A Love Story

Chapter 1

One day a pink hedgehog who goes by the name of Amy Rose walked along the streets of Station Square while appreciating the beautiful day she had for it too, she looked up at the sky and smiled seeing the blue sky and some white puffy clouds hovering above with the sun shining in the distance it wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot the temperature seemed just right.

She had a brown paper bag full of food in her hands and was just heading back home when she heard someone calling her. "Amy," Rouge had flowen down and landed in front of Amy.

"Oh hi Rouge how are you?" Amy asked, the two girls had gotten really close over the past two years and were now really good friends.

"Guess what I got," Rouge said with some excitement Amy looked at her confused.

"What is it?"

Rouge then pulled out a small purple bottle that had some red patterns going right around the entire bottle "Oh is that perfume," Amy asked since perfume bottles are aways quite pretty.

"Nope, It's a love potion, I got it yesterday from a fortune teller," Rouge smiled caused she had an idea.

"I was going to use this on Knuckles but I thought you need this more than I do," Rouge said hinting something.

"What I can't do that! if I want Sonic to love me then I wanna do it the honest way," Amy walked by Rouge with her eye's closed still carrying her shopping she was a bit annoyed with Rouge thinking she was that desperate.

"Are you sure Amy? Rouge called.

"Yes I'm sure! I'll see you later Rouge," Amy said and walked off.

When Amy was gone Rouge looked at the bottle the gang were having a small get together tonight so Rouge came up with a plan in which she could pour some of this into Sonic's drink and make sure that he was talking to Amy or at least looking at her.

"I'm sure Amy will thank me for this later," with that said Rouge flew off to get ready for the small party that Tails was having. The gang hadn't been together in while and Tails wanted to have a party he invited everyone,there had been no attacks from Eggman in a long while so this was the reason they hadn't seen one anther much.

Amy was now home and looking through her wardrobe for something to wear she was hoping Sonic was going be there so she wanted to look her best "I can get Sonic to love me without a love potion and this should help surely he fall for me now," she had picked out one of her best dresses it was a blue dress just about the same as her normal dress, it was the same length it had some jewels at the bottom and also had small flower cliped to just under the straps, she put it on and gasped as she saw her reflection in the mirror now that she was ready she headed out the door making sure to lock it and made her over to Tails workshop.

Once there Amy was surprised to see everyone was there even Shadow was there, she started looking for Sonic she wasn't evening expecting to she see Sonic there cause normally he doesn't show up to these knid of things but he was there he was talking with Tails and Knuckles she now felt really nervous and couldn't bring herself to walk over, she looked around and saw Cream and vinilla.

"Hi Amy," they gave one another a hug.

"Hey Cream," Amy replied back.

"Did you see Sonic already?" Cream asked thinking that was the first thing Amy did when she came over.

"Um well I did see him but I haven't actually spoken to him yet,"

Cream was surprised to hear this "Is there anything wrong?" she asked

"Well I didn't think Sonic would be here and now that he is here I can't seem to bring myself to go over and talk to him," Amy said explaining why, "I just don't want him to reject me if I ask him on a date I just know he will," she saw Sonic looking at with a confused look she turned away quickly.

With Sonic..

"Hey Sonic you ever gonna to ask Amy out?" Knuckles smirked and asked after seeing Sonic looking at her Sonic blushed a bit but hid it quickly.

"Uh I don't know haven't thought about it," Sonic replied quite quickly Knuckles had walked away and Sonic went back to watching Amy she hasn't spoken to him yet "why is she not talking to me?" he asked to know one in particular.

With Rouge..

Just at this moment Rouge had heard that conversation and smiled she walked over to the table and grabbed the jug ofjuice then got two glasses she looked around to make sure know one saw her, knowing that know one was there she opened the bottle and poured two spoonfuls of the love potion in to one glass then poured her own drink she was about to walk over to Sonic when she bumped into Knuckles.

"Watch it bat girl," Knuckles said quite angry not really pleased to see her.

"You don't have to be so rude," Rouge said angrily as well while making sure didn't spill the glasses.

"Why are you here anyway, it's not like your apart of this team,"

Rouge was now glaring at him (of all the nervehow dare he,) "for your information Tails invited me over so I must be considered one now give this to Sonic," she shoved the glass with the love potion in it in Knuckles right hand and she walked off.

With Sonic..

Sonic turned his head to see Knuckles standing next him muttering something about Rouge which he found quite amusing "so you ever thought about asking Rouge out Knuckles?" Sonic asked with a smirked knowing what the answer would be, Knuckles turned to Sonic with an appalled looks on his face.

"I would never ask her out," he said with a bit of angar, "here," Knuckles gave Sonic the glass with the love potion in it and walked away again.

Tails came over to Sonic "hey Sonic,"

"Hi Tails," Sonic took a drink out the glass while looking at Amy and now turning to Tails it was now bye bye Sonic for him as something clicked in his head.

Tails notised Sonic acting strangely so he waved his hand in front of Sonic's face "um helllllooo Sonic you in there," he clicked his fingers Sonic shook his head.

"hey Sonic you alright?" Tails asked

Sonic's eye's dropped as he looked at Amy and sighed "dosen't Amy look pretty," Tails eye's widened Sonic had never said some like that before about Amy.

"Uh I guess so, are you sure your ok?" Tails asked again now worried.

"I am when I think about Amy," Sonic eye's widened when he saw she wasn't there any more "now where'd she head off to," Sonic walked off to look for Amy leaving Tails confused about what he heard.

Sonic looked every where but he just couldn't find her and he was now getting worried about her, he saw Cream talking to her mum and went over to to ask where she went.

"Hi ," Cream said happily.

"Hey Cream, have you seen Amy?" Sonic asked.

"Oh She went home because she wasn't feeling well."

"What and she's walking home herself at this time," Sonic zoomed out the door straight away hoping to find her.

Cream was left confused it was only 8o'clock at night and it was still light out plus Sonic wouldn't normally care.

He was now half way out the Mystic Ruins when he spotted Amy he slowed down and was now walking at Amy's pace "Hi Amy," Amy yelped and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Sonic standing there.

"Sonic don't scare me like that," Amy said surprised to see Sonic.

"Sorry about that heh, I was worried when I couldn't find you at the party any more," Amy was shocked.

"Oh really you were worried about me," Amy couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah so how about I give you a lift home?" Sonic asked hoping she would say yes.

Amy thought for a moment but just shrugged "I guess that would be ok, thank you," Sonic then picked her up bridle style and sped off towards her house.

Once there Sonic sat her down in front of her door and they both smiled at each other "um Amy I was wondering...would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow," he was blushing a little after remembering what Knuckles had asked him.

(he's asking me for date should I go, what if he doesn't show up like always oh but I really want to) "Amy," she was brought out her thoughts.

"Well ok but promise me you'll show up this time," Amy said not getting her hopes up

"Ok I promise," Sonic smiled.

He looked as if he meant it "I'll come and pick you up around 12pm ok, I'll see you tomorrow," with that Sonic waved Amy goodbye and went back to Tails workshop and formulating a plan for tomorrow.

Heys guys I had this idea for a while now I know it's probably been done a millions times before, I just wanted to make my own version so I hope you's enjoy it xxxx

Disclaimer - Sonic belongs to sega