By J. Lynn ([email protected])

This was inspired by lethe medusa's Demons Among Us (http://www.fanfiction.ws/read.php?storyid=600916). Read it. It's extremely good, and much less disturbing than this.

And, when it was all over, I looked around. The Hollow was decimated.

Bodies were strewn everywhere, and where you could see the ground it was red with blood. The only thing moving was the smoke from the slowly building fires.

I walked round, stopping to look at every clump of body parts, looking for some trace of identity. It was odd when I found someone I knew. I felt so detached, rather as if I was reading the obituaries, instead of digging through piles of intestines.

I found Ron a quarter of a mile from where I started. His corpse was only missing a few pieces. The left half of his head and his right calf were lying in the hole in Malfoy's back. I left them there. I should feel bad about that. Ron wouldn't have wanted any part of his body immersed in Malfoy's.

I moved on, and didn't look back.

As I moved towards the edge of the gore the limbs became larger. The giant's had been some of the first to fall to Voldemort's new weapons. I sat upon a large hairy leg and looked round. I could feel the wrongness of it all deep in my bones.

I had killed him.

But now who would kill me?

Death had swept the fields, leaving miles of waste in its wake.

But it forgot me.

It was all over.

And I was still here.

It was wrong.

So wrong.
