Katie Gardner was an agreeable person for the most part. For example, when her half-brother, Lex, suggested that they receive a new schedule at the end of every week, to ensure that all Demeter children worked accordingly, she agreed.

Or when Annabeth suggested that Katie focus more on her gardening skills rather than sword-fighting, she happily obliged.

But Katie Gardner was not about to give into this...this...madness. "Are you insane?" She shrieks, glancing between Chiron and the devil's child (literally), her brown eyes ridiculously wide in horrified shock. "You...You can't be serious."

Son of the devil snorts, "Melodramatic, much."

Chiron gives him a sharp look before smiling kindly, albeit it was a bit forced, at Katie, "You see, Katie, we are in troubled times. While our main focus must be to retrieve Percy from the Roman camp, we cannot afford to spend precious time on quests. That's where you come in," he smiles.

Katie doesn't like that smile. "And...You expect me to go on some quest...with him?"

"Chiron," the boy has decidedly attempted to ignore Katie's presence, it seems. "Are you sure? I've had some pretty lousy experiences with flowers," he shudders for emphasis, leaving Katie to wonder what could possibly be so terrifying about flowers.

"Well," Chiron says, looking thoughtful, "There is an alternative."

"Who?" Both half-bloods demand at once, and shoot each other withering looks, before looking to Chiron in urgency.

Chiron smiles, wryly. "I believe you know them well, Miss Gardner."

Them. Katie didn't like the sound of that. There were only two people she knew that usually came bundled up in a 'them' like that. Before the names escaped his lips, Katie knew she wasn't going to like the alternative. Not. One. Measly. Bit.

"The Stoll brothers."


Yes the kid she's supposedly going on the quest on with is Nico di Angelo. Our favorite son of Hades. But the alternative makes for a better Tratie story, doesn't it? This takes place around the end of The Lost Hero, and before Son of Neptune.

CC is welcome, and encouraged. :3 If anyone seems OOC please let me know, I want to write them as in character as possible.