Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Warnings: Slash/Yaoi/MalexMale
Pairing: Sora/Hayner
A/N: Written after being given this from a random prompt generator. Total crack pairing here. I hope I did alright... Neither of the characters are personal favorites of mine and that I've worked with much or ever in Hayner's case. Enjoy~
Sora/Hayner; Camera
The days that he's able to get a quick to Twilight town had always been a favorite, even before he started something more with one of the residents. Good times and bad times, Hayner had stuck through it with him. When he thought Riku was gone, to his break up with Kairi, it even went as far as when he came to terms with why it didn't work out with his long time friend. Sure Sora might have always been gay, in fact looking back on it now he never did love Kairi the way he thought he had. He loved her alright, but as the friend he never wanted to lose, the one he'd die for. It was Hayner that helped him through all of those times, sitting with him on top of the clock tower with sea salt ice cream listening to what he had to say, speaking up when he didn't approve of the line of thought.
So when he arrived that time he didn't expect things to be different. However they were different. Not in a bad way. His boyfriend (yeah the term still felt odd in his head, even weirder when it rolled off his tongue) had a camera and he wanted to talk pictures of them together in all the usual hangouts they visited. He claimed it was so that no matter where they were or who they were with they'd remember each other. Pictures could never be taken from. It was proof that they had existed.
Sora agreed. It seemed like a great idea at the time, little did he know he'd be so tired afterwards. After being dragged around to the umpteenth location, he broke the grip the other had on him, bending over to catch his breath. "Hayner… We should just relax…" They were at the usual spot, the fence obscuring it slightly from view. No one was in there, the rest of their friends had decided to go off to the beach to enjoy the last few days of summer, allowing them to have the free time they always wanted.
Alone they were free to experiment and do whatever they liked. The brunette tugged on the male's arm, bringing them into the area without the other's consent. He fell onto the couch, leaning back and into the male's side, closing his hues. "See isn't this much better?" He asked softly, jumping slightly when he felt a hand on his back, before relaxing into the male's hard chest. A hand moved up and down his body, soothing him. He heard Hayner mumble something to him softly, before there was a click and a flash, another picturing being taken.
"There. Now we almost have enough." The elder boy grinned, grabbing the chin of the shorter male, bringing their lips together. One more picture was taken, clearly surprising Sora.
It was after that, that the brunette threw the camera to the side and continued with the heated make out session. Sure he might not have been ready to go any further, but making out had its own merits and he intended to use them to get Hayner forget about that camera for a while.
It was really no surprise that when the key blade master came back the next time, there was a frame thrust into his hand along with a few well-spoken words by one Hayner. Glancing down at the one that had been chosen, a soft smile slipped across his face, a light blush lighting up his tanned cheeks. He was looking at the two of them kissing each other, happy and content on the couch in the usual spot. His boyfriend was right, no matter what happened… He could never, would never forget them and what happened that day.
Placing it in his pocket, he moved off to join the other in a game of struggle, a difference in their relationship thanks to that camera. It was amazing… The ideas that Hayner came up with sometimes.
End A/N: Review? I'd like to hear your thoughts.