Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing or Fullmetal Alchemist.
I do not own "Rai Kagerai."
"Aeris Aurielle."
"Riley Amherst."
Alucard: Cut to the Chase.
Me: Fine ;w;…*Starts the Chapter*
Father's POV.
I Watch Envy bring the mysterious creature in the leather bag that makes him appear human. I Smirk as I Feel the dark and extreme stagnant energy emanate from his body. His eyes opened as Envy drug him across the floor, grinning wider each time his head was briefly busted open when it roughly hit something. The Creature each time he was hit, grinned in a masochistic manner as it happened. When they reached me, I leaned on my left hand in a sign of feigned boredom as he spoke up.
"Soooo, Like the Present?" he asked in a tone that seemed mixed with childish excitement, with a slight undertone of Sadism that indicated he wanted to see this being suffer unimaginable pain and torment.
I raised my eyebrow in response to the question as I responded with "And why have you brought this "Thing?" Before me? How will it assist us in our plans? "
I smiled as Envy quickly responded by explaining, what he had seen this creature do to Lust. Explaining through some type of seal involving some rudimentary form of alchemy from what I gathered, he could release the souls inside of his body to perform borderline demonic attacks, and form shapes such as "Hounds." My eyes turned in elated interest at the man on the ground, who soon stood and stared at me. I slowly came to my feet as well in response, and Envy stepped to the side showing that he had pure confidence in my power to defeat this odd red-clothed man before me. Before he could react, I made my move quickly as a flash of red lightning caught him off guard as a stone serpent shot from the front of him, wrapping around his being to restrain him.
I stepped over to him, and his eyes widened in interest and surprise as a second red flash of lightning released his right hand, I grabbed it curiously and examined the circle. My eyes widened, in surprise. Despite all of my knowledge this type of Circle was lost to me, and its formation and use causing me to have a form of childish curiosity. How interesting. Indeed this circle seemed to act some type of seal and it also seemed to hold a secondary purpose, something that seemed to make him appear to be "Far Weaker" than I truly sensed he was. The Red coated man smirked and laughed darkly at me for a moment, causing my eyebrow to rise as he spoke in a tone of condescension.
"So…You're the leader of this cheap menagerie of monsters."
"Menagerie?" I inquired of him, and he smirked as I cut him off before he could continue. "So you're the one who devoured Lust…How Saddening and...Ironic for her to die in such a way." His eyebrow rose as I held my hand out to one of the many tubes flowing throughout the room, releasing a large amount of red water that soon began to crystallize into the shape of a typical coffin in. I began to laugh as the Vampire's eyebrow rose, as I explained "This should contain you until such time…I Can find proper usage for your….Talents." I soon let him go, and grabbed his neck with my own hand and using my great power without another word threw him into the coffin. I smirked as he started to get up, and fought valiantly for a monster. His body thrashing about as hundreds of cables made from the coffin itself that had been re-liquidized and began to wrap around his body and slowly spread across his form effectively pushing him back into the coffin. Yet, he did not scream but rather in a way that frightened me partially in all honesty. He laughed, and his only words were to me being a sick near-demonic laughter. I shut the lid, and soon a second red flash of lighting occurred, raising up around the large coffin and creating a barrier to prevent any from reaching him. I focused and the alchemy moved the "glowing" red coffin from my sight. I smirked at my accomplishment as I turned to Envy.
"Watch the Priest…Send Wrath to teach him a lesson." Envy nodded calmly in response to my command and left, to do his work.
Central City Asylum.
Riley, frowned as she sat in her cell and her head slowly turned as the door opened and a younger officer stood there. "The Replacement..?...Greaaat…" She thought, and let out a small giggle as she remembered the guard before him and walked to her next session with her designated psychiatrist.
She shook somewhat as she drew closer to the male, the guard in response backed off of her showing that he had read her file, which the biggest notes on it where she had two major phobias, which were the fear of males, and being touched. He watched the only female guard on the job, shackled her hands to prevent her from performing her alchemy and turned to lead her to her fiftieth session of the year. The reasoning they had a specific female guard to accompany the male was an attempt on the management's part to keep the patient before the young male for lack of a better word "Tame. "
It was a well-known fact; riley was reputed to be the most dangerous patient in the Asylum. Due to her knowledge of Alchemy, guard walked behind her, but not too close. This being trying to keep her from having a sporadic breakdown amidst the narrow maze that was the hallway of the asylum. The guard spoke calmly to her as he explained to the woman in front of him who was walking to her psychiatrist's office. "We've got a new doc whose been given you're case study." The female guard said, Riley in response barely seemed phased by the words, despite a small amount of surprise. Suddenly as they neared the office, she suddenly began to shake in slight nervousness as one of her "Calm" episodes ended and she ended up in her more "Infamous" state that was far more unpredictable. More, based upon the fact she was known one second to be in a wild killing frenzy, and the next her mind would be more like that of a scared child. Prone to scream, and attack anything or anyone that barely even brushed up against or touched her.
He remembered briefly as they lead her into the doctor's office, being told by one of the "Veteran" guards. "She was restrained by not 4, or 5 guys. It took 20 people to restrain her to her bed properly." He shuddered and followed her into the room, as the doctor with an emotionless expression looked at the two and said with a rather chipper tone.
"Hello Miss Amherst." Her gaze turned to the guard as she said in a rather blunt tone.
"Get out. She's afraid of men, not women. I'll be fine." The guard started to protest, as the doctor in a rather rushed manner grabbed the younger guard by the back of his collar and threw him out of the room in an amazing show of strength. Surprising riley to somewhat, she sighed and looked at her for a moment as she said
"Now that I've gotten that taken care of, shall we begin today's session?"
Elsewhere, the Judas priest Alexander Anderson walked silently amongst the silent street that was at the moment empty, the whole street being used for a repair. He looked about the area, as a stern voice called out from behind him.
"So, you're the priest that's been giving my men trouble."
Anderson stopped abruptly, and turned to the man before him. He was an older man, appearing in his early sixties, his hair was akin to that of a buzz cut. He had what appeared to be one eye, the left eye covered by an eye patch that in response caused Anderson in the back of his mind. Feel alarmed by his presence his hands were at his sides. His clothes were more regal than most, and he was adorned in the typical military outfit of this military with the exception that he had countless medals and other things that made Anderson instantly recognize this was a general.
"Who are you?" Asked Anderson as he turned to him, his glasses being the only thing seen on his facial expression. Ironically as the sun went down, Anderson's eyes narrowed as the crimson eyes revealed themselves in the partial silhouette of the "general" in front of him. Glowing crimson eyes, that reminded him all too well of the no-life-king Alucard, and the sight only enraged the priest further and further as the seconds passed, the memories of his battles with him entering his mind. He took a stance that showed a form of basic swordplay as his hands suddenly released a brief flash of light that didn't blind, it only summoned a pair of his signature "bayonets."
The man across from him eyebrow rose in surprise, as he drew his sword and held up it upwards at his face in a "Fencer's Salute." As he brought it down to his side, looking at the priest as he relaxed his body and made ready to do battle. He spoke calmly for a moment as he said "I See. You're weapons are sword bayonets...Interesting choice." He frowned as he charged the priest, laying every bit of his body's speed against him, as he charged intending to obviously overwhelm the larger man and end this early as possible. Anderson's teeth gritted as his bayonet in the surprise of the Fuhrer, collided with his own sword and clashed. The two blades pressed against one another, vying for dominance and control in the battle.
"How impressive, very few men can counter me and even fewer can see me attack. I have to commend you're training Bayonet Priest, I enjoy fighting "prey" such as you... " The Fuhrer said as in response as they broke the clash, Anderson's form taking a new pose, as his left arm rose upwards and turned the blade upside down, pointing it down at the ground. The Right arm, being brought up horizontally against the bayonet. The result of this, forming a Cross out of the blades that caused the fuhrer to look at him with a slight look of disdain and disgust as he heard the priest say his next words with such declaration that it alarmed him, but only a small amount.
" Do not speak, Carrion! You face a representative of the divine punishment of heaven! I be nothing but a man killing meat cleaver, a means for assassination to carry out my duty. And my Duty is to hunt down all enemies of God, and carve out their putrid corpses until not a thing remains! AMENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!"