Title: A different saga, part 2
Author: Me
Pairing: Jasper/Draco…Harry/Draco (way way minor) harry/? Jacob/?
Summary: The Cullens leave and Draco doesn't know what to do.
Crossover: Harry Potter/Twilight
Warnings: Slash, Crossover, Minor angst, minor harry/draco in this chapter, no beta-sorry for any mistakes.
Rating: M just to be safe.
Chapters: 9/9
A/N: this story is now at an end! Last chapter, but don't worry there are still two 'books' left to go! Enjoy the last chapter. Btw some of this chapter is from the book, but mostly changed a little.

Chapter nine.

Draco stood in the trees outside the Cullen's house. Standing half behind a tree he lent his head against the trunk and sighed. He knew they knew he was there but he wasn't quite ready to go in there and be calm. Draco at the moment was thinking of 20 different ways to fry them straight to hell. But after taking several calming breaths Draco walked towards the front door. The house looked exactly the same as it had before they left nothing different or out of place.
He rang the doorbell and took a step back. Seconds later Carlisle opened the door.

"Draco, it good to see you again, please come in." He greeted warmly.

"Dr. Cullen." Draco nodded stiffly.

"Please you know to call me Carlisle." He smiled at him, ignoring the icy attitude.

"I think Dr. Cullen will crevice for now."

"That's fine too." Carlisle led the way into the dining room where he was greeted with the rest of the Cullens and Bella already seated around the table.

Everyone greeted him so warmly and as if nothing had happened, it made Draco feel sick and completely angry. But he nodded politely to them all anyway. Seeing two empty seats, one next to Jasper and one next to Edward, Draco headed straight for the chair that was meant for Carlisle. They got the silent message that Jasper wasn't forgiven as Edward was. As he watched as Carlisle took the seat next to Jasper and his heart clenched a little at the pained expression on his face.

"Well now that were all here," Bella stood and began to speak. "I want to discuss something with all of you."

Edward looked just as confused as the rest Draco noted.

"The floor is yours." Carlisle nodded to Bella.

"Well, I'm hoping Alice has already told you what happened in Volterra?"

"Everything." Alice assured her.

"I for one have no clue." Draco informed them.

"Oh I'm so stupid, well…" Alice quickly told Draco all that went on in the last few days.

"Good." Bella nodded when they were done. "Now were all on the same page. So, I have a problem." She began. "Alice promised the Volturi that I would become one of you. They're going to send someone to check, and I'm sure that's a bad thing, something to avoid. Alice also said you would become one of them as well so you'll be in as much danger as me."

Draco couldn't stop himself, he snorted and the Cullen's and Bella all turned to stare at him.

"What? It just sounds ridiculous." He told them.

"What sound ridiculous?" Jasper asked him.

"Becoming a vampire for eternity isn't something I see myself doing, I love being a wizard too much." He explained.

"Oh." Was all Jasper said and when he saw the pitying expression Edward was giving him he began to feel a little bad.

"They were very clear on what was to happen Draco but it's your own choice." She said to him before continuing. "So now this involves you all, I'm sorry about that she looked at each of us in turn before looking at Edward whose face was turned down into a grimace. "But, if you don't want me, us." She corrected motioning to Draco. "Then I'm not going to force myself on you, whether Alice is willing or not."

Esme was about to speak when Bella stopped her.

"Let me finish please. You all know what I want and maybe what Draco wants too. And I'm sure you know what Edward thinks, too. But I think they only fair way to decide is for everyone to have a vote. If you say you don't want me then…I guess I'm going back to Italy alone. I can't have them coming here."

Draco listened to the speech with little interest. If he wanted to become a vampire then it would be his own decision, no one was going to tell him yes or no.

There was a faint rumble of a growl coming from Edwards's chest.

"Taking into account the fact that I won't put any of you in danger either way, I want you to vote yes or no on the issue of me becoming a vampire, and Draco if you wish to as well." She turned to Carlisle for him to begin.

"Just a minute," Edward interrupted. I have something to add before the vote."

Bella let out an audible sigh.

""I don't think we need to be overly anxious about the danger Bella is in. you see, there was more than one reason why I didn't want to shake Aro's hand there at the end. There's something they didn't think of, and I didn't want to clue them in." He grinned.

"Which was?" Alice asked with a skeptical expression that mirrored most.

"The Volturi are overconfident, and with good reason. When they want to find someone, it's not a problem. Do you remember Demetri?" He glance over at Bella, who nodded. "He finds people-that's his talent. He's a tracker and a thousand times better than James. His ability is kind of like mine and Aro's, and both of our talents don't work with Bella. So neither should Demetri's." Edwrad shrugged as if it was just that simple.

"You don't think he will be able to find me," Bella stated.

"I'm sure of it." He said smugly.

"And that solves things how?" Draco jumped in and asked.

"Quite obviously, Alice will be able to tell when they are planning to visit, and I'll hide you. They'll be helpless," He said with fierce enjoyment. "It will be like looking for a piece of straw in a haystack!"

Edward and Emmett exchanged a glance and a smirk.

"But they can find you." Bella protested.

"And I can handle myself."

Emmett laughed and reached across the table towards his brother, extending a fist. "Great plan brother."

"No," Rosalie hissed.

"Absolutely not," Bella agreed.

"Nice." Jasper's voice was appreciative.

"No." Draco said quietly. Jasper jerked his head to stare at him, happy to have his concern.

"Idiots." Alice muttered.

Esme was just glaring at Edward.

"Alright then," Bella said. "Edward has offered an alternative for you to consider. Let's vote." She looked at Edward first. "Do you want me to join your family?"

"Not this way. " He shook his head. "You're staying human."

Bella nodded and moved on.



"Jasper?" He looked towards Draco and smiled a little.

"Yes." He said more to Draco than Bella.


She hesitated before answering. "No." Bella was about to move on when Rosalie stopped her.

"Let me explain. She pleaded. "I don't mean that I don't want you as a sister. It's just that…this is not the life I would have chosen for myself. I wish someone had been there to vote no for me."

She nodded then turned to Emmett.

"Hell, yes!" He grinned hugely.


"Yes, of course Bella. I already think of you as part of the family."

"Thank you. Carlisle?"

He and Edward had an almost silent conversation that made Edward storm out of the room in a huff.

"I think you know my vote." He said.

"Thank you all for wanting to keep me. I feel exactly the same way about all of you. Draco?" She asked silently.

"I don't need people to decide something like that for me, no offence Bella." He added as an afterthought.

"It's okay. So Alice where so you want to do this?"

Alice stared at her, her eyes widening with terror.

"No! No! NO!" Edward roared, charging back into the room. "Are you insane?" He shouted.

"Jasper." Draco whispered while they were yelling. Jasper looked over to him and followed him when Draco motioned for him to do so.

When they got outside Draco grabbed Jasper's hand and apperated them to 'their' spot.

"I'm still mad." Draco told him when they landed at their destination.

"I know." Jasper nodded.

"I will be for a while."

"I understand."

"I'll be holding this over you for eternity."

"I know…wait…did you just say for eternity?"

"Maybe." He shrugged. "But not for a while, wizards age slower than muggles you know."

An electric smile erupted on Jasper's face.

"I love you." He grabbed Draco in a crushing hug.

"I love you two." Draco kissed him on the lips. "But you still owe me."

The end

A/N: we all know what happens with Bella and Edward-Edward proposes to Bella she says basically no. until the next 'book'