creative you could be. When Finn had asked Aerrow that riddle long ago, Aerrow had said that he wouldn't attend the duel. He made the fourth man, there was no indication that he liked the girl, and he wouldn't fight for something he saw no cause to.

Finn had answered that we would take the bag to the duel. He didn't tell Aerrow what the bag was for.

Now the girls were arguing, and persuading each other. Finn gave them an amused look, and turned back to the list of riddles. Then he glanced at the watch.

"Not to hurry you ladies up, but we're due for bedtime before Nurse Ace gets cranky." Dark Ace fell out of his chair in horror. Then he glared at Finn. With a yelp, Finn ran off with Dark Ace chasing him.

"That's it! You can't keep a joke to yourself, can you!" Finn raced up the stairs to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. Dark Ace sat outside. The others looked at each other. Piper sighed.

"We would use the rope and trick the men into a pit, then tell the father that the girl has injured several men of repute in their courting, and leave."

"Wise choice, it punishes everyone except yourself." Stork nodded his approval. The girls bathed first, and went to bed. Aerrow, Junko, and Stork availed themselves to the girl's facilities with their permission and when they came out, Dark Ace was camping at the door to the men's room. They headed off to bed.

When everyone woke up the next day, everything was gone from yesterday. Instead, it looked like a knock-off from Terra Neon had replaced it.

Aerrow groaned. After Ayrgyrn's training, no one had ever wanted to go back to Terra Neon, which saved them a lot of Crystals, but Aerrow definitely didn't feel like telling Dark Ace that playing games was how they beat them and their Enhancing Crystals.

Master Cyclonis was pinching herself.

"You okay?" Piper asked, taking the hand that had been inflicting harm into her own.

"I've never been to a theme park before. Or is this an amusement park? I can't tell…" Master Cyclonis trailed off in a dazed voice.

"You've never been to a theme park before." Stork deadpanned. "Ever."

"It's not like I have time to goof off when I have a Terra to run and a war to fight, Storm Hawk." Cyclonis bit back.

"Aw, don't be like that. Stork is surprised, that's all. The way Finn goes on about it, you'd think it was a crime for no one to be able to go to a park." Junko blundered on, and Piper winced. She laced her fingers through Cyclonis'.

"It is a crime." Cyclonis darkly muttered to herself. "All this fun, and no one to share it with."

Aerrow straightened up. "All right, we have a mission. And that mission is to show Master Cyclonis how much fun these places can be. Dark Ace and Finn can catch up to us later. Let's get dressed and pack lunch, cause this place looks bigger than usual."

Only Piper felt the impulsive thrill of having a day to herself when Cyclonis squeezed her hand.

"Thank you." Master Cyclonis stated, then she dragged Piper away to change out of their pajamas and into their usual attire.

Finn felt a crick in his neck when he woke up. Dark Ace was muttering to himself, and there was a scratch of paper on pencil.

"Whatcha doin'?" Finn called through the door.

"An Amusement Park moved in last night, so I'm mapping what all I can see. Even the ceiling seems to have moved farther away."

"Mmmmhmmm." Finn stretched and worked the cracks out of his body.

"Finn, I won't hurt you. Excessively. I just was so surprised that you shot your mouth off like that, that I reacted without thinking. Will you please open the door?"

Finn rubbed his shoulder for a minute. "Fine, I wanted to see the park anyways." Finn opened the door, and Dark Ace headed straight for the loo.

Shaking his head, Finn looked out at the park. There was a Ferris Wheel near the back of the park, farthest away from them. There were six roller coasters, varying in height and length. In fact, one of them was a low ride obviously meant for children that dropped into a tunnel. There was a small food court, and a few concession stands scattered around.

Finn had a scary thought about a movie they had heard about, where eating spirit's food meant that the spirits would turn you into pigs and eat you. Finn checked for a bath house. No such thing. Guess that meant it was safe.

There were arcades also scattered around, and a few shooting galleries and skill games too. Then Finn looked the other way. More roller coasters and entrances to other attractions vanished into the distance. Finn ulped when he realized he couldn't see an entrance. Movement nearby alerted him to his friends.

"Hey, Finn! We found some brochures and a couple maps about this place! It's literally a couple hundred square feet! It even comes with hotels, and here's your key to your room, and a pass into the park. There was a notice that all expenses were paid, just try not to break anything, and if we see something and want it, just pay with this."

Cyclonis held up her hand that had a bracelet with a card charm on it. "This is weird and creepy, but I've never done anything like this before, so I'm taking the most advantage of it! Woohoo!"

Cyclonis bounced off to the restroom to find a hair band for Piper, and Dark Ace came out drying his hands.

"Was that….?"

"Apparently, it's her first time, and she's stoked. Dark Ace? Is everything okay? You just turned pale."

"Please don't ever phrase it like that ever again."

"Huh? Okay. Want to join them? They found actual maps."

Dark Ace nodded and headed out. He would have to set the laundry aside for another day. Master Cyclonis ran past them with her hair up in a ponytail. Finn blinked. Dark Ace blinked.

That…was a lot of neck for a skinny girl. She looked better with her hair down and the cowl of feathers up. But she had changed into her short cape and her usual attire to enjoy the park.

Finn slapped himself and headed after her. He had to double back and drag Dark Ace along. The poor man had turned to stone.

After deciding that the day belonged to Master Cyclonis, the Storm Hawks allowed her to take the lead and do whatever she wanted.

Up one side of the street they went, Master Cyclonis rushing through the gates and up to the roller coasters and attractions. They got a break when she ran into a show about classic monsters and where to find them (with snippets on how to escape). Finn explained how sitting in front of a roller coaster meant that you saw everything coming, but the far back of the coaster was the fastest place to be.

He also inserted that the exits were shorter than the entrance line, and both led to the same place, and since the park was for them, why not take the short cut?

Cyclonis had actually jumped around before running through the exit of the next ride and getting there faster.

Finn picked up his feet and kept up with the others. Radarr was excused, because none of the rides so far accommodated for someone of his size. Junko could squeeze into some, but a two person car was taken up by him completely. Stork had actually needed someone to peel him out of his seat before he relocated to the second row. He wanted to see his doom, but doomed was he if he actually flew out of his seat.

Aerrow, Piper, and Master Cyclonis were traditionally the ones in front, or in the first car.

Finn and Dark Ace rode in the back. Piper had teased them for being speed demons, and Dark Ace had teased her right back about needing to know.

The rest of the morning was passed in making their way to the Ferris Wheel, which was quickly becoming the point of orientation.

They finally rested in a food court, and ate some fruit and yogurt. Piper had taken one look at Junko eating the burgers and had some water with a grilled cheese sandwich with chicken strips. Dark Ace wandered around, waiting for his stomach to settle, and discreetly removed an oil painting to the trash.

Why did the Colonel keep popping up? He thought he had gotten rid of the painting two nights ago.

Oh well, one man's trash is another man's treasure, he supposed.

He couldn't stop his exclamation of surprise when he saw what was next to the painting.

"When were you, the ever up righteous Storm Hawks, Atmos's Most Wanted?" He slammed the paper on the table.

"That's a long story…" Aerrow trailed off, before sucking down some water. Never eat and talk with your mouth full.

"What happened?" Master Cyclonis picked up a french fry and watched them.

Aerrow and Piper looked at each other. Piper looked at Aerrow's half-eaten sandwich and her empty plate.

"Well, it started with Finn's crush interrupting a cook out on the Condor…"

"And it then Finn told Harrier, that if they let him have it for another ride, he would buff it right out!"

The Storm Hawks lazed around, with Dark Ace and Master Cyclonis laughing. Finn rolled his eyes.

"For something that old, it flew very well. Of course, I think I'm actually kinda jealous of that design. The only reason I haven't modified my own ride is because I couldn't mount a cross bow on that bi-wing ride. I'd have to do it manually, and couldn't account for any changes in the enemy flight pattern."

Dark Ace nodded. That was a sound reason.

"Okay, who's ready for the next ride?" Cyclonis stood up. Junko had cleared the tables and wiped them down while Piper talked.

It had taken over an hour to tell the Cyclonians what had happened, and now they lazily made their way back onto the street.
The next ride was a four person back to back car, with a gun mounted on front. Finn rubbed his hands and hopped right in.

The ride had a few levels to it, and Dark Ace was growling about how the gun jumped when it fired. Finn's didn't jump, but he seemed to have a trick to how he handled his.

Finn set the new high score, with Master Cyclonis and Stork taking second and third. Dark Ace sulked.

"Hey, we can do this again tomorrow if you want." Finn slung his arm over Dark Ace's shoulder. "You did very well for your first time."

Dark Ace smiled. Even though the Marksman had to stand on his toes to comfort him, he had.

"Thanks Finn. I would like some pointers next time."

Turned out, there were more rides like that, and other rides that were more for information than anything else. Dark Ace got better, but he never beat Finn when it came to the score.

Then they came to the Tunnel Of Love. All of the seats were for two people. The advisory noted that the ride was smooth and slow, with a notice for breaking down occasionally, and to remain seated.

Dark Ace refrained from all of the comments going through his head. Finn looked around. "Well, if Radarr joins us, that makes an even eight people, so no one goes through alone."

"Finn? Are you feeling okay?" Aerrow gave the blond a concerned look.

"It's dark in there! And in case you forgot, Gorge Madness." They way he added the last statement in a sing-song voice that he was known for when making an obvious point rang through the group.

"Triggering a relapse would be bad." Stork commented. "I vote myself for the task. I know the most, and I'm strong, so if Finn goes berserk, you'll know to run by the girly screams behind you."

Dark Ace and Finn glared at him. "It's for your own good, and you admitted it." Stork reminded him.

Radarr and Junko went first, in case anything broke, followed by Master Cyclonis and Piper, then Aerrow and Dark Ace, and lastly, Finn and Stork.

The pairings were based on mutual skill. Dark Ace and Aerrow seethed through the ride, while ahead of them, the ladies gushed over the romantic setting. The ride broke down.

"False alarm, guys. The ride's on a random timer to do that." Junko called through the loud speaker. "It's kinda funny, actually. And yes, I can see all of you. The cameras are like Stork's peepers, and- where's Finn?"

"He's cowering under the seat. The safety belt came off." Stork called out.

"Oh. What's he doing under the seat?"

"Finding a happy place." Stork stated in a blasé tone. "Can you get the ride going again?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

Dark Ace and Aerrow were glad for the dark spell that Junko accidentally triggered, because that meant a moment to listen and see if Stork was being a part of Finn's happy place. Aerrow decided that perhaps a talent show was in order. Dark Ace wished he knew what Merbs were terrified of, besides Bog Howlers.

After the creepy love ride, they found a country themed section of the park. There was a bull ride, and Stork rubbed his hands together.

"To the last I grapple with thee." He murmured, and headed for the mechanical bull.

"Either Finn triggered a relapse for Stork's Sky Shock from the Leviathan, or this is what Arygyrn trained him on." Piper murmured to Aerrow. The others watched, and Dark Ace remarked on if Stork could stay on for eight seconds.

Finn snorted.

"He's not coming off until he wants to, Dark Ace." Aerrow actually glowered at Stork. Piper slapped her hand over her face.

Why did Finn always get oblivious to people flirting with him! And why was Aerrow interested? Was it because she had paired up with Cyclonis at the tunnel, or when the roller coaster was a two seater? But Aerrow had been gracious to give her the front seat instead!

Cyclonis looked around. "Hey, Aerrow, what's that?" Piper looked over. Cyclonis was pointing at a lasso game. Aerrow walked over and started explaining, giving Piper and Cyclonis his full attention.

It wasn't his complete attention, but it was a start in the right direction.

Finn, Junko, and Dark Ace wandered off to watch Stork and play at a shooting gallery. The targets either moved or were smaller and stationary. Once Dark Ace figured out how to level the bead with the niche, he was fine at the game.

Finn still beat both of them by hitting all of the targets in under a minute.

Junko backed off as the competitive spirit started to burn between them. This could get ugly.

Stork, after wearing the bull out, wandered over to the lassoing game. After he lassoed a can by using his leg, Master Cyclonis and Piper decided to try the old fashioned hand way.

They sucked. But they kept at it until they accidentally got a prize. After writing down that the toys should be sent to their room, and watching the automatic delivery whisk it away, they turned to the shooting gallery. Finn was winning five to three.

Aerrow prayed that Finn wouldn't let Dark Ace win.

A/N: Should I let Dark Ace win, and find out later that he never had a chance of beating Finn? And I updated 12 and 13 in one day! Yay me! Now I have homework to do, but this was fun! I still have hiccups to use, but I would like more! Thanks for all of the support!