Chapter 3:

Monday morning Wilson went back to work, crutching through the front doors and heading straight for his office. He hated being behind in work and therefore was anxious to get caught up deciding to start with things he could do sitting down. He was excited to find that he could get around on crutches with bearable pain because he really didn't want to have to go through the hospital in the wheelchair. His ribs hurt but unless someone squeezed or bumped them (which wasn't very likely) or he overused his side (which he spent a week figuring out NOT to do since it was his dominant side), the pain was manageable. His back felt better but it still twinged slightly if he overworked it so he tried to restrain his movement. As long as they were elevated his ankle and foot didn't bother him, making crutching around not comfortable but he dealt with it not wanting to miss any more work. The bruise on his cheek was almost gone and no longer painful, making the sweet caresses House gave him wonderful since he tended to stroke the left side of his face more than the right.

Wilson sat down at his desk, elevating his ankle and foot on a chair, and began to catch up on missed phone calls and urgent emails which normally contained consults. He usually liked to get through the consults first just in case the patient didn't have long and then returned the rest afterwards.

He had been working for a couple of hours when his secretary, Judy, called telling him that Mrs. Richardson was waiting to speak with him. He didn't know if he really wanted to talk to her but since she was still his patient and he wasn't about to punish her for her husband's reaction he told Judy to tell Mrs. Richardson that he would be out as soon as he could. He knew Judy would understand what he meant since he was busy and not moving fast these days and she assured him she would and hung up. He had just stood up, grimacing slightly when it sent twinges of pain down his back, when House walked in.

"Hey, Wilson," He began before he noticed that Wilson was standing and grabbing his crutches. "Where you going?" he asked sounding curious.

"Got a meeting with a patient." Wilson replied as he began to slowly head towards his door.

Something in the way he replied must have sent off House's instincts because he asked, "What patient? You weren't supposed to be meeting with patients for a few more days."

Wilson sighed, "Yes but if they show up I'm not going to turn them around."

House stood in front of the door, refusing to move. "You didn't answer my question." He stated while studying Wilson. House's eyes darkened slightly, "It's the one who attacked you isn't it?"

"No," Wilson replied automatically, "it's his wife who is actually my patient." He really didn't want to tell House this but his injuries were starting to throb, letting him know that he needed to sit back down soon.

"Is he with her?" House asked. The look he had in his eyes reminded Wilson of a guard dog ready to attack anyone who went near it's master.

"I'm assuming not since Judy only mentioned her, now move."

"Fine." House replied while moving out of the way and opening the door for Wilson.

Wilson couldn't believe he got away without an argument but when he heard the step thump of House's walk behind him, he knew why. House was planning on accompanying him to get his patient and probably going to sit in during their meeting as well. Wilson wasn't going to complain, he liked having House be so protective of him.

"Mrs. Richardson, how are you?" Wilson greeted as he walked up to her.

Mrs. Richardson stood up quickly looking more than a little nervous. "I am well Dr. Wilson, how are you?" she asked, concern written all over her face.

"I'm fine." He reassured her. "This is Dr. House." He introduced upon hearing a doubting cough from behind him. "He'll be sitting in on our meeting today."

"Dr. House." Mrs. Richardson greeted, "I'm Marie."

House nodded but otherwise stayed silent. Wilson took that as his cue to lead them back to his office where he was looking forward to getting to. Marie and Wilson walked next to each other while House trailed behind, clearly wanting to keep an eye on her as well as Wilson.

They got to his office and sat down with House on the couch, Marie in the chair across from his desk and, after a glare from House, Wilson behind his desk. Apparently Wilson was grounded to desk duty with his patients from now on after House's plea.

Wilson settled himself in his seat, a little surprised to find a heating pad waiting for his back, and then put his leg in the chair next to his desk, smiling when he found an ice pack waiting on it. House must've had one of the ducklings bring them while they were gone. He went to grab it but stopped with a small grimace when his back and ribs protested.

He felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment when Marie stood up and grabbed the pack for him and placed it on top of his ankle. "Thank you" he told her effectively cutting off House's low growl. Marie merely nodded somberly and sat back down. "So, how are you feeling?" he asked, wanting to move the attention from himself back to his patient.

"Ok." She responded, hesitating slightly before continuing, "I actually came here to make sure you were ok and to apologize for my husband."

Wilson shook his head, "There's really no need. His reaction, while extreme, was understandable." He glared at House when he heard the older doctor scoff.

Marie stared thoughtfully at him for a moment before responding. "Yes, well. I, um, have decided that I do not want more treatment." She said, sounding drained and solemn. "I'm tired of going through the processes just to have more come back. I'm tired of fighting to live and putting my family through hell while I do."

Wilson sat there stunned. It wasn't the first time he'd heard a patient say this but after studying her for a few minutes he could tell that she wasn't going to be talked out of it and that was a hard pill for him to swallow. In many respects Wilson wasn't a fighter but when it came to cancer he tried his best and fought tooth and nail with the disease, and sometimes his patients, to keep his patients alive.

Wilson snapped out of his stupor to nod to let her know that he heard her. He cleared his throat before replying quietly, "Very well. I'll make a note in your chart so that other doctors will know as well."

"Thank You." She responded gratefully. She stood up and walked to the door, turning around before she left. "I really am sorry that my husband caused you pain and I hope you feel better soon." She told him looking both at him and House, then she left for good.

The rest of the morning passed quietly for Wilson. After he got over the shock of losing a patient not to the disease but to defeat he continued to catch up on calls and emails, stopping for lunch that House brought with him. It surprised Wilson that House had bought and brought the food but he suspected that House was still trying to keep him from moving as much as possible and he possibly felt a little sorry for Wilson about the patient.

After lunch Wilson felt exhausted but he had some patient files to catch up with and some other paperwork to complete before he could collapse on the couch. After sitting in the chair all morning, however, the chair was becoming less and less comfortable leading Wilson to believe that a quick stroll around his office was due in order to stretch his back and not let the muscles sit in on position for too long.

During his stroll he grabbed a table and dragged it over beside the couch and placed his patient files and paperwork on it and then proceeded to bring the pillow that sat on the chair that he elevated his ankle and foot on and placed it on the couch as well as placing the pillows that were already there against the arm so that he was sitting up laying against the pillows with his ankle resting on another pillow. He then began to complete his work hoping that once he was done he'd be able to crash right where he was.

His hope was achieved when he woke to find House sitting in one of the chairs across from his desk, his leg raised and elevated on the other chair, playing his PSP. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey yourself." House replied casually not looking up from his game.

"How long have you been sitting there?" he asked.

"Dunno," House said. "I came in to see if you were ready to go home and found you asleep, decided to let you stay asleep."

Wilson groaned as he moved from being sprawled out on the couch to making room. Apparently he had fallen asleep while still sitting up and his muscles hadn't been happy about the awkward position.

House's head snapped up from his game upon hearing the groan but seeing that his friend and lover was ok he refocused to finish the level he was on before stuffing the game into his backpack. "Ready?" he asked.

Wilson sat rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up slightly, before he stood up and grabbed his crutches. "Yeah. Are you hungry?"

House laughed, "Why are you going to cook?"

Wilson just rolled his eyes, "No but I can order and pay for it." He responded, "Chinese sound good?"

"Sounds good, we're going to need the energy for later." House replied with a sexy glint in his eyes.

Wilson almost purred at the sight. GOD he loved that look from House. He settled for a wide grin and began to head to the car, House slowing his pace to keep up with Wilson who wasn't quite as used to using crutches and House was his cane.

That night they sat on the couch watching the Discovery Channel. The food had been eaten and the cartons cleaned up. House sat on the left side of the couch, his right leg resting on the length of the couch while his left stretched out on the coffee table. Wilson lay on his left side, curled up with House and a pillow between his feet. House was gently rubbing the sore and stiff muscles that had begun to tense and spasm during dinner.

Wilson groaned as House hit a sore spot. "Feel good?" House asked. It was his way of seeing if he was helping or hurting Wilson.

Wilson didn't say anything, too caught up in enjoying the feel of House touching him, but nodded to let House know he heard him and that, YES, it did feel good.

House stopped rubbing and bent down to kiss Wilson, grabbing his attention. "Let's take this to the bedroom." He suggested silkily.

Wilson pulled him back down for a passionate kiss before pulling back and replying, "Sounds good."

As they were falling asleep after another wonderful session of sex House pulled Wilson close and whispered in his ear, "From now on you're on desk duty. No more being close enough for patients to attack you."

Wilson chuckled sleepily, "We'll see. I love you Greg. Good night."

House kissed him. Just as he was falling asleep he heard. "I love you too."
