From a Mutant to a Witch
Here's another chapter for all those supporting readers out there. Sorry it took this long but I've been kinda busy and without time to write but here it is the next chapter to those that are still reading this.
Waking up with the morning sun beaming down at the fourteen year old girl, Marie opened her sleepy eyes to feel and see the suns rays raining down through the glass window and to her awaken slumbering form. Realizing that since sucking the life out of Carol, the silver-auburn girl finally had a restful sleep with no hateful whispers or terrifying dreams to wake her up screaming at the top of her lungs with frightened quacks and cold sweats. Thankful that her state of dreams didn't wake her room mates up and left her at peace, at least for just one night. But Marie couldn't help but wonder why Carol didn't show up like she usually did to sneer and threaten her with taken over her body or why those dreams of Logan getting experimenting didn't pop in her dreams.
Those painful feelings of drowning and suffocating as she's lowered into a green watery tank. The feeling of being burned to the bone and hot melting liquid running through her skeleton as it encased her from the inside out or of Erik (his younger self) being beaten and prison in concentration camps. Seeing all those dead and dying skeletal corpse or the horrible and sickening smell of burning flesh that choked her lungs as it formed in the grey dull sky. Rain pouring down upon her weary sore body as she's pushed to the muddy brown dirt as a bud of a cold metal object comes tumbling down hard to the right side of her head. None of those appeared and Marie wondered what or rather why those or Carol didn't burst out in her darken mind. Clearing her head to clear her mind, Marie got up and drew away her scarlet curtains open. Looking around, she notice the room in a diserted state. She was alone in the warm cozy room with Wolfie awake and purring softly as he snuggled closer to his warm spot, near her stomach. His hazel green eyes looking down at her with lazy sleepy eyes. Carefully, Marie grabbed the meowing kitten and settled him in the warm sheets as she got out of her warm cocoon. Going over to her trunk were her uniformed layed, Marie decided to change there since no one was around.
After going quickly to the bathroom to take care of her necessities, Marie walked out with her hair brush and deciding to leave her long curly locks down. With a fresh clean face, Marie started to put her first basic needs, a clean white cotton bra and freshly clean of underwear. Next she started with the knee-length skirt, then with the white blouse but not before putting a white long sleeve top under her blouse. Next she chose to put some black tights and stockings as well. The scarlet and gold tie was placed along with the dark black robe after putting the golden lion badge in the robe near the breast. After choosing to whether to wear the schools ankle black shoes that is needed or her black steel-toed combat boots, Marie choose on her favorite boots. Finally, she grabbed her black elbow length silk gloves to finish her attire. Looking at the rooms full length mirror, she inspected her self to see everything was on place. Satisfied some what, Marie gave Wolfie a small pet on his furry head, grabbed her books and her new but worn out book bag, she was out the wooden door to start her day.
Fifteen minutes later, after going the wrong way and turns and trying to remember her steps from last night, Marie finally ended at the Great Hall once again. Going over to her spot from the other night and away from her school mates, the untouchable girl sat down and began to pile as much food that her gloved hands can grab. Careful not to stain her gloves from the finger foods.
"Miss Rogue here's your schedule." announced a stern but warm voice. Turning her head, a woman dressed in dark green robes and hair in a tight bun stood near Marie. Professor McGonagall handed her a small sheet of parchment and another parchment that was hidden and folded on the bottom of her schedule. Giving the good one last stern look the professor moved on to the next student handing theirs as well. Sometimes shouting as some students that decided to throw their food at each other.
Looking over her schedule, Marie was a little skeptical when she saw the weird names that were her new classes.
Great she thought, Now ah'm officially a witch. And ah thought the Institute schedule was hard bah compare ta this? after seeing the number of classes that was to be taken in her list and the times she was to attend them Guess the good thin about haven Carol in mah head is ah cahn read her memories quicklah before she notice and track down were mah classes are held.
But what got her even more surprised, was the perfect elegant writing on the second piece of paper.
Miss Rogue,
I am aware of your certain powers and tge situation your state. I would very much like to meet you in person and be of some support and if you wish, I might be able to aid you as much that I can. If you would like to see me, I would very much be pleased and to talk this over with some tea and sweets. Preferable with some Lemon Drops on the side as well.
Will be grateful to hear from you during the start of dinner,
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Not believing what she read the copper silver head girl could only stare at the piece of old paper, as if hoping against hope that the words would vanish from her sight but as Marie kept reading it over and over, Marie knew the only person who knew about her mutant powers and the only wizard that she first came across and could have told the headmaster was one particularly person. Remus.
"Hey Rogue!" said a bubbly almost shrill voice from behind her. Turning her head in wincing from the high pitch scream (due to her new sense of hearing) Marie, surprised when she fixed her eyes on the cheerful small pixie as she took a seat next to her and began piling her plate with breakfast.
Marie wonder why this small short girl decided that they were somehow friends all of a sudden but not wanting to insult the young brunette girl Marie just went along with it and thought maybe because some how this girl reminded her about the only two well one girl (not including in the other girl whom had betrayed her trust and friendship) who stood by her side, the only friend that was there and had supported her action of taking the only thing that separating Marie from a world of freedom and true happiness. The only blue eye Asian, yellow obsessed, gum smacking, loud mouth, firecracker girl. And who Marie had left without a note or goodbye to explain her sudden departure.
"Hello sugah." Marie replied softly looking over at her schedule once again and shaking her head from the sharp sound that her ear drums met.
"Sugar?" puzzled, Mary stop at mid chew of her fluffy yellow eggs.
"Oh, sorrah. Mah momma used to say it a lot around the house before ah left Mississippi, so ah guess ah got used to the sayen." shrugging her shoulders and taking a drink from her silver goblet and enjoying the fresh orange juice that she had poured in her cup and quickly stuffing the note inside her bag at the same time from sight.
"Oh, that's so cool. I like it. Sugar." getting a funny look in her eyes as Mary's baby blue orbs looked up to the ceiling and sighing in delight. "Or sugah as you say it. So what classes do you have." snatching the piece of parchment from Marie's grasps (the auburn silver girl tried to place it in her bag with the other note but was not successful) and scanning it over with her bright blue eyes all active. "All right! You got the same classes as me. Well except Divination, I got Arithmacy. That's a bummer, to be placed in Professor Trelawney's class." biting off the end of a crispy bacon.
"Why's thah?" asked Marie, taking a bite of the fluffy warm eggs.
"Everyone knows that she's a fraud." looking over her shoulder, her blue eyes gazing in one particular spot.
Looking to where Mary was staring at, Marie looked towards the main table where a few professors sat either enjoying their breakfast or talking with one another. Turning her head to look at Mary again, Marie followed her stare and noticed that it landed on a small women who had a large spangled shawl wrapped around her thin body. Her hair mousey brown hair was too untamed, too thick, too fizzy and really big and full and over all, she somehow resemble an insect. The thing that made her stand out more from the other professors were the thick glasses that she wore. Looking closely, Marie noticed that the glasses were a few inches too large for her small head. Making her look even more weird, especially since her glasses caused her eyes to appear greatly magnified. Professor Trelawney sat a few feet away from the rest of the staff at the end of the table, silently taking small bites of her meal.
This reminded Marie too much of herself since she was always in the same place like the quiet professor. Living in the school's mansion for the first few days, Marie would take her meals a few seats away from the other students and sometimes she would eat alone at a table. Sometimes Jubilee would sit next to her and yak her mouth the entire dinner time. There were even days where it got to the point of feeling unwanted and the stares, that Marie would just locked herself up in her room and just go hungry. When the pains of hunger became too much, she would sneak in quietly and sit down. The first night after the incident in Logan's room and in Liberty Island,the kids had just look her way or ignore her presence just after finding out just how deadly her powers of absorption could really night as she quietly ate her food while listening to the latest gossip, class work, dating experiences or other teenage drama, Marie knew that this will be her life from now on.
"Why do ya sah tha?" she asked curiously to Mary, taking her eyes of the secluded professor.
"Because she is. No one believes her being a seer, except Parvati and Lavender. Those two snooping gossiping big mouths are some of the students that are very fond of her. They believe she really is a true seer and can see through her "inner eye" since only one prediction came true, or so they say. Ever since last year when Professor Trelawney predicated Lavender's pet rabbit was to die and it did in fact die on her. Ever since then those two girls hang to her every word like two little loyal puppies but everyone else know she's not a fake, they think she's just full of herself. Oh, and she always has the habit of mistakenly predicting, each year, the death of one of her students, which never even happens. I think and everyone would agree she's just scams people for her little own benefit." digging into her book bag and gulping a full glass of orange juice at the same time.
"Oh, well… mahbe she cah predict thahngs buh theh're aren't really correct thah much." shrugging meekly.
"Yeah, maybe." snorting sarcastically, "Oh no," gasped the pixie brunette, after a taking a few bites of her food she began rummaging in her bag frantically, "I forgot my potions book. I have to go up to our dorm room to get it before Snapes gives me an earful of not having it again. Ahhh, I'll see you in Herbology class." yelling and running as fast as she can out the Great Hall.
"Byeh." called Marie, waving off to the dashing pixie, who with her size was able to knock out a few students, some were even taller than her. Leaving a trail of angered and appalled students in her wake.
So far during her stay ay Hogwarts, Marie got a wide glimpse of just how different but at the same time the same, in how the school works, just like at Xavier's School. Hogwarts helped students not only learn the ways of teaching and casting spells with wands but also taught them about other topics such as, such as in her Herbology class. In Miss Munroe class back at the Mansion, she taught and showed her students the nature of plants, their species and how to treat one to fully bloom and more. Giving the class a chance to grow their own plants or flowers and later having a small reward for the ones who were lucky enough to blossom their plant from their seedlings. Here in Herbology, in greenhouse three, Professor Sprout showed her class the most ugliest plant Marie had ever seen. She didn't think a plant like this was even a plant for the so-called plant, a bubotubers, a thick, black, giant slugs, sticking out vertically out of the soil. Each was squirming slightly and had a large number of large, shiny swellings upon it, which appeared full of liquid.
For that class she was asked to squeeze the bubotubers to collect the pus it kept. Apparently they were extremely valuable for they did wonders in remedy for acne. Squeezing each plant was a disgust and nauseous for Marie, especially for her nose. By the looks around her classmates face the feeling was mutual. Getting the pus out the plant, which gave a strong scent of petrol,was a horrible task. Almost made her faint and vomit from it as her sense of smell was greater than the rest of the students around her. Taking deep small breathes through her mouth she squeezed and squeezed as large amounts of thick yellowish-green liquid came bursting out and running slowly through her dragon-hide gloves she was to wear and putting it in bottles by the end of the lesson.
Her next class was near the edge of a forest (which she over heard was named the Forbidden Forest not knowing why it was named that but didn't bother to find out) where a small wooden cabin rested. Hagrid, she remembered from her ride of the boats stood outside his hut. For this next lesson, She was to feed Blast-Ended Skrewts, shell-less lobsters, pale and slimy looking, with legs sticking out in very odd places and no visible heads and once again trying to hold her breath and not gag or puke as she gave a small groan of misery, for these deformed lobsters gave a big powerful smell of rotting fish. Choosing to feed one of the Blast-Ended Skrewts near the box a handful of frog liver she lowered gloved hand slowly into the crates to tempt the creatures with but had difficulty with feeding it since she didn't knowing or see where the mouth was, or if it had a mouth.
Students yelled or yelped just after ten minutes after some of their Skrewts stung them with their stingers others like Mary got burned or even bitten. Focusing in her task and ignoring the ruckus of one blonde student who was arguing and whining over the lesson, Marie walked over to the far side of the crates and stopped over one crate where one small Blast-Ended Skrewts crawled almost lazily one silent prayer that nothing bad would happen to her or the small creäture. Stah calm Rogue you won' harm it. You'rah covered from head to toeh just dangle the livah and just stay still.
Yes and maybe suck it dry of it energy in front of all these humans. Let them see who you really are. Be like the blood sucker you are, and show them, you fucking mutant bitch. A hissing was heard over her head.
Shaking her head she spoke to Carol for the first time since Canada Shut up Carol!
What are you going to do little Rogue laughing a sweetly sick laugh that made Marie cringe Send your precious Wolverine to drag me back like last time? It won't always work. You can't keeping depending on that wild beast of yours to always protect your ass.
No Ah'll find a way to lock ya up for good and yall nevah be able to get out then.
Giving one last giggle as her voice faded away Carol spoke as if amused by Marie's answer Try little bitch just try, see where that would lead. You will never get away from me. You will pay with your very body for what you did to me. I will claim that ugly body of yours and I do with whatever I please while you rot away from existence. Both in body and soul.
As her mind clear from the awful conversation Marie snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a small tug of her hand. She was impressed and shocked that instead of her Skrewts stinging or even biting her over her brown silk gloves she had on (switching her black ones for the brown), it just slowly crawled to her shaking hand that she had extended during her small talk with Carol and took the liver from her palm. Giving Marie a small gentle suction of its body to her brown encase hand it crawled away back to its corner. Leaving the girl to give a small smile as she stood watching over the sleeping Skrewts.
An hour later, while feeding again the same Skrwts (this time feeding it some grass snake) and getting the same reaction of the gentle sucking of her hand, Marie tense when feeling of eyes fell upon her. Marie looked over her shoulder to see where that feeling came from thinking it was Mary who was next to her a few feet away but found out she was too busy shouting insults and rumbling her injured red hand to one of the Skrewts that had burned her but felt surprised when it was coming from a different shade of green eyes as hers staring back at her was the same green eye boy from before. Noticing that he got caught staring at her the fourth year boy blushed and returned back to his two friends, whom were in the process of arguing the same silver blonde boy Marie had heard giving insults to Hagrid during the start of class.
Blushing red Marie immediately turned an even bigger shade of red when she saw the sly smirk Mary was giving her after just witnessing the little scene in front of a giggle Mary dragging an annoyed red face Marie by the arm (but flinching a for a second), they made their way back up to the castle for lunch once class ended. This time not feeling when the same pair of eyes watched her walk into the giant doors of the school's entrance with a hint of curiosity. Wondering about her strange behavior,why she stood far away from the rest of the class or why her deep dark green eyes held a glassy haze look for a long period, just before feeding one of the Blast-Ended Skrewts but knowing that wasn't just the only case why, after the auburn platinum hair was out of sight, they kept staring after her with a different lingering look.
Walking to the Defense of Dark Arts class the following next two days, in slow steps, Marie was too distracted to look at her surroundings, as she was too deep in one chapter of her new Dark Arts book. The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.
Unforgivable Curses are the three most powerful and sinister spells known to the wizarding world, and are tools of the dark Arts. They were first classified as "Unforgivable" in 1717. They are the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, causes instant death.The Cruciatus Curse, Crucio, inflicts excruciating pain on the recipient of the curse and the Imperius Curse, Imperio , causes the victim to do the unquestioned bedding of the castor. Using any of these three curses on another human being will result in a life sentence to Azkaban, unless there is enough evidence that the caster did so under the influence of Imperius Curse. Unforgivable Curses are very powerful, their use requires both great willpower and great skill to bring about the effects…..
Too engrossed with this new knowledge, she didn't notice the person who was standing near their desk and near her path as the student was buys rummaging through their book bag and looking aggravated . Bumping into the student, Marie's book fell from her grasp and making a loud THUMP sound as it crashed down the stone floor. Gasping in shock and stumbling backwards, Marie left enough space between her and the person she had bumped into as she tried to clear her mind from the surprise meet. Thankfully the person had their back turned towards her so she was safe from any skin incident and had only hit the persons back. (she was covered fully as well.) Said person had turned to face Marie when they had heard her surprised gasp and her apology. Marie was taken back when the person that she had bumped into was the same scrawny boy with the glasses. The one who watched her as she had order her sweets from the scarlet Hogwarts train and from two days ago during Professor Hagrid's class, and who at this moment was looking at her with that same look as before with his wide brilliant green eye. Looking at her unexpectedly but only this time gulping nervously as he continued to stare right back at her. Up close, Marie saw a weird-looking lightening bolt shape scar, just above the right side of his eye but she barely saw it since the scar was covered by his unkempt black hair.
How odd she thought. Nevah seen somethan quite lihk tha.
"Ah'm sorry." she whispered looking down were her book laid open feeling too uncomfortable and embarrassed from the looks and the sudden situation.
Looking to where she was looking, the red face green eye boy bended down to retrieve her book and held it up to her. "H-Here." arms quivering a little.
"Thahnks." blushing and slowly and hesitantly with her gloved hand, grabbed her book. Looking up, Marie saw that the boy had only nodded gradually while still keeping his intended look.
"H-H-Hi." he finally spoke, gulping and turning redder each second, his heart beat sometimes skipping or quickening as Marie (with her advanced hearing) listened to as it thump loudly or paused.
"Hello. Um, thahnks again." placing her book up to her chest and averting her eyes from the piercing green eyes.
"You-Your welcome." clear his throat and running his fingers over his raven hair, making it look more messier. "Uh, so your Ro.."
"Hey Rogue over here!" yelled a shrilly voice to Marie from across the room and interrupting the teen boys mid talk.
Looking over the scrawny teens shoulder, Marie saw the bubbly peachy hand waving energetic. Mary jumping up and down as she called over to her, "I saved a seat for you!"
"Uh, well thahnks again." Marie said. (wincing in thought, remembering that she had repeated herself over for the third time) Giving one last nod, Marie speeded past the stuttering boys reply behind her and headed straight up to Mary who had a cheerful smile in her face.
"What?" Marie said as she sat down in her seat while her companion had a questioning but gleeful look.
"What do you mean what. Harry was so checking you out." Mary whispered with eyes dancing and ready to burst in excitement.
"No he wasn', he was jus handen over mah book tha ah dropped. Thahts all." curling back one of her curly silver stripe-auburn hair behind her ear.
"Believe what you want but I saw what I saw and don't think I didn't see that little scene during Care of Magical Creatures class. I stand by it." chin held high and giggling, "Besides, the only time I have ever seen him act weird like that was last year, with a certain fifth year Ravenclaw seeker. Which might I add was rather funny to see, again."
"Hush now sugah, your' talken crazy talk. Ah jus spooked him from the bump. So keep those absurd thoughts to yourself yah here?" fixing the bubbly brunette with a stern glare.
"Fine. " sighing in defeat, "but I know I'm right. So neuh." tongue sticking out childishly.
Rolling her eyes, the silver auburn girl gave a shack of her head and sighed, "Reahl mature sugah."
Soon all the chattering and playful mood in the class disappeared as the new Darks Art teacher walked out of his office from the top stairs and descended down the stone cold steps. Staggering up with a thick wooden stick on one hand, the professor stood still at the center of the room, looking frightening with his moving electric blue eye at each scared or creeped out student.
"Alaster Moody, "declared gruffly the new Defense Darks Art teacher as he took a close look at each student, then going up to the chalkboard to write his last name in big messy letters, "Ex Auror, Ministry Mal contempt, and your new Defense of the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, good-bye, the end. Any questions?" once again, his weird blue eye kept moving at some of the scared students that were nervously looking straight to the class chalkboard or the floor, while others held their gaze at his mechanical eye, where he would give a glare to snap them of their trance. "When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in the practical approach but first which of you can tell me, how many unforgiveable curses there are." No one spoke, either too afraid to answer or not really knowing the curses. Only one soft voice spoke or rather squeaked from the silent classroom.
"Three sir." spoke the bushy hair girl, Hermione from behind Marie's seat.
Turning her head around to look at her, Hermione. Marie noticed that the girl was looking a little worry but trying not to let it show, as her head was held high but at the last-minute she had to clear her throat to quiet her wobbly voice.
"And they're so named?" spoke Moody, turning his body towards the chalkboard to write the name unforgiveable down as the brown hair girl answered each three.
"Because they are unforgiveable," gulping once, "The use of any one of them will…"
"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban correct. "he growled, interrupting the girl. He made the statement clear that it'll basically end you in prison. Well, what Marie thought was what the wizards called prison. "Now the Ministry says You are too young to see what these curses can do. I SAY DIFFERENT." almost yelling in anger and making half the class jump out there seats. "You need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared." again writing quickly and almost sloppy at the board "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk MR. FINIGIN!" still writing away as the said boy had in deed placed his gum on the side of his desk.
Turning her head to the back, Marie could clearly hear what the Irish boy had said, as the surprised boy spoke to the students near him, "Oh no way. The old cauldron can see from the back of his head?" gasping in astonishment.
Quick as lighting, the piece of chalk that Moody held in his hand came soaring straight to the Irish boy as it made contact to his head. The few students that were in close reach of the flying chalk, had a few moments to duck their head to miss the piece of white stick that flew over their heads. Marie, with a small borrowed power from a certain feral, had seen the chalk leave Moody's hand in the millisecond that he threw it. With the agility she gained, Marie ducked just in time to miss the powdery white rock that would had hit her right in the eye if not for her quick movements.
"AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS.!" shouted the new Darks Arts professor as everyone jumped. "So," staggering up slowly to the class in a raspy voice, "Which curse should we see first? WEASLEY!" calling on one of student near the middle of the room.
"Y-Yes?" asked a tall frighten redhead freckle boy.
"Stand." ordering the now horrified boy as he looked at the professor with wide fearful eyes and wide gaping mouth.
With shackling legs, Weasley stood up.
"Give us a curse." the professor commanded in a whisper.
"Well, my dad did tell me about one." looking at the Professor who had a look as if he was pondering on something.
"The Imperial Curse." he said tentatively.
"Oh yeeeaah," his deep harsh voice looking at the red-head appreciatively, "Your father would know all about that. Give the Ministry quit a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this would show you why." staggering up to the front of the class and leaving the boy still standing and trembling. Over at his desk, jars of different sizes stood neatly. Inside the glass crystal jars, bugs swarming with flies buzzed, wiggling earthworms and different type of spiders were caged in their containers. Opening one glass jar with sand inside, Moody had a look of glee, "Hello." picking up a large black spider that was scuttling around inside out from its glass jar and held it in this hands as Moody inspected the eight legged creäture. "Okay little beauty." pointing his wand at it.
"Engorgio." he muttered.
Making the small little spider into a large one as it grew bigger in his hand. "Imperio." came his deep throaty voice. The spider gave a small shake then flew up to one students notebook The dark skin boy started moving his body away from the moving insect while his partner just looked at the spider with a frowning look. The class gave a laugh as the big insect flew over like a puppet that was controlled by some invisible string to the next desk and landing one top of a big bulky boys head. The large boy closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, silently giving a small cry almost bursting in tears. More giggles and gasp came from the students as it next landed on top of a dark skin girls arm. Her terror was shown as she gasped for breath and froze still as a statue. Next to her, her partner who looked sidentical to her, a mirror image of herself but with different color robes just scooted as faraway (as she possibly can) from her. Yet again, Moody (steering the spider with his wand) moved the spider over to the same red-head from before and hovered it over the frozen boys head. The freckle boy was mortified and whimpering as it floated (with its bony and hairy eight legs) and in a way dancing on top of his ginger hair. Once it did land on top of his head, the Weasley boy started sobbing in fright. A bleach blonde boy was the next target, this time. It landed on his face, right on his nose. Losing his composure, the alarmed blonde was in panic and dread, crying to get it off his face while the guy next to him tried to shoo it away. More screams of laughter rang across the room as some even clapped in encouragement. Finally, the spider lastly landed on one more student.
This time that unlucky student was Marie.
Taking deep breaths like how she was taught in her meditating sessions with Professor X. Remembering the rules. Take deep breaths, clear the mind of any negative thoughts and focus in one particularly motive, one small happy memory or calm thought. So that's what Marie did. She took deep breaths, cleared her mind of the unwanted visitor and the creepy feeling of small legs dancing and crawling over her arm and shoulder and concentrated instead of a peaceful memory locked deep and so far within her small happy memory even Carol wouldn't be able to find.
Marie focused her thoughts to the garden she loved to spend her times at the Mansion. Ms. Munroe's or Storm (as she liked to be called as well) garden was the most beautiful and well-kept garden Marie had even known and loved at the school. With all the wild roses and other exotic flowers (Storm would bring from her trips she was given or bought) blooming and giving an intoxicating smell. Giving it the feeling of being in another world. The only spot that made Marie barely feel that she could escape from her skin problem and spend hours reading or relaxing there. Sometimes if Logan was in a good mood, he would join her as well without being asked or a word from him. He would just plop himself on the green grass and lit one of his cuban cigars and would stay quiet. With the smell of his cigars and the fresh clean earthy and woodsy smell his body would give, Marie would snuggle close to him and breathe that spicy scent of his with the hint of worn leather, Marie felt all giddy and safe in his warm muscle tone arms that would be wrapped around her small waist without question. Closing her eyes Marie could imagine the sunny heat of the sun shining down on them. Logan's intoxicating scent or the smell of a lilted Cuban cigar filling her nose, his body that gave off heat like a furnace, the touch of soft fabric touching her cheek and the cool breeze as it blew in her face and everything around them as the radiant smell of the garden surrounded them in a cocoon of tranquility while the birds chirped and tweeted around the peaceful domain. The touch of Logan's arm squeezing her small waist once in a while to let her know of his presence. Giving her a small shiver of pleasure as a small stripe of her skin that would peek out from her shirt would touched his bare calloused fingertips as it ran smoothly but quickly before her skin could react.
She never know why he did it or if he even know what he was doing or what it made her feel as he did it but overall, this memory was the only beautiful thing she could truly remember feeling happy and free of her worries and doubts forgetting who she was what she became and the danger she could inflict with just a touch of her bare fingertip. Because of one person who gave her the most cherished memories of affection and comfort since her mutation, Logan never looked at her with caution or with guarded looks as others did, only seeing her as nothing more than just his sweet shy and caring Marie.
Snapping her eyes open when the sound of laughter was heard, Marie opened her eyes to discovered that she was back to reality and no longer in her heavenly garden or in Logan's embrace and no creepy crawly in her arm. She was back to the world, of her Defense class at Hogwarts, in England and not back in New York. As the class continued to giggled and laughed over the big spider that was now in a dance of its own which consisted of just hoping up and down in midair, Marie blushed and cleared her fuzzy mind. Scowling herself for letting her mind to wander literally to far and almost out of it. Marie felt her cheeks turn warm as her headache began to form from the cruel laughter that came from her darken mind. She watched the small little creäture as it wiggled, rising up a few centimeters up in the thin air and then moved to fly in a small circles, going over all over the heads students as it danced and shake.
"Talented is she?" asked Moody with laughter and mirth in his scarred face. "What should I make her do next? Jump out the window?" throwing the helpless creäture on one of the classes circular magnifying glass. "Drown herself?" slowing pulling (with an invisible pull) it down into a small bucket of water. Bringing the squealing spider over to him, the professor stared at it for a few seconds. "Score of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you-know-who's betting, under the influence of the Imperial's curse. But here's the rub. .Ho do we sort out the liars?" silence was only heard in the room. "Another, another. Come on. Up. Up." asking for the name of the last curse.
One boy with big ears for his head and two big front teeth weakly raised his hand hesitantly. "Longbottom is it?" calling the dark hair troubled boy to stand up. "Professor Sprout tells me that you have an aptitude for her Herbiology."
Nodding his head slowly and almost in a soft quiet voice, "The-There's the um the Crutiatis Curse." in a soft but distant voice.
"Correct. Correct. Come. Come." spoke Professor Moody, calling Longbottom over as the boy paused for a second and then slowly walked up to the professors desk as the professor placed the big spider on his table. "Particularly nasty. The tortured curse."
Pointing his wand at the spider, the Defense professor cried out, "Crucio!" the poor spider gave a shrilled of pain as it crumpled and shuddered aguishly on the desk.
Longbottom just stared at the poor withering creäture in agony. A pained look came into his face as he became paler all of a sudden and terror in his eyes as he grimaced and squinted in anguish.
The professor looked at the bushy hair girl then to Longbottom as he saw the emotional torment in his eyes and the quivering body. Stopping the curse, the professor cleared his throat, picked up the spider, then placed it on top of the bushy hair girls desk. "Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgiveable Curse Miss Granger. No?"
The bushy hair girl, with tears in the brown eyes only looked up at the professor in disbelief at his question and shook her head not saying a word as she tried to hold the tears that wanted to spill out.
Pointing his wand to face the spider with unread and unemotional blue eye. (the other, the fake eye, just moved side to side.)
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Moody roared.
A small jet of green flashing light busted out from the tip of his wand and straight to the spider. Jumping, the small creäture gave a small strangled sound as it fell limp on its back, dead as a stone.
"The killing curse. One only person is known to have survived and he's sitting in this room." his gaze looking straight to the only survivor, the red face boy with the messy raven hair. The whole class turned their heads or bodies to see the boy as well, Marie as well but the boy only stared at the written chalk blackboard as though fascinated by it , not looking at the class that stared with awe eyes or pity looks. All Marie could do was watch the red face boy as he continued to stare straight ahead.
Walking unsteady in his feet, Marie notice the same silver flask Moody was holding last night was held in his hands again. Taking a large swing of what ever he was drinking, Professor Moody did not let his stare wander away from the lanky boy whose gaze was also fixed (seconds later) on the Darks Art professor with his flask of unknown liquid, looking deep in thought.
After class was dismissed Marie and a bouncing Mary descended the spiral stairs down as students behind her and up ahead, whispered and chatted over their new teacher. Each with different opinions todays lesson. Just a few steps ahead of her Marie heard one conversation that caught her attention and she listen closely while still shaking her head and only hearing parts of what Maryellen was talking about. Mary's was conversing over which boy her bright blue eyes had caught her interest in her goody list, of who was drool worthy and who was great with their mouths or rather the part that rest just inside the mouth.
"…terrified to be in the same room with him but he's really been there you know, he looks evil in the eye." said the same redhead boy, Weasley.
"There's a reason those curses are Unforgivable. To perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face?" spoke the bushy brown girl, all flustered in angered. Stopping her tantrum once she elbowed on the side to face the said boy who had a sad and depressed look in his face. Halfway down spiral stairs, alone and staring at the schools glass window that shown a gloomy middle age women with golden eyes filled with sorrow and sadness. "Neville?" spoke Hermione gently. Looking at the boy and the picture window.
Stopping, Marie and Mary paused mid walk as they watched the little scene in front of them that block their path. Hearing the sound of a clanking noise coming down the stone spiral stairs, Marie quickly moved out-of-the-way, near the railing, as Professor, Moody appeared and limping down to where wide-eyed and horrified look of the fourth year boy stood. Placing a firm hand on his shoulders to grab his attention. "Son," shaking his shoulder, "you alright?"
The boy merely nodded his head as his eyes fell down on the floor.
"Come on…. We can have a cup of tea….." said Moody gruffly but gentle at the same time, "I want to show you something." turning and heading up the stairs again. Neville trailing behind with slow steps, not acknowledging his friends.
Mary looked at Marie with raised eyebrows, wondering what that was about. Marie merely shrugged her shoulders as other students had gathered behind them as they murmured among themselves over one of their house mates behavior.
Before Marie could start her descend down the steps, the same raven boy from before, Harry Potter as Mary had told her about his name, was watching Neville go with the professor from over Mary's head then turned his head around to speak with his redhead friend but before he did, the lanky boy did a double take of his head and nearly tripping over his feet on a step in his haste to look at her when he saw just who was behind him, who was next to Mary and whose body he was looking over to watch Neville go up with Moody.
Staring at her silently while his redhead friend oblivious to his partner kept rambling on about being hungry, while the green eye boy merrily gazed at the young mutant witch. Marie feeling uncomfortable as his friends (and one still talking redhead) and Mary, who was smiling with amusement in her pretty azure blue eyes, watched her as well expectantly and see what Marie would do. Looking from Mary's knowing look and to the blushing boy, Marie felt heat spreading through her entire body as no one spoke or moved. The Weasley boy finally stop mid talk since the bushy brown hair girl gave him a hard elbow punch to the stomach to quiet his rant and was now glaring at her while rubbing his sore and rumbling stomach. Not wanting to delay her next class, Marie simply gave a small glance at the blushing gangly boy and his two friends and quickly (with as much space she had to walk through them) continued down the stairs with Mary giggled softly behind her trail.
By the end of the day, as the sun began to go down and the moon began to rise, it was already time for dinner. As Marie and Maryellen, who seemed to tag along behind her, continued to go to the Great Hall for dinner, Marie stopped just a few steps away from the double wooden doors that lead into the Hall when she remembered the note that was hidden deep in her skirt pocket. Mary not to far ahead stopped as well when she felt Marie stop in her steps.
"What's the matter? Aren't you going to get some dinner?" pointing her thumb behind her to where the all the students have already settled down behind the great opened wooden door, already piling their plates and goblets with food and drinks and talking among each other about their day or other things.
"No, actually ah have to go see Professor Dumbledore. Since ah hav'en been here for those three years of school, ah wan to see if ah can get some extra lessons so ah would feel more comfortable with myself. Theirs thin's that ah still don' understand yet. So ah thought if ah can get some free lessons with some professors ah won' be held back if ah have problems in the long run." replied Marie rambling some excuse. Not wanting to tell this girl. who seemed to want to become her new friend. She was turning around to go on her way when Maryellen once again surprised Marie.
"Ok, if you don't make it to dinner, I'll meet you back at the Common Room with your dinner. So take your time." smiling her pearly white teeth to the stunned Marie. Taking no notice of the silver-auburn girls reaction, Maryellen was leading heading inside the Great Hall and humming a jazzy tune, glossy brown hair swinging behind her back.
No one had ever ben this nice to Marie since Logan had left her there at the mutant school. No one (not even her boyfriend Bobby or Jubilee, both claiming an excuse of forgetting or were busy to know if she was even there) would tell her when dinner was ready when she was to lost in her mind that sometimes she would miss dinner with the voices in her head. No one would tell her or would bring her food to her room when she would get her headaches because of the voices. Marie knew some of the students thought she was crazy or even more when she would sometimes will have,without knowing,conversations on her own, mumbling or speaking in different languages. (apparently, Logan or Erik knew more than one language, could have been Logan since Erik would sometimes speak to Marie in German)No one cared that she was eating or not. Then suddenly, this short fourth year girl who didn't know her had decided to stick with her since she first announced her name to Marie, was already looking out for her health. Since leaving New York, all Marie felt was the emptiness in her body and the loneliness in her heart that she forgot how the warming presence of another person and the feeling of being cared for especially from a stranger who took her time to get to know her. Finally after all this time, Marie had a small smile in her face. Just from one small bubbly girl brought her some hope in her broken heart. Shaking her head about this new revelation Marie took a deep breath and began to walk to where a certain wizard was waiting.
After taking turns,zig zag, up and down corridors, and asking directions from few professors whom where on their way or back from dinner, Marie made it to the third floor, but all that was their right in front of her was a large ugly stone gargoyle and a dead-end. Turing her head left and right she sighed in irritation.
Great, she thought, Now wha?
Think back you silly girl. growled a voice in her mind.
Wha? Did ah jus hear Erik give meh a helpful advice? Erik? Was tha you?
What do you expect? wolverine to be this intelligent for these kinds of state of affairs? all that could be heard from behind Marie's darkened mind was a soft threatening growl, chuckling with amusement from the response, Erik continued Child when you have years as I had, you tend to be aware from every aspect of your body and mind. Think back to when you received the note. Think and listen carefully on every detail in that little wandering head of yours. receding into the recess of her mind once more.
Rubbing her aching head as it began to pulse tenfold, she thought back to when she got the note from Professor McGonagall but left her with no helpful clues. Pulling out the note from her pocket, Marie took her time to read carefully on the eligent cursive writing. Finally almost toward the end of the note Marie reread the last two words that was written smaller than the rest of the note. Lemon Drops.
"Lemon Drops?" she asked no one in particular.
Suddenly, the gargoyle took a lept aside, revealing a slowly ascending circular moving stone staircase. Quickly she hopped up and walked slowly up until she reached the top and found an oaken double door. Knocking at the door softly, it opened on its own , so taking a deep breath she stepped inside. Walking bit by bit Marie saw a large circular room with many windows and so many portraits of old men and women talking softly to each other, others just stood there looking at her as she made her way to the front of the room where a desk and chair stood. Next to it stood an orange and red bird on its perched, staring at her curiously with its beady black eyes. Walking carefully towards the bird Marie, awed beauty of the silky feathers and how it was cooing at her and bowing its head to her.
"Marvelous is he? Fawkes." said a voice from up the spiral staircase. Turning her body away from the pretty bird Marie looked sheepish as Professor Dumbledore came down caring a steaming tea kettle in both hands then taking a seat. Setting the steaming kettle near his left side while taking a piece of candy from a near by tin canister on his right, as Marie stood in front of his desk that filled to the brim with parchments and old worn books.
"He's a gorgeous bird but ah neveah seen a bird quit like this?" watching as Fawkes ruffled his feathers and bended its head to take a nap.
"Fawkes is special. He's a phoenix." announced to the awed girl as she couldn't stop gawking at an extremely rare bird.
"Would you care for a lemon drop?" moving the tin can up to where the nervous auburn hair girl whom was at the moment pulling and tugging her gloves.
"No thahnks. " she replied politely.
"Tea? I was just in the process of trying a new herb that I'm told is most popular in calming headaches. " pouring the steaming liquid into two cups, handing her one.
Not wanting to be rude as the cup was presented to her, Marie accepted the hot tea. Instantly, the aroma of peppermint and spearmint wafted to her nose. Taking a small sip, Marie let the warm drink run down her throat little by little the big ache in her temple began to faded to a small dull. Her whole body felt relaxed and warm, looking up at the twinkle blue eyes of her new headmaster as he too took a sip of his tea and let his eyes drop as a sigh escaped his lips.
"Ah yes that sure is a wonderful taste it sure does help relax those sore muscles one has." putting the cup down Dumbledore smiled. "Well then I'm sure you know why I called upon you." getting a small nod from the mutant witch, "I was a bit surprised when Remus contacted me and told me about you and your special abilities. I have only meet a few mutants in my younger years and up until now had only had one student at Hogwarts that attended and who was in the same situation as you are now. She had trouble controlling her powers since the start of her first year and was isolated from her peers at one point but once she was able to get a hold and keep up it under control she became a great Auror but like many others who had to hide their differences from the rest of society she had to hide and not show her true identity. "
"Ya mean Carol right?" surprisingly Carol was quiet in her mind, since the minute Marie stepped into the Professor's office.
"Yes, she was a private girl. Always on her own and never asking for help. When I first met her, Carol Danvers, I knew she had the ability to become one of the most powerful witch and mutant. With her ability of her super strength, flight and her indestructible body and her wand skills she had more power than any regular witch or wizard or even mutant that I've come across . She was a very on edge after graduating here, something happened before she entered her seventh year. I noticed changes in her in not only in her behavior but also….. . " pausing and looking into the warm tea deep in thought for a second. A misty cloud began to appear behind the sparkling blue eyes behind moon spectacles. " The stronger she got the more others around her took notice, to the point that she used and abused her power for bad but with good intention in her one point I become worried for her and tried protecting her from exposing too much of herself. Her health and her state of mind became to take a great toll. I tried to heed my concerns and at one point I thought that she had taken my regards in her changes and the cautious of being known she wasn't not only just a witch. "
" She showed herself of who she was right?" declared, already knowing the answer, seeing bit and pieces of what Dumbledore was saying. Small details of things Carol couldn't keep from Marie.
Yes, and because of just one revelation, Carol became not just a target to Deatheaters and the Ministery but to the humans and others who had bad intentions with mutants. Once she was exposed that she was a mutant, Carol just disappeared from the wizardry world and up until now, I had lost contact of her until Remus had sent an urgent note saying Carol was found but not alive."
Nodding with her head down Marie could just see behind her closed eyes the cold hatred of deep dark green eyes of Carol as her pale body looked upon her in the snowing blood-red, snow. Her bloody matted blonde hair spread in a golden halo of fire as it began to lose its shine, her pale ivory skin became grayer and grayer by the second.
"She was cast as a fugative.….Ah just can't see why we're hunted down as wild animals." putting her cup down, running a gloved hand over her two colored tresses, "It seems that ah will nevah be able ta escape and be normal." looking up, "Are mutants feared here as they are back in America?"
Nodding his head slowly, "You see Rogue, mutants, as Remus has told you, are not accepted or treated fair here in the wizardry community. Like in your society, mutants are considered a danger to our society and sometimes sent to wizard prison, Azkaban or killed. Sometimes they are given the kiss from the prisons creatures that suck the happiness out of the victims and cause great suffering to those in their proximity." seeing the confused look of the green eye girl, "In order to keep our world from any threats, our wizardry minister here in Britain is very persuasive in capturing and sentencing mutants to their deaths if he feels any hint of peril. So in order for you to be safe, I must suggest one thing, no one here should know of your mutant powers."
"Okay… but thahs something thah ah still have trouble. Ah don't have control with my poisonous skin and ah'm just scared that someone will take notice of why ah'm wearing gloves everyday or the way ah cover mah skin." tugging her gloves and holding one small covered hand up. Looking at the encased hand in black silk.
"That will be taken care of , I will send a note to you every week to come to my office. From there I will try the best I can to help you control and be able to have skin contact without the necessity of extra layering and still be able to call upon your absorbtion powers in your own free will but I can't guarantee that any results may show. You must be patient and think positive and not let the anger and pain control you. Now, if you would like as well, we can meet once a week here and go on from there. How does that sound Miss Rogue? We could meet here during dinner, that way no one would take notice of your absence and there wouldn't be a problem with missing classes."
"ah think that's perfect. Thank ya Professor Dumbledore, thank ya for takin ya time not only for takin your time ta help meh but for acceptin meh here in ya school knowing that ah'm a mutant. Ya don' know how this means ta meh, ta one day be able ta touch. Ta be able to be normal around folks and not hide behind mah own skin." happy tears rained down her cheeks.
"No, thank you Rogue for giving me the opportunity to help you, what you have my dear is a rare and special thing. Never let yourself think that what you have is a curse. Having the power of absorption in energy is something that is quite rare and truly a great thing. You were given this power of yours to protect yourself from any danger that may fall upon you. Now I think dinners about to be over I'm sure if you hurry now you may be able to grab some supper. I'll call upon you once again to tell you when our first session will begin." with a flick of his wand the tea kettle and the empty cups disappeared.
"Thank ya Professor once again. Ah'll be careful and ah'll see ya next time." smiling and bidden farewell, Marie turn and ran out the room but she stopped just half way to the door,. Marie turned to where the Professor still sat smiling at her, she needed to ask what was wedged in her mind since the minute she awoke in Remus's place, " Professor, wha did happen ta Carol's body? aftah…." clearing her throat from the knot that was forming.
Sighing, the smile dropped a few centimeters low, " She's placed in a discreet place where no one should or would know about to prevent from others from disgracing her grave. I'm afraid I can not tell you anymore than this. For even I am not aware of the place she was buried in for safe only person who has that knowledge of Carol's burial is the person who took her. Any important information was kept hidden for good intentions that I can not say but know this, Carol was taken in a safe and peaceful place where no one, only the person who took her could disturb her grave. For this person whom I ask to take her is the most loyal and trusted person I have known."
Nodding and bummed that she couldn't get anything else from Professor Dumbledore, Marie gave him a small smile in understanding and left the room with a somewhat untroubled state. Running down the stony stairs and down the corridors with a tiny smile in her reddish face,leaving behind an uneasy professor.
Standing up to where his faithful companion was, awake and already cooing, as it stretched its neck to be petted, Dumbledore looked deep in thought. Blue eyes showing a hint of weariness,"I just pray to Merlin that you don't go down the same path as Carol did. For I fear with all that power hidden inside of you could turn out even more distressful than how Carol's life had become and ended." stroking the fine silk feathers lightly, his eyes resting on an object hidden behind the old worn sorting hat. Not seen in view but knowing what's placed there.
Finally thangs are at last looking good ta meh. Please God, please, dom't let this small happiness beh taken away from meh again. Now that I cahn finally be happy with mah life. And forgive meh for taken a life tha ah didn' mean ta take. Please don punish meh of my horrid sins any more than ah already am.
Well that's the end of the chapter. Hopefully, if I'm not too busy on other projects, I'll have the next chapter posted as quickly as possible.
A blur of auburn and silver hair in black robes could only be seen rushing down the halls and up the Gryffindor Common Room where a certain bubbly brown, blue eye girl was waiting alone with a warm plate and a cheerful smile.