
"Teon?" My yellow, rather scruffy-haired Jolteon mewed as I removed my hand from rubbing the top of her head. "Sorry, Jolteon, I want to play on my PSP right now. I'll play with you later." I explained, knowing that it probably wouldn't be good enough an excuse.

She mewed sadly at my reply but I ignored her pleas and turned on my PSP, wanting to beat the last level of Poké-Apprentice, a game I had devote a rather depressing amount of the last couple of months to. As Jolteon heard the intro music she began walking towards me and started rubbing against my legs, causing some static to crackle between her body and my jeans. I'm not sure if she was jealous or just a bit of an attention seeker, I was thinking likely the latter, but one thing I did know is that she didn't like the fact that I wasn't hugging or playing with or fussing her in some fashion.

"Teon?" She called repeatedly, jumping onto the sofa, this time licking my hand, still seeking to draw my attention away from my handheld console.

"Hang on, Jolteon, I will be with you in a sec." Evidently that wasn't enough as she started making that hissing sound she makes when I'm not doing exactly what she wants at that very second. To top it off she began trying to push the PSP out of my hand with her head, causing me to mess up a couple of the button combinations. She did this continuously for a few minutes and I began thinking to myself that this 'playing ignorance' was a pointless endeavour.

She continued pushing the PSP out of my hand as she circled a number of times on my lap causing me to have to raise my console to an uncomfortable height until she had settled. Once she lay down, lining the dip between my legs, she began progressively purring, which was rather cute in actuality.

She has always liked being hugged. Being stroked and hugs are all she asks for; she never begs for food or anything a usual Jolteon - or for that matter any normal Pokémon - would ask for, just love. Down back to the time she was an Eevee she broke out of her Poke-ball just to get some hugs and attention. At first it wasn't bad, you know, having a Pokémon that seemed to have a real affection for you, but then it started to become like an addiction. Yeah, it's nice that Jolteon loves me, but it seems a bit much sometimes. She raised her head and looked at me. Her infinite, black, glazed eyes staring into mine as if she had an idea of what I was pondering.

She got up once again and, standing directly between me and my entertainment system, started licking my nose, occasionally grazing it with her small canines, not painfully, just affectionately, I think. She was again asking for more love. I managed to get a system going where I would stroke her with one hand whilst playing Poke-Apprentice with the other, it was inefficient from my standpoint but she seemed to enjoy it. She curled back up and fell asleep on my lap and I could only just hear her breathing with a sort of soft purr interlaced with her sleepy coos. I took profit of the situation and decided to try and finish the last level of Poké-Apprentice, with the sound off, naturally, so as not to awaken her highness.

"Come on… Come on, just a little further… Almost there…" I was concentrating on my game so hard I didn't see the time pass and when I finally did looked at the clock I noticed I had wasted just over an hour on it, but I decided to carry on as I was so close to finishing the game.

"YES!" I had finally finished the level, but unfortunately my cheering woke Jolteon, who jumped up and looked about frantically, but finally rested her eyes on me, calmed instantly, as if my presence was the only thing she needed to know that she was safe. She stretched out her front legs, and then her back legs, and yawned quietly with a little 'yip'. Then simply started to lick her paw and clean her muzzle instead of bothering me for attention- so I hoped, anyway.

"I cannot believe it!" To my irritation a bonus level had popped up and was begging me to play it- flashing away - and by looking at the clock I saw I still had about an hour till lunch time. So I gave in and went back to playing my PSP, with a mission - literally. I had that nagging feeling that I was wasting my fortnight away from everything, from work, from family, from everything, but I was relaxing, that was the point I convinced myself.

"Jol...?" She called once again for my attention, after she was sufficiently happy about the cleanliness of her paws and muzzle.

"Hang on a sec, Jolteon." I was close, I could feel it, the music and rhythm of gameplay seemed completely in-tune with my reactions. It was autonomous, it was glorious. She began emitting a low-pitched growl, as if I had just given her the wrong answer.

"Yes, I will stroke you in a minute." I retorted with a hint of irritation as I continued to concentrate on my PSP, not missing a single beat. She hissed angrily which was unusual, even for her - I had never known her to be so persistent for attention before.

"Just wait a second, Jolteon, I want to see what will happen if I finish this le..." I was interrupted by a sharp 'ZAP'' sound, quickly followed by a small 'PUFF' noise. I felt a jolt travel through me, creating a stinging sensation all over my body and the hairs on my body to raise momentarily. It lasted a few seconds and then slowly died down. Jolteon's raised fur was slowly returning to normal, meaning she had just...

"Jolteon, what did you just do?" I growled, attempting to smooth my static-induced afro.

"Teon!" She smiled proudly stretching emphatically after her little Thundershock. At that moment I noticed a smoldering plastic smell emanating from below me; I looked down towards the origin of the sound of the 'puff''. To my horror my PSP was completely destroyed; the screen was smashed and there was smoke slowly wafting out of the button holes which were black and shrunken.

"Damn! It was hopeless... Jolteon, did you really have to d...?" I was forced to pause mid sentence by a weird, insatiable itching sensation on the top of my hands; it felt irresistible. I scratched them to try and ease the sensation but it just made it intensify. I looked downwards again and saw my hands shaking involuntarily. I blinked hard momentarily as what seemed to be hair started growing out of the top of them. I stared blankly as they seemed to become more and more covered by this thick hair which was alien to my own, less wiry and lighter than my brown arm-hair. As I turned them over to look at my palms I noticed they were changing colour and my skin was beginning to darken, and become somewhat coarser. They almost looked like pads.

"Jolteon, what have you done?" I uttered in horror.

"Teon!" She seemingly answered happily while the sensation assaulted my feet. I removed my shoes and socks, and then instantly regretted my curiosity. As I removed them my feet had already transformed into large incarnations of Pokemon paws and fur was beginning to wrap around my ankles. My hands and feet stopped feeling itchy, thankfully, but I still felt weird, like someone was wrapping me up tightly in an invisible cloak.

I felt my nose starting to tingle a little and when I felt it with my hand/paw I felt its new shape and moisture. Then I saw my fingers starting to shrink, while my middle and ring fingers started to fuse; afterwards they all began shortening, making them practically useless as I placed them on the ground, trying to keep my balance. The fur continued to spread up my back and around my arms and I felt these odd spikes growing out of my lower back. The spikes stretched my underwear, way beyond what they could endure; then they completely tore off (which was less than comfortable to say the least). Fur had started growing on my belly already and I felt my tail bone begin to grow out of my back, causing my eyes to water in pain.

"Jolteon! What have you...? What is happening to me?" I yelled in anguish.

"Teon!" she answered while licking my growing muzzle. I tried to push her away but it was nearly impossible with paws which were continually shrinking. I felt my ears growing long and getting thinner. At the same time Jolteon was trying to pull my right ear with her teeth as her front paws dug into my shoulder painfully; she seemed to be trying to speed up the transformation process. The fur spread over my shoulders to my head, converting my brown smooth hair to spiked, yellow fur. The fur seemed to stop growing but I was pretty much completely covered by fur anyway. Suddenly my mouth seemed to go numb, causing me to start poking at it, which unfortunately seemed to trigger a sort of reshaping process.

When I tried to speak, I quickly discovered that my voice was mutating as well.

"Strange? This feels...almost...good...Teon...jolt..." I felt Jolteon's body rubbing against my arm and then heard a feminine voice:

"This feels good… This is good, for both of us!"

I felt my body shrinking. It was strange, but it felt great at the same time; it almost felt like I was falling but without the sensation of hitting the ground below, a sort of euphoria. I stopped shrinking and I was about four feet tall. Then my skull started cracking and shifting; my mouth and nose were also slowly being pushed outwards as the rest of my body was covered in hair.

"This is... Agh!" I said, finding the first part of the process very pleasurable, but the cracking and reshaping began to hurt and cause my body to ache.

"I'm glad you liked it, my love."

What? What did she just call me - 'my love'? I was about to ask her when I felt my hips moving and cracking, then I heard a huge CRUNCH coming from my pelvis as it dislocated and bolted into another position. My legs were now placed like a quadruped and they began reshaping, making it difficult to even to sit. So I simply flopped onto my side as I felt my arms undergoing the same process to bring me into an 'all fours' position. Then my shoulders pushed out and the remaining height difference disappeared, but this time I could feel my insides swirling while making strange 'gurgling' noises, changing the - once pleasurable - falling sensation into a nauseating journey. My chest reshaped, shrinking my abdominal muscles, leaving me more Pokémon-like. I felt some tingling in my neck and I saw some white, spiked fur sprouting out until it looked like a white, spiked collar, completing my image of a perfectly normal Jolteon.

My head was flooded with new instincts, new ways of thinking...thunderstorms? Who cares? It charged me in a split second! Wanna have a fight? My Thunderbolt will make you regret it! What?

"Are you ok...?" I turned my head towards Jolteon. Even though the first shock of hearing her speak had subsided, I was still completely dazed by the entire experience.

"I think so...?" I answered as I extracted the rest of my new body out of the pile of clothing that used to be upon my person.

"I'm glad you're okay, and… You like your new body?" She stuttered almost shyly.

"Y… Yeah, I guess. It's kinda cool!" I replied as I stood up on all fours rather tentatively and began inspecting my body. "But wait… Why have you done this, and more importantly how?" Actually I wasn't too sure which was more important but I wanted an answer to both now.

She rubbed her muzzle into my elongated ear, causing my body to shiver, but in a good way, as if I was being massaged and mildly tickled simultaneously.

"I did this... because... I love you... and..." Her yellow cheeks began to tinge, going a slightly peachy colour. I just looked at her in astonishment. A Pokémon… Loving their trainer… Isn't that kind of… frowned upon, or is that only the other way round. My thoughts were a bit blurry but seemed to almost be willing to accept such a concept. As strange concepts went it wasn't the craziest I was dealing with at that moment.

"I want you to... Look, there is no easy way to say this... But I want you to be my mate! I know. I know it's a bit selfish of me to turn you into a Jolteon just because I want more love but... I think it is the only way to make you understand and... Well... Uhh, well, do you accept?"

What…? Be her mate? Like to be together and stuff? (Isn't that illegal, anyway?) I didn't really know how to answer, but looking at my new body, and looking back towards hers, caused me to feel a sort of - magnetism.

"Uhh... well, why not?" I replied, evidently unsure, but she seemed happy enough with the answer and almost jumped towards me.

"But on one condition!" I quickly said. She looked at me expectantly, evidently pondering what the single condition could be. "Don't nag me… please?" I grinned, as much as a human-come-Jolteon could.

She chuckled in response, "Okay, whatever you want... My love."

She smiled before licking at my cheek, causing me to smile along with her. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.