DISCLAIMER: WE DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER... but it'd be so boss if we did.
xaNicole: Hello friends! Sorry we left you here... alone... without a story. We are deeply sorry... but we're, like, half dead after school... and I've been helping AngelForTonight with her personal ff since I'm now a registered BETA. But, anyways, this was originally her idea but she asked me to partner with her for it and now we've got our friend Jennifer into this story as well so it's a three person project! There may even be a sequel in the works ;D who knows! But I hope you enjoy this and review so we know to continue or not!
AngelForTonight: Here is a new story i was at home and this story just struck at me.. so yeah (: Hope you all like it(:
Hermione Granger was just a regular girl. As regular as a sixteen year old witch could get. She had great friends and at school, she was the brightest witch of her age! But nobody knew the Prophecy about her… nobody knew what was to be expected of her.
"Shh," Hermione heard Mrs. Weasley whisper as she layed in bed with her eyes closed, "I think she's waking up!"
"Happy Birthday!" The Weasley clan shouted as they saw Hermione open her eyes. Mrs. Weasley was holding a large cupcake with a candle.
Today was Hermione's 17th birthday. She yawned and rubbed the sleep away from her eyes. Mrs. Weasley handed her the cupcake.
"Thanks, you guys," she said smiling.
"Blow out the candle, Hermione, what are you waiting for?" Harry said.
She smiled at him, closed her eyes, made her wish and blew the candles out.
Mrs. Weasley took the cupcake from Hermione's lap and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Breakfast is ready; your party is in two hours."
"Party?" Hermione frowned.
"Yes, Hermione," Ginny said, "We're having a party for your birthday."
"But you know I don't like parties!" Hermione whined, "Especially if it's one for me."
"Oh, come on, Hermione! Have a bit of fun for once!" Harry said.
"Yeah," Ron said, "Have the party… it'll be fun."
"Alright, Alright!" Hermione said, realizing the argument was pointless, "Just let me change!"
The three walked out of the room while Hermione laid out some clothes for the day. She got off her bed and went into the bathroom. She stripped her clothes, turned the faucet on and stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water relax her.
A couple minutes later, she came out of the shower and wrapped her towel around herself. She went back into her guest room and dried off, putting some clothes on. She felt a burning sensation on her palms and looked down at her hands.
"No," she whispered, "This can't happen today!"
She looked at the marks on her hands. They were faint but it was clear that they were the outline of two snakes.
She heard a knock on her door.
"Hermione, hurry up! Mum says your breakfast is getting cold!"
"I'm coming, Ginny, just give me a second!" Hermione called while applying her face powder to the marks on her hands. She was sure she could find a spell to hide it but she couldn't take a chance. She looked at her hands again and the makeup had covered most of it. She checked herself in the mirror to see if any other changes occurred and then went downstairs for breakfast.
She made her way to the kitchen and sat down on the table.
"What took you so long," Ron said, his mouth was full and his plate was piled high with bacon, toast, and eggs.
"Is anything the matter, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked, "You look a bit shaky… and did you do something to your hair?"
"Um, no, I'm fine, thanks," Hermione said, swallowing hard, "And I just used a bit of hair potion."
The changes had already begun. By tonight, the prophecy would have been fulfilled. And nobody would ever think of her in the same way ever again.
"So," I said, "What's for breakfast?"
So? Did you like it? Please review so we know if you want us to continue this or not!