Summary: On a regular summer day Phineas and Ferb build one of the summer daily projects but Dr. Doofenshmirtz gets tangled in the project and noticed that one of the kids could be taught in the ways of evil and kidnaps that person in the middle of the night. Once this person is corrupted there is only once person who could save her and its Phineas. That's right it's Isabella.

Corruption: The Beginning

The day began as usual with the boys waking up early in the morning and looking to make each summer day count. Once they woke up they immediately began thinking of ways to make the summer day longer to them. They awoke to the sound of their alarm clock going off and around the same usual time they set the alarm clock. Meanwhile Isabella had woken up also to the sound of her alarm clock going off. Isabella had just woken up from her imaginative dream of Phineas and herself as an official pair once again. Isabella has been waiting for Phineas to snap out of the obliviousness her is already seduced in deeply, so they would become an official pair if he liked her back, more than just friends. As that morning commute moved on forward both Phineas Flynn and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro decided getting ready for the upcoming day that they won't know what would happen. Finally both of the teenagers met in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard where Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher had finally come up with an idea that would suit the scorching hot day that would be that very same afternoon. Once inside Isabella said her usual catchphrase to the boy that see loved with the loving eyes that she showed so clearly but Phineas as always oblivious didn't notice anything. "Whatcha' Doin, Phineas?"

"Well since it's another scorching hot day, I think we are going to build a water amusement park or a waterpark" Phineas said not noting the clear signals Isabella was sending to him. Phineas' obliviousness had kept them apart for more than 5 years, to be exact 8 years.

"Wow can I help?" Isabella said as always deciding to help Phineas in his usual daily summer plans because she just wanted to stay as close to Phineas as she could get.

"Sure, I think we need all the help we could get so we could finish earlier"

"Then I think we will need the entire 46321 Fireside Girl troop to finish earlier rather than just the 3 of us working on something"

"Yeah, I think we will need the troop"

"I'll call them, then" Isabella said as she whistled to summon the entire 46321 group. As soon as she whistled the entire Fireside Group entered the backyard, all ready to help Phineas and Ferb on their project

"All right let's begin" Phineas said noting that the entire group was there ready to help them

As soon as Phineas declared that they would start immediately, the entire group took parts of the water park to build. As the day moved on the entire gang progressed in building the water park and soon finished the entire water park which was open to the entire community of Danville, suburban or rural parts of Danville. After working for almost 2 hours on the summer project they finally finished they entire water park, which was free admission for everyone in the city. As soon as the water park opened everyone got onto their bathing suits and each one of them took a rife to go on. They enjoyed every single water ride and as soon they went on every single, they opened the water park every single person in the Tri-State Area.

Once the water park opened people began to rush into the park, all in their swimsuits, they chose a ride and quickly rode down the ride. To all of them the water park was a fun place to spend a scorching, hot day but somewhere in the city, trouble was brewing up. Dr. Doofenshmirtz once again decided that he wanted to find the address of Agent P instead he found an apprentice he thought that this person would be perfect to be taught in the ways of evil.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated

"This time the bug spy could not fail against Agent P" Dr. Doofenshmirtz said to himself

He just unleashed the bug spy earlier that day, on Agent P's back. He kept the screen in his lab so he could monitor everything that was happening in front of the bug spy. Since the bug spy went to the house of Agent P he had a normal purpose to find the address of Agent P but the evil scientist would notice that a girl named Isabella would be an apprentice to him. Once it reached the Flynn-Fletcher household the bug began to wander around the house in search of the address of Agent P's owners. While it looked for the address of Agent P, the bug found a teenage girl inside the house, it was Isabella. As soon Doofenshmirtz saw the girl he immediately noticed the dark side of her personality. She may look nice and completely bright on the outside, her heart wasn't. After sustaining many disappointments and sad moments of Phineas completely ignoring her for the past 8 years, her heart took in all that and he saw that she could and possibly would be trained in the ways of evil. Even as he saw her, he noticed something come out of her mouth.

Picking up a picture frame of Phineas, she said some words that she needed to get out of her chest "Oh Phineas… why are you so oblivious?"

"You have completely ignored me for the past 8 years, I just can't take it anymore, Phineas" Isabella said not noting the bug spy hearing whatever she said and whatever she did

"If only you knew my love for you, my deep love for you"

"If only you would know, me and you would be together as an official couple" Isabella said trying to fight back the tears she barely could keep back

"My heart, right now is filled with hurt and anger feelings, all that pain went into my heart and I barely could hang onto the love I have for you, Phineas"

"I love you, Phineas" Isabella said finally letting go of the tears she was trying to hold and fight back. Her heart was breaking apart ever since Phineas completely ignored her and her hints in Paris. Paris was a complete failure to make Phineas notice her once and for all.

After finally revealing her secret to Dr. Doofenshmirtz, which she did not know that anyone was watching and hearing clearly to anything see said, she put down the picture frame and ran towards her home, heartbroken because of the memories that accompany her until Phineas accepts her to be his girlfriend. Isabella could keep her true feelings for Phineas in her; time was running out of Phineas. Isabella could not wait for Phineas to grow up all her life; she was eventually going to have to move on to someone else. As everyone was having fun in the newly built water park that the boys had built, Isabella was letting all her tears out in her room about Phineas' oblivious ways.

As the day progressed, Phineas, Ferb and everyone at the water park finished to play on the play on rides. Meanwhile Doofenshmirtz had found out that the new apprentice would be Isabella, now that the bug had already seen the address of Isabella and knew exactly when he would kidnap her.

Finally night fell for Phineas, Ferb and Isabella. Isabella had finally cried herself to sleep. Phineas and Ferb had gone to bed when the water park closed and disappeared at about 10:00 at night.

As night fell Dr. Doofenshmirtz was already on his evil blimp on his way to the house of Isabella Garcia-Shapiro. Once above her house he unleashed one of his arms which picked her up and took her to the Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Building to train her in the ways of evil.

Sorry it took too long but it's finally here. Also look out of the new story "Which One" it would be on a romance section for only Isabella and then I would post "Decisions" later, after the "Which One" story is up and running and the next chapter would be in soon so please be patient.