Well, this is my first try at a multi-chaptered Fillmore fiction. This will star my OC, and she will pretty much be the only thing I own. Well, that and a few other made up names. But if I owned Fillmore, there would be another three seasons and a movie. Toon Disney, wherefore art thou? Ah-hem. It MAY be a bit of romance, but I shall wait and see where this goes. I don't really have practice in the romance department. Anyway, here we go!
X Gets a New Delinquent
Fillmore scowled as the perp tipped over a bin of golf balls, sending him and his partner Ingrid Third crashing onto the grass. At least it was soft and not hard pavement or a set of stairs. Both officers sprang up and raced after the hooded figure, which was getting farther off in the distance. Ingrid went to the right, and Fillmore continued sprinting to the left. They cut the suspect off at the basketball courts, and Fillmore tackled him to the ground.
Fillmore ignored the stinging sensation on his elbow as he yanked the kid off the ground and Ingrid pulled the hood off. "Gregory Andale." She smirked at his annoyed and slightly fearful expression. Anza and Tehama jogged up to them. Anza took hold of Greg's wrists and began to escort him to the HQ. He nodded to the two best officers and Tehama, panting slightly, addressed them.
"Folsom wants you two to get ready for the Introduction assembly this afternoon."
Ingrid sighed. Her heart beat had become regular again and the three Safety Patrollers made their way up to X Middle School. "I don't think she'll need an introduction assembly. I have a feeling the school will know her name by the end of the month, if not sooner. Have you seen her record?"
Fillmore frowned slightly. "Yeah. Expelled from five schools in the past year and a half. Went to juvie for two summers in a row and has a rap sheet longer than my arm."
Ingrid shook her head. "This is going to be a LONG year."
"If she lasts that long." Fillmore joked.
As the Safety Patrollers entered the school, a black SUV pulled up to the curb. A girl with blond hair and red streaks got out and surveyed her new surroundings. Her driver watched her for a moment. "Amazon, this WILL be the school you graduate from, got it?" His tone meant there was no room for an argument. Amazon rolled her eyes, and nodded. The driver sighed and pulled away, leaving X's new delinquent to her thoughts.
Amazon shouldered her black backpack and pushed a loose strand of hair out of her forest green eyes. X was certainly bigger than any of her other schools. Maybe she would choose to stay. Sure, the stories were that she had got caught and expelled from the last five schools due to her...pranks. But in reality, she had simply been bored and needed a change of scenery. If there was one thing Amazon always made sure to do, it was to go out with a bang. Getting expelled for some of the biggest crimes and pranks in middle school history certainly fit that category.
Amazon pulled her schedule from her bag and scanned it quickly. She had math first class, and she had no clue how to get there. She was supposed to meet a guide, but she didn't see anyone. Wait, scratch that. She jumped backwards as a golf cart came to halt in front of her. A blond woman studied her for a moment. Amazon returned the expressionless stare. Finally, the blond held out a hand and Amazon accepted it. "Welcome to X Middle School. I'm Principal Folsom, and this is Vice Principal Raycliff." Amazon turned her attention to a man sitting at the wheel, who nodded at her. She climbed in and sat down.
"Raycliff, drive towards the math wing. We'll start our tour from there." Amazon jolted slightly as the cart began moving again. She stared at the buildings that blurred by and did not notice Folsom remove a tan folder from her briefcase.
Folsom stared at the record and then at the child beside her. Indeed, she was dressed to fit her title as juvenile delinquent. Blond hair with devil red streaks, black t-shirt with a skull and ripped jeans. Black combat boots stretched to her thighs and metal chains were substituted as a belt. Amazon Kowalski had many offences, such as running an underground poker ring, vandalism that would have impressed Randal the Vandal himself, mascot stealing, back-talk, handing out fake hall passes and term papers. And these were the only ones she had gotten caught for. Lord only knew there were probably many more things she had done.
Folsom wasn't an idiot. In fact, she was the opposite. She knew this child had purposely gotten herself expelled. The skill in which she pulled off her jobs was great, and she was smart. A genius, actually. But the last few schools she went to did not have a Safety Patrol, and thus the school felt they must get rid of her while they had evidence.
Silently tossing the record back into her briefcase, she began her 'Welcome to X' speech. "The introduction assembly has become a tradition at X, so you WILL be on time. The classes are in the main building, and other clubs and extra-curricular are in the surrounding area. I will show you your classes today, but if you get lost in the following days ask one of the Safety Patrollers for help. I believe you will become acquainted with them soon." A small smirk found its way across Amazon's face. "You're locker is on the first floor. I will give you its combination after."
As Folsom continued to talk, Amazon's mind wandered. She had a bad feeling about this introduction assembly. She had no clue why, something didn't feel right. But Amazon always trusted her gut feeling. It never steered her wrong before.
But it was also telling her this would be an interesting school year; for her, and the Safety Patrollers.
Well, how is it? I would really appreciate reviews, but no flames please. I need at least three reviews before I do the next chapter, ok?