Johnny smiled as he watched his husband drag the toddler to the bathroom. He waddled over to the sink and started washing dishes, listening to the whines and squels his son was making. He smiled too himself and continued washing the dishes, drying them off and putting them back into the cabinets. He walked slowly and quietly to the bathroom, careful not to disturb the fun with his heavy foot steps. Any day now, he thought with a sigh. He was heavily pregnant and ready to be un-pregnant. Dally didn't want to know the sex of the baby but Johnny was eager to know. It was a girl, Johnny was content with that. One girl and one boy. He didn't know if Dally wanted to stop at two, but he thought that was enough. He wondered what they would name her. He didn't know if he wanted to stick with the N pattern. He thought Daliah was a good name. They could nick name her Dolly, she was sure to resemble a doll.

He stopped at the bathroom door, peering in, watching Dally bathe his son. He was giggling and splashing as Dally tried with all his might to wash him. He laughed and Dally turned around.

"Hiya Johnny, care to help me?" Dally looked like he was having a hard time.

"Only if you help me get on my knees."

"Thats the thing I'm best at." Dally winked and and Johnny turned 3 shades of red. Johnny muttered something that sounded like Dally wasn't getting any for the next week.

Even so Johnny let Dally help him onto his knees.

"Momma!" Nicky said while a smile, his face all soapy.

Johnny looked at him sternly, "Why are you being so stubborn when Daddy is trying to wash you? Your dirty. Just give in, silly." Johnny smiled when Nicky looked guilty and he sat in the tub willingly.

"Good boy, now let me wash you."

"Otayy.." Nicky said

"Okay," Dally corrected him again.

"Kay." Nicky tried to say.

"Good! That was really good Nicky!" Dally said proudly.

Nicky held out his hand with a smiled and Dally eargly gave him a highfive.

Johnny just smiled and continued to wash the dirty child.

"Alrighty," Johnny said. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yep, I think we got everything. " Dally replied.

"Baby bag?"




"Car keys?"


"My handsome son and husband?" Johnny said giggling.

"Well I don't know about that, your husbands lips are missing, maybe you should try to find those." Dally said back with a smirk.

"Oh really?" Johnny giggled again when Dally bent down to kiss Johnny on the lips.

Johnny sighed and kissed back deeply. When they broke Johnny said, "Hmm, well I seemed to have found them. Nothing has changed about them either." Johnny giggled.

"Come on, off to Pony's!" Dally said enthusiastically.

"Pony, Pony!" Nicky was jumping up and down excitedly.

"Come on Nicky, to the car!" Dally ushered the little boy towards the door.

Nicky didn't have to be told twice. He tried desperatly to reach the door handle. Dally gave him alittle boost and he opened the door without hassle.

"Good job! Now let momma buckle you into the car seat."

"Kay'!" Nicky grabbed Johnnys hand and pulled him too the car.

Johnny opened the backseat door for him and he climbed in and up into his car seat.

"My little monkey, what am I going to do with you?" Johnny said with a smile.

Nicky made monkey noises as Johnny buckled him in, closing the door when he was done. Dally was standing by Johnny's door with a concerned look on his face. Johnny imediatlly picked up on his mood and walked to his side. Touching his arm gently, he looked up at him. Dally snapped out of his trance and smile down at Johnny, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Johnny asked quietlly.

"Yeah.. We're just alittle tighter on money this month, and I didn't think that would happen." Johnny frowned.

"Well, I'll just ask Pony for more hours and earn some more cash, it'll be ok-" Dally cut him off mid sentence.

"No. You're too pregnant to be standing around all day. We're fine. We'll just have to skip this months rent. It'll work out." Dally said finally.

Johnny was about to argue when Nicky started to whine, "Pony, Pony!"

Dally gave him a look which said, we'll talk about this later. He openend his door and helped Johnny inside. He closed the door and got into the drivers seat.

"To Pony's!"