Author's Note: Well, I went back and added a few lines to the last chapter hopefully to make some more impact on the falling out between John and Sherlock. I will probably only have one or two more chapters before I wrap this one up. Thank you for everyone's support and keep the reviews coming, they make me write faster.


"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Asked John.

Sherlock continued to tremble in John's embrace. It was some time before Sherlock made any attempt to separate himself from John, when he did John managed to sit himself down on the sofa so he was sitting next to Sherlock.

"It might help if you told me what happened." Said John, he wasn't going to push the matter, now it was Sherlock's turn. John could see Sherlock thinking, it was a tell that he had learned not long after moving in with Sherlock, there was just something about the look that would develop on his face when he was in his mind palace.

"He would cover my face with a dirty rag," said Sherlock hardly above a whisper his voice shaking just as his hands did.

John took Sherlock's trembling hands trying to comfort Sherlock.

"Heavy cotton, it smelled of motor oil, blood, urine and feces, probably my own."

Only Sherlock would remember so much detail of his torture, even under stress he noticed the little things. It was the curse of his gift, even when he didn't need to remember the small stuff he would.

"He would spray me with cold water." Continued Sherlock, his voice still unsteady.

"He would do it until I passed out, I was so scarred I would never wake up, that it would be the last time." Sherlock's whole body trembled.

John put an arm around his friend.

"What did he want?" asked John scared it might be too much.

"He wanted to break me," said Sherlock softly as if he didn't want anyone to know other than John. "He wanted to destroy me and he did."

"He didn't destroy you." Said John trying to be supportive at this critical juncture.

"But I can't work.""

"Sherlock, today was just a bump in the road. You solved the case." John was unsure of what to say to his friend. "We will get through this, you and I can do this together, you are not alone, I am here and I am going to stay here."

Sherlock started to show tears but was taking long deep breaths to control his emotions.

"Tell me." Said John.

"I was scared I would never see you again John." Sherlock voice remained quiet but grew more steady as he spoke. "I kept telling myself that if I made it out alive I would do anything to find you."

John was happy to have Sherlock finally open up to him about his ordeal, he was amazed to discovered that he had been Sherlock's anchor through it.

John looked at the clock, it was getting late.

"Let's get you to bed, it has been a rough day," said John standing up.

Sherlock said nothing, he only reached out for John's hand to help him stand up from where he sat. John pulled Sherlock to his feet and they walked together to Sherlock's room. John settled Sherlock in to his bed, making sure there was nothing to constrict his movements. Several time in the last fortnight Sherlock would awake tangled in his bedding screaming. There was little that could be done.

"Stay" said Sherlock quietly as John headed for the door.

John almost missed his friend's plea, but it wasn't unexpected.

"Let me just go get ready for bed." Said John.

Sherlock relaxed slightly.


Sherlock was still asleep when John got up, he had spent the night on his bedroll on the floor next to his friend. The floor was not conducive to a good night's sleep or to the health of his shoulder. His shoulder was a sore from the hard floor but it was a small price to pay for knowing that Sherlock had slept through the night. John headed to the shower hoping the hot water would calm the growing pain in his shoulder. Sherlock was still sleeping soundly, he had kicked off the duvet, it not lay in a pile on the floor on the far side of the bed.

John was just about to get out of the shower when he discovered Sherlock standing in the bathroom watching him.

"Sherlock." Said John startled at the sight.

Sherlock was wearing only a pair of shorts, he was trembling slightly.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Said John thinking that Sherlock had been frightened when he wasn't there with him when he had awoken.

Sherlock took a step forward, John went to reach to turn off the water but he was stopped. Sherlock grabbed his hand.

"Help me." Said Sherlock.

John stepped to one side, Sherlock shed his shorts and got into the shower with John. John was uncomfortable but then Sherlock's idea of personal space and privacy was nonexistent between them. When the water first started to hit Sherlock's skin he started to tremble, he took several long deep breaths trying to control his reaction.

"You don't have to do this." Said John.

"Yes I do." Said Sherlock stepping under the running water.

John could see that Sherlock's body was starting to betray him so instinctually he went to Sherlock and pulled him into his embrace. Together they stood under the running water, Sherlock's trembling form slowly relaxing. When the water started to run cold John immediately shut off the water. He released Sherlock, only to grab a towel from the warming cupboard and wrap is around Sherlock's thin form, before dealing with himself.


John was making tea when Sherlock appeared from his bedroom fully dressed. He came to stand in the entrance to the kitchen.

"How are you?" asked John.

"Thank you." Said Sherlock softly.

John had to suppress the smile that he felt growing in him, he was very proud of what Sherlock had done.

"We will get through this and you will file, just give it time." Said John handing Sherlock a cup of tea on his way to the living room to read the morning paper.

"Why did you come back?" asked Sherlock.

"I wasn't given much choice." Said John lightly. "Your brother called in a favor and had me shipped home."

"When I left Afghanistan I did not know any details only that you were in trouble, I wouldn't have admitted it then but I wanted to see you." John paused taking a sip of tea. "Mycroft was waiting for me when I arrived he gave me some brief details in the car on our way to the estate."

"When I saw you in that room, my heart broke, and I knew that I had to do everything in my power to help you."

There was an awkward silence in the flat, both men sipping at cups of tea.

"Thank you." Said Sherlock.

"As I said at grave stone all those years ago, I was so alone, if I hadn't met you I can imagine what my life would be like. I couldn't leave you to suffer the same loneliness that I felt after being shot."

"I am sorry I pushed you away, I said some very hash things to you that I didn't mean. You are not an idiot, and I need you in my life. You are my only friend."

"I know that, Sherlock." Said John gently.

Sherlock looked a bit nervous.

"After you left, I did something I am not very proud of."

"The morphine?" asked John.

Sherlock nodded.

"Sherlock you don't have to say anything, we both acted like idiots, that is the past." John paused. "I am here to stay so let's try working on today."

"You did really well this morning," said John taking his now empty mug into the kitchen. "Do you want to go out for a walk later?"

"Maybe if we don't get a case." Said Sherlock.