Spoilers: Quarantine and Trio

Beta: RoryFaller

MGM owns SGA

Little ol' Des owns little to nothin'

Stargate: Atlantis


by Destiny Brighthope



The numbers 8:47 on her clock's digital display sent Jennifer into a mild panic. Late! her mind screamed, and she swore under her breath. Someone from her staff should have checked in when she missed the start of her shift. Resigning herself to a hasty shower and a morning without breakfast, she threw back the covers and swung her legs onto the floor.

A groan slipped out before she could stop it. Her thighs were sore. Sticky too. Uh-oh. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she almost choked on the pungent odor of sex hanging in the air. Light snoring drew her attention back to bed. She twisted around but was unable to identify her bedmate in the dark. Since her work schedule could be erratic, she'd hung heavy curtains in case she needed to sleep during the day.

She fought the urge to sigh. Knowing that the man she wanted was unavailable, she could only imagine who last night's lover had been. A few candidates sprang to mind. One brought a brief smile to her face. They'd shared a moment once, and if she had to sate her lust with anyone, it might as well be a handsome, hard-bodied hunk like Ronon Dex.

Her smile became a frown. Could Ronon be trusted keep their indiscretion to himself? His previous public behavior suggested not. After they were trapped together and nearly kissed during a citywide lock down, he'd smiled at her like a big kid with a secret. True, she had smiled back, but she'd regretted it afterward. Ronon was a great guy, but she didn't want a relationship with him.

Jennifer probed her memory for an explanation of what happened last night. The dull throb in her temples told her alcohol had been involved. At least the absence of light in the room spared her from a worse hangover. She buried her face in her hands, and the scratchy bandages wrapped around them brought back the previous day's emotional turmoil:

Pride at walking like a comrade alongside Colonel Carter and Rodney McKay.

Annoyance at having to pump her short legs twice as hard to keep up with them.

Elation that, for once, a mission had gone right.

Terror as the earth gave way beneath Rodney's feet and he fell into the old mine.

Desperation as she lunged for him.

White hot anger at Carter for pulling her back.

Relief at seeing Rodney was all right.

Then back to fear as she and Carter tumbled in after him.

Recalling their adventure in the mine almost made her smile. Then she remembered the rest of the day, particularly how it ended—in the collocated club, sharing a drink with...

She peered through the darkness. Oh, no. This was worse than waking up with Ronon.

"Rodney," she whispered. Her heart plummeted, and she felt sick. "What have I done?"


How's that for a cliffhanger, Ms. Wilder?

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.