Everyone dies for a reason… right? That's what everyone tells me. Well it'd be nice to know these reasons wouldn't it? I mean what purpose was there for him to die. He's not a donor so it's not like his organs will help anyone, he wasn't anyone's enemy… anymore at least. He was a semi normal boy, nothing really different, other than the fact that he was over 3,000 years old, and an ancient Egyptian thief. But, that didn't matter right? He had changed… Yet he was still taken far to early… He told me before he left that he had lived far longer than most. I told him how too much of that time was in darkness…

Red lights were flashing everywhere. Chaos was reigning. You could hear the cries of children and mothers. So many bodies were around, cold broken and dead. Some were still alive waiting for help or death, whichever came first. I had just arrived at the scene and already my gut was wrenching. It was a plane crash, some crazy high-jacker had well… high-jacked it for a while but the passengers fought him off. None of them knew how to fly a plane. So in the end they had crashed, some were very lucky to only have minor injury, some were lucky to be dead. But there were the others, the ones that were stuck right in between. They waited for help and for some it never came, while some bastards survived! He didn't though. No one cared about him. They said for him it was far too late. He was dieing. I couldn't except it, so I tried to help him myself… It didn't work. So for the last moments of his life I was beside him. Thats all he said he wanted.

" Please don't cry." He was in my lap, his thick blood soaking my clothes. I was sobbing into his shoulders shaking. How could I not cry! The one I love is dieing in my arms!

"HOW? Your dieing and theres nothing I can do!" I sobbed again, he kissed my cheek and shushed me.

"but I'm dieing with you. That's what I wanted, isn't it? I told you when I proposed that I wanted to die with you. And I am." He smiled softly at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. Even while he was dieing his smile was beautiful.

"Bakura… I love you." He kissed me and laughed.

"I love you to Malik always have and always will" I nuzzled his neck, making him chuckle. I would miss this. I would miss his rare laughs and smiles, that he only preserved for me. The banter we traded off. All of it. I would miss him the most. I love him so much it hurts to say goodbye.

"Just like Romeo and Juliet? You descend to the stars where I cant reach you. Even though we try to reach each other we cant. We'll be in two different worlds." He glared at me playfully and I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Since when am I Juliet?" He smirked, poking my stomach. I squeaked and glared lightly at him.

"since that stupid plane crashed and decided that you would be my star crossed lover." He smiled at me and kissed m lips. He wiped away the tears that had been falling since I found him. They hadn't stopped, they never will. He was also crying but he was stronger then me. He was so strong… but not strong enough. We spent his last moments in silence, him in my lap, kissing every now and then. And after our last kiss, he drifted away. Into the heavens, far from my reach.

That was the worst day of my life. My boyfriend, my best friend, my husband died. Right in my lap… I still have those clothes, I could never bear to through them out. Its only been a month though, so maybe one day Ill move on. But not yet. Ryou's coming over with some big news. He said it was ergent, so I'm waiting for him to-


Oh, there he is. I got up and answered the door, but even though it looked so much like Ryou. It wasn't.


He turned his head to me and grinned.

"Miss me?"