(A/N) Hey guys, so this is aleprbla, at 5am, I just woke up (yes I wake up this early or really late) and its raining outside, and I have to finish this story so I tought 'why not?' and started scribbling..
So this is the last chapter (aww) and I know your going to miss me (because, come on, I know you love me, and love you guys too) but no worries, because I'm planning to write another House of Anubis Story, but it wont get out for some time..
Only one week to school left, sigh, time flies past...
Here are the replies I forgot to mention last chapter :):
Chp 13.
jenc0449: haha it's okay, we've all been there :)
izz08: omg your eyes! THEY ARE SO FLUFFEH!
charn14: yeah I guess so, I spend way too much time on not updating :D FabinaLuv: awwww I love you too!
Dally2: yeah, I myself have been 'slacking' too, I didn't had much inspiration to read :)
Clove15: IKR!
sweetsassychick: almost, but Mara is a strong girl :)
Chp 14.
charn14: uhuh scary Juice95: I'm going to miss it too :(
izzi08: king tut? haha close (*cough* not *cough*)
Dally2: ...I'll try I guess :D jenc0449: You think it's Steve? well lets see...
Aliceinlalaland260: actually, I'm an 'amiga' :D, and I'm sad the story is ending too...:(\

So you could have had double reply so scroll up and check for a last time :)

So Here it is, last chapter: Enjoy!

Third-Person POV

"RUFUS!" They all exclaimed in surprise.

And there it was.

A guy with a crown in his head and a metal staff on his hand.

Ordering everyone to bow down to his orders.

"We have to do something!" Nina exclaimed, untangling her choking rope.

"Wait a minute" Joy said.

"He hasn't seen me" and with that, she entered the room and everyone quickly celebrated, like sitting her over shoulders, and picking her up.

They were having a good time, you know, except Joy.

"Okay EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN!" shouted Rufus at the top of his lungs as he clicked the metal staff against the floor.

"My dear Chosen One" he said as Joy stood in front of him, hands behind back, looking down.

"We are going to take the Pieces of Ankh, and you are going to build them for me" he said as he took her chin and lifted it up.

Joy eyes were daggers, If looks could kill, well, Rufus would be dead.

"Bring me the Ankh Pieces!" He exclaimed once again at a soldier besides him.

The guy quickly walked over the back looking for the pieces.

And then it all started.

They didn't knoww the other eight students were behind them the whole time, silently killing the soldiers, one by one.

Nobody noticed, until the soldier screamed that the Pieces of Ankh wasn't there.

Because the Cup was already built.

"Kill them! NOW! THEY ARE SCRUMY TEENAGERS JUST DO IT!" Rufus kept yelling at each and one of them until they were all killed.

Rufus sighed.

"Very well done children you found me."

If you are still wondering, Jerome and Patricia helped Rufus get a hold of some Ankh Pieces, before Steve stole em' back, and that's how they know his name.

"But I will get a hold of that Cup, I can tell you that" Rufus said as he opened up his staff and press a little yello glowing button, and they all fell into a dark room.

"Leave us alone" Some of the kids exclaimed. Right after that, different traps kept clinging from everywhere to keep them back.

Joy and Mara where chained to the ceiling, Fabian, Alfie and Mick where trapped in a tangle of chains from the wall, only their head popping out, as Patricia was chained to the wall as well, but only her arms, and finally, Jerome was kept to the opposite side of the room, with ghost hands holding him back.

Nina was left untrapped, in the hands of Rufus.

Patricia had what was left to toss the knife at them, but Rufus dodged it, the knife landing and inch to the left of Jerome's head, they were all scared.

Rufus laughed as he took out a smaller knife and held it up against Nina's neck, making a small cut and watchign as blood was going down her body.

She closed her eyes.

This was it, The Chosen One was about to die.

The last moment of her life, she never tought it would be at 16.

She never got to get married have kids, safe the world.

But she knew she had the feeling that it was going to be alright.

"LEAVE HER!" shouted Fabian out of nowhere, as Nina shot her eyes open.

Rufus tossed her on the floor as he pulled out a gun, he pointed it at Fabian's head, and was about to pull the trigger.

Next thing you know a knife comes flying out and reaches Rufus' chest, as he falls to the floor dying.

They all look behind the dead body, to find the 13 year old Alex with her hand streched out.

She killed Rufus. (A/N: FUCK YEAH! I killed Rufus :D)

"Oh My God you did it!" said Mara as Alex was helping un-trap everybody.

"No need to thank me, you practically pulled me from the chains of my uncle, now I can go back to my country!" she said running out the door with a straw hat and a suitcase.

Jerome made a mental note to send her a postcard.

After all was done, they flew back to England.

What can I say? Patricia went back to the bathroom like last time, Jerome was still scared as hell, Nina was arguing with the co-pilot, and Amber and Mick where making out in the seats.

When they got back to the school, unlocked Victor and ran like hell back to the house (A/N: let's just pretend Victor has Azheimer, so he doesn't know? Please? I don't feel like writing more :/) they settled down again and resumed their lives.

Nina and Fabian are now co-captains of the debate team, and masters in Egyptian Mythology.

Amber is trying to make mokeys shower (don't ask..)

Patricia is still learning how to work the knife.

Jerome and Mara keep being the sweet couple they are.

Mick still trains at the closest pub in town.

Joy could care less, really.

And finally, Alfie is doing more shaving than ever.

And Alex? She's writing more stories about these people.

Here is a little flash-forward, two weeks later:

Jerome and Mara tiptoe, hands connected, through the halls of Anubis House.

"What do you think you are doing?" says Victor, as he descends the stairs with a candle on hand.

Jerome and Mara look at eachother and back at Victor.

"Uh, sneaking out?" They say shrugging, hoping Victor would let this one slide.

(A/N) And there it is kiddos, I finished the story (lamest ending every, but whatever) so yeah, I finished.

Now what?
Oh yeah, the 100th reviewer gets a badge of virtual sweets throught PM, (so turn PM feature on) :)
So, just in case you wanna read my next story, 'The Town' On House of Anubis, I'm going to give to a small paragraph with things that will be appearing:
Socks, Washing Machines, Dryers, Kisses, Blood, Twins, Cookies, Shoes, Tables, Hands, Trees, Vampires, Drugs, Nails, Pink, Black, Eyeliner, Town, Schools, Tea, Food, Sports, Shirts, Morning, Hugs, Cameras, Rooms, Love, Hate, Dragons, Dojos, Carpets, Houses, and much more!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:

Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis, if I did, I would be awesome :)