EDITOR'S NOTE: This fic is a sequel to "Kako Mo Ima Mo Mirai Mo Kakenukero," which is the (once) final installment in a series of fics (Christmas Dinner - Pass The Soy Sauce - Save File - Kako Mo Ima Mo Mirai Mo Kakenukero), it is strongly advised that you read those fics first.

ALSO - This fic is currently being re-uploaded as Ori was not satisfied with the original draft. The "new version" is much longer and features some of the original (though updated) chapters of Mirai No Kodomo's original draft. Please enjoy! -Taiki Matsuki

Mirai No Kodomo
I: Procedure (Kitagawa Kenta)

My cell phone goes off while I'm watching television, always during my favorite shows...Always!

Hiro-chan, is it you?

I glance at the caller ID...Juri.

Sorry, I gotta know how this ends.

I let the phone ring and go to voice mail, watching my show. Immediately, it goes off again. Juri again.

...Okay, this had better be important. I answer. "...Juri-chan?"

"...Kenta...I-I need to talk to...someone...Anyone. Please, can you...come over?" ...Holy shit, she...sounds really upset. "Please, Kenta."

"S-Sure, I'll be right over." Great, now I feel like an ass for trying to avoid her call.

"Thank you."

I hang up, turn off the television and send a quick text to Hiro-chan: Had to run to Juri's, might be back late. Might wanna get take-out for dinner. -Kenta

I hurry down to the parking garage and to my car, just thinking about Juri's voice when she spoke to me. She sounded upset, like almost crying. I definitely need to see her ASAP, I mean...I hope it's nothing too serious, but...

She doesn't live far away, this won't be a long trip.

I'm kinda wondering why she called me of all people. Why not Takato or Jen? It doesn't matter, though, if Juri needs someone then... ...I'll be there.

I knock on the door to Juri's place. It's an old style Japanese home, kind of like Ruki's...I freaking love their houses. I am so jealous everytime I come over. Mostly Juri's, Ruki doesn't entertain too often.

Juri answers the door...Gods, she's a mess...Still in her pajamas, her hair all over the place instead of her usual braid. She hasn't been crying it looks like, but she still looks...distraught! She's in shock or something... I mean, I haven't seen Juri even close to this in...years.

This...is not gonna be good... ...Okay, prepare yourself, Kenta...Shoulder's prepped for crying and... ...Just be there. Be. There. "Ke-Kenta...Thank you...I-I'm sorry to bother you like this, but-"

"Juri, no, don't...don't apologize. Whatever it is, I'm here," I say as I step inside, taking off my shoes. "What's going on? You...You sounded so upset. And...You look even worse...What's wrong, Juri? Whatever it is, I'll try to help."

"I...I need to tell someone, Kenta. I-I...I just...I don't know what I was thinking but...I'm glad I did it."


"...I'm pregnant."

...Holy shit...

"Y-You're...What? P-Pregnant? Wh-When did...?"

She holds up a pregnancy test, it's...blue. I guess that means positive. Or it's a boy. I don't know! IT'S BLUE!

"...Who's the father?"

"...Takato." ...Wh-what? T-Takato? H-How? He...He and Jen...They just got married! I don't believe this!

"...Takato...cheated...on Jen?" ...That BASTARD! AND WITH A WOMAN! Takato, I'm going to kill you in the name of love and monogamy! Y-You were the one who proposed to Jen, how could you? HOW COULD JURI?

"N-No! It's not like that! R-Remember 'that thing' they were...thinking about? For his Dad?" Juri says, quickly.

Um... Oh, yeah, they were looking into a way to have a kid. Kinda weird since, all the times I ever asked them before the wedding they said they didn't want kids. Period. But, Jen heard about this clinic that matches gay couples with volunteers to- ...Holy shit...

"Y-You...You're the one they...?" My jaw drops. She nods. "I-I thought they...found someone anonymous or something and..." ...Did they get Takato really drunk and put a Jen-wig on Juri or something...?

"That's what happened. At first. She backed out at the last minute. I-I found out after Takato, um...'dropped off his sample.'"

"...Wait, you were...with Takato and Jen at the...clinic?" I ask. ...I find it hard to picture Takato being able to 'perform' with Jen and Juri in a waiting room, knowing what he's 'up to,' you know?

She nods. "For moral support. I ran into the doctor in the hallway, he said that he was going to tell us that the volunteer backed out and they probably wouldn't be able to find someone else for a long time. ...I told him I'd do it. It took some convincing, but... ...Takato and Jen don't know. I-I didn't know how to tell them."

"...Holy shit, Juri...I-I can't believe you'd do this for Takato and Jen... I-I...I don't know what to say..."

"Just...I-I needed to tell someone, Kenta...It's...different when the thing turns blue! It...It worked! The...baby is...really there... I'm...pregnant. I'm...going to have Takato's kid...I-I can't believe I'm even saying that!"

"J-Just calm down, think of the baby...Stress is bad...Deep breaths, in and out, in and out..." I give her an example, she...sort of follows suit.

"I-I think it's...mostly hormones or something, but I-I...I'm just beside myself here, Kenta."

"It's okay...C-Come on, go sit down...I'll make some tea-Wait, can you have tea? ...Is it good for babies? ...I-I'll make it decaf! That...should be safe! I-If Takato's kid has two heads or something, I'll take the heat for it!" I...I can't believe this...

Juri goes to sit in her living room, I go to the kitchen and make some decaf green tea. I'm...sort of running on auto-pilot here...I-I really can't believe this...

I serve the tea to Juri, we both sit at the table. It's one of those traditional tables, we're sitting on cushions on the floor. "...Okay...So...You're not telling Jen and Takato yet, right?"

Juri shakes her head. "I just don't know how. And...I'm just worried about what they might think."

"Might think?"

"W-Well...Takato, when we were kids, we all...thought he had a crush on me, remeber? I-I'm worried they might think that's why I did it, some lingering feelings or something..." Yeah, Takato...Back then, he sort of did a lot for Juri, he said it was mostly out of denial about 'who he was' and, after Leomon and D-Reaper, because he wanted Juri to be happy... Juri appreciated his concern...OBVIOUSLY!

I nod. "Yeah, that...could complicate things," I nod. "I-I know you did this because of how important this is to them."

Juri nods. "They were lucky just to find the first volunteer as easily as they did, not a lot of people really want to do something like this...It took some convincing with the doctor since there's a 'consideration period,' or something like that so that the volunteer...is absolutely sure they want to do this. I told the doctor I would take her place and would have done it for them if they asked...I-I know I would have really considered it if they really did ask, too. I asked the doctor to say it's someone 'anonymous.' Th-They don't...really do anonymity like that."

"What's it supposed to be like?"

"Well, in the ideal case...Jen and Takato are supposed to be with me for the entire duration, the birth and all that...I-I sign the child's guardianship to Takato but still have an active role in their life... I guess I'd be 'Aunt Juri' or something," Juri says. "The...way we told them was it's an anonymous volunteer, they'd get a phone call after the baby was born. Jen was...really not happy with that, he was worried they wouldn't even give them Takato's actual kid. Th-The doctor lied about a free DNA test to confirm or something...It...was really chaotic."

I nod. "...Wow...I-I can't...I can't believe you did it. It's...the greatest thing you could have done for them, I know they'll appreciate it so much. Are...you sure you don't want to tell them yet?"

"I...just don't know how and, if they didn't take it well...You know what they say about stress at this point."

I nod. "...W-Well, if...they can't take care of you...Just call me Ken-taka-rya or something, I'll...help you with this, Juri."

"Y-You don't have to, Kenta. I-I just needed someone to talk to..."

"I know, but... It's for Jen and Takato. And...you'll need someone to make three AM runs for ice cream and pickled ginger and all that, right?"

"But...You can't tell Hirokazu. I mean, if he still won't shut up about 'hot springs boner day' and things like that..."

...Yeah, Hirokazu knowing would mean Jen and Takato would know after...about twenty minutes. "Not a problem. I'll just go straight for a while." I joke.

"Thank you, Kenta."

"No need, I want Takato, Jen and you to have a healthy, happy kid... It...would mean so much to them and Takato's family." Takato...really has a thing when it comes to his Dad and Jen...He knows his Dad wasn't thrilled about their relationship (at first, he's completely behind them now, especially after Jen took Takato's surname) and does EVERYTHING he can to make it easier for him to accept.

Hirokazu once joked that this would all end with Jen getting a sex change...We actually have a joke bet going on that after we heard how they were going to have a kid - One Million Yen and a can of Ramune, to be paid when Jen gets boobs or when Jen and Takato celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

It wouldn't surprise me that if it's a boy they named the kid Takehiro. His Dad, really, is for their relationship now (he still feels bad about what Takato and Jen call 'the park incident,' none of us really know the details beyond Takato being really, really upset at the time) but...Takato's Takato, y'know? He has to make everyone happy or else he can't live with himself.

It's been...about five months since Juri called me. ...And Hirokazu is joking that I'm going out with Juri...

...Hiro-chan, you don't know me very well, do you? And if I actually WAS with Juri, would I still be telling you how much I love you? Honestly, if he accuses me of seeing "my new girlfriend" ONCE MORE I'm going to KISS HIM ON THE LIPS PASSIONATELY AND WITH TONGUE, GRAB HIS ASS AND SCREAM "I'M STILL GAY, YOU MORON!" ...Actually I might just do the first part for fun if I'm ever feeling down.

Juri is...showing serious signs of... You know... I've been there for all of the doctor's visits. We know the sex. It's a boy. Takato's going to have a son...He's healthy, no problems. In fact, with the way he's kicking around in there - Takato's kid is on his way to being a soccer star.

Juri is less emotional, though there were a few "hormone incidents" that had her screaming at me, but...I understood and she apologized each time when she was herself again.

Right now, Juri's in the living room. I'm making her lunch.

There's a knock at the door. "I'll get it, Juri-chan!" I go to the front door and open it...

...Oh, shit...

"Kenta? ...Hirokazu was serious about you and Juri?" Takato asks, surprised to see me. He and Jen are both at the front door. Looks like it's an 'official' visit, too, Jen must've taken time off work to come here. I think so because he's still in his "Hypnos uniform"...Which, I have to say, that suit makes him look like...Yamaki-san, sorta, even down to some sunglasses. Jen's also giving me a surprised look through said sunglasses, they're an adult-sized version of his old green-tinted shades from Taming.

I just stand at the door trying to think of excuses to get them out of here as Jen and Takato stare at me...


"Wa-Wait...Hirokazu told you I'm seeing Juri?" I ask.

"He...came to our door a month or so ago, screaming, 'Help! I think Kenta's gone straight!'" Jen says, adding, "To be honest, he sounded...really afraid of that possibility."

Hiro-chan...was AFRAID that I had gone straight...


...Hiro-chan, I swear, if you have been in the closet for the past decade... ...I'll be happy to help you come out, but I'm going to be PISSED about the decade of passionate love we missed out on! ...Save for that one night I will never forget and you will never live down (Now you know how Takato feels...In MANY ways, hehehe...!), especially if Jen ever tells Ruki after you really piss him off...Remember, Jen-chan, you promised I'd be there for that!

"...Trust me, I'm gayer than ever, Jen-chan," I shake my head. "I-I'm just...um...helping around the house. New job, I'm her gay butler. Started as a way to impress guests at a dinner party, now I'm here full-time!"

...If Jen and Takato don't buy that, I am SO going to try to publish that as a manga. I mean, Hayate: Combat Butler meets Kyou Kara Maou! ...I'd be the gay Ken Akamatsu! Kenta Okamatsu!

"...Kenta, do you honestly think we'd believe any of that?" Takato asks. "Besides the fact that you're gayer than ever, I mean." ...Well at least I get to make my gay butler manga, now.

"You could pretend to for my sake," I say. "So, what...brings you here?" I try to sound casual, but it's more than obvious there's something up...

"We...just haven't seen Juri in so long. We just want to know if she's all right..." Jen says.

"Oh, she's fine! She's sleeping right now! Don't want to wake her! That'd be so rude of you two!"

"Kenta!" ...Juri-chan? "I-It's okay...they can come in."

...This... ...is going to be interesting.

"...Is...there something we should know?" Takato asks.

"...You'll see..." I step aside, Jen and Takato take off their shoes. They walk into the living room...

...Takato and Jen's jaws hit the floor. Jen is the first to speak. "Juri...? ...Y-You're...?"

"...Y-You're...having...a baby...?" Takato whispers.

Juri nods. "Um...Y-Yeah...Kenta's...been taking care of me." It's...really obvious that she's pregnant at this point. That's sort of why she's been avoiding Takato and Jen. And especially Hirokazu. Ruki and Ryou both know, actually, but they swore not to tell anyone...

...Ruki was actually really proud of Juri for doing this, she said it's something she didn't think she could ever do in that position. Though, um, she told Ryou and I if we tell ANYONE she teared up after hearing the story, they'll have to use dental records to identify our corpses.

As for Ryou, he took over for me a few times when I wasn't feeling well or busy. He's the Substitute-Kenta.

"I-I didn't...know you were seeing anyone..." Takato says. "Wh-Who's the father?"

"...Um...Takato...remember that...anonymous volunteer at the clinic...?" Juri looks away. "...I was...that volunteer..."

I manage to catch Takato as he suddenly goes limp...Jen can only stare forward with his eyes wide and jaw down as far as it can go, stammering incoherently.

"...Holy shit..." Jen finally manages to whisper.

We manage to revive Takato. Jen and I carried him to the couch once Jen comes out his catatonic starefest. Takato was in total shock once he came to, no-one could understand a word he was saying.

"Juri...W-We...didn't ask you to do this when we...saw you at the clinic..." Jen says. "Y-You said...you were just moral support!"

"The original volunteer backed out," Juri says. "I ran into the doctor in the hallway, he was going to tell you they weren't going to do it, that it might be months before they find another volunteer. I...convinced him to let me take her place. I-I didn't know how to tell you, so I asked him to keep me anonymous...They...don't really do that, normally,"

"...Juri...Thank you..." Takato says, he's...still in a daze. Actually, I gave him a couple valium from Juri's medicine cabinet after he woke up to help calm him down - trust me, he was in hysterics. "...I...I can't believe you...did this...this... This...um...Thing...for um...the...uh...Jen and...me..." ...And now he's stoned... Takato's sort of a lightweight with everything. Should've just given him a half instead of two... We've got him on the other couch, resting on his back with one hand hanging off and on the floor. Jen is standing next to him, patting his forehead.

"...We know the sex of the baby," Juri says. "Do you want to know?"

"T-Takato...I'll leave it up to you," Jen says, looking down to Takato. He's sort of on the verge of tears over this...Takato would be crying, too, if it wasn't for the pills. He's happy as could be, and I don't think the valium has much to do with it.

...Takato's gonna be a father. .That sort of just hit everyone at this point, you know? Takato's gonna be a dad.

"...Please..." Takato whispers, staring off at the ceiling.

"...It's a boy."

"...Takehiro..." Takato says.

I knew it. He's even raising his arms up like he's holding the kid already!

Congratulations, Takato-chan. I've always said, you and Jen are the luckiest people I know. Like in that American Yakuza film, may your first child be a masculine one ...Or not, I doubt if the kid was gay he'd keep it a secret from his Dads. But that's YEARS off...

...Actually, my Mom, after I came out, showed me some baby pictures of me playing with some dolls a friend of the family's daughter had. I was a year and a half old and...doing their hair, kinda, and putting them in nice dresses.

So, yeah, I was once the world's gayest infant. Go me! I'm here, I'm queer and it's freakin' obvious!

...Now I know what I'm gonna get Takehiro for his first birthday. Ha ha ha! Nah, Jen and Takato'd probably get pissed...

"Takehiro...?" Juri asks, looking to me with a light smile. She knew it, too.

"If it's a boy...We wanted to name him Takehiro," Jen says. "A-Actually, his Dad...still doesn't know. We were going to tell him when we met the volunteer and all, but...There was that anonymity thing, we decided to wait until the baby was born... And confirmed as Takato's...S-Sorry about that, I just...I thought it was really weird the way the doctor was handling things."

"I know, don't worry," Juri says. "Takato, I did this...because I know how important it is to you. I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't know how."

"She called me after...it was official she was having the baby," I say. "I've been keeping an eye on her ever since. And I didn't tell Hiro-chan why...For obvious reasons."

Jen nods. "...I think you might want to call him and tell him, now. Let him know you haven't gone straight."

"Oh, I know just what to say to him..." I pull out my cell phone and dial Hiro-chan's number.

Hiro-chan picks up on the third ring. "Kenta? ...Where are you?"

"Hirokazu, I'm at Juri's...She's...Oh, Gods...She's pregnant!" I look to Jen, Takato and Juri. Jen and Juri are holding back a laugh as a smirk spreads across my face. Takato's giggling like a schoolgirl (that's...probably the valium), but as quietly as he can.

I...I have to do this. I. Have. To. Do. This!

"...Kenta...D-Dude...I-I... Y-You...And Juri? ...DUDE! W-We moved in together and now you're with Juri! WHAT THE HELL?"

"...Hiro-chan, I love you, and the fact you are actually this jealous of the idea I would be the father of Juri's child is...Well, adorable. However, the father is Takato."

"...Now I'm even more confused..."

"Remember that clinic? Takato. Happy room. Gay porno mag. Sperm in a cup?"

"...Holy shit..."

"I've been taking care of her, and I didn't tell you because...You're you. I am NOT straight! How dare you even THINK that!"

"S-Sorry, Kenta, but...FIVE MONTHS of visiting Juri daily? What else could I think?"

"...Touche." ...I guess he does have a point. But I do love how jealous he is...And wonder WHY a supposedly straight roommate would be so jealous of his gay best friend suddenly lusting after a woman...

...Again, Hiro-chan, if you have just been that deep in the closet...I love you, but I may kill you for that.

Ori's notes:
What's going on, you ask? Why did we take down a crapload of chapters to this fic?

…Well, here's the thing…

I was looking over Mirai No Kodomo the other day and…I felt like it wasn't enough. The original completely ignores the other Tamers' relationships (Jen and Takato can't be the only ones to have kids!) and…Well, I wrote the original while fighting a cold and I just think I could have done better.

So Mirai No Kodomo is getting rewrite. Don't worry, most of the original chapters will come back, there won't be any changes too major. Most of this is extra chapters and exploring the other Tamers and their relationships\kids.

Oh, and a lot of the notes for the original chapters will be about the same, save for some edits. At least mine will be, I dunno about Twerp-chan.

Also, this fic is insanely long now...I mean, holy craplong. I can't believe I did all this long, especially since I gave my self a deadline for sending chapters to Twerp-chan before June 10th - We wanted this fic up for Gay Pride Month. And on that note:

HAPPY GAY PRIDE MONTH, EVERYONE! Don ye now your gay apparel - and I don't mean the "gay apparel" you went caroling in last Christmas (unless you were in the same caroling troupe I was in last year, in which case just lose the jingle bells and Santa hat) - and let's PARTY!

...But turn off that ****ING ABBA CD and put on some Erasure!

(Bottle of Queer Beer to anyone who gets the reference!)

Next chapter reveals who my Mystery Co-Writer is, by the way. I figured he should be introduced in the first new chapter, not an updated old one.

Taiki's Notes:

I have to say I am rather surprised by how Ori feels about this fic. Then again, Ori tends to be like this with his work – He has dozens of fics, both finished and unfinished, he refuses to let me post or look at because he feels they "aren't good enough."

Ori, I'd like to suggest: Can we put up a "crap pile" sort of entry? Just something that has your "not so good" work collected? Please? I was right about Mizuiro No Yuuki!

Oh, I'm sure he's going to scream at me for even suggesting that.

Regarding this "Mirai No Kodomo Take Two," as Ori calls it – I'm very excited about this since this is my favorite continuity in Ori's fics! I really can't wait to see what Ori has planned for Takehiro and Liangji, especially given how the poll went (thank you all for voting!).

I, too, want to wish everyone the Happiest of Gay Pride Months! And may George Takei beam down to your home on Gaymas Eve and make all your gay wishes come true!

Yes, Ori and I are Takei fans, in case you haven't noticed! And Ori's the one who came up with "Gaymas Eve," not me, blame him for turning Sulu into the Gay Santa Claus (AKA Sulu Claus).

And, Ori, for the last time I am in no way jealous of that so-called "co-writer" of yours! I mean, it's not like you had A PERFECTLY GOOD EDITOR YOU COULD TURN TO FOR HELP! After all, what do us editors know about writing? You were completely right in turning to HIM for whatever "help" that HE could give you. I'm sure these new chapters will turn out BLEEDIN' WONDERFUL!

-Taiki Matsuki

PS: Again, I am not really jealous of the new co-writer. I actually know who he is and his identity may shock you. But on the other hand, it proves Ori's back to normal and his real life problems are not as severe as before! Or it will prove that Ori has completely lost his mind and should be wrapped in a straightjacket. I'll leave that up to you!

EDIT: We want to give a quick word of thanks to Ian R. Moros for pointing out a continuity error in this chapter that has now been corrected. Many thanks! - Taiki Matsuki