The day Edward left me in the woods was the day I figured out that I don't belong in the muggle world anymore. I went back to Charlie's house to pack my bags. I sent a letter to the headmaster telling him that I was coming back to Hogwarts School.

The reason that I was even in the muggle world was because I used an unforgivable curse on a muggle born witch. They told me I couldn't use my magic for a tear and a half. Life is so boring without magic in it.

My real name is Isabella Marie Lestrange. I'm the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and my father is Lord Voldemort. My real boyfriend is Draco Malfoy. When my mother was put into Azkaban I was sent to live with the malfoys because they were my godparents. They were also very loyal to my father. I grew up with Draco almost as if we were brother and sister but that all changed when we found out that we are soul mates. We started dating our second year at Hogwarts. So that's enough about my past lets bring us to the present.

When I was finishing packing my bags my owl came flying through the window with a letter tied to its leg. I read the message and realized that the headmaster set up a floo network from Charlie's house to get into his office at Hogwarts. It was set up sp that I wouldn't have to travel by plane. I had everything packed so I apparated all my belongings to the Slytherin dormitory. After I did that I went to the fireplace and used the floo network to go to Hogwarts. I arrived just in time for the feast and the sorting of the first years.

I headed down to the great hall and when I got there both doors were shut so I opened the two doors and everybody turned to look at me. I went to sit down with Draco and turned to look at professor Dumbledore. He started his speech and then turned the speaking over to professor McGonagall. After the sorting of the first years the feast began. When everybody was finished eating their desert Dumbledore told us that there would be two new staff members and five new students. He told us that they would be arriving at dinner time tomorrow. He dismissed us to go to our dormitories but not before he asked me to stay behind and speak to him about what went on with me in the muggle world.