This is - in case the title wasn't a big tip-off - a facebook fanfic. I wanted to see how it would translate to the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom :) This chapter is from my SDAJPO fic, but new ones will be uploaded soon.

Just some notes:

For the purposes of this story, Clarabelle's surname is Beam, and 'Fletchab' is a reference to a chapter of Tariana Grace's hilarious fanfiction Random Times With the Skul Crew, where there is a rehabl for those hopelessly obsessed with Fletcher.

Enjoy the chapter! :)

8: 15 am Skulduggery Pleasant You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get party streamers out of your skull.

Valkyrie Cain, Fletcher Renn, Anton Shudder and six others like this

8: 21 am Valkyrie Cain: That was a great party, hopefully Anton throws another one!

8: 36 am Anton Shudder: Thanks, I can maybe make them a monthly thing

8: 39 am Fletcher Renn: That's great, but can someone please come and help me?

8: 39 am Valkyrie Cain: How do you need help?

8: 40 am Fletcher Renn: I'll talk to you on chat

8: 43 am Anton Shudder: What does he want?

9: 03 am Valkyrie Cain: He locked himself in your bathroom and because he's so hungover he didn't know how to get out

9: 11 am Anton Shudder: He's a Teleporter...

9: 12 am Valkyrie Cain: He thought he was Gerard Way, he couldn't really do much apart from shout songs into my ear and make rock signs when I carried him out of the bathroom

9: 14 am Anton Shudder: That's unfortunate. It would have been fun to keep him around as entertainment for the guests.

9: 18 pm Valkyrie Cain and Anton Shudder are now friends

9: 45 am Fletcher Renn Na nanana nanana na na nananana! (8)

Finbar Wrong likes this

9: 52 am Finbar Wrong: Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance? Awesome song man!

9: 58 Fletcher Renn: Thanks I wrote it :)

9: 58 Finbar Wrong: Nahh man, Gerard Way wrote it!

9: 59 Fletcher Gerard Renn: I am Gerard Way

10: 02 Finbar Wrong: Whut?

10: 04 am Valkyrie Cain: I'll explain later...

2: 12 pm Tanith Low is officially dead after last night..Anton throws some wild parties!

Valkyrie Cain, Fletcher Gerard Renn, Leo DiCaprio and eight others like this

2: 14 pm Ghastly Bespoke: It definitely was a lot of fun. Want to make it offical? :)

2: 13 pm Valkyrie Cain: Tanith, you're not pregnant, are you?

2: 14 pm Tanith Low: NO! Look at my relationship status ;)

Tanith Low is in a relationship with Ghastly Bespoke

Valkyrie Cain, Ghastly Bespoke, Skulduggery Pleasant and three hundred and thirty-six others like this

2: 19 pm Tanith Low: Oh yes ;)

Ghastly Bespoke likes this

2: 21 pm Valkyrie Cain: I'm so happy for you guys :) Took you long enough!

2: 22 pm Skulduggery Pleasant: Congratulations!

2: 25 pm Fletcher Gerard Renn: Ghastly Bespoke you lucky bastard.

Kenspeckle Grouse, Staven Weeper, Anton Shudder and two others like this

2: 27 pm Fletcher Gerard Renn: For the love of all your guy friends, tap that ass!

2: 29 pm Ghastly Bespoke: So you want to know about our personal relationship?

2: 33 pm Fletcher Gerard Renn: Of course!

2: 36 pm Tanith Low: GHASTLY! You call me and ask me to come over and then tell Fletcher over facebook that it's for sex? I am coming right over to your house and you are getting the verbal smackdown to end all others.

2: 39 pm Fletcher Gerard Renn: Unlucky, mate

2: 43 pm Ghastly Bespoke: Don't worry. Tanith yells at me for about five minutes and then we end up having fun anyway.

2: 44 pm Ghastly Bespoke: I better go, she's coming up the path

5: 34 pm Fletcher Gerard Renn posted on Ghastly Bespoke's Wall

Was it worth it?

5: 37 pm Ghastly Bespoke: Dear God, YES.

Fletcher Gerard Renn likes this

6: 04 pm PM message: Gerard Way to Fletcher Gerard Renn

So what's this about you pretending to be me? I received concerned messages friends in circles very close to yours.

6: 06 pm PM message: Fletcher Renn to Gerard Way

Sorry, I had a hangover this morning and I thought I was you. I only kept my middle name like that as a homey to you and your music

6: 09 pm PM message: Gerard Way to Fletcher Renn

You mean homage?

6: 10 pm PM message: Fletcher Renn to Gerard Way

That's the one. So how about I make it up to you...You're in Dublin for your tour right now, yeah?

6: 13 pm PM message: Gerard Way to Fletcher Renn

Yeah, the city's been a great experience so far.

6: 14 pm PM message: Fletcher Renn to Gerard Way

Well how about we meet up at seven with the rest of MCR? In Paddywhackers, it's this really great bar on Reilly Street. And I can apologise face to face and maybe show you that I'm actually pretty decent :)

6: 16 pm PM message: Gerard Way to Fletcher Renn

It'll have to be a quick meeting, but OK. Us gel-lovers need to stick together.

6: 18 pm PM message: Fletcher Renn to Gerard Way

Cool! I'll meet you there!

6: 48 pm Valkyrie Cain Ice skating then dinner tonight with Tanith Low, Fletcher Renn, Ghastly Bespoke and Skulduggery Pleasant, in celebration of Ghastly and Tanith's new romantic status :)

Skulduggery Pleasant, Tanith Low and Ghastly Bespoke like this

6: 49 pm Fletcher Renn: Sorry, I can't come :( There was a last minute meet up with someone important, I'll tell you later

6: 53 pm Valkyrie Cain: That's fine, we'll meet see you later

6: 56 pm Tanith Low: I have to go right now because Ghastly is picking me up soon, but I'll see you there!

Tanith Low is offline

6: 04 pm PM message: Skulduggery Pleasant to Valkyrie Cain

Before the other two get to the rink, let's swap their skates for those rocket-propelled ones we confiscated last week. I know, I know. This plan is so fiendishly brilliant you can hardly speak for excitement.

6: 07 pm PM message: Valkyrie Cain to Skulduggery Pleasant

Not quite, but it's a good plan ;)

8: 19 pm Skulduggery Pleasant Watching Ghastly Bespoke and Tanith Low shoot around everywhere and dying (again) of laughter.

Valkyrie Cain, China Sorrows, Finbar Wrong and eighteen others like this

8: 37 pm Valkyrie Cain Now taking Tanith Low to The Hibernian Cinema because she broke her leg. I blame Skulduggery. :L

China Sorrows and Clarabelle Beam like this

8: 41 pm Clarabelle Beam: She really can swear, can't she? :)

China Sorrows likes this

8: 42 pm China Sorrows: Please say someone took pictures. This is the most delightful thing since I purchased a mint condition copy of A Midsummer Night' Dream.

8: 45 pm Skulduggery Pleasant: If you must have them, I can take them now.

8: 46 pm Skulduggery Pleasant has created the photo album UFO's

8: 48 pm Skulduggery Pleasant has added eleven photos to his photo album UFO's

8: 49 pm Skulduggery Pleasant has tagged Tanith Low, Valkyrie Cain and Ghastly Bespoke in his photo album UFO's

8: 52 pm China Sorrows: Forgive me for this unbecoming comment, but HAHAHAHA!

9:08 Gerard Fletcheriscool Way They try to make me go to Fletchab and I say no, no no!