Disclaimer: Hetalia. I own it as much as I own Valentines Day. Which is neither.

I'll Give You My Heart

Avio Favalon

A Hetalia fanfic~

February 14th.

It was a holiday Russia enjoyed, and his ever-present smile was bright and cheery as he walked down his streets, seeing his people so happy and filled with love, exchanging gifts and flowers, and he had almost forgotten why there was always that undertone of fear when it came to this holiday.


He could sense her, though. Slinking through his neighborhoods on her way to his home, most likely armed with a gift basket filled with flowers, chocolate, and marriage papers. He shuddered at the thought; why couldn't he have a normal sister?

So he did his best to avoid his home and enjoy his walk, happy that his people were happy.

He would deal with Belarus later, most likely. He learned long ago that he couldn't avoid her. For now, however, he was content to walk and observe.


He could no longer avoid it. He could no longer avoid her. The sun was setting and he knew she'd be waiting for him, just as she waited for him every year. His sister was a very patient woman. Patient and tenacious. Frightening. So he had made his way home and was now standing before his bedroom door.

She is always there, always waiting for me, always… why can she not understand? Why? I just cannot… not like that…

Nonetheless, he sighed and pushed open the door, closing his eyes tightly and bracing himself for the assault…

…and was surprised when it didn't come. Cautiously, he opened an eye, flicking on the light and peering into his room. "Natalia?"

He froze when his gaze fell upon his bed.

No. No. No, no, no…

He couldn't be seeing what he was seeing. It couldn't be.

His heart was pounding as his brain scrambled to register, to process, to accept what he was seeing.

There was his little sister, his sweet, insane, beautiful little sister. She was laying on his bed, roses and petals littered the area around her decoratively. The top of her dress had been unbuttoned, spread open and bearing her chest. Her chest was completely soaked in blood and there was a hole where her heart was supposed to be and he had a brief thought flicker across his mind- your heart sister where is your heart where is it? and what the fuck was he seeing anyways?

Her hair was splayed about her like rivers of platinum, her eyes still open and staring at him, lifeless and dull and a violet that was so close to his, but not quite. violet violet a dead violet oh god Natasha my sister what have you done?

Her crimson-stained hands were resting on the sides of the very gift basket he'd predicted she'd have (There was a bit of rolled up paper, tied with a ribbon, tied to the handle of the basket. His mind, however, did not yet take this in), but the contents- dear god, what is that? That cannot be.. That cannot be… please, no… Her heart was resting among rose petals within the basket, her knife placed beside it wrapped in- dear god, was that her skin? D-did she wrap it up in her skin?

He suddenly felt very, very, very sick. He stumbled backwards as it started to register in his mind. His little sister, his precious little sister whom he had always loved (even if it was not in a way she wanted, he still loved her; she was his little sister, after all, god damn it!) was dead, displayed in a grotesquely "romantic" way.

Natasha, Natasha, sweet Natasha, why? Why did you do it? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why did you do this? Sweet sister, my sister, why?

He felt his own heart pounding, pounding, pounding, it was ridiculous and he could feel it ready to fall out, rejecting the feelings that were stirring up this very moment, rejecting this sight before him, rejecting the fact that his dear little sister is dead. Not breathing. Gone to him.


Oh god why?

He swallowed, feeling bile start to churn, ready to rush up his throat and through his lips and this just cannot be real it cannot be Natalia wake up wake up you are not dead you are not you are not-

He was on his knees, his vomit all over the floor, a sour taste on his tongue and his heart was dangerously close to falling out, rejecting everything he'd just seen, rejecting the fact that his little sister was no longer going to stalk him and beg him to marry her, no longer going to surprise him on Christmas with Katyusha, no longer going to be alive.

He gave out a strangled cry, quiet and broken, and the tears began to well up and god damn it heart just fall out already I don't want to feel this anymore please oh god Natasha why why why and he genuinely couldn't understand why she did this, why she would scar him like this.

He looked up, and finally processed the neatly-attached note. What did it say? what did you say to me before you did this?

He stood up shakily, not seeming to notice the sick that was getting all over, and he stepped toward her slowly, feeling ill again as her display grew closer and closer…

The letter was in his hands, and he read through it several times, feeling his heart hurting more than it had ever hurt and suddenly it was out and what is pain? and suddenly he felt the need to drink, drink, drink himself into oblivion and maybe he can forget everything, pretend it never happened.

And tomorrow I will awake and find her alive and awake and as energetic as ever.

Yes, this was a good plan, and he backed out of the room. It never happened. He would discover this in the morning. It was a horrible nightmare. Yes. Now, to go drink. A better idea he'd never had.

My dearest Vanya,

Happy Valentine's Day, my love! I tried to think of an appropriate gift that would finally get you to stop denying your love for me and I thought, why not just give you my heart? It's the perfect solution. This only goes to show how much I love you. You will accept it, I know you will. I'll give you my heart. Then we can marry, da?

Besides, perhaps it will not hurt anymore this way. I can be just like you. My heart detached from my body and it wont hurt anymore, right? That is why you smile, right? It hurts deep down but surely not as bad as this, correct?

So again, darling brother, sweet Vanya, happy Valentine's Day.

I love you.

Your little sister and bride-to-be,


A/N: yeahso. have some lovely Valentine's Day tragedy for you333

Also there's an alternate ending and a slight omake I'm going to work on which is from Nata's point of view.

Speaking of which. Point of view. This was /terrifying/ to write because it's my first time really writing from Ivan's point of view. Oh my god I hope I wasn't too out of character.

.I love how that is always what I'm afraid of most. It really is. orz ooc-ness. Mygodfjdkslfa

I hope you guys liked this. ;;;

And Happy Valentine's Day~~

ineedtogoandum. buy my Mama a birthday present3;;

and the alternate ending will be up soon.

andishouldum. maybe start the omake. at some point.

