Hiya I recently finished watching high school of the dead and I really enjoyed it. So, I decided to write a fan fiction based upon it, but with a twist. Personally I'm not very keen on any of the pairings for Takashi Komuro.
Please don't get me wrong here I have absolutely nothing against ReixTaksahi or SaekoxTakashi fans, I'm just not very keen on the couples myself, but hey that's just my personal opinion. ^^ So anyway instead I decided on something new I created my own character and I have dumped them straight into the middle of this mess. Let's see what happens shall we?
Mysterious survivor of the DEAD
Komuro was wandering the streets of Japan that he thought he knew, but everything that he thought he knew was destroyed. Everything that he had come to cherish; was shattered. The whole world was changing. It was the end of everything. Including life as he had previously known it.
"Damm it. What the hell is going on?" He half muttered half shouted as he was forced to walk over even more of the dead that lay scattered across the streets.
It was at that moment in time that he heard the voice. It came from around the corner near the ancient abandoned book store. It sounded distinctly feminine but unusually calm and very close.
"Get off of me." It rang out to Takashi Komuro again and he picked up his pace, running now towards the voice.
He skidded around the corner and took in the sight that lay before him. A teenage girl around his age was lying on the floor on her back surrounded and covered by them. Her unusual long snow white hair was tangled and bloodstained as she attempted to fend of the living dead.
Takashi was just about to run in and try helping the strange new girl when something bizarrely amazing happened. The girl unfolded her long legs and kicked out at the undead landing both of her feet squarely in the centre of two of their pale sickly faces. Komuro had to duck to avoid getting hit, quite literally, as a bodies flew towards him.
Komuro blinked his dark hazel eyes and when he opened them again he found the girl on her feet after she had finished performing two spectacular back flips in a row. She pushed her long side fringe out her eyes, which were even more stranger than her hair. They were a stunning blood red that shone from the light of the crescent moon ahead.
Takashi stood awe stricken at how fast and graceful this girl was as she continued to plough through more of the living dead. She lifted herself up onto one long leg and swung round the circle of living dead with the other.
Her foot glided through the air connecting hard with their heads with enough force to shatter their skulls. The result was terrifying. Bodies dropped one by one around her, heads smashing against the surrounding walls.
When she had finished she straightened her body and smoothed out her clothes with her hands. The school uniform which she wore was very similar so the school uniform that was worn by girls at his school. Except that were it would have been green (if she did go to his school) it was a light blue. He immediately recognised it as the school uniform worn by the students from the school on the other side of town.
Looking up the girl finally met his eyes. "Good evening. Sorry you had to witness that." She swept her arm around the destruction that was left at her feet.
Komuro instantly held out his hands in front of his chest. "D-don't worry about it. This world is changing, we all have to do what we can to survive. I'm Takashi. Komuro Takashi by the way."
The girl took her time before responding, taking in his name deep in thought. "Hmm… Unfortunately what you say is true, but I'm glad to meet you anyway Takashi. My name's Mayonaka." Mayonaka looked up at the sky and up towards the moon. Komuro followed her gaze.
He was the first to break the silence. "So… Have you been out by yourself for long?" He asked the question with mild curiosity wanting to start a conversation with this mysterious new girl.
"Yes I have. I've been alone since this whole damm thing started." Mayonaka didn't look at Komuro when she spoke. She continued to study the sky. What she had said wasn't a lie, but she had been alone long before the world began to end. She had been an outcast for most of her life but she didn't want to talk about her past.
"Its okay. I know exactly how you feel. I was alone before this whole thing started. Sometimes I still feel alone, even though I'm surrounded by my friends. Sometimes its as if no one understands. I feel as if no one really knows me."
Mayonaka stared in pure amazement at the stranger stood next to her. Komuro met her gaze levelly with warm eyes that glinted with an enormous depth of understanding. Mayonaka was taken aback by this sudden change in atmosphere and tension and had no idea on how to respond to the sudden warmth that he was showing her.
Something clicked between the two of them then. They did not know what it was exactly, but if felt as if they had known each other for all of their lives. Instead of the few mere minutes that it was in reality.
The pair stared at each for a long time, until Komuro broke it by looking back up at the moon. "How have you been able to survive by yourself for so long?" Komuro found himself asking completely out of the blue.
She turned to face him and he faced her as he waited patiently for the answer to his question. "Well I do a lot of training in martial arts, I've been training since I was young and I guess its finally paying off."
Komuro was instantly reminded of Saeko when Mayonaka said that. "I have a friend that I reckon you'd get along with. She's called Busujima Saeko. She's been training in the art of Kendo since she was very young. Before all of this happened," he made a gesture to the dead undead lying on the floor, "she was actually the captain of our Kendo club." Komuro looked back up at the moon again and as he did so an idea struck him.
"Hey, that's just given me an idea. Why don't you come back to the house with me? To meet the others? Maybe we could even team up. Having another person with your high level of skill on our side could lead to a huge advantage for all of us." Komuro lifted up his bat and placed it on his shoulder. He turned to face Mayonaka and gave her a genuinely authentic smile,
Mayonaka on the other hand, did the complete opposite. She stumbled completely taken aback by his genuine warmth. Her cheeks lit up a light scarlet as she fumbled for an answer. "I-I don't know…" Mayonaka trailed off, suddenly finding the ground very interesting. What should I do? She thought to herself. .
Suddenly, she felt the weight of a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Komuro Takashi standing very close to her. His expression was serious but his eyes were filled with understanding for her situation. Mayonaka was stunned into stillness by his close proximity.
"You've been by yourself for a long time. I understand that, trust me. This world is changing. Everything we once knew has been destroyed. I know how hard this is for you, but the best chance of survival that we could possibly hope for would be to stick together."
Komuro genuinely knew how she felt. He remembered clearly how much pain he had been in when Rei had rejected him for Hisashi. That had slashed his heart open; it had torn him apart. What she did destroyed him and that pain can never be undone.
He had felt isolated and the pain of rejection stung. But he had found himself feeling very grateful when he realised that he wasn't by himself in this huge mess. He felt better because he wasn't alone; he was surrounded by people who were there to help him.
He desperately wanted Mayonaka to realise this, but in the end it's her decision; it's her choice. So instead he stood and watched the conflict inside her body through her eyes as she fought between her heart and her reason.
Mayonaka had been an outcast, an outsider for so long that she had almost forgotten what if felt like to be surrounded by people who cared for you. She had almost forgot all about the warmth that friendship brought with it. All she had known for years was bitter cold isolation and the memory of being abandoned by everyone she loved.
She desperately longed to feel the warmth of friendship and happiness again, but she remembered too clearly the hurt and bitter cold that had came so shortly after it. The pain of being rejected from everything you thought you knew and loved.
Mayonaka made her decision. She wanted to experience warmth and friendship again she wanted to give it another chance. She wanted to try to forget about the isolation and pain.
She looked up at Takahsi Komuro her choice ringing around inside her head loud and clear. There was a small voice inside her head telling her the negatives of what she was just about to do, but she ignored it and smiled up at him.
"I've made my decision I want to go with you."
Komuro smiled down at her. "I'm glad to hear it Mayonaka, but before we go to the house I have to pick up some supplies. Would you be willing to come with me?" He took a step in the general direction towards town and Mayonaka nodded her head and followed him.
They didn't talk on the way there they both had many thoughts swirling around in their heads and they also didn't want to attract any unwanted attention from them.
Once inside Mayonaka spilt off from Takashi to collect the supplies that she wanted to gather. After she had finished she wandered around and found Takashi standing over the shops cash register, bat in hand, ready to smash it into smithereens.
"What are you doing?" She asked calmly as she approached trying to keep her voice low so that they wouldn't hear her from where they wandered outside the supermarket.
"I'm trying to get the money out of this cash register I'm not sure how much petrol the humvee has in it." He still held the bat above his head, but he had turned around to face her.
"Here let me do it. We can't risk making too much noise not with them standing right outside." She jumped up on top of the counter and stood over the cash register. Mayonaka lifted up one strong slim leg and aimed a strong kick at it's weak point. Her foot connected hard at the joint in the side and it flung open without a noise.
Mayonaka stepped back and let Komuro have the money out of the cash register. He grabbed all of the notes and stuffed them into his trouser pocket, before jumping down. He was closely followed by Mayonaka.
They walked outside into the moonlight and straight into a crowd of the living dead. They stood crowded around the entrance blocking all routes of escape.
Komuro and Mayonaka stood back to back in the middle of the mess. "You ready to kick some undead zombie butt?" Mayonaka looked over at Komuro out the corner of her eye and watched him nod his head.
"As always." And with that the battle began.
So that's the end of the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I have many ideas for this story this is only the beginning. There's much more to come for Takashi and the gang.
Please review I would love to receive any feedback you may have on this. All reviews are welcome including constructive criticism as I know that there will be plenty of flaws in this. ^^
Hopefully the next chapter will be uploaded soon and I have plenty of plans; it should be interesting.