Just a little something for Valentine's Day.

Sticky Notes and Roses

After Derek dropped me off at home, it wasn't long before Tori came storming into the house demanding that we were leaving and getting our hair, nails and makeup done for our upcoming dates that night. I didn't make a peep as she flew to the other side of town, all the while ranting and raving about how amazing we had to look, and how I had to wear that baby blue dress that she had made me buy a few weeks ago.

"It will make your eyes pop!" she exclaimed with a smile on her face.

"But, aren't I supposed to wear red or pink? It is Valentine's Day…" I mumbled but Tori shook her head. "Who cares! It's all about looking good and that baby blue dress will make you look Amazing! Trust me! Derek won't be able to keep his hands off you!" She smirked at that last part, her eyebrow raised.

I felt my cheeks redden. "Thanks…" I muttered, and she laughed.

"Oh come on Chloe, ya'll have been together over a year now. Surely you've made it past first base!" She made a quick turn to the right and I had to grab the 'oh shit handle' to keep from jerking in my seat. Tori isn't exactly the 'safest' driver.

"We're here!" she exclaimed as she hit the brakes. I felt my stomach lurch for a second. "Awesome." I muttered as I climbed out of the car. I had to remember that from now on, when on outings with Tori, I was driving.

Two and a half hours later, Tori and I were almost complete. I had a French manicure and my makeup was light and just accented my eyes. My hair was curled and pulled back from my face. Tori had red tipped nails, a little darker eye shadow, and her hair was curled and hung around her face like a halo.

We paid the salon and jumped into the car. We were passing the mall when I remembered I hadn't gotten anything for Derek…

"Tori, can we stop in here for just a minute? I have to pick something up."

The tires screeched as Tori pulled into a spot. "No problem." She smiled and jumped out of the car.

The ride home was just as crazy, but before I knew it, I had said bye to Tori and was walking into the kitchen. I sighed as I closed the door safely behind me. Aunt Lauren was pouring herself a cup of tea.

"You look beautiful baby!" She smiled, and I smiled back.

"Thanks Aunt Lauren. How was work?" I asked. Aunt Lauren was working at the local hospital.

"It was good." She laughed. "But you better hurry, you only have thirty minutes until your date right?"

I nodded, and headed for the stairs. I was almost shocked to see my door closed and a pink sticky note stuck to it. I shouldn't have been though. Not after this day.

I won't be picking you up.

My mouth fell open just slightly. He won't be picking me up? What in the hell did he mean by that? I peeled the note off my door and walked into my room. I was yanking my phone from my pocket, fully intending to call him, when I noticed…everything…

My room was covered in rose petals. On my bed there was a long skinny black box, another pink sticky note stuck to it.

I won't be picking you up, because it's part of the surprise. So don't call me. Go to this address.

2467 Lake View Road #3

I starred at the note for a minute. I was driving myself? He did know that this was me we were talking about right? The girl who has no sense of direction? I rolled my eyes and opened the little black box. Inside was a beautiful bracelet. It was a silver chain with a little silver heart charm. Engraved on the heart was

V Day 2011- I Love U

I smiled as I slipped the bracelet on my wrist. It was beautiful. And inside the box, under the bracelet I had just put on, was another sticky note.

Your Aunt has the directions just in case.

I laughed at that one. He did know me! I glanced over at the clock 6:45. I was supposed to leave at seven! I set the box down and ran over to my closet, and pulled out the baby blue dress Tori had insisted that I should wear.

Fifteen minutes later, I stood in front of my mirror looking myself over. You know, dressing up, having your nails and hair and makeup done, you look good, but you also feel good. And right now, I felt amazing. I smiled at myself in the mirror and gathered up my items on my bed.

First I placed the key in my purse; I also placed a little black box inside as well, along with the directions I had gotten from Aunt Lauren. Then I tucked the blanket under one arm and the flashlight gripped in my hand.

Aunt Lauren smiled at me as I entered the kitchen. "You excited?" Aunt Lauren asked. She was dressed up as well. She had on a simple black dress with red heels.

"Yes. Where are you off to tonight?" I asked.

"Kit and I are going to grab some dinner." She smiled. I had to swallow a few times before I spoke.

"Kit?" I asked, and Aunt Lauren smiled.

"Is that okay?" she asked, she looked a little nervous now. I wonder if she and Kit had been dating long or if this was the first time…

"Yeah-h…" I stuttered. "Of course." Aunt Lauren deserved to be happy, and so did Kit.

"Well, you'd better get going baby. You don't want to be late." She smiled and kissed my cheek and ushered me out the door.

I followed the directions precisely. I double checked. But why, was I parked out front of an old, run down theatre? This couldn't be the right address…right?

I stepped out of my car and shut the door. Cautiously I walked up to the front door of the old building. And there above the lock, was a pink sticky note.

Use the key.

I reached into my purse and fished out the key. Carefully I stuck it in the lock and turned. There was a pop and the door swung open. Okay…I'm obviously at the right place…

It was pitch black when the door closed behind me. This is obviously where I use the flashlight. I gripped it tightly in my hand and switched it on. Looking around, I noticed the ticket stand in front of me. It was dusty, and obviously hadn't been operating for quite some time. But there, on the window, was another sticky note.

Use the flashlight, and remember, #3. But just in case, follow the petals.

The petals? I looked down to see a trail of rose petals leading off down the hallway. A smile played at my lips. I made my way slowly down the hallway until I reached theatre #3. The door was closed, but there was another sticky note.

You've reached your destination. I love you.

I opened the door and stepped inside. There, in the middle of the room stood Derek. I drew my eyes away from him to glance around the room. Behind him was a giant movie screen, there were candles set along the shelves, giving the room a subtle glow. Where Derek stood, was in front of a couch. A little table was set up in front of it, an assortment of candies and drinks sitting upon it.

"This place hasn't been opened in twenty years. I contacted the owner and rented it for the night. What do you think?" He asked. His eyes were glowing and he looked amazing in his black slacks and black dress shirt.

"It's amazing." I sighed and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him. "How did you do all this?" I exclaimed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Dad and Simon helped me bring in the couch and table, Tori, the candles. And well everything else was me, but I had Simon and Tori and Lauren help to get you out of the way long enough so I could set everything up. Oh and Lara helped for that one gift…" Derek was rambling. Derek. Was. Rambling. Seriously?

I giggled and gave him another kiss. "Derek. This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around his neck my fingers playing with his hair as I gave him another kiss.

After a moment, Derek pulled away slightly. "So, I know you're not a fan of the romantic movies, and since I'm not a big movie person, I had Simon help out with the movie pick…." He reached down to the table and held up two movies. The first one was Let Me In, and the second was, The Town. I smiled.

"Can we watch both maybe?" I asked.

"Sure. Which one first?" Derek asked.

I bit my lip and pointed to Let Me In. Derek smiled, gave me a quick kiss and headed out of the room.

I sat down on the couch and kicked off my heels. I unfolded the blanket and laid it out across my lap. A few minutes later the screen crackled and the movie started. Derek came back in and sat down beside me. I curled up next to him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Derek." I whispered. He peered down at me and smiled. "I love you too Chloe."

A few minutes into the movie I remembered my gift for Derek. I untangled myself from Derek's arms and reached for my purse.

"You okay?" Derek asked and I smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. I just have something for you."

I handed him the black box and he starred at it for a minute. "You didn't have to get anything for me Chloe."

"Derek, just open it." I laughed.

He opened the box and inside was a new silver and black watch. He picked it up and held it in his hands. "It's wonderful Chloe. Thank you." He smiled and leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I smiled. "Read the back."

He turned the watch over in his hands and a grin crossed his face. I knew what he was reading. This time it was a note from me.

To the most amazing man in the world, may our time together be forever. I love you.

Derek looked back up at me with a grin on his face. "Thank you." He rumbled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." His deep voice rumbled. I smiled and kissed him lightly,

"I love you. Forever."

"Forever." He agreed, and held me tightly to his chest.