A/N: I'm back! I know its been forever but life has been crazy and school has been insanely busy. But I'm back now and starting my new fic! this one will be much lighter then my last one and is set in the past- well during season 1. Anyway this was inspired by similar events in the it girl series classic, and this series is amazing btw,- but if you know the storyline it is only inspired, not following it completely due to obviously different characters and such. Ok I'll stop now so here we go…
SUMMARY: It's Valentine's Day on the Upper East Side and this year Constance Billard and St. Judes are running an online personality survey called Perfect Match-supposedly to match each student with their perfect soul mate. Blair is convinced she'll be paired with her boyfriend Nate, but when she gets paired with his best friend Chuck will Blair get the Valentine's Day she's been waiting for?
Disclaimer: I do not own Gossip Girl/It Girl or any of it characters
Blair Waldorf awakened at 7:00A.M on a Monday morning. Normally most kids would groan at the thought of waking up, hit the snooze button and sneak in a couple minutes-maybe hours of sleep. But not Blair Waldorf. And especially not this week.
She removed her sleeping mask and sat up in her Egyptian cotton sheet bed. She stretched her arms out and yawned. This week was the week to get her out of her grouchy state that came along in February. As soon as February hit Blair always got sick of the cold frigid weather. More like exactly when one of her favorite holidays Christmas is over. She would become an even bigger bitch then she usually was. But it usually benefited her because no one went against her at that time of year- unless they wanted to experience social suicide. Or even worse.
Blair pulled away the covers and swung her soft lotion covered legs out of her bed and slid her feet into a pair of slippers. She reached for her black silky robe tossed on her lounge chair and slid it on. She then padded towards her window and pulled away the silk curtains.
Blair basked in the direct sunlight hitting her. It was going to be a great day. Just like what her father would tell her, if your day starts right, it ends right. With Mother Nature on her side, it just seems that she's on the road to a great day-week even.
The significance of this week was simple. It's almost Valentine's Day on the Upper East Side, and what better way to spend it with her boyfriend and finally becoming a woman?
This year's Valentine's Day will be perfect, Blair decided. So last year's Valentine's Day was terrible, but this year would be better. This year she would be spending her Valentine's Day with her boyfriend Nate Archibald, finally doing what they should have done a long time ago.
Blair exited her Audrey Hepburn inspired bedroom and headed on down the spiraling staircase. Dorota greeted her with her usual breakfast which she would barely touch.
"Good morning Miss Blair."
"Good morning Dorota. Isn't it going to be a wonderful day today?"
Dorota puzzled by Blair's newfound happiness set down the tray of yogurt, fruit, croissants, and orange juice.
Blair ignored it and drank the coffee that was already ready for her on the coffee table instead of taking what was set in front of her.
Blair heard her cell phone vibrating on the glass table. She snatched it off the table and scanned the message's contents.
Coming over in 20, k?
Blair remembered that she and Serena had planned to walk to school together today and discuss the results.
And by results Blair meant the results for the online personality survey Perfect Match. It was supposed to assign you to your supposed "soul mate." Whether Blair believed in that happening-well she'd have to wait and see. See if the survey would match her with her longtime boyfriend Nate Archibald.
Blair made her way back upstairs to get changed and cleaned up. Being the queen B meant she always had to look her best; not a hair out of place, mismatching buttons-nothing. Blair slid on her Constance uniform and accessorized it to be fit for a queen. With her signature headband and broach in place as well as a bracelet, earrings and not to mention her pink heart ring she always had on her finger. Blair gave a quick once over on her outfit and decided she was ready.
Just as Blair was making her way back downstairs Serena appeared coming from the elevator. She looked radiant as always. Her sunshine golden locks glistened cascading past her slim shoulders her bright smile lighting up the room. Blair envied her I-don't-even-try-to-be-beautiful looks.
"Hey B! Are you ready?"
"As always," Blair replied hoisting her oversized tote bag on her shoulder.
Serena and Blair took the elevator down to the lobby. The strutted down the streets of the Upper East Side when Serena finally brought up the topic to be discussed, "So, aren't you excited to see who you're matched up with?"
"Of course Serena. This survey was just meant to show that Nate and I are meant to be together. Do you think you and Cabbage Patch will be matched up?"
"I don't know to be honest. It would be a whole lot easier if we were but I don't know, we come from different worlds- but a survey shouldn't dictate if a couple should be together or not."
"Yes but it should be an indicator. Serena regardless of whatever feelings you might harbor for Daniel Humphrey it's just not possible for you two to be matched together."
"How can you be so sure you and Nate will be a match?"
"Because Nate and I have been dating forever and we click," so maybe that was a lie. Sure Nate and her weren't clicking for the past while but after Valentine's Day that would be bound to change.
"Whatever you say B. You do know that Penelope wants to be Nate's match right?"
"Please, that's like trading a Prada for a Frada. They will never be matched. I have nothing to worry about from Penelope," Blair stated rolling her eyes.
Serena giggled, "I hope so B."
After a few more minutes of walking and chatting Blair and Serena arrived at Constance. There sitting on the stairs waiting were her minions.
"Hello girls," Blair said condescendingly. She took her place at the top of the stairs looking over her kingdom.
"So how was everyone's weekend?" Blair asked.
There was a lot of mehs and okays. That indicated no gossip to report. Blair sighed inwardly to herself; it was a boring weekend for everyone.
Just then Blair spotted Nate enter the school courtyard alongside with his best friend Chuck Bass. Blair wasn't particularly a fan of Chuck since the first time she met him but started to become friends and partners in crime when it came to scheming. He was the only one that could keep up with her plots and help her with her social destructions. Her minions were okay but not even close to the same caliber as Chuck.
"Hey sweetie," Blair greeted approaching Nate and giving him a peck on the lips completely interrupting what Chuck was saying to Nate.
"Hey. How was your weekend?"
Lonely without you, Blair wanted to say but kept her feelings hidden.
"Waldorf, don't you have any manners?" Chuck interrupted; he had the I-was-standing-here-and-you-haven't-said-anything look.
"Funny you should ask Bass because you clearly don't," Blair retorted a little irritated.
"Ouch, you wound me Waldorf-"
Chuck was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing.
"Let's finish this conversation another time," Chuck finished.
"How about we not," Blair retorted.
"We'll see the next time you need me and begging me for help we'll see if I'll help you."
He has a point, Blair thought, he's the only one she could rely on in the scheming department.
Blair went back to the girls on the steps and Serena and led the way into the school. They were having an assembly first to explain the rules and regulations of this new Perfect Match survey and how it'll work.
Blair's mind drifted as to what will happen once the results are given out. Nate being romantic and finally doing the deed. Blair fantasized what it'd be like but just when it was about to happen she was rudely poked by Serena.
"B aren't you coming?"
"Where?" Blair asked momentarily confused.
"To class silly! Don't you want to know who you'll be paired up with?"
"Oh right," Blair got up and followed Serena to class. She sat at her usual seat in one row from the back of the class seated in the center. She liked being in the middle of everything and being Queen B, she was always in the loop on everything that happened at Constance.
Alphabetically, Mrs. Stanek- her Calculus teacher,- handed out each envelope with the results. It also had a schedule of the events that were scheduled during the week that you must attend with your "mate."
All around Blair could hear cheers, groans and giggling. Blair anxiously awaited to be handed the results. She was so sure she would end up with Nate-what if she ended up with some loser instead?
Finally, Mrs. Stanek gave Serena her sealed envelope and then followed with Blair's. Blair ripped it away from her teacher's hands and was just about to open it but at the corner of her eye she saw Serena opening hers. Blair watched to see who her best friend would get. Blair watched Serena's eyes shift along the paper and watched a frown appear on her perfect features.
"Who did you get?" Blair asked casually.
"Not Dan," Serena sighed. Blair felt a twinge of satisfaction to see Serena not get what she wanted for once.
Blair then tore the envelope open unable to wait any longer. She unfolded the papers and got to the one with the results. She scanned the content of the paper and felt her stomach drop and the breath be knocked out of her. There's no way, Blair thought inwardly to herself. Blair noticed she was shaking and composed herself trying not to show the slightest bit of emotion. Blair's perfect match wasn't with her beloved Nate.
Blair's perfect match was none other than the womanizing pig, Chuck Bass.
Oh my how the mighty have fallen. Poor B, what she hoped would be her white knight being her perfect match was clearly mistaken for the devil. Hm, the Queen B and the devil? Now that's a couple worth rooting for.
XOXO Gossip Girl
A/N: So? What did you think? Should I continue? Thoughts? Opinions? Review!