Disclaimer: I own nothing so don't bother suing. This is slash so decide if it's what you like if not leave. HPxSN


Shards of Glass

He lay in his bed wishing the day would just piss off and wait. He really didn't feel like getting up and dealing with people today, not even Kira. God knew he loved the girl to death but today was just going to be one of those days. He could feel it. Groaning as Kira pounded on his door he stretched lazily and curled into his comforter. The pounding on his door stopped and the blessed silence lasted for maybe a minute. Kira burst into his room and he could feel the waves up cheerfulness and energy radiating from the girl. The sheer audacity of morning people. Oh how he loathed them. He pouted as his warm blanket was taken away and he got a hair full of dark brown hair in his face as Kira jumped on him.

Emerald eyes blinked open to stare at dancing brown eyes. Smiling despite being so tired he kissed her on the forehead and pushed her off. Unfortunately, running a coffee shop meant you had to get up for people who didn't know that one had to respect the Saturday. Oh no, people had to get up at god forsaken hours for coffee. Well, he shouldn't complain too much, seeing as he did make good money out of it. He showered and changed into his work clothes, the uniform and combination of black slacks and white button up with a dark purple vest on top. He made his way into the shop and began to warm everything up and start the first brews of the day. Kira was already pulling out cookies, muffins, and bagels out of the oven; the rest of the pastries already set out on display. Humming, he looked up an hour later to see the morning pack standing impatiently outside the doors. He gulped slightly and looked back to make sure Kira and the others were ready.

Sighing as he slowly unlooked the doors, he quickly stepped out of the way as the crowd poured in. Moving behind the bar, he sighed thinking it was going to be a long day.

*Page Break*

It was late morning when the door chimed announcing the arrival of another customer. Making his way around the shop he looked towards the door and noticed a man standing there. Blushing slightly at the stranger, he couldn't help but note how sexy he was. The thought alone made his blush darker. Kira bumped into him and winked. Scowling he smoothed his face into a pleasant smile and made his way over to tall-dark-and-handsome, well, compared to him anyways. "What can I get for you?" A smile firmly in place, hazel-green eyes turned to look at him. He felt a flutter in his chest, those eyes. The smirk on the mans face fell away as he stared at Harry, "Sir?" he ventured questioningly. Maybe he wasn't ready to make his order? Harry thought as he prepared to excuse himself. "Uhhh, yeah. An expresso double shot...please." I could hear the after thought and smiled as I went to fill his order. He made the order swiftly, telling himself he always worked this efficiently. It had nothing to do with those eyes. "Hey Ry, Luke is here and needs to talk to youuuuu!" Kira said brightly. Smile dropping slightly he nodded and sighed, "Take this over to table four for me?" Kira nodded and pecked him on the cheek, extremely affectionate that one.

Shaking his head he made his way to Luke and frowned as he say the look of sadness on his face. That look was almost as strange as a solemn Kira. Neither was right. Slipping onto Luke's lap he smiled softly, "Hey, Luke..." Blue eyes looked back at him with deep sadness, "My father passed away. I, I don't know what to do Ry, Would he want me there? He told me never to go back if I left?" Harry felt his heart break for his closest friend besides Kira, hugging him close to him, Harry murmured assurances as he felt tears soak his shirt. The bell jingled and his attention went to the door, watching the stranger with green eyes. Even as he felt guilt fill him for being distracted when Luke clearly needed him, he couldn't help but think there was something about those eyes.

*Page Break*

Harry cracked his back as he shifted in place, wiping the last remnants of sleep from his eyes. It was that dream again, warmth and love and an aching need. And those eyes. The same eyes he couldn't stop thinking about since that day at the shop. He had seen those eyes before, he knew it. But he very much doubted he could forget eyes like that on a man like that. It was impossible, yet there he was for what seemed like the millionth time in weeks, dreaming about those eyes. Frustrated he growled, dammit he needed a life. Running the shop and writing just wasn't enough. Looking at the time he thought a good run would help. He hated running with a passion, but lately that was the only thing that kept his mind off the stranger and the thoughts of his past that were dredging up. The last thing he needed right now was another emotional breakdown, he didn't want to put Kira through that. She'd done enough for him already, pulling him away from his depression hadn't been easy. It was difficult for him but watching him and forcing him to live again must have been harder. He thought so.

Running through the streets he decided to head up the hill on the way to his house, it was only half a mile away anyways. Sprinting he felt a sense of elation fill him as he felt the rush that accompanied his runs. The crunch of gravel and the wind wiping around him kept all unwanted thoughts away, giving him peace. If only for a while. Near the top he pushed himself further and slid to a stop. The view up here was amazing, by far his favorite place in all of Santa Clara. Smiling he turned toward his bench, only to stop short as he saw the figure of a man. The man moved and he blinked a few times, wondering if he was seeing things. Smiling once he realized the stranger was really there, pinching himself helped, he stepped forward hesitantly. He was surprised at seeing him again, most travelers never came back. "Hello." Harry said softly.

The man on the bench stared back of him, cheeks flushed from the cold. "Hello." Awkward silence ensued. Harry shifted slightly from foot to foot and felt his face grow warm as he realized he was all sweaty and probably smelled too. He felt mortified. "Would you like to sit down? I mean, you can join me. If you want. That is...never mind." Harry was startled out of his thoughts as the stranger babbled and starting moving back, heading to the Impala. "Wait!" The stranger turned back and looked at him, "How am I supposed to join you if your walking away?" Harry said smiling. The stranger smiled crookedly and slowly made his way over to the bench. Both of them sat side by side and looked out at the lights of the city below them. "So..." "Do you come by here..." They both stopped and laughed. Gods above, this felt so cliched. The stranger held out his hand, "I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." Harry looked back at him and felt himself blush slightly, "Harry Potter." His magic reached out and embraced Dean as he took his hand. He felt sparks and a strange feeling to elation at the contact. He look at Dean surprised and saw a mirror image of confusion.

Something had mended and healed within them, something they hadn't even known was broken.

*Page Break*

Sweet humming filled the shop as the lunch crowd faded until only a few stragglers were left. The occasional la-la or oh-ohh was thrown in there for good measure. Kira looked over at the petit man with narrowed eyes. She took in the lean muscle encased in smooth porcelain skin and the full pink lips molded into a perpetual state of bliss. There was something fishy going on here and she planned to get every last detail from her little brother. Smirking, she slinked up to him silently, and her suspicions heightened as Harry didn't even notice her approach. Wrapping tanned arms around the shorter male, she whispered 'Boo!'. The green eyed man jumped and glared at her for all he was worth. It was extremely amusing seeing as he looked like a sad-pouting puppy whenever he did so. "Tell me everything." She purred.

Green eyes blushed and squeaked cutely at how close she was, "Tell? Tell what? Their is absolutely nothing to tell?" Raising a finely arched eyebrow she scoffed audibly, yeah right. "And I'm the Queen of England. Try that on someone else!" Green eyes shifted in guilt. Looking up at her through long dark lashes, he mumbled "Imetaguyand he'!" Kira blinked a couple of times slowly, processing what the midget had said, as she trapped him between her arms and the bar. Brown eyes widened as she processed what Harry had just said, "Say what?" Harry seemed to be in blush mode because he wouldn't stop blushing! "I said that I met a guy and we are going on another date." He said calmly. She raised another eyebrow, "And?" she said expectantly. Ducking his head he mumbled, "and I really like him?" Kira was extremely amused at this point. She squealed excitedly as she hugged the tiny brunette. She was so happy for him, he deserved to be happy. "So what time is he picking you up?"

Harry looked up at Kira amazed. He had dreaded telling her, knowing how over protective she was and expecting her to object at dating a stranger. Oh, right. She didn't know he was from out of town. But he had stayed there for a week already, so maybe he'd be making it permanent? He was relieved knowing she was okay with things and allowed her to help him get ready. And when Dean picked him up nervously pulling at his sleeves with flowers in his hands, he took them and excused himself to place them in water. He smiled and pretended not to hear Kira's sarcastic, "What is he, a girl now?You do know he's male right? Even is he does look a bit feminine." He shook his head and laughed silently at Dean's stuttered reply. As he walked out the door, hand in hand with Dean, he pretended not to notice how pale he'd become after Kira had explicitly told Dean what she would do to him should he hurt Harry. As Kira watched them leave she thought she might just like this Winchester, he wasn't acting like himself and that was very telling. They would find something so beautiful and absolute in each other. Even if they had to suffer some a long the way. Sighing sadly she knew it was inevitable. You couldn't fight fate.

Dinner was perfect and the movie afterwards was great. He hadn't enjoyed himself so much in so long, it was like a breath of fresh air. He couldn't help but look into those eyes and smile, he felt that this is where he wanted to be for years to come. Afraid of Dean's reaction to that, he kept it all in. When Dean took him home and stood awkwardly on his front porch, Harry moved closer and pulled him close, lips only a breath apart. Dean took the hint and kissed him. Light, magic, and power flowed through them as they kissed. Warmth and safety flooded though them, making them feel as if they were coming home. Something deep and beautiful had happened in that moment. Harry could feel the ties that bound them and marveled at the strength and purity of them. Looking into each others eyes there was warmth and something else, not quite love, but something they had never had before but both so desperately craved. Dean pulled Harry close and smiled as he inhaled his scent, whatever had happened between them, whatever this was, he was going to try with all his might to keep it.

They could figure out all the details together.

*Page Break*

Pain laced through his side as more blood seeped through his fingers. He'd had the misfortune of meeting up with a demon not too far from Santa Clara and cursed as he got cut up again. This really wasn't his day, hell it wasn't his week. He was absolutely miserable and thoughts of his green eyed minx were distracting him immensely. He just wanted to be home and hold his little love. And okay, he missed the cheeky, cheerful brat too. He dodged another blade and dived behind the couch. The demon bitch followed and screeched as it realized it was trapped. "Sayonara bitch!" He began the exorcism and smirked as the bastard got his. He frowned as he saw the body turn blue. He hated it when he couldn't save the vessel. Shaking his head he limped back to his baby and headed back to his motel. His vision blurred and turned black. The last thing he heard were the screech of tires and screaming. Maybe it was him?

Luke looked down at the blonde man lying on the ground. The logical, reasonable, part of him wanted to call the cops and an ambulance. But something told him that wouldn't be such a good thing. He had a hunch about the blonde and needed to make sure he was wrong before involving the authorities. Popping the trunk he touched on the carpet and felt for a secret compartment. He pulled the sling up and sighed as he saw the all the ammo and weapons. Well then, Kira's it was. He wondered how he was going to explain this one. Better yet, how Dean was going to explain this to Harry.

Well, that wasn't his problem.

*Page Break

Harry shifted in his make shift bed, waiting for Dean to wake up. They had a lot of talking to do. He honestly did not want to think anything bad about Dean, but there was a lot of blood, not his own, on him. Luke told him not to worry and that there was a very good reason. He trusted Luke and despite only knowing him for a few months, Harry trusted Dean. He was worried and anxious and hope he wasn't mixed up in something bad. He, well, he didn't know exactly what he felt for Dean right then but he was pretty sure it was something like love. He didn't want to lose Dean.

Hours later Dean began to stir, he sensed he was somewhere unfamiliar and tensed, ready to fight as he began to catalogue his injuries and the presence in the room. "Please wake up Dean, I need to know you're okay." He relaxed knowing it was Harry at his side and relished in the warmth and safety he felt in his arms. He wanted to cry and figure out how he had gotten here. He always screwed things up and knew that Harry would either think he was some sort of psycho killer if he didn't answer his questions or think he was crazy if he told the truth. There was no way he could win here. He opened his eyes and looked at the man he had fallen for, memorizing every plane and contour of his eyes, nose, lips, neck, and body. He would need it all to get by. He had no pictures to remember him. He pushed himself up and stared at now open emerald eyes.

"Harry, there's something I have to tell you. I'm a hunter."

*Page Break*

Things had changed between them and he could see the terror in Harry's eyes as he told him what he was, what he did. He felt a staggering pain in his heart, thinking of how he had reacted. Dean had wanted to leave immediately, not wanting a verbal rejection to accompany the one he'd already gotten. The only reason he stuck around was because Kira had walked in calmly and placed food on his lap, daring him not to eat anything. He had faced demons, werewolf's, you name it. But you never messed with a Kira. She was something else entirely. Now he was just sitting there, waiting for Kira to tell him he was good enough to go before he left and never came back. Well, maybe not for a while. But he knew he'd be back. There was no way he'd be able to stay away.

Not for long.

*Page Break*

Harry was miserable and he didn't know what to do about it. He felt as if he had failed Dean in some way and now he had no clue how to fix things. A part of him feared what Dean would do if he found out what Kira and he were. Would he hunt them? How could he have been so stupid, getting close to a Winchester. Winchester. How could he have missed that? The Winchesters were known for hunting the supernatural, whether they were good or evil made no difference, only that they weren't human. He cried and cried and cried, and couldn't seem to stop. He cried because he had found someone that made him happy and it wasn't meant to be. He cried because of who he was and wished he could be normal, human, just for Dean. He cried because he had finally realized he was in love with Dean but they could never be. Winchesters could never love someone they didn't consider human.

*Page Break*

Dean finished packing all his things and took one final look around him. At the place he had come to see as home. But he knew better than that, he would never be able to have a home and someone to love him. That was all meant for Sammy, not him. He was the good little soldier and nothing more. And good soldiers, didn't fall in love. They didn't consider leaving the army for someone they loved. He stiffened as he felt moisture on his face, falling into his lips. He wiped his face angrily refusing to let Harry, or Kira, see him like this. Weak and pathetic. He swung his bags onto his shoulders and made his way out the house. He was tackled to the ground by an exuberant Kira and he smiled for the first time in days, a small smile but it was there. "I'm going to miss you loads, even if I don't like you much. Jerk." He laughed then, marveling at how she could say that with a smile on her face and cheer in her voice. He could see the lingering sadness and knowing look on her face. Luke pulled her off him and he picked up his bags once more. Nodding at him, he couldn't help the brief pang of resentment. He could have made it on his own. Instead, here he was leaving the love of his life behind. But maybe this was a good thing, for the best.

Winchesters soiled everything they touched after all.

*Page Break*

There didn't seem to be much going on these days. Harry was all mopey and depressed again and Gods if that didn't kill her. She was afraid that he would fall so deep this time that she wouldn't be enough to pull him out. She tried to be strong but she didn't know what to do. Comforting people was never her strong forte, she just felt all weird and out of sorts. It wasn't a very good feeling. Sighing she picked up the remnants of a cold meal as both Luke and Harry had eaten zilch. Nothing. Nada. Harry because he had lost Dean, for now at least. And Luke because he felt guilty for taking away Harry's happiness.

Boys were stupid. Plain and simple. It was something she'd come to realize as her boys all lacked the common sense to make things right. But she knew that good things come to those who wait, and they were coming. She'd seen it. She had also seen all the pain that they would all suffer from, but the ending would make up for it. She tensed as she heard a horrifying scream. Eyes wide she and Luke ran outside to see Mrs. Riordon go up in flames, what was left of her. She saw everything fading into a blur of noise and activity and Kira was helpless to stop it, any of it.

The world was burning, burning, burning.

*Page Break*

John Winchester looked over at his son and wondered not for the first time what was wrong with him. He knew better than to ask seeing as Dean was so much like him. They didn't do talking well and emotions, feelings, were worse. They couldn't express concern or anything similar, that was what Sam was for. He briefly toyed with the idea of asking if there was something bothering Dean, if only for the sake of the hunt then thought better of it. If something was wrong Dean wouldn't let it affect his job and his questions would only hurt Dean further. His phone rang and he headed outside to answer it, frowning he looked over at Dean and thought that maybe this would help. Heading back inside he walked up to his son and told him he was going on a hunt. Solo. "Where am I going?" Dean asked.

"Santa Clara, California." Dean felt his breath hitch and his stomach dropped. "Why don't you go?" He winced as soon as the words left his mouth. He knew better than to question his father. John's face looked murderous. The lecture he got was enough to make him shut up and take it. He unconsciously rubbed the ache over his heart, something John didn't miss. John hoped this wouldn't make thing worse.

As usual, when it involved his sons, he was wrong.

*Page Break*

There was something going on in the city and no one knew what it was. Kira had forbidden Harry from looking into it seeing as he was a magnet for trouble. He knew better but couldn't help it, which is why she made it a formal command instead of a request. As the eldest, Harry had to obey. The blood ritual had made sure of than, given that this wouldn't hurt him or her. This was not their business and things would work out eventually, eventually. But they would work out. She knew how miserable he was to have something like this happen in their city but it was necessary. "Oh, relax. It will be taken care of." She told him again and again but all he had to say was, "How many innocents will die until then?" just before he stormed of. 'Twenty-seven.'

*Page Break*

This wasn't right, it just couldn't be right. There was no way that Kira was capable of something like this. Dean refused to believe it but all the evidence was there. Kira was a witch and was publicly sacrificing innocents. He wondered how much more juice she got from making them public sacrifices but didn't really want to know. Taking a shuddering breath he realized he had to do this. He had never hated who he was and what he had to do up until that moment. Looking back now he should have realized things didn't add up.

He made his way to the cottage and stopped at the doorway of what had once been his home. He couldn't believe that Kira, no it wasn't Kira anymore. He would do this because it was his job and it was the right thing to do. Two hours later he was relived knowing that he wasn't wrong about the girl he'd come to see as his little sister. She was banged up a bit but she was a fighter and she would get through it. He didn't understand why someone would want to frame Kira and have someone hunt her even though she was innocent. He avoided looking at everyone in the room, instead focusing on the sleeping Kira. He was glad she was okay but it was time for him to go. He walked past Harry and felt himself burn. He paused briefly and looked down at him, seeing emerald eyes look at him with trepidation and fear. The small ember of hope he had left died and he moved forward quickly to keep from breaking down. He made it all the way to the door before he felt his knees give away.

"Your hurt."Dean looked at Harry and thought he saw what might have been affection before it was gone. "I'm fine," he said gruffly and made to stand up. Soft hands held his and pulled him up. "Come on, I'll patch you up." Emerald eyes looked into his own imploringly, and despite knowing this wouldn't end well, he followed Harry to his room.


Some time later, just watching Harry clean and disinfect his wounds, he went back over what had happened a few hours earlier. Before he could dwell on that too much, he was distracted by moisture on his bare leg. He looked closer and realized they were tears. He forced himself to bury the urge to pull Harry close to him an d make love to him because that wasn't his right anymore. It would have worked too, if Harry hadn't chosen that moment to look up at him with tear glazed eyes. Moments stretched for an eternity. "I've missed you...there's something I need to say..." Dean couldn't believe what he had heard, but it was enough. Before he could really think things through he had pulled his minx onto his lap and proceeded to devour him completely. He tore his shirt to shreds and touched and licked and marked what was his. He plundered and soothed with his lips and his tongue, passion unfurling in every pore of his being. He slipped Harry's jeans of and then his boxers. His hands touched every bit of heated skin he could reach until he took his lovers weeping cock into his hands, stroking and rubbing. He tore his mouth away from ruby red lips and gently laid his love on the bed taking the remainder of his clothes of, he lay on top of Harry, moving against him. Skin on skin, no barriers between them. He rocked against him even as Harry arched his back, moans and pleas for more. Taking a nipple into his mouth and another into his fingers he sucked and slurped as his love's cries grew more frantic. Dean remapped every inch of his body until he came to the weeping cock of his beautiful little lover. Taking it in one go Harry's cries grew into a crescendo and his fingers slipped into the tight heat. Stroking skillfully and nails scratching against his prostrate. Dean took his mouth away from Harry's cock and licked his lips, hooking Harry's legs over his shoulder and looking into his lovers eyes his plunged into him with one swift stroke, making him scream with abandon as each stroke hit his bundle of nerves. He gripped Harry's hair with one hand, tilting it back until his neck was bared, marking him as his and then kissing him savagely. Each stroke hit Harry's prostrate and they rocked together in perfect, sinful, harmony. The sound of his lover's pain and pleasure pushed Dean to the edge as he moved into him faster and faster until with a primal cry of pleasure, they came together as one.

They lay together sated and content, happy to be in each others arms once more. But there was still something between them, something that had to be said. Dean trailed fingers languidly down his loves body and smiled softly down at him. Harry smiled because he was with Dean again but it fell from his face remembering why he had thought they couldn't be together. Dean sensed Harry's mood shift and tensed, thinking Harry thought it had been a mistake to be with him again. Preparing to be rejected once more, he sat up and looked at the wall in front of him. Harry got up and pushed him back against the headboard, straddling his waist. He cupped Dean's face in his hands and kissed him lovingly. Dean was confused and the hope he felt before had only burned brighter as they had made love returned. Harry saw the hope and the love in Dean's eyes and hoped for the best. He really hoped Dean loved him as much as he loved Dean. "I have missed you more than you will ever know. And I, I..."Dean's breath hitched, "I love you." He had never felt a joy like this in his entire life and he pulled Harry's hair, tilting his head to kiss him properly. He felt himself stir once more but stopped himself and looked into those green eyes he loved so much, "And I love you. Always, only, you." WIth a final peck on the lips he settled for looking into his eyes not wanting to ruin this moment, only... "Why are crying love?Please tell me." Harry continued to cry silently and smiled sadly. Dean felt his stomach drop. "There's something else I have to tell you Dean." Dean was tense and waiting for anything. Maybe he'd found someone new? Maybe he couldn't accept him as a hunter? Maybe...

"I'm a wizard."

Silence stretched between them as Dean stared at Harry in dawning horror, reminiscent of Harry's reaction to him only a month ago. That, that explained so much. He felt something cold and furious settle inside of him. He threw Harry aside and pulled on his clothes as fast as he was able. Harry felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, sobs beginning to wrack his small frame. The sheer rage and disgust coming from Dean hurt Harry unlike anything else he had felt before. "D-Dean, pl-please, wa-it...I, I love you." Harry tried desperately to speak clearly, to get Dean to listen, to wait.

Dean paused a few feet from the door.

"I could never love a demon's whore." With those parting words he left a sobbing and hysterical Harry behind. He'd never felt so empty and broken before. His heart had shattered into a million pieces. It lay like little shards of glass on the floor, damaged beyond repair.

End Part I

Hope you enjoyed this and I know there are some mistakes seeing as I have no beta and can't seem to find one. I went over it again though and hope the spelling and grammar I missed don't take away from the piece. If I find any more mistakes I'll make sure to update with the revision. Also, here's some incentive for a beta (yes, I've resorted to bribing...)be my beta and I promise to take any hope or idea you've had for this particular couple and make it come true! Hehee, sound good to anyone?
