I'm 506

New story right here, I just thought It would be cool to write. And I wanted to see what reaction I get from this first chapter. Even if you don't want me to carry on I'll probably just write to anyway, just not to share :'(

Ok I'll stop babbling now and let you actually read,

Hope you like it,

Sasha XxxX

Chapter 1

Bella Volturi, Vampire, 506 years old, Frozen at 16. I'm unique, Aro had told me when I was 15. I had gifts that he could only begin to imagine. Caius and Marcus had been welcoming, they were like the family I never had.

The young Bella had been so sadistic and messed up that she had killed 17 people in her sleep at only 7. I sleep walked when I was human. Something that presented a danger to everyone around me. I seemed to pick who I killed though, those 17 people were murders, rapists, criminals, and stalkers. I never could convince myself it was right though. Italy was my home town, when I was changed I wasn't like the normal vampire.

I kept my olive toned skin, my eyes could also change colour. It depended on my mood, but it made it hard for me to mingle with humans. I hated the smell of blood, even animal blood (which was my diet) seemed repulsive to me. Aro, Caius and Marcus were so scared when they couldn't find anything I could bare to drink. I became weak, and agitated. Eventually I just struggled down the animal blood, I didn't care. It was still a trouble now though, hunting was a chore I dreaded, a bit like tidying a bed room to a hormonal teenager I suppose. But I couldn't even bear to be around human blood, so what could I do?

I had been born in Italy in 1489, it was a miracle I survived under the circumstances of my birth. My mother had what now-a-days they call Pre-eclampsia. Basically I had to have an early birth or me and my mother would have both died. It turns out I didn't matter my mother died anyway, and my father couldn't live without her and died when I was only 2 years old. To be honest I'm surprised he lasted that long.

In 1494 I was 15 and that was when I first me Aro. I was walking in the deserted street as the wind swept gracefully at my face and arms. My summer dress blew gently around me as I strolled. I was a silhouetted figure at the end of the pier, that was only a short distance in front of me. I still remember what I had thought at that moment, why ever would someone be out at this time of night? I had soon remembered I was out also, I had laughed out loud quietly.

The silhouette had heard, that was when I knew something was different, not because he was beautiful, that his skin was pale despite living in a hot country, not the red of his eyes. No it wasn't that, I never had judged people by their looks, I thought it rude and egotistical. What had alerted me to his deference was that he had heard me, no human would have been able to hear my laugh. My thoughts at that moment were Human…he isn't human. Aro had always said I was observant, and perceptive.

I had approached the figure, intrigued. My inquisitive side had always overruled my more…rational nature.


"Hello" I said to him, smiling ever so slightly.

"Why, Hello my dear, what is an observant little creature like you doing out at this time of the night?" he asked, his jet black hair blowing in the wind, much as mine was. I curtsied, knowing of how he held himself, and spoke that he was of a higher status than myself.

"Do pardon this comment, but I could ask you the same Sir" I replied shyly, blushing. He smiled down at me; laying a cold hand on my forearm.

"It is a fair to question my presense, I do not usually leave my residence, however it was such a beautiful evening I simply could not resist looking out onto the waters" he seemed so tranquil, I had noticed his differences though. His hearing-he had heard me laugh, his temperature-he was cold, his skin-it was as though it was translucent, his eyes, yes his eyes the most prominent difference-his eyes were red. I knew I should be frightened, but I had always lacked a sense of self preservation.

"I find it calming too" I whispered,

"Ever so perceptive" he muttered to himself, I smiled at him lightly; and he returned to expression.

"I never thought I could talk to someone like you so freely" the man told me,

"by 'someone like me' you mean human?" I asked, he was frozen for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"I've known you all of a few minutes and you read me so easily, yes I mean you are human…" I smiled,

"and you are not"

*End of flashback*

Aro had taken on a stroll along the pier, talking freely. His parting line before disappearing into the shadows in the early hours of the morning was:

Isabella you have been like a daughter that I never thought I would experience in these few short hours we have spent together, and I do not wish to lose your company. Fare well, for now, Isabella.

I had watched as he flew into the darkness, BELLA! I had called after him, frequently while we talked I had reminded him of my preferred nickname, and he had refused stubbornly. Stating that Isabella was a beautiful name and that I should wear it proudly.

I heard from Aro everyday for the next 6 months, we had great times. But good times never last, do they? I thought it was wonderful; what I had been told had to happen to me, but Aro wasn't so sure. I think Aro thought I was still in shock, about a month after we met I guessed he was a vampire; the look on his face was simple comical. I never let him forget it, but Aro being Aro thought I hadn't digested that he thirsted for my blood.

Anyway, one day Aro wasn't at the pier at his usual time, the wind wasn't cold but it wasn't the same warm breeze that was gracing the air the first time I had met Aro.

I had wandered for a few minutes, taking off my heals and dipping my toes in the water. Everyone I knew that was my age and female was engaged or married, wore long dresses, hats, and gloves.

I, however, wore no gloves, no hats, my dresses ended at my knees and my hair was always flowing down my back instead of pinned up. In that time I was a disgrace, I just felt free, I was graceful on occasion, but at the best of times I tended to trip …frequently. So long dresses that just caught on objects were not practical. My hair naturally fell into large, loose ringlets down my back and didn't like to be tied up or pinned back without presenting protest.

I could walk with a generous stack of books on my head, but a hat was a different matter entirely. When I remember wearing them I spent the better part of my time chasing through the streets for my hat that had caught in the wind. Gloved were also impractical, I was an adventurous outcast, I liked to climb trees, talk to the stall keepers, play cards, everything I shouldn't do I did, and the things I 'shouldn't do but did' were not made with gloves in mind.

Back to the tale, I had my toes in the water disturbing the surface ever so lightly as I moved my legs.

*flash back*

"Isabella" I smiled, he came.

"It's Bella Aro" I reminded him,

"Yes, Sorry dear" I shook my legs out of the water so I wouldn't slip on the wood and turned to meet Aro. Looking back on it now I had sensed we weren't alone, but hadn't thought much of it. Sometimes Aro moved so fast that I thought there were thousands of pedestrians roaming freely around us. But what I saw made me smile brightly.

"Hello, you must be Caius, and Marcus" I said smiling and fascinated at the chance to interact with more of Aro's kind.

"You were right Aro, she is beautiful. It's lovely to meet you Bella" Marcus greeted me, I held out my hand.

"I'm not going to let you go without a proper introduction" I said to him, he took my hand and shook it. He seemed amused that I didn't flinch from his cold skin.

"Why do you say we are going?" enquired Caius, I blushed.

"Due to your late arrival I estimate you have about 3 hours left of darkness, before the sun breaks through the cloud cover" I told them, but Aro honestly looked pleased at my observations, and proud.

"I told you she was smart, I told you!" he said to his companions.

"Bella, if you don't mind me asking; are you interested in the earth at all?" to anyone else at the time that would have sounded a bizarre question. But not to me.

"Why I love it! Its fascinating seeing the layers of seabed rock the has been submerged to the surface, and the casts of see creatures on some of our mountains! I could sit for hours looking at the rough cut diamonds and rubies in my fathers old study. I suppose he never got a chance to send them off to tumble them, such a shame but I think I prefer them this way" I rattled on, only then realizing my rudeness.

"I'm sorry that was very rude of me" I said to Marcus.

*End of flashback*

Later that evening, and into the early hours of the morning Aro explained that Volterra was run by him, and the royal 'family' or guard as the vampire's called it. I knew vampires drank human blood at the time, I was always one for legends, I just suck up weird-I apologize for the pun-but I couldn't bring myself to feel threatened by the three vampires stood in front of me.

I had learnt that Aro, Caius and Marcus were the royal family that ran the city, and to the vampire world they were know as the Volturi guard that consisted of a collection of other talented vampires that kept the Vampire world from being exposed. Approximately a decade after having been transformed into a vampire, Aro changed his sister Didyme, in the hope that she would possess an ability related to his. However, she was blessed with an ability not as useful to him; the power to make people happy. Aro's colleague Marcus fell in love with her, and she with him.

After meeting all three of the vampires, Caius and Marcus bid me farewell and said they wanted me to come to the castle at noon tomorrow, I-being the eager human girl I was-immediately accepted their invitation, but once gone Aro confided one of his darkest secrets in me, one only Aro and another member of the volturi guard knew, her name was Chelsea. He told me it was about Marcus and his sister.

Marcus and Didyme eventually became discontent. In order to prevent them leaving the Volturi, Aro killed Didyme: Marcus was too integral to his plans to lose. Aro had Chelsea use her ability to ensure Marcus remained loyal to the Volturi, and Marcus never found out the truth.

He had looked so sad, that I could understand his distress. At the time he had been so caught up in his new found power that he would do anything to keep it. To only find out that what he had done when he came down from his power high. I had experienced something similar. I had gone to sleep thinking of dresses and well…hammers. Then I wake up and find I have killed people in my sleep. It frightened me, I had no idea what it did to everyone around me.

Aro had carefully explained that now I knew they were vampires, that I had to be one of them before word gets out and someone will change me in the most painful way possible, to punished them for violating their own rules. He had started rumbling apologies and explanations before I had interrupted him with,

"Six months"

He had stared wide eyes in shock, but I smiled at him and said I had nothing left in my human life, being a vampire was like a dream. Aro had continuously told me that I would be a prisoner to my own thirst I just shrugged, stating if that was the only draw back then I'd take it. Then he began to explain the complications of going in the sun, the temperature of their skin, eye colour. I rolled my eyes telling him that I had to be changed at some point, the sooner the better, for both of us.

In those six months Aro took me out of civilization to 'prepare' me. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I had read countless book, had countless books read to me! Yes, it was tedious, yes it was aggravating, but it did help me get through the change so much faster. I just stated the obvious, and hey presto a quicker way to change vampires. Basically my puny little human mind had out smarted the hundred and thousands of vampires before me by reading between the lines. "Why you just keep me cold?" was what I had said, it sounded stupid to my own ears, but during my transformation I was glad Aro had taken me seriously.

So the volturi guard had done simply that, covered me in ice, cold water, put me in a cold room, in a cold bath tub. The only clothing was something that we called now-a-days a swimsuit. It was practically a bikini because I needed most of my body cold. Jane and Sulpicia (Aro's wife) had used their cold hands to cool my warm heart and heaf. I had been bit all over to see where it ran fastest. My arms had spread the venom most quickly, so Aro sucked the venom out of all the other bits so I didn't have an over load of venom, he said it made for a powerless vampire. Stupid superstitious vampire, oh yeah I guess he had a right to be, considering he was a child of the night. I guess I was too. Even at my age I was still considered the child, just because I was changed young.

When Jane and Alec came along I thought yes finally I'm not the youngest but no, they looked younger than me but they were actually 17, damn.

My change had finished after 23 hours and 43 minutes. Aro said I was the most beautiful vampire he ever laid eyes on, Sulpicia had to agree. But then again they were like a father and a mother to me, or and uncle and aunt, they had to say that. I still think I look plain now, I don't want to think about what I looked like when I was human.

I had mentioned about my eyes before, but you see the colours are all messed us for me. normal vampires' eyes turn black when hungry, mine turn a deep blue, like looking out onto the sea at night. normal vampires' eyes when fed turn red, mine turn a lightly lilac, a strange mix of blue and green. But wait, there's more to the freak show that is moi.

No matter what eye colour I have there is always sparkling specs of crystal blue, always. See what I mean about making it hard to mingle with humans? Especially when they hadn't invented coloured contacts yet, ugh! They made angels based on me because of my eyes. Obviously Jane said they were pretty.

Aro, Caius, and Marcus had told me about the ranks of the Volturi guard. Their way of showing that was the darkness of the cloaks they wore, I didn't have to wade up the ranks I skipped straight the pitch black, even when we didn't know my power.

My power came as a shock, to everyone. We found out about it when some Romanian vampires tried to throw over the Volturi, blabbing about saying they were formed first they had the rights; yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean seriously vampires had rights! I mean come-on!

They had lighters, the new thing at the time. An the only way to kill a vampire is to burn their ripped body. Their leader threw a lighted swatch of cloth at Aro, and I reflexively sent my hadn out to catch it, or at least block it. Aro had shouted for me not to, everyone had but I hadn't listened. I had caught the cloth, the fire had no effect on me, I could handle it and nothing would happen.

At first I hadn't realized the significance, until Aro pointed out that I couldn't die. That hit home, I had no mate and I had to live out a lonely existence, that should be fun. Unfortunately most vampire who didn't find their mate within the first 200-300 years were considered 'past their sell by date'.

Most people mistake me for being a new addition to the Volturi (heck most didn't even know I was part of the Volturi) because of my young transformation, but no I was pretty old.

Anyway, after a few more experiments, I found I could control air, then water, then earth. I was an element bender. It confused me why the element I was so fixated on as a human, earth, would be the hardest for me to master. Caius suggested it was because I knew too much about the mechanics of it, I didn't let my instincts take over. Yep that comment got his head ripped off by Sulpicia because when I did 'let my instincts take over' I made a wall off rock blocking her and Aro's bedroom window, I had lowered it again but there was still a patch where no grass would grow.

There was a time when I thought I was the only vampire to exist on an alternative diet. There was one nomad that had dared to try and expose us, Aro had let him talk for a while before letting me and Jane kill him. He said his diet was different, in an attempt to live. It was no secret Aro wanted me to be able to relate to someone and hunt with someone, and this nomad played dirty.

Turns out that his 'different' diet was humans with blond hair. Typical. Then in the 1850's a vampire named Carlisle came into Italy. He was studying, and came across me and Jane one day when Volterra had a rare day of cloud cover. We were just wondering the more secluded parts of the town when we met Carlisle.

Carlisle was changed in 1666 when he was 23, he was born in 1643 and had never drank human blood much like myself. I had welcomed him with open arms and Aro all but bowed at his feet. You see Carlisle not only gave me a companionship Aro had thought I needed, but he also looked over the judgments and accusations made by other vampires, also much like myself and became one of Aro's only friends.

To this day we owe Carlisle Cullen much. Carlisle gave me another role model, another uncle in so many words. Though he knew little about me, my powers, my relation to the volturi, my age, he hadn't even see my eyes; he still accepted me and we talked through rooms. Aro didn't want the outside vampire world to know about me just yet, he said that a lot of people didn't like the guard and he didn't want people seeking me out to torment my existence if I ever wanted to take a holiday.

Aro would never let anyone take a 'holiday' apart from me, I was a friend to him, and he a father to me. Me and Carlisle were one of the rare vampire to know the real Aro, the vampire who few people had the privilege to know. Carlisle couldn't cope with hunting alone as well as I could so he went in search of other vampires like himself and I. I think Carlisle and myself are the only members of the guard that are allowed to leave and come back to the volturi on will, no restraints or limitations.

"Isabella!" Aro called though he knew perfectly well I could hear, and the rest of the guard for that matter.

"Aro I've been with you for 506 years! You know it's BELLA!" I told him sternly, I used my air bending to lower myself down from my tower, it had no stairs and was too high for even a vampire to reach the hole the would lead to the retina scanner.

"Yes, Yes. Sorry dear. I have news" I followed his voice and was with him in seconds, it wasn't exactly a gift but I was unnaturally graceful and fast, even for a vampire.

"News? What type of news?" I asked intrigued, he chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Do you remember Carlisle Cullen?" he asked amusement obvious in his expression, it even sparkled in his eyes.

"Of course, vampire memory!" I told him smirking, he chuckled.

"Well he has offered to take you in for a few month or years, he said he has a nice coven full of people like you and himself" I knew my eyes were glistening with happiness, I wasn't alone and Carlisle wanted to share what he had found with me, it made my heart swell.

"Really?" I all but squealed, but I thought about my responsibilities as my hand rested on my locket. It had the volturi crest on it, Aro, Caius and Marcus had given it to me when I had first woken up from my transformation. A gift as I entered this new life. I hesitated as I contemplated leaving and being safe, but not completely happy. Or going and being on my own with a strange coven full of mysterious vampires, when I could possibly be happy, possibly just because they have the same diet as me. It sounded ridiculous when I said it like that.

"You don't have to decide now Isabella, you have time" I knew that tone,

"And my time you mean…" I probed,

"Um, approximately, roughly, not including, oh is Caius calling me-?" I rolled my eyes; one hand on hip; an eyebrow raised; incredulous look on face, I looked him straight in the eye.

"Now Aro you know me better than to be swayed just tell me" I said to him sweetly but menace clearly there in my undertone.

"You have 1440 minutes" he said cautiously, though I would never hurt him; that didn't mean I would threaten or scare him. Jane found it hilarious while Alec just smirked silently. Jane was the loud twin.

"Couldn't you just say a day, or 24 hours like normal vampires?" I asked, incredulous,

"I probably could, but that was fun" did Aro, Aro just say fun? Oh my god, Vampire has a fever, code red! Code RED!

Anyone like this, should I carry on? Let me know =) thanks for reading, sorry it was a but uneventful thought it would be best if I gave you some backing info first. Sorry if it got tedious.

Thanks R&R

Sasha XxxX

I'm 506, Page

I'm 506, Page