Sooo yeah... what was that... a one year break. uh... sorry guys! But I'm back! hope you enjoy the next installment.

On the Road Again

Ivan searched for the better part of an hour and still found no sign of Alfred. He began to mutter a long string of very foul words under his breath that grew steadily louder each passing moment as his frustration neared its peak. He felt the telltale vibration in his pocket he knew without looking who it was, reluctantly he answered the phone to a grim sounding Gilbert on the other end, "They've made it to the old hideout. We need to move soon."

Ivan's sucked in a breath, that was not what he needed to hear right now, "Well we both knew it was only a matter of time, but I was hoping it would have taken them longer to find our trail."

"We're all packed and ready to go as soon as you get back. Did you burgerbrains yet?"

Ivan let out a frustrated huff, "Niet." he said as he climbed the hill and noticed Alfred's pack just over the next ridge, "Wait, I think I found him. I'll be back as soon as I beat some sense into him."

"Got it."

Ivan shouted to Alfred, but didn't get answer. He snorted thinking darkly, 'he's probably asleep', as he climbed the ridge, mumbling even more curses under his breath. That's when he caught a whiff of something on the air, something familiar that made his blood run cold. It was the unmistakable scent of blood. He made it over the ridge to find what looked like a scene from a horror movie, the rocks were smeared with red blood darkening in the sun. Alfred was in the middle, on the ground with his head surrounded by star flowers, he too was smeared with crimson. Ivan had to remind himself that nations didn't die as he frowned and approached Alfred calling to him again and still getting no reaction. At first he tried nudging him with his foot, but Alfred remained still as death. He knelt down to get a closer look and felt his throat go dry. He didn't want to admit it, but his feelings for Alfred had been growing stronger, so being this close to him made Ivan's heart ache. He pulled off his glove and touched Alfred's cheek. To his dismay, he found it cold as ice, his frown deepened even more; here he was trying to save Alfred while Alfred seemed hell bent on doing nothing but causing them further delays. Falling sleep out in the open, risking both his health and his body, not to mention making himself a target to any one or thing that happened by, no this had to stop. Alfred will learn to be more careful, even if Ivan had to beat the message into him!

Alfred stirred slightly under Ivan's touch and tired blue eyes finally slid open only to meet Ivan's hardened stare. Alfred knew he was in for it and gave Ivan a nervous smile, "Huh. Morning Ivan, how are you feeling?"

Ivan's expression darkened even more as he looked down upon Alfred," I was feeling pretty good actually until I learned that a certain idiot decided to go mountain climbing, then bled all over my mountains, and fell asleep out in the cold risking everything we've done for him in order to save his ass." Ivan spat sarcastically.

Alfred quickly tried to sit up but a wave of dizziness hit him and held his head wincing, "I was trying to contact my father! You know, so we could find out what the hell your people are doing in Moscow right now! And it's just a scratch. It's already starting to heal." He said as he looked at the cut that was still bleeding, "…well sort of anyway."

"So after all this," Ivan motioned frustratedly to the bloody markings on the ground, "did it work?"

"Um… well, not really. My dad's lands were attacked. I won't be able to reach him for a while."

Ivan was beside himself; it took everything he had not to lose it completely. "So after all this you still know nothing! Alfred, Gilbert had just informed me that they have already found my hideout in the mountains! It's only a matter of time before they track us here. We have no more time to waste on your crazy ideas, we have to go NOW!" he yelled.

But Alfred just sat there, his expression changing to a calm determination that only served to incense Ivan even further, "Ivan we need to talk."

Ivan grabbed the front of Alfred's shirt and pulled him up, "No! I can tell by that tone you are going to say something stupid! No talking! When you talk plans change, we are running out of time!"

Alfred grasped Ivan's arm gently. It wasn't like Ivan to lose his cool like this; Alfred couldn't help but wonder if this was out of just anger… or something more, "Ivan listen to me. They're going to be on our trail they probably know you're just trying to escape the country with me, so why don't we head in a slightly different direction and throw them off?"

Ivan thought it over for a moment before grudgingly nodding for him to continue, "I'm listening."

Alfred took a deep breath and continued, "Let's go get the black stars and Michaovich and end their hold on your country once and for all!"

Ivan stared at him in silent shock for a few moments and shook his head in horror. He could tell that Alfred had already made up his mind; that all too familiar stubborn look on his face said it all. "NIET! That is a horrible idea. We would be playing right into Michaovich's hands! Whatever he has, it is something he's planning to use on you! That's why he ordered that you were to be captured and brought here to Russia! Do you have any idea what will happen if we just walk in there… any idea what they would do to you!" Ivan said jerking his arm from Alfred's grasp.

"But we're nations! We can handle anything!" Alfred insisted excitedly, "They won't know that hit 'em!"

Ivan just shook his head in disbelief, "Alfred, you don't understand anything. Don't take their deaths so lightly. You've never suffered a death; you have no idea what it's like!"

"Ivan, I'm not. It's just… this cycle of hardship and unrest isn't going to end unless we do something to end it. Think about it Ivan. You could finally be rid of the Black Stars, you'll be free." Alfred insisted searching Ivan's for any glimmer of hope.

Ivan stared in stunned silence; for the first time he tried to picture what his life would actually be like without the shadow of the black stars haunting him. He looked back at Alfred who was still staring at him hopefully. That look in Alfred's eyes never failed to inspire and torment Ivan, stirring the desire to protect him even more. But protect him how? How long could they keep running from this and hope to get away? If Michaovich did have something powerful enough to have an effect on nations then maybe running wasn't the best option. Maybe there was still time to stop him before whatever it was, was complete.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a freight train slowly scudding along the tracks about a quarter mile from the mountain. The two of them quickly scrambled into the bushes and peeked out to watch it pass. Both relaxed a bit as the freight train lumbered across the landscape, snaking from the grove of dense trees, one car at a time slowly winding away down the tracks only to disappear back into the forest. They were about to move from their hiding spot, when the scene began to twist. Each one felt the other tense as they noticed jeeps loaded with heavily armed soldiers, emerged from the grove of trees, flanking the train. After a few more innocent looking cargo trailers, heavily loaded flatbeds appeared from the brush, they creaked and groaned under the weight of their cargo of rocket launchers, tanks, and other heavy artillery.

As the two nations sat stone still, the procession continued. Then the last few cars emerged from the brush, cattle cars. Both Alfred and Ivan watched in silence as car after car emerged. Both of them knowing full well that they were not transporting livestock the telltale silhouettes from the light shining thorough the car's slats outlined the cargo within, people. It wasn't hard to figure out that they were probably the families of those who had dared oppose Micahovich.

The waves of anger coming off of Ivan were nearly tangible. Alfred sighed and shook his head before turning to Ivan, "See Ivan? This won't end by us running and hiding. We can stop this, I know we can, I can feel it."

Ivan did not want to admit it but Alfred was right. His fatalistic bravado and naivety made him both endearing as much as danger to himself and others, but it was also what drew Ivan to Alfred now more than ever before. He couldn't help but get swept up in the whirlwind of chaos that was Alfred. Alfred beamed at him his eyes full of excitement and promise. Ivan knew there was no hope of getting him to change his mind now, but did he even want it changed anymore? He found himself wondering if maybe, possibly… he leaned closer to Alfred…

Alfred stood up suddenly, startling Ivan, "Пойдем Ваня что вы скажете!?" (Come on Ivan what do you say) Alfred offered Ivan his hand to help him up, "вместе мы сможем получить вашу страну!" ( Together we'll take back your country!)

Ivan's eyes widened as he looked up at Alfred speaking Russian again, there was a twinge of fear for Alfred but a dark little part of him had to admit, the words sounded beautiful coming from the younger nation. It made his heart skip a beat at the thought of him and Alfred fighting side by side together. He took Alfred's hand and stood, "Yes, together then."

They made it back to Xenia's house where Gilbert was working on a beat up old truck. Xenia tutted and fussed over Alfred while she bandaged his arm. She grumbled at him in Russian and he apologized in Russian back which only made her fuss more.

Ivan slid up to Xenia when the others were busy, "Mama, Alfred he's…"

"I know Ivan." She said her tone hushed, "He can't even tell when he's speaking in Russian anymore. The star flowers are helping him stabilize his emotions but they're also putting him in touch with our land. So much of his land now is under Russian control, I'm afraid it can't be helped. Just keep an eye on him, he's going to need you Vanya." She whispered as she watched Alfred, chatting with Gilbert, concern flickering in her eyes.

The truck turned out to be their transportation, Xenia managed to get from a local farmer. Though in poor shape but it appeared serviceable enough to at least get them to the next town. Ivan explained the change of plans to Gilbert as they packed the truck. "This sounds like a bad idea Ivan. It's so bad it sounds like something Alfred would come up with." Gilbert muttered.

Ivan couldn't help but smile, "Yes it is a terrible idea, isn't it."

Xenia came out with the last of the supplies for them. They had food, extra gas, and a few weapons she managed to scrounge for them. "In the next town there are a fair amount of rebels you will be able to rely on, but be careful. The people are desperate and the reward for both of you is very high." She turned to Alfred first and fixed his collar in a motherly fashion and put her hand on his chest, "Take care of yourself Alfred. No matter what you do things are going to be a struggle for you, but I know you can handle it."

Alfred just shot her one of his star studded smiles and nodded, "Don't worry about me and I'll take care of Vanya for ya."

Xenia gave him a warm smile, "Thank you Alfred."

She turned to Gilbert and hugged Gilbert tightly, "No more crashes. I do not want to see your sorry ass back here in need of patching up again, do you hear me?"

"Xenia, come on I know you just love seeing my sexy body." He laughed as Xenia smacked him on the head.

She bent down to pet Boris, "I know you will take care of them for me won't you Boris?" Boris responded by licking her face he whined a bit as if saying goodbye to her and jumped into the back of the truck.

She turned to Ivan last and smiled at him warmly, "Vanya, make sure to plant the seeds like I told you to and be careful."

"I will mama, I promise." Ivan replied taking her motherly chiding with a smile of his own. He had to admit he was thankful for the time he had spent at the cottage; he didn't realize how much he had missed her.

They boarded the cranky old truck and waved goodbye to Xenia, with Boris and Alfred in the back as they left in a cloud of dust kicked up by the tires.

It was a two day drive to the next town, and the road was rough and studded with holes, some of which seemed to be the same size as the truck. Every time the truck would lurch again shifting the supplies that threatened to burry Alfred and Boris, Alfred found himself almost longing for when they traveled by foot.

It was around the beginning of the second day when things began to change. A silence began to overtake them as they neared to the town; the idyllic Russian country side had taken on a bleaker more sinister look. The sky became darker, a muddy gray blue color with the scent of ash floating on the breeze as the plumes of smoke rose from the horizon. They watched with foreboding as filthy black smudge in the sky rose from the direction they were heading in. Ivan felt his tension rising with it as he watched it grow steadily thicker and more ominous. Alfred's attention was now turned to Boris who whined as he stared at it. The wolf's ears pulled back as he let out the high pitched keening noise.

The next chapter will be a bit more action and drama. I hope you're enjoying this and I will have the next chapter up ... a weee bit sooner than this one.