Three's company

Elena got out of bed late Saturday afternoon and groaned pushing her long chestnut hair out of her face. She laughed at the sight of herself in the mirror. Her mascara was all over her cheeks staining her usually natural and pretty olive skin. Her big brown eyes were blood shot and her hair was a tangled mess around her face. She still had her tight halter top on but her jeans were discarded on the floor. She was donned in the halter top and a thong and briefly wondered who put her to bed last night and if he took off her jeans or she did.

The memories of the night before and what drove her to get so wasted threatened to over take her mind and she shook her head trying to wash it out as she strode into the shower to get herself cleaned up. It had been the most interesting summer Elena had ever had. She only had a month left but something told her the last month of summer was only going to get crazier. There I go again, she thought, pushing the thoughts back again.

She had to go and fail math so her parents wouldn't let her go to France with Caroline and Bonnie for the summer. After breaking up with her first boyfriend Matt she was bummed thinking she was going to be stuck with a boring summer. But she just couldn't stay with him anymore. The passion she craved just wasn't there anymore.

She spent the first week of summer bored with no one to hang out with but the empty minded girls that followed her and Caroline around agreeing with everything they said. She thought for sure this was the summer she would die of boredom.

But luckily she met Stefan at the grill. They hit it off instantly. He was really cool and laid back. He was a stocky muscular teen with a football player like build. His soft green eyes and bright smile were really attracted her to him though. Her heart raced a little whenever he smiled at her. They spent the day paying pool and hanging out. She had a hard time getting him off her mind after that day. Something about him just seemed to call to her.

She met Damon a few days later at the beach. She thought Stefan was gorgeous with his spiky hair and his soft green eyes. Damon was amazing. He had these ocean like blue eyes that just sparkled and this black hair and that body. He was tall and lean muscular but not in a bulky way. His abs were like something out of perfume ad or something. He was just beyond gorgeous. She often had fantasies about him well both of them. She blushed admitting this to herself but she couldn't help it. Stefan was like the teenage dream guy and Damon was like the forbidden older guy.

Damon was blast to hang out with she laughed so hard the whole time her abs hurt the next day. She found out they were brothers soon after and felt guilty about crushing on both of them. Especially after she found out the secret about them. They had fought over a woman that looked exactly like Elena once before. She was a vampire and so were Damon and Stefan. She ended up being burned to death with a bunch of other vampires back in 1864. It was so crazy Elena almost hadn't believed it. But they showed her their fangs and the picture Katherine the vampire who could be her twin. She was scared and a little hurt at first. She left in a rush but she came back, she was drawn to both of them and this new danger thing called to her.

They told her more each night and over the course of a week. They both assured her they didn't think of her as Kathrine at all. That she was completely different. Katherine was vindictive and manipulative. She made them hate each other and they never wanted that again. They explained they spent years hunting woman together seducing them and draining them. The idea freaked Elena out but she still couldn't leave them.

They had changed over the years, they both mostly fed from blood bags now. Except Stefan who occasionally hunts animals for the thrill of the hunt. He said he only bites woman for sexual pleasure now. Damon also likes to bite for sexual pleasure, and on Friday nights he usually goes out and compels a few people for their blood. He calls it his Friday night bites, but he told her he doesn't kill people anymore unless provoked. She didn't ask him to specify what provoked actually means.

Somehow it didn't bother her that they were vampires. It should have but instead it intrigued her. She had always been a person who liked to live on the edge. When she and Matt got serious and slept together he got so committed and everything changed. She felt constricted and bored for so long and after Matt she needed this rush, this danger. It called to her, they called to her. She could tell her legs to stay but they would get up and walk over to the boarding house the vampire brothers lived at anyway.

The sexual aspect of the biting really interested Elena. After the night they told her about their feeding habits, when she went home that night. Instead of freaking out, or running, planning her escape or any of the sane and human things she could have done she found herself fantasizing about them biting her.

She was trying hard to hold her attraction back she didn't want to hurt them like Katherine. She understood how Katherine couldn't choose between them. They both had such amazing qualities, if only Stefan would stop gazing at her when he thinks she isn't looking and Damon would stop the sexual innuendos and flirting. It makes it so much harder and lately they have both been flirting with her more.

Stefan's gaze's would linger on her just a little longer. Damon would sit just a little closer to her.

Any chance to touch her they were quick to jump on. She got caught in a tickle war with them a few nights ago. Stefan was so close to her she thought he was going to kiss her for a second. It filled her heart with butterflies but he pulled back looking nervous. Damon was right there and just watched them with a curious expression on his face. Damon was home more and more. She rarely saw him with girls anymore. Sometimes she would catch his gaze and it just set her body on fire.

Then last night.

She let the hot shower clear her head as she remembered the club last night. Damon was flirting with her all night long and Stefan couldn't keep his eyes off her. She found herself flirting back it was so easy and fun.

They had some shots and were on the dance floor Stefan was behind her and Damon was in front her of her. Between the drinks and the sheer intoxication of being in between the two stars of all her dreams she found herself grinding into Damon's leg. She made the mistake of looking up at his ocean blue eyes and the passion in them shook her to her core. She felt Stefan suddenly behind her, his hard bulge pressed into her lower back and she gasped at the predicament she was in.

Luckily a fight broke out on the dance floor and the moment was interrupted because Elena wasn't sure what that would have led to. But she couldn't get her mind off it. They seemed to notice how overwhelmed that had made her and offered to leave but she didn't think she was ready to talk about it so she opted for more shots instead. The next thing she remembered was falling asleep in the vip lounge. She assumed they carried her out and brought her home.

The images now of the club fueled her mind and alternate scenarios of how that could have ended started to wash through her brain. She tried to shut them off but it was impossible once she got started. She allowed herself to fantasize about them as she detached the shower head and started to relieve herself. She had to bite back a scream and she positioned it over her sensitive and throbbing clit and allowed the water to vibrate it. She pictured Damon and Stefan with her sandwiched in the middle and came quickly.

She was relieved but guilty as she usually was after indulging in these forbidden fantasies of them. She hoped the fantasies would be enough but she knew things were changing. She dressed and dried her hair getting ready to go see them again. She was nervous about facing them after last night but decided she would play it off like she blacked out. She decided that was the best option.

Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself from now on, she told herself, don't let them see what they do to you!

"Ha." She scoffed at herself wishing it was that easy when these two guys consumed all her thoughts. She climbed into her car and took off before her mom could question her.

"Hello Elena." Damon greeted her with his trademark smirk that made her knees go weak.

"Hey Damon." She grinned he stepped aside enough to let her in but made sure her body still grazed his when she walked by.

She rolled her eyes at him and walked into the living room. Stefan looked up from his book and smiled widely at her.

"Hi Elena." He said. "You look really pretty today."

"Thanks." She blushed, it was hot outside so she had slipped on a short pink sundress and put her hair up in a ponytail.

"Pretty?" Damon scoffed coming over to look her up and down her heart sped up at the way his eyes took her in. "That word doesn't even do our gorgeous, beautiful, sexy little Elena any justice at all."

"Damon." Elena said feeling her face get even hotter.

"He's absolutely right." Stefan grinned his eyes drinking her in just as Damon's just had.

"Stop." She laughed sitting down on the couch Damon flopped down next to her.

"This tiny dress you have on. Damn Elena." Damon said leering at her.

She flushed and crossed her legs which only caused the dress to ride higher up her thigh.

"Mm." Stefan mumbled she looked up and he smiled.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Elena asked trying to stay clam and normal.

"Strip poker?" Damon suggested.

"Damon." Elena laughed.

Stefan came and sat on the other side of her.

"Naked twister?" Stefan asked with a grin.

"Stefan?" Elena said surprised. "You're awfully cheeky today."

"He's horny it's been a while." Damon said.

"I see." Elena blushed.

"For both of us actually,." Damon said.

Elena shot him a surprised look. "How long is a while, three hours?"

"Actually Elena's it's been almost a month." He said.

"But you had a girl leave the bar with you last weekend." She protested.

"I just took some blood." He said with a puppy dog look on his face.

"Oh, okay. So why are you telling me this anyway?" She asked.

"So you would ask us why." Damon said scooting closer to her she felt her heart start to race and her body start to warm up.

"Okay why?" She asked mocking his tone.

"We have our heads all wrapped around a certain girl." Stefan said in a soft voice scooting closer to her. She glanced at him and he was gazing at her sweetly.

"Mm hm, no one else will do." Damon said his voice husky he leaned down at looked at her in that way that lit her body on fire.

"Whoa guys, I'm not Katherine." Elena said more so because it had to be said she knew that she knew they knew that, so what were they doing?

"We know that Elena." Damon snapped.

"Elena, look." Stefan said in a soft tone glaring at Damon. "We met you and we were drawn to you. You are so different then her. We really like you and over time the attraction gets harder to ignore, it's not because you look like her, it's you, just you. The way you blush and the way your eyes twinkle when you smile. Your warm skin and laugh, just you. We don't see her when we look at you it's just Elena now. We don't want to fight over you. You make us both happy and you make us both feel human."

Elena gasped and glanced at Damon who nodded confirming his brothers words.

"So what we are proposing here is that we share you." Damon said bluntly. "It's a little freaky but it's better then fighting over you. Neither of us wants to be the one left out or the guilty one with you."

"So you want me to date both of you." Elena said.

"Well, yes." Stefan said slowly.

"What makes you assume I'm attracted to either of you?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your fighting you're attraction to both of us. You can't deny it Elena because we can smell your arousal." Damon said. "Let's just stop fighting it and see where it goes."

He stroked her face his blue eyes boring into her brown ones the desire behind them was turning her into jello fast.

"Excuse me? You smell my arousal?" She tried to sound like her normal self but her voice quivered with desire damn vampires and their sense of scent.

"Yes Elena, even now." Damon raised his eyebrows. "You are so deliciously aroused by us."

"I can't deny it." She admitted blushing.

"It's okay sweetheart, we are crazy about you and we're glad you like both of us. We don't want to fight over you." Stefan said stroking her hair. She closed her eyes and sighed comforted by his soft touch.

"You get us all crazy and aroused to." Damon said gesturing to the large bulge in his pants.

"This is insane." Elena breathed unable to tear her eyes off of it even as she felt his cocky smirk come on.

"I know." Stefan said putting his hand on her knee. She felt a tingle go up her leg and and all the way to her pussy and bit her lip. "It's insane and crazy but if you give us a chance, we'll worship you Elena. "

An image of her sprawled across the living room floor while they worshiped her body sprang across her mind and she felt herself getting wetter.

"Okay." She said in a whisper knowing she had already caved before she even walked in the door. She guessed they knew it too. But what did it matter? If it wouldn't hurt them then why fight it? Fighting it was painful. "I like you guys, you like me. Just, kiss me."

Stefan smiled at her and leaned and kissed her softly. His lips rubbing against hers felt exactly the way she imagined they would. She felt the warm pleasurable sensation as he applied more pressure to her lips. Damon's hand came to rest on her other knee as Stefan kissed her and she was dying being in between these two brothers that wanted her this bad. It turned her on all the more. Stefan slipped his tongue into her mouth and explored as his hands raked though her hair. She opened her mouth wider allowing him access and spread her legs as Damon's hand started to travel upwards.

She was flushed and breathing heavy when she and Stefan parted she turned the other direction and Damon pulled her towards him going in for a rough and passionate kiss. He claimed her lips with a desire that made her body sing. His tongue assaulted her mouth and she groaned and fought back with her tongue as Damon's hand continued to travel up her leg at snails pace.

Stefan started kissing the side of her neck and she moaned as the goosebumps spread down her body. He clawed at her dress pulling it down to expose her strapless bar. He started running his tongue along the upper part of her cleavage just as Damon's hand finally grazed over her panties so softly she moaned loudly.

"I think Our little minx wants more." Damon murmured slipping his hand under her panties and grazing his hand over her bare pussy.

"Oh Damon." She groaned.

Stefan pulled down her bra exposing her small but perky breasts her nipples were dark and hard. Damon pushed her dress up and her thighs were exposed as well.

"Oh yeah, so perfect," Stefan said taking one of her breasts in his mouth and sucking.

"Mm." Damon agreed with a smirk taking her other breast in his mouth she looked down and the visual almost did her in. She grabbed their heads as they tongued and nibbled on her breasts moaning in delight.

Damon's hand sipped back into place and he started rubbing her clit slowly with thumb.

"Oh god." Elena moaned.

"Just wait." Damon said slipping a finger inside of her.

"Oh yeah so tight." Damon moaned moving his finger in and out of her.

"More." Elena begged.

Damon ripped her panties off and slipped two fingers inside of her and started thrusting and she rocked her hips up and down as he moved in and out. Stefan had pulled back from her breast and was watching Damon pleasure her.

"Come see how tight she is." Damon said pulling his fingers out and licking them. "Tastes so good."

Elena smiled at him and he leaned down and kissed her she could taste herself on him. She loved the attention she was getting from both of them. This was beyond any fantasy she had of them.

Stefan plunged a finger inside of her and groaned appreciatively before he started thrusting in and out with one hand while he played with her breast with his other hand.

They started switching off fingering her and soon were up to three fingers each, She wasn't sure how much more she could take when Damon abruptly pulled her up by the legs and knelt down in front of her dipping his face down into her pussy. He plunged his tongue at her exploring single crevice.

Stefan had pulled his pants off and was watching while he stroked his cock which was rock hard. His stocky sexy build was on full display as he ripped his shirt off and she grinned appreciative of his naked form. Watching him jerk himself off was increasing her pleasure. She felt like every one of her senses was on overdrive. Especially the visual sense.

Damon was doing magic with his tongue and she started convulsing and screaming as she rocketed into orgasm.

"Oh fuck me, please fuck me." She begged unable to wait another second.

"Look at me and ask me." Damon growled.

Elena looked up at his sparkling and dangerous blue eyes. "Please fuck me Damon."

He ripped his clothes off in seconds and she was amazed at his naked form. His tight muscles seemed to ripple in front her her. His huge dick was swollen and rock hard. She stared at it in awe. She was still sitting on the couch and he was standing in front of her. He grabbed her legs and she wrapped them around his neck and he angled himself down towards her. The tip of his hard cock grazed her wet pussy and it shot waves of intense tingly sensations through her body.

He plunged into her in one solid thrust and she moaned as her body adjusted to the size of him. She locked eyes with him for a second. He felt so right inside of her. He pushed in further and grunted brushing her hair back from her face and staring at her almost tenderly for a moment. Finally he started moving moving slowly in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

"Oh yes, oh Damon." She moaned.

"Oh fuck, so wet, so tight, perfect , fucking perfect." He mumbled in a hazy tone as he started building up a pace.

Stefan started twisting her nipple and tugging at her breast as he stroked himself while Damon continued to thrust in and out her slowly.

"Your so sexy Elena." Stefan said sucking on her breast and then kissing her neck while he kept working himself. "I love watching you."

"Oh Stefan." She kissed him hard and pushed her hips against Damon's harder.

"Oh fuck Elena." Damon moaned as he started moving faster and harder against her. She gasped at the increased depth but the pain quickly gave way to intense pleasure and she pushed her hips upwards as he came down he gripped her ass and slammed into her. She gasped again her body jerking in response to the pleasure /pain.

Stefan was rubbing his cock against her breasts and she started stroking him with her hand while Damon continued to fuck her.

"We are torturing Stefi." Damon said pulling out of her and grabbing her he situated her into a doggy style position on the couch and got behind her and started kneading her ass.

"Elena will you be a good girl and take care of my brother's throbbing cock." Damon said as he dipped a finger into her pussy with one hand while he continued to knead her ass.

"Come here Stefan." Elena whispered seductively licking her lips guessing what Damon had planned.

Stefan grinned happily and situated himself in front of her she started licking his cock teasing him she enjoyed watching it jerk.

Damon slapped her ass. "Stop teasing him."

She slowly slid his throbbing cock into her mouth he moaned in delight. She started swirling her tongue around and moving her mouth up and down his shaft.

"Oh yeah so good." Stefan groaned stroking her hair.

She used her hand to support making a ring around his shaft and squeezing as he moved her mouth up and down his cock.

"Mm yeah that's a good girl." He moaned pulling at her hair lightly she groaned against his cock.

Damon entered her again from behind and fucked her hard pushing Stefan's dick further into her mouth with each thrust. Her entire body was trembling with pleasure as her orgasm built up. Both brothers started groaning louder as Damon increased his speed.

"Harder, pound her Damon." Stefan groaned.

"Mm." Elena moaned making his cock tremble. Hearing sweet Stefan utter dirty words made her even wetter.

Damon slammed into her hard and she moaned and almost swallowed Stefan's cock he grunted and closed his eyes.

"Oh yeah you like that baby?" Damon asked.

"Mm." She mumbled.

Damon started slamming into her harder and Stefan grunted and groaned as he fucked her mouth. She removed her hand and allowed him to deep throat her.

"Oh Elena oh."Stefan grunted as he came in her throat. He laid back with a satisfied grin and watched her and Damon.

Damon pounded into her even faster moaning her name. The mounting pleasure exploded and she screamed as the pleasure took over every nerve in her body. Damon groaned when he felt her cum milk him. He plunged into her one last time with a loud groan as his dead seed entered her.

She collapsed onto the couch in between them her body trembling and sweaty.

"Wow." She breathed.

"Yeah." Damon said gazing at her and leaning into kiss her it was softer this time. She melted into the kiss feeling his hands stroke her hair.

"Amazing." Stefan seemed to finally be able to form words and Elena turned to grin giving him a long sweet kiss as well.

Damon picked her up and she found herself in his big bed he laid her down and secured his arms around her waist so she was spooned against him. Stefan was on her other side in a flash.

"Looks like we got ourselves the perfect little girl." Damon said kissing her head.

"She sure is." Stefan agreed grinning at her before stealing another soft kiss from her.

She yawned and smiled happily satisfied after that experience. She couldn't wait to feel Damon inside of her again he felt so perfect. She was interested in what Stefan would feel like inside of her.

She would be lying if she said she didn't love this. This was awesome two hot amazing sexy vampires and they both wanted her desperately. Morally she knew she should probably walk away, but Elena was kind of a party girl. She liked breaking the rules and this was most definitely a fun little social rule to break.

"I think we wore our girlfriend out." Damon laughed kissing her head.

"That you did." Elena moaned happily turning to kiss him before cuddling up between them.