7:15 in the morning..

Everyone's still asleep except Anna. Anna's foot is now healed. She is outside holding a white paper bag. Yoh is running so fast for he'll be late for the scheduled run.

"I gotta hurry. Or.. Or I'll have to run additional laps!", Yoh said catching his breath and afraid of how will Anna be if he's late.

When Yoh made it outside, still catching his breath, he found Anna with one brow lifted, arms crossed, and one foot tapping the ground.

"This is bad. She's surely angry.", Yoh thought, anime tears falling. "Uhm.. Heheh.. Ohayou."

"You're late. 15 minutes late."

"Yeah. I overslept. Sorry.", Yoh replied scratching his head. "This is really bad. She'll probably ask me to run additional 15 laps.", Yoh thought, with anime tears again.

"Let's go. You should waste no time and start your run.", Anna said coldly.

"You're coming?

"Got a problem?"

"Definitely not. Just curious. Because usually—"

"I'm changing the running course that's why I'm coming. Follow me and I'll show you where the laps will end.". Anna gets the paper bag on the ground and walked. Yoh followed her. He's with his usual training get up. White shirt, pants, tied hair and weights on arms and legs.

The two walked with the surroundings very peaceful and the sun shining so brightly.

"Anyway, Anna. How's your foot?", Yoh asked.

"I wouldn't be here walking with you if it's not healed yet.", Anna replied without looking at Yoh.

"Yes, that's right."

Anna stopped and sat at a white bench under a big cherry blossom tree.

"Run 45 laps. Here is the finish line.", Anna said coldly. "Additional 15 laps for waking up late and making me wait for 15 minutes."

"Just as I thought. Additional laps."

"What's with that face? Trying to complain?"

". Ofcourse not.", Yoh said shrugging his head with some sweat on his face. "Why will I complain knowing I'll be given a punishment?"

"Start now."

Yoh is now in his running pose. "Hai.". He ran the usual average speed.

Yoh is half way through the first lap. Amidamaru is following him.

"Yoh-dono, isn't additional laps too much? Besides, yesterday, you—"

"It's okay, Amidamaru. I'm quite used to it. But I wonder why the course is changed. Anyway, I have to make this fast. Because-". Yoh didn't continue what he wants to say and just smiled.

Amidamaru didn't get what Yoh meant by that and what was the smile for. He just smiled as well.

At every lap finished, as Yoh passes the bench where Anna is seated, Anna shows no emotion. She's just seated in the bench shaded by the big tree.

"Good thing the weather is fine. And almost no one passes and walks by here, making annoying noise and crazy things.", Anna said to herself.

12 noon..

Yoh is done with the 45 laps. Amidamaru went inside the mortuary tablet to rest. Yoh's hands are in his knees and he's catching his breath.

"That's very tiring, Anna."

"It's your fault waking up late.", Anna said coldly.

"But—", Yoh said still catching his breath with sweat all over his body."

To Yoh's surprise, Anna handed him a towel.

"Eh?" Yoh just looked at Anna, then, at the towel.

"Go get it and wipe your sweat."

Yoh nodded and reached for the towel. He sat beside Anna. While wiping the sweat on his face, Anna placed a tumbler of water one the bench, between them. Yoh was surprised again.

"Drink it. You'll collapse and get dehydrated if you won't.", Anna said while getting something from the paper bag she had with her.

Yoh smiled and drank from the tumbler. He felt refreshed after drinking water. "Feels nice.", he said.

Then, Anna handed Yoh a bento. "It's all veggies. You should eat vegetables after training."

Yoh's eyes widened and he got more surprised than earlier. But this time, he blushed a little. "I wonder when she made these.", he thought.

"Are you just going to stare at it? I woke up early to prepare that. So eat it all.", Anna said coldly.

Yoh opened the packed lunch and separated the chopsticks. "Itadakimasu.". Anna opened her bento too and ate silently beside Yoh at the bench shaded by a big cherry blossom tree. Yoh enjoys eating the lunch Anna made for him though it was all veggies which he doesn't really like eating. Unlike the other vegetables that Anna asks him to eat, he doesn't look forced eating it. He enjoyed eating Anna's bento like steak is the meal he's eating.

The two finished eating. Anna fixed the empty boxes and put it in the paper bag again.

"The food is good.", Yoh said with the usual grin. Anna noticed that the weights are still in Yoh's hands. She suddenly held Yoh's hand. Yoh blushed and wondered why Anna held his hand. Then, he realized that Anna's taking the weights off his hands. After taking off the weights on his left hand, she reached for his right hand and took off the other weights.

"You're not planning to wear this the whole day, are you?"

Yoh can't pick the words to say. "Uhmm.. Thank you."

Yoh stretched his arms and yawn. Being tired from the very recent fight with Ami and 45 laps under the sun, his head fell on Anna's shoulder and fell asleep.

Anna blushed, though Yoh failed to see how cute Anna's face blushing is that time because he's asleep.

"This idiot. How dare him ask me to go out and sleep at the half of the day.", Anna told herself. But after seeing Yoh's innocent face sleeping peacefully, she smiled and combed with her soft hands Yoh's hair that's brushing his face at the back of his ear. Now, she has a clear view of Yoh's sleeping face. Then, she took Yoh's headphone and put it in her lap.


The wind blew softly and some cherry blossom petals fell so beautifully. "Because you're sleeping, you won't be able to see something this pretty.", Anna told the sleeping Yoh in a low and gentle voice.

Anna looked up. As the pink petals fall, snow also began falling. "Geez. You should wake up now or we'll freeze here in snow. You lazy idiot.". She touched his cheek with her hand to give a little heat to his face. She was surprised when suddenly, Yoh with eyes still closed touched the hand that touches his cheek. "It's warm.". Then, he rose his head, not letting go of his fiancee's hand.

"Don't tell me you're just pretending to be asleep all this time and laughs in your mind that you are able to make my shoulder a pillow."

"Ofcourse not. Well, it's embarrassing that I fell asleep. Sorry."

Anna just sighed. "Forget it. We didn't a snow today so we don't have jackets with us.". She stood up and said "Let's go home. We'll turn into snowmen if we don't."

Yoh still holds her hands. He smiled with a slightly red face. "Okay.". The two walked holding each other's hands. Though they said nothing and didn't look at each other until they reached home, they enjoyed the walk. "Good thing it isn't snowing heavily."

When they reached home..

"Anna-sama, Yoh-sama, welcome home.", greeted Tamao.

Anna free her hand from Yoh's. "We're home."

"I'll prepare some hot tea for you, you must be feeling so cold."

"Thank you.", Anna said.

The two went to the living room and found their friends there. "Yoh-kun!", Manta greeted.

"Seems like everyone's having fun.", Yoh said. Yoh joined them.

"I'm going to the dining room. I want a quiet place to drink hot tea.", Anna said.

She closed the sliding door and walked to the dining room. In the dining room, she enjoyed a cup of hot tea. "He's acting like yesterday didn't happen. What a carefree guy. He's really okay now."

"Really okay?", Tamao wondered.

"No matter how happy and fine he looked like when he lost his memory, I know he wasn't. He won't be able to fool me, his future wife."

Tamao was amazed for some reasons. Then, she smiled. "Just as I thought. Anna-sama is worried about Yoh-sama more than we are.", she told herself.

"I'm happy to see him doing well again.", Anna said looking at the starry night at the window in the dining room with a smile.

Yoh, hiding on the wall heard the conversation. A smile is on his face knowing how his Anna cares for him. Then, he went back to his friends.

9 pm..

Everyone is sound asleep. The boys are in one room while Tamao and Anna had their own separate rooms. In his yukata, Yoh knocked in the door of Anna's room. "It's me."

Anna opened the door. "You need something?"

"I just want to talk to you."

Anna opened the sliding door wide. "Come in.". Yoh came in and then, she closed the door.

"Now, what is it?"

"Well.. Uhmm.. How do I put this?". He scratched his head and his face is kinda red.

Anna sighed. To Yoh's surprise, Anna gave him a hug. Her arms are on his back, she hides her face in his chest. Her eyes show deep affection and care. "W..wai..wait..". Yoh tries to resist but in the end, he wasn't able to. He put his hands on Anna's shoulders. Slowly, it moves to a gesture of an embrace. He pressed Anna closer to him though she hugs him already.

"Do you still feel the same? Remember what you told me during the fight with that wizard?"

Yoh suddenly remembered his confession of love and his face turned totally red.

"Anna. I love you." Is what he remembered he said to Anna back then.

"About that.. Well.."

Anna gentle broke her embrace. But she's still so close to her Yoh. "You don't anymore, right?"

"No! I.."

"You don't have to be scared or something. I-"

"No. I.. That time, I really felt it. Up until now..". Yoh's head is bowed in embarrassment. "Somehow, I'm feeling a little embarrassed by that confession when I regained my memory."

Anna blushed too remembering how Yoh confessed to her that time. "Yoh.. I.."

"But isn't it funny? When I lost my memory, I.. uhmm.. I.. fell for you. When I regained it, I remembered that.. uhmm..". Yoh's head is bowed and his face still red. Then, he suddenly pulled Anna close to him hugging her tight. Anna was so surprised and tried to resist and push Yoh away. It's like her body won't follow what her mind says.

Yoh continued what he's saying with Anna in his arms. "When I regained my memory, I knew that I.. I.. uhmm..". With all the courage he has, he continued. "I love you. Since we're kids. Until we grew up. Until now."

Anna's face turned really red. Redder than her face when she read Yoh's mind in Aomori when they're ten. "What are you— ". Anna can't find the words to say. "Idiot." Was the only word that came out from her lips.

"Know what? I think.. no matter what happens.. no matter how many times I lose my memory, I'll still.. I'll still fall for you..", Yoh confessed in a very gentle, serious and low voice.

Then, Yoh free Anna from his hug. His hands on her shoulders now. Anna's hands still clenching into Yoh's yukata.

"I.. I feel the same way..", Anna said shyly with a cute, red face. "But don't expect a lighter training with this! The tough trainings won't change no matter what you do.", Anna said looking away from Yoh, hiding her red face.

Yoh's face is redder. Then, he gave a big smile. "I know."

Anna looked at him. The moonlight striking Anna's back plus the light snow outside gave him a cuter image of his fiancée. His eyes widened and he blushed.

"Uhmm... Anna..", Yoh said looking away at Anna.

"What is it this time, Yoh?"

To Anna's surprise, Yoh's face is getting close to hers. Then, their lips touched. Yoh's hands are still on her shoulder. Anna's eyes narrowed and her face turned red. Slowly, she closes her eyes and gets nearer to her Yoh. Their chests throbbing really fast.

Slowly, their faces are separating. But they're still holding each other. Both faces are really red.

Yoh looked away from Anna, then, looked back at her face. His head bowed slightly. "Uhmm..". "I'll sleep now. Good night.", he said as he opened the door quick and closed it himself. He was leaning outside, at the door of Anna's room thinking of what he just did. Then, he smiled. "Anna.."

On the other hand, Anna, inside her room was still shocked from the kiss. She touch her lips with her fingers. Then, she smiled. "Yoh.. You're really an idiot."

so how is this one?

sorry for the quite long wait for this chapter. i was able to work on this later than usual due to some reasons.

anyway, enjoy reading and feel free to review :)

anyway, for those who read and made reviews, thanks a lot :)