The Whipping Boy (A Big Time Rush fanfic)
Rated: T
Pairing: Kames
Summary: AU. Prince James is a spoilt child who only thinks of himself. When one of his slaves fights back, he begins to understand why people care about each other. Eventual slash. Kames.
Chapter 1 - Prince James (Posted 10 February 2011)
"Fetch me the heir." the King bellowed to his servant.
"Right away, sir." the tall servant replied. She ran from the throne room to the royal child's room. "Prince James, your father has requested you."
"So what? You're just a servant, Challen. I don't have to do what you say." James said from his bed. He was just a small child of about seven.
"You come with me right now." the servant woman said, walking over to him and grabbing him by the arm. She pulled him behind her.
"UGH! Don't touch me!" James screamed, trying his best to pull himself away. But the woman was too strong for him.
"I may be a servant, but I won't take any lip from a child, royal or not." the servant said strongly. Though she was angry that the brat thought her beneath him, she was gentle with her grasp and kind as she placed him in front of the King.
He finally pulled his arm free of her hold and pouted, glaring at her and the King.
"You wanted to see me, father?" James said, annoyed.
"Yes. Your mother and I haven't seen you in weeks. She wanted to check up on you."
James shifted his glance to the left slightly, looking at his mother. She was a meek woman. But rarely showed affection for her son. Sometimes James would see sadness in her eyes, but he didn't know why it was there. But sometimes he'd see something else, like happiness, but different. He wanted to know exactly what it was, though he'd never admit he was too afraid to ask.
"Son," the Queen said, smiling sweetly at him, "have you made any friends with the other children yet?"
The queen was referring to the slave children. Though their parents were slaves, all children were regarded as free people, and were encouraged to keep the prince company. Many, however, were too afraid of him. He never shared his toys. He threw tantrums if he didn't get his way. And he would have the children whipped if they touched him.
"No." James answered rebelliously.
"James," the King said, disappointed, "the Queen and I are disgraced by your behavior. It seems we've done an awful job of parenting you. Only recently have we caught wind of the orders you have given to the servants. Having them whip the children. Shameful."
"But, father," James said, becoming angry.
"Do not talk back to me." the King yelled sternly. "A spoiled prince will become a spoiled king, and a spoiled king will spoil his entire kingdom. I will not have the heir to my throne ruin the land that I have nurtured."
"That's too bad. I'm your only child and my aunts and uncles have no children."
"This is not quite true." the Queen interjected. "Your father and I could have another child. So unless you learn to be more respectful of other people, you will no longer be the heir."
"You must be joking!" the prince laughed.
"This is not a joke." the King said seriously. "Until you learn to care about someone other than yourself, you'll have none of your privileges. No servants. And you'll have one of the children staying with you at all times."
"What?" James couldn't believe it. The slave children were filthy and didn't deserve to even be near him.
"You must learn to be appreciative of all the things our servants do for us. They're important to the royal family and I will not have my son treating them like they're worthless." The Queen had found good friends in her servants. Their social statuses may have been miles apart, but that meant little to her. "Mrs. Knight," she said to the servant woman, "please take James to your quarters and introduce him to your children."
"Yes, ma'am." the servant woman said kindly. "Please, young prince, follow me."
"I will not!" James stomped his foot.
"You will," the King said, "or I'll have her drag you there."
Horrified at the degrading thought, James grudgingly followed the servant to the wing of the palace where the servants were housed.